Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3) (5 page)

BOOK: Unbreakable Hearts (Broken Series #3)
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the fuck do you think you are coming in here, like you know these people?"
And here it goes.

calm the fuck down." I needed to interject before this shit got out of

there's no reason for him to even be here."

know, man. He just came by to say congrats, I don't think he is trying to move
in on your turf." Trying to calm Theo down was like trying to calm down an
angry bull. It usually didn't work.

right he did. He came here to see Hannah. I know it, and
knows it."

I'm sorry if you got the wrong impression, but I'm not interested in Hannah in
that way." Ryan gave Hannah an apologetic look.

right. Even a blind man would be interested in her."

couldn't help but laugh at the ridiculous accusations and outlandish things that
were coming out of Theo's mouth. "Theo, you need to calm down. Charlie is
in here and she really doesn't need to see her Uncle Theo break some guy's
nose. Isn't that right pretty girl?" I glanced over at my beautiful little
girl who was completely oblivious to the current situation.

Her voice was so tiny. I just loved it.

Theo is sorry Charlie, but this man shouldn't be here."

go take this crap outside." Now I was just getting pissed off.

go." Theo was such a literal person.

I just came here to say congrats to Bennett and Gray. I'm not here to cause
problems. Congrats again." I shook Ryan's hand and walked him to the door,
thanking him on his way out. He didn't seem like a bad guy, but Theo was my
good friend and if I didn't have his back, I was in some deep shit.

what is your problem?" Here we go. Hannah was getting worked up, and when
Hannah got worked up, so did my wife. It's definitely not a good combination.

are you defending him, Hannah?" Theo growled.

not defending him, but jeez you were so fucking rude. I swear you always think
I'm cheating on you or that something shady is going on. Grow up, Theo."

grow up? Look at you. You work all day. I barely see you and then this? What am
I supposed to think Han?"

think you're supposed to trust me."

do, but man, you make it hard sometimes, that's for sure."

back off a little." I grabbed Theo's shoulder to pull him away from
Hannah, but he wasn't having it.

I put
my hands up in surrender and made my way over to my wife's bedside. When I
realized Bennett was sleeping, I laughed to myself. How anybody could sleep
through any of this was beyond me. I glanced around the room and my heart
dropped to my knees when I couldn't see Charlie anywhere.

the fuck is my daughter?" I was standing over Theo enraged.

do you mean, she's right th-" Theo pointed towards the table where Charlie
had been just seconds ago. "Oh my god, Gray. I'll go find her."

do me any favors. I think you've done enough." I growled. "And don't
you dare wake up Bennett while all of this is going on. She has enough to worry

help, Gray." Hannah's voice grew increasingly louder as she approached me.
I just shrugged my shoulders and rolled my eyes at their childish behavior.

We all
went separate ways in search of my baby girl. There's no way she could have
gotten far. For crying out loud she wasn't even two yet. My heart was racing as
my adrenaline coursed through my veins. If we didn't find my Charlie soon, I
was going to start freaking out.

checked and
double checked
every nook and cranny of
that damn maternity ward, before I finally went to ask a nurse. I hadn't heard
anything from Theo or Hannah, so I just assumed they hadn't found Charlie
either. As I approached the tiny older nurse whose name I absolutely just
couldn't remember, I almost started crying. I hadn't felt this emotional or out
of control since the night Raylon took Bennett. I was sick and tired of
something always happening to someone I love.

me ma'am, have you seen a little brown haired little girl?"

sorry, honey, I don't believe I have. Let me ask around really quick and put
out an announcement." All my pent up rage seemed to dissipate the minute
this friendly woman looked at me. Her small green eyes surrounded by wrinkles
had a sudden calming effect on me, and I stepped back to take a long deep

you." I whispered as she walked away. I wasn't quite sure where she was
going, but she said she would help.

I paced
back and forth for what felt like an hour, when she finally reappeared from a
back room. I quickly made my way back over to the desk; hope the only emotion I
could feel.

Miranda says she saw her down the hall in front of the NICU doors."

thank God. Thank you so much, uh..."

Dorothy, dear."

you, Dorothy."

that, I turned and ran my ass down the hall and out of the maternity ward. As
soon as I hit the corner of the NICU, there my baby girl sat on a young nurse's
lap, laughing and giggling without a care in the world.

