Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) (2 page)

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slowly pushed myself up off of the couch and made my way into the kitchen. I
took one last look at Bennett's sleeping form and let out a satisfied sigh.
This was exactly what I had pictured for myself from that first day, almost a
million years ago, when I first laid eyes on the girl that moved in next door.

We had
been through so much, maybe too much in the last few years, that I was ready to
have everything we could ever dream off. I was just starting to get the
ingredients out for dinner, when my phone started ringing in my pocket. I
quickly pulled it out, not wanting to wake my girls.


man, how's it going?"

going. What's up?"

Hannah and I were just wondering if you guys could get a sitter for tomorrow


know, Gray, but don't you think it's time to get her up and out a bit? Hannah
really wants to go to this new restaurant downtown, and she's refusing to go
unless you guys come with."

ask Bennett, but I can't guarantee anything. Honestly, I don't even know
we could get to babysit. Bennett doesn't trust anybody
just yet." I knew Theo understood to an extent, but he wasn't fully
grasping that Bennett wasn't too keen on leaving Charlie's or my side.

how about we have just the girls go and you and I can stay in and watch the

definitely sounded like a much better plan. “I think that's a better idea. I'll
talk to Bennett as soon as she wakes up. Hopefully she will go without a
fight." I laughed knowing that it wasn't going to be as easy to get her
out of the house as I was making it seem.

well let me know. I'll tell Hannah that you'll have Bennett call her. Good

man. Talk to you soon."

I ended
my call with Theo and slid my phone across the kitchen counter. I definitely
had my work cut out for me. I started dinner a few minutes later and the aroma
of my homemade pasta sauce must've woken my beautiful wife, because she came
bumbling up to my side a few minutes later.

tiny arms snaked around my waist, falling just shy of being able to clasp
together. Her belly was getting so big she could barely even manage to tie her
own shoes, let alone wrap her arms around me.

belly." She muttered.

turned in her arms and picked up her tiny body, setting her down on the
countertop behind her. "Well, I love your belly." I placed a kiss
just below her ear and continued to make my way down her neck, stopping just
short of her collarbone. She had let her head fall back, granting me better
access to her neck, but I wasn't giving in that easily. "So, my love, I
have some good news."

going to keep kissing me?"

I let
out a low chuckle, "Maybe if you're good. Theo called and Hannah wants you
to go to a new restaurant with her tomorrow night." She raised her head so
she was now staring me right in the eye, but before she could react, I cut her
off. "It's one night and it's only for a couple of hours. Theo and I will
be here with Charlie, so you won't have to worry about her. Bennett, you know I
love you, but I think it's time you started getting out of the house
more." Her pleasant amused look was now one of fierce disdain. Every time
I brought up her needing to get out of the house, this is what happened.

wriggled her eight-month pregnant ass off of the counter and under my arms. I
caught her by the elbow just as she started to make her way out of the kitchen.

touch me, Gray. If you know what's good for you, you'll just let me be for

quickly let go of her elbow and threw my hands up in mock surrender. I swear
she was the most stubborn woman I had ever met.

dinner was ready thirty minutes later, I made my way upstairs to grab Bennett
and to see if Charlie was up from her nap. I didn't find Bennett in our room,
but heard her melodic voice floating down the hallway. I couldn't quite make
out what she was saying, so I quietly made my way over to Charlie's open
doorway. Bennett was sitting in the rocking chair with Charlie tucked tightly
into her side. I turned and pressed my back against the cool wall, listening in
on what Bennett probably thought, was a very private conversation between her
and her little girl.

loved him for as long as I can remember. Your daddy was always trying to get my
attention and even though he didn't know it, I was
paying attention. Your daddy is an amazing man and I only
hope that one day you meet someone just like him. I know sometimes it feels
like Mommy is overprotective, but I really just want you to be safe. I know
Daddy would never let anything happen to you either, but how do I make sure
nothing happens to him? I just want to protect you both, but how can I do that
when I can't even find the courage to leave the house?"

turned the corner with a frown firmly placed across my lips. I took in the
beautiful sight of my eight-month pregnant wife and our tiny little girl. They
were all I ever needed in life and I couldn't wait for the day that our
bouncing baby boy joined our growing brood.

