Read Unbridled Temptation Online

Authors: Elle Saint James

Tags: #Romance

Unbridled Temptation (25 page)

BOOK: Unbridled Temptation
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Jocelyn took the precious ring, stared at it for a few seconds, and then handed it back to him. He thought she was saying no, and his heart fell a bit in surprise, but she held her left hand up. “Please slide it on my finger, Logan. I’d be honored to wear this ring. It’s beautiful and absolutely perfect.”

Logan slipped the ring on her finger, which fit perfectly, and knew he’d made the right decision in giving it to her.

Mr. Demarco moved closer. “Jocelyn, I don’t think you should marry this man. He can’t take care of you.” He was staring at the ring on her hand. Probably wanted to see if the ring was something cheap. But it wasn’t. Old fashioned, yes, but it was a very expensive engagement ring.

Jocelyn had also been studying the ring now on her third finger, then suddenly brought it closer to her eye. “Oh my gosh, is this a pink diamond center stone?”

“Yes. From Tiffany’s, I think.”

“Tiffany’s?” her mother asked and moved even closer, hovering as if to get a better look.

“Where did you
this ring, young man?” her father asked. He asked as though he expected to hear that Logan had either won it in a poker game or more likely stolen it.

“Dad, stop it—”

“That’s okay, Jocelyn.” Logan turned to her father. “Actually, my grandmother let me select it from the Pearson family jewel collection. There were lots of other jeweled rings with much bigger stones, but this was always my grandmother’s favorite. So that’s why I chose it.”

“What? The Pearson jewel collection?” Her father’s eyes widened. So did her mother’s.

Jocelyn lifted her head and sent her green-eyed gaze through him. Her growing smile warmed him. “So whose private jet did we ride on today? You said you inherited that, right?”

Her father eyelids narrowed to slits, and he mumbled, “Private jet?”

“Well, actually one of my uncles bought a brand-new jet, and made me take his old one. No one died or anything. And I don’t use it much, but it occasionally comes in handy. Like today.”

Jocelyn’s father asked, “You’re a Pearson, as in the Chicago Pearsons who own that big nationwide department store chain?”

Logan smiled. “Yes. That’s right. Do you know them?”

“I know of them,” her father said quietly.

Jocelyn turned to her seemingly stunned parents. “I know this is short notice, but I also wanted to let you both know that I’m leaving town. Actually, I had already decided to move to Montana before Logan’s proposal.” Her parents remained quiet, or maybe stunned was a better description.

Logan was still waiting for at the least a congratulations of their engagement. He guessed he’d be waiting forever.

Jocelyn seemed unsurprised by their indifferent reaction. “I’ll keep in touch. And I’ll let you know if Jenna contacts me.”

She grabbed his hand and led him to the front door. “I love you, Logan.” She hugged him again. “Thank you. I love the ring.”

“I love you, too.” Logan pulled her closer, squeezed her hard, and asked, “Are you ready to head back to Montana, now?”

“Yes. Let’s go.” She’d packed up quite a few things from her apartment into three large suitcases before they’d come to her parents’ home.

Neither her father nor mother said another word as they took their leave. If Jocelyn expected her parents to congratulate her on snagging a rich husband, they didn’t act like it. Perhaps they didn’t believe him. Perhaps they would never be happy unless they could order their daughters around.

Logan let the anger of it fall away from him. Jocelyn didn’t seem troubled, so he vowed to move forward and not give her parents another thought. He would introduce her to
parents, who loved him beyond reason. His mother would be very happy that he’d given up the
I’m never getting married
attitude he’d lived with for almost a decade.

“Thanks for proposing in front of my parents. I’ve never seen them stunned into silence before.”

“I’m sorry they weren’t more enthusiastic.”

“I’m grateful they weren’t worse. I half expected my dad to pull out a jeweler’s loupe and inspect the stone.”

She looked down at the ring. “I don’t know if I’m worthy of this.”

Logan left the car door closed, grabbed her in a bear hug, and pushed her against the side of the vehicle to kiss her the way he wanted. Without a word, Jocelyn put her hands at her sides, relaxed her body, and let him conquer her completely.

“You’re more than worthy. I’ve never loved anyone the way I love you.”

“I just thought of something.”



Logan hesitated to speak at first, but said, “Please don’t doubt that he loves you, Jocelyn.” He paused again to find a way to break the news that Kendall might not want to marry her. “That said, I’m not sure he’s really a
kind of guy.”

“I see.” Sadness encompassed her expression.

“Don’t be upset. Trust me, after my last tragic brush with permanence, I wasn’t ever going get married either.”

“I’m not upset. I just wonder how things will be between the three of us.”

“A piece of paper won’t really matter, will it?” Logan kissed her lips tenderly and repeatedly.

“No. I mean it’s not like I can marry two men, right?”

Logan didn’t comment. There were ways to have a commitment ceremony regardless of who signed the “legal” marriage paperwork. He also truly didn’t know if Kendall would make a commitment. He’d never before indicated a desire for permanence. Then again, everything both of them had done around Jocelyn had been different. Logan hadn’t given up hope.

He kissed her again. After only a few seconds she responded with a passion he adored until he was seriously ready to push her down on the hood of the car and take things to the naked level.

Logan pulled his mouth from hers, and kissed her cheek. “You make me want to strip my clothes off in public and show you how very ardent my love for you is.”

Jocelyn glanced around at the houses in the vicinity as a sultry grin formed. “Let’s go then. I’m done giving my parents’ neighbors a show. They certainly don’t need or deserve the naked version.”

“Fine.” But Logan kissed her passionately once before releasing her.

An hour later they were at the airport loading her bags into the jet. Two and a half hours after that they were back in Montana, and driving through the compound gate to Logan and Kendall’s house. It was well past sunset, but they’d both wanted to get back to see what happened with the Reggie problem Kendall had come back to deal with.

They found Kendall in the den nursing a drink, looking downtrodden. Until he saw them, then his spirit seemed to lift. He stood as they approached. “How was your day?” he asked with a tired smile.

“Better than yours, looks like,” Logan answered. “What happened with Reggie?”

Kendall pushed out a long sigh, shaking his head. After a minute- long silence, he said quietly, “The article is scheduled to release at six in the morning. I figure I’ll have until 6:01 before the irate phone calls start.”

“Did you see the pictures Brittney gave him?”

Kendall shook his head again. “Nope. I guess we’ll just have to be surprised tomorrow morning.”

“I’m very sorry, Kendall.”

He shrugged. “You didn’t take the pictures. You