Reagan, you scared Daddy half to death." I reached out for Charlie and she
happily climbed into my open arms. I glanced up at the nurse, "Thank you
so much. I don't know what I would've done if I couldn't find her."

welcome, Mr. Weston. I'm guessing she just wanted to visit her little

wasn't sure how this nurse knew me, but I brushed it off as I tucked Charlie
deep into my chest. As I gave the nurse a thank you grin, I turned to take
Charlie back to her mother. When we got back to the room, I went to grab my
phone from my back pocket, but realized that Hannah and Theo were already back
and Bennett was now awake. As if we hadn't already had a rough couple of days,
let's add losing my daughter to list of reasons my wife can be upset.

hello there." I bent down, placing a chaste kiss to Bennett's forehead.

good, you found her." She reached for Charlie as she was already climbing
out of my arms.

was with a nurse outside of the NICU. I didn't want to wake you, and have you

appreciate it." Her tone of voice was off, and I couldn't tell if she was
angry at the situation or me. Maybe even both.

you okay?" I whispered in her ear.

fine. I'm a little pissed off at Hannah at the moment, but what are ya gonna
do?" She whispered back.

I stood
from my wife's bedside and made my way over to Theo and Hannah. "Out in
the hallway, now." I motioned for both of them to follow me.

As soon
as the door to Bennett's room closed behind me, I laid into the both of them.
"Seriously, I don't know what the hell is going on with the two of you,
but could you try to figure it out on your own. There was absolutely no reason
for what just happened. Theo, you have turned into one of my best friend's, but
dude, you need to learn to relax. And Hannah, figure your shit out quick and
stop leading Theo on. You two have been together long enough now that I would
think you guys would know how to work things out." I let out a strangled
breath before continuing. "Look, I appreciate everything you guys have
done for us. Not even just this last week, but overall. You guys are amazing
friends and I know it's hard, but if it's not working, maybe it's time to walk

eyes snapped up to mine, "What are you talking about? Theo, do you not
want to be with me anymore?"

course I do. Sometimes it just seems like more work than it should be."

I stood
back and watched as Hannah took in what Theo was saying. I was amazed that she
hadn't ripped into him yet, but judging by the look on her face, I could tell
she was feeling the same way.

it's getting late. If you guys need to go home and talk, Charlie can stay here
with us tonight. It's not a problem, just tell me."

hand came up and rested on my shoulder, "Gray, you know we would never do
that. You guys have enough on your plates right now. We'll take Charlie home
with us and be back first thing in the morning."


As I
approached my wife, I knew she could tell that things were starting to simmer
down. "Everything okay?"

love. Everything is fine."

because the nurse in the NICU just called and we can go in and feed Daniel
now." A smile as wide as the Grand Canyon spread across her face and I
couldn't help but fall deeper in love with her at this very moment.



this is so not the way I wanted to be woken up this morning. The phone next to
my bed wouldn't stop ringing. When it eventually registered in my small little
brain that we were still at the hospital, I quickly reached over for it.


Weston, this is Miranda in the NICU. Can you and your husband please come down

I tried
to swallow past the tight knot in my throat to respond, but nothing happened. I
could feel the oxygen in my lungs being expelled and none was going back in to
replace it. I felt as though I was suffocating. The room began to spin and my
mind went blank. Something is wrong. Oh my god, something is wrong with my
brand new baby.


sorry, my wife just dropped the phone. We will be there in just a second."

hadn't realized that Gray had been sitting by me and heard what the nurse had
said, until I heard his voice. I sat perfectly still, unable to move. My brain
kept telling me to get up and go to my son, but my extremities had a whole
other idea.

we need to go."

nodded my head in agreement, but still couldn't find it in me to move. The bed
dipped below me as the weight of Gray's body disappeared from beside me.
Seconds later, I felt him pick me up and place me in the wheelchair. Everything
after that was a blur. I remember washing my hands and hearing the heart
wrenching cry coming from the room that Daniel was in. I already knew his cry,
but I don't remember even going to him. All I remember is Gray holding me
tightly against his chest as he shielded me from what was going on behind him.
The doctor was now kneeling in front of me, and the tears I had been trying so
hard to hold back, immediately began to fall.

Weston, are you okay?"

I nodded.
There were no words to say.

was looking pretty pale this morning and he hasn't been eating what he was
supposed to, so we had to put an IV in the top of his head to get him some
fluids. If he doesn't start eating more though, we will have to put the feeding
tube back in."

I realized what I was doing, the words were flying out of my mouth. "NO!
Why did nobody call us? And what do you mean he hasn't been eating? Gray and I
came in every three hours throughout the night and fed him. Every time, he ate
exactly the amount you asked us to give him."

doctor stepped back as I pushed myself out of the wheelchair. "Well Mrs.
Weston, now he needs to eat three ounces every three hours before he can

are you saying? First it was two ounces and then he would be good to go, now
you're telling me it has to be three ounces? What are you doing?"