I made
my way over to Bennett, kneeling right in front of her feet.

you know I don't want to push you into doing anything you don't want to do, but
even your doctor thinks it's time you started living your life again. I will
never let anything happen to you, or our precious little growing family. You
know that, right?"

hand came up to cup my cheek and I pushed my face against it. "I know
that, Gray. Trust me I do, but I don't know what I would do if anything ever
happened to any of us. We've been through too much for me to act careless and

just it Bennett," I cupped her face in between my hands, "Don't you
think we've been through enough in our lives thus far, that maybe, just maybe
everything is finally how it should be. There's nothing left for you to worry
about. He's gone, Button. He can't get you anymore, not unless you let

flinched at the words I knew would have her feeling uneasy. "Okay, I'll

My eyes
flew open in shock, "Are you serious?"

nodded her head vigorously. "I guess the best way to get over my fear, is
to face it head on."

my girl." A wide smile spread from ear to ear. "I'm so proud of
you." I whispered before lightly pressing my lips against hers.

started to wiggle her way off of Bennett's lap and I quickly snatched her up,
lightly tossing her up in the air. She giggled and cooed as she landed safely
in my hands. "Plus, my baby girl needs some Daddy time. Don't you sweet

she doesn't get enough of that." Bennett laughed and it filled the entire
room and my heart felt at ease. I had missed her laugh, but more than anything,
I had just missed the old her.

I knew
things were different now, and I knew she would always be a little jaded, but I
needed her to come back to me, fully. I wrapped my free arm around her
shoulders and placed a kiss to her cheek.

going to have a blast, especially if Hannah is involved."

exactly what I'm worried about."



stomach was in knots, and not because I was hugely pregnant and didn't have a
single thing to wear out to a nice restaurant. I was extremely nervous.
Actually, nervous was an understatement. I was terrified. I rarely left our
house since the incident with Raylon, and even though I knew he was no longer
around to hurt me, he still haunted my every waking thought. Though the
nightmares had eased up, my overwhelming fears had not.

I heard
a small knock on the bedroom door as I was discarding the fourth maternity
dress I had tried on. "Come in." I shouted as I tried to get my arms
untangled from the Lycra mess that was now wrapped around my hair. I heard
light laughing and instantly knew it was Hannah. "It's not funny you
skinny little bitch, now help me out, please."

but it is funny. You should see yourself."

ha, come on now, I'm serious. Help me, please."

watched Hannah take her time making her way over to me to help me disrobe. When
we finally got the torture device off of my head, we both looked at each other
and burst out in a fit of giggles. As I was trying to catch my breath, I
noticed Hannah holding a silver garment bag under her arm.

that? You look great, are you changing?"

is not for me. This is for you. Let's just say your husband knows you a little
all too well. Open it up."

rolled my eyes in annoyance. I unzipped the front; inside hanging on a felt
hanger was possibly one of the prettiest dresses I had ever seen. It was a
short, but not too short, navy blue and white pinstriped, wrap around dress
that tied at the side. "Did you pick it?" I asked.

just shook her head and proceeded to pull the dress from the bag and over my
head. When she got it all situated in the right places, I tugged the long
sleeves up a bit and then did a little turn for her. I couldn't read the
expression on her face, so I was a little scared to ask what she thought. Until
she ran to my closet, coming back out with a pair of navy wedges that matched
perfectly. She helped me slip them on and I stood back as she looked me up and


look amazing, Bennett."

you sure I don't look like a beached whale? Because I feel like one."

come here." She reached her hand out for mine and I hesitated to take it.
She led me to my full-length mirror in the corner of the room. She spun me
around so I was now facing my own reflection, and even I had to admit, I looked
damn good. A broad smile formed across my lips and it must've been infectious
because Hannah was wearing the same goofy grin.

look beautiful." She whispered, before bending down to give me a hug. Now
let's get this night started." She gave a small swat to my not so little
ass, and we turned to make our way downstairs. Hannah made it down before my
waddling ass, but with less than a month to go, I was a slow mover. I glanced
down as my right foot hit the bottom step and when my eyes came back up, they
were right in line with my gorgeous husband's beaming face.

look amazing, Button. Do you like the dress?"

do. Thank you." I wrapped my arms firmly around his neck as he pulled me
into his chest. Seconds later, my lips found his and what was supposed to be a
sweet and innocent kiss, quickly became a little bit more PG-13. The warmth of
his tongue caressing the inside of my mouth had me wanting him to take me
upstairs and have his way with me.

know, there are people in the room." Theo's loud booming voice had me
smiling against Gray's lips, but not enough to completely retreat. I could feel
Gray's excitement pressed firmly against my thigh and I was wishing we

guys should probably get going." He spoke without breaking contact from my

simply nodded and pulled back, feeling the flush creep up my neck and blaze
across my cheeks. Gray helped me down the last step and turned back to grab
Charlie from Theo. Theo took his chance to wrap me into a tight embrace. I
squeezed him back just as hard. It had been too long since we had all seen each
other and it felt good to have them back in our home.

and Han have an amazing night tonight. Try not to worry too much. I'd tell you
not to worry at all, but let's face it, you will."

pulled back and playfully slapped his chest. "I'll try, Theo. I

He placed a chaste kiss to my cheek and stepped back to Hannah's side.

reached my arms out for my baby girl, not wanting to leave without giving her
proper good-bye. "Night night sweet girl. Mommy loves you and will be back
in just a little bit. Sleep good." I placed a kiss to her cheek and she smiled
her adorable cheeky smile as I pulled back.

handed me my purse and keys, and then practically pushed Hannah and I out the
door. I barely had time to grab my coat before they both were saying I love you
and shutting and locking the front door.

I don't have the keys to come back in." I laughed.

just shook her head as she slid into the driver's seat of her brand new BMW.
"How do you like the new ride?"

nice. Let me guess, a gift from Theo?"

just simply nodded with a ridiculous grin on her face. "So you ready for
your big night out, little lady?"

guess." I murmured.


pulled up to a big fancy restaurant with about a million and one cars gathered
outside. This wasn't just a new restaurant opening in town; this was a star-studded
event. We pulled up to the valet guy and Hannah quickly ran around the front to
help me out of my seat. As I righted my dress and gathered my belongings, we
made our way onto the faux red carpet as cameras flashed in all directions. I
found myself getting a little dizzy.

what is going on here tonight?"

some celebrity chef owns the restaurant. There's supposed to be a ton of famous
people coming tonight. You doing okay?"

slipped my arm through hers and nodded as we snaked our way through the small
crowd and up to the hostess.

the name?"


I have you right here. For three?"

headshot up and locked eyes with the hostess, and then back at Hannah.
"Three?" I could feel my heart rate elevating and my adrenaline
pumping. I slowly closed my eyes and took a few deep breaths.

just two." I heard Hannah reply, but for some small reason, I didn't
believe her. This wasn't just some silly mistake.

couple seconds later, Hannah had her phone out and was quickly typing out a
text message. I had no idea what was going on, but I was about two seconds away
from running out the door and all the way home.

this way, ladies."

hand latched onto my forearm, pulling me through the throng of people. When we
arrived at our table, I let out a sigh of relief that it was only
and slid into the booth before Hannah. The hostess gave
us our menus, and then turned and disappeared amongst the raging sea of people.

you okay?" Hannah whispered.

nodded my head in her direction. I didn't want to ask Hannah what the actual
story was tonight. I was determined to have a good time. "So whose
restaurant is this, do you know?"