I'm just trying to give your son the best care I can, and this is what I'm
saying needs to happen. I'll be back later this evening if you have any other

that, he was gone. "What the hell just happened?" I looked up at Gray
through foggy eyes. My tears were clouding my vision, and I was starting to
feel a little lightheaded. Gray pulled me against his hard chest and I let go.
I let every single tear that I had in me
down my
cheeks. I didn't have to ask Gray how he felt about it, I could tell by the
hammering of his heart beneath my ear. He was just as worried and confused as I

the nurse appeared next to us a little while later. She whispered that Daniel
was finally calmed down and all of his wires were back in place, so we were
able to go in and hold him again. I didn't hesitate to go to my helpless baby.
I quickly but gently grabbed him out of his little bed, smothering him with
kisses. When I took in the sight of my poor little baby with an IV now in the
top of his head, my tears instantly returned. I rocked Daniel until he fell
asleep, and then Gray had to practically pry him out of my hands to hold him.

My heart
was broken. It was torn into a million tiny pieces and I couldn't think of
anything to help mend it back together again. I just wanted my baby boy home,
safely in my arms. Suddenly it dawned on me. I searched Gray's pockets for his
phone, as he looked down at me in utter confusion.

are you doing?"

calling his pediatrician. Nothing about this feels right. I can feel it in my
gut, something isn't right. I'll meet you back in the room." I kissed both
of my guys on the cheek and made my way out into the hallway, bypassing the
wheelchair. I was over this hospital and the shady things that had been going
on. I quickly dialed Charlie's doctor's office and waited.

Summit Pediatrics, this is Lauren. How may I help you?"

Lauren. My name is Bennett Weston. My daughter Charlie is a patient of Dr.
Ray's. I'm having a bit of an emergency, is Dr. Ray available to talk?"

me check Mrs. Weston. One second."

unknowingly held my breath, waiting for Lauren or Dr. Ray to come back on the
line. When I heard Dr. Ray's small voice on the other end, I let out a long
relieved breath."

Bennett. What's going on?"

I went
into my explanation of everything that had happened since giving birth to
Daniel. I left out absolutely nothing and the small things I couldn't remember
didn't seem to change the story much. Dr. Ray listened patiently as I finally
ended with the dilemma we were facing now. "Basically, I don't know what
to do. We are doing everything he has asked of us. Daniel is eating more than
the doctor originally had said, but he still isn't letting us take him home. Is
it possible for you to come in and check on him?"

I have a few more appointments today, but then I'm headed up there to check on
some other patients as well. I should be there in the next couple of

you so much, Dr. Ray."

course, Bennett. I'll talk to you soon."

Just as
I ended my call, Gray came strutting out of the NICU doors behind me. I ran
into his arms and took in a deep breath. "Dr. Ray will be here in a couple
of hours." I looked up into Gray's mesmerizing eyes and tried not to
smile. Hopefully this day would turn around, soon.

helped me walk back to our room, but I wasn't in any mood to just lie around.
As Gray steered me towards the bed, I made my way to the bathroom. I just
needed a few minutes to myself. This entire situation just felt too unreal to
be believable. The door snapped into place and I stood there, staring at the
unrecognizable girl in the mirror. She looked old and weathered. I didn't see
the fun, happy young girl that I used to see. I saw nothing in fact. My face
looked vacant and tired.

eventually came and retrieved me from the bathroom and helped me get back into
bed. I must've been more tired than I thought, because Gray was waking me up a
little while later telling me that Dr. Ray was here. We rushed down to the
NICU, washed up and made our way to Daniel's bedside. I could hear Dr. Ray
asking the nurse a couple of questions as we approached, but saw no sign of the
neonatal doctor anywhere.

hey there you two. How are you holding up?"

shrugged, "Not so good. How does he look?"

he looks perfect. You guys have made another perfect baby. Congrats." Gray
wrapped his arm around my waist as we both smiled at each other. "I've
talked to the nurses that have been caring for Daniel and they all say that he
is eating really well. I also checked his chart and he has been steadily
gaining weight. I did talk to the doctor who you two have been speaking with
and he explained to me what's been going on."

Ray, we have done everything he has asked and then some. Can't we just take him

I can't advise you to take your baby against medical advice, but to be
perfectly honest, I think he would do much better at home with you guys.
Studies have shown that babies who aren't around their mothers constantly after
they are born rarely improve. I've seen improvement just by looking at his
chart, so it's up to you guys. If you do decide to take him home, I want to see
him first thing tomorrow morning. I will make sure I leave an open time for you
right at nine o'clock."

and I both relaxed into each other's side. This was seriously the best news we
could've heard today. "Okay, then we will see you first thing in the
morning. Thank you so much, Dr. Ray."

course. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

As soon
as Dr. Ray left, I stood up on my toes and kissed my husband and then turned to
hold my baby boy. Gray left to call Hannah and Theo to tell them the good news.
They offered to keep Charlie for us one more night, but Gray insisted that they
bring her home. He said it was time that she met her baby brother.

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