Ackerman. He's apparently the next best thing. This is his second restaurant in
two years. His food is supposed to be amazing, and word is, he is

glanced up at Hannah, instantly recognizing the enamored look on her face. It's
the same look she had when she first met Theo. "Hannah?"


you know Ryan?" I knew she could sense the concern in my voice.

met last year, through one of my girlfriends at work. He catered one of our
office parties. I didn't know who he was then, but we kind of hit it off, as
friends. He invited us tonight."

he know you're with someone?"

yeah. He knows all about Theo. We're just friends, Bennett."

nodded my head in disapproval. I knew Hannah and her pattern when it came to
relationships. I could honestly say, that Theo has been her longest
relationship to date. Why she would want to throw all that away, I wasn't sure.

waiter came over to our table to take our order and leave a bottle of the
restaurant's finest champagne for Hannah and sparkling cider for me, courtesy
of Ryan himself. Yeah, just friends my ass. I took a small sip from my
champagne flute and almost choked on the bubbly liquid.

Gray was absolutely gorgeous in my eyes, but the man walking towards our table
was a completely different breed. He was nowhere built like Gray or Theo, but
he was still muscular. He was tall, about six foot four, if I had to guess and
long and lean. You could tell he was trim and fit, but not overly muscular. He
reminded me of a track runner. My eyes stayed fixated on him as he weaved his
way through the crowd, stopping to shake hands and say hello to the other

hair was buzzed to his head and barely a quarter of an inch long and underneath
the blackest pair of eyelashes I have ever seen, sat a piercing set of ice blue
eyes. He was mesmerizing, in an almost scary and off putting way.

told you he was gorgeous." Hannah nudged my side, breaking me out of my

he is." I whispered.

later, he was saddling up to our table and I couldn't help but stare as he
kissed Hannah on both cheeks and then turned to me.

I'm Ryan. It's nice to finally meet you. I've heard so much."

looked over at Hannah with a questioning glare, but extended my hand
regardless. "It's a pleasure to meet you Ryan. I wish I could say the same
about you, but honestly, this is the first time I have ever heard your name

Hannah scolded.

Hannah it's okay. Look, I know that Hannah is in a relationship, if that's what
you're worried about?"

the least of my worries." I mumbled before downing the remaining liquid in
my glass and pouring more. "Man, I wish this was the real stuff."

by the way. I hear this is baby number two."

I smiled, trying my hardest to be polite. "So Ryan, how often do you and
Hannah speak?"

Bennett, give it a rest."

if I'm being honest."

glanced up and got caught in his line of sight. I had a witty come back, just
sitting on the edge of my tongue, but when his eyes caught mine, all coherent
thoughts dissipated. Damn it. After a few minutes of uncomfortable silence on
my part, Ryan excused himself and headed back to the kitchen. I sat there
secretly hoping he wouldn't spit in whatever I ordered.

the hell was that all about?" Hannah shrieked.

think you should maybe remember that you have Theo. That's all."

those hormones raging through you, make you quite the bitch these days. Look
Bennett, I
I have Theo. I'm not
stupid. Things have been, weird lately. He's gone all the time. When I ask
where he's been, he never answers me. He keeps buying me gifts like he's done
something wrong, and if I have a guy friend who is willing to just be my
friend, and then I should be allowed that. I swear to you, I haven't thought or
done anything. So back off, please."

I sat
back completely taken aback by her harshness. I knew I had been quite the
handful since Charlie's birth, but who could really blame me? I was suddenly
extremely uncomfortable being around my best friend, and I couldn't think of
anything else, but going home.

I could say anything though, Hannah's hand was sitting on top of mine and I
could see the apology in her eyes. "Don't bother. I know you're sorry. I'm
sorry too. I know I have been unpleasant this last little while, I'm just
trying to deal."

know, Bennett. I'm sorry."

know you are."

just enjoy our night out."

She clapped and we clanked our water glasses together. "To new beginnings
and a bright future." She winked.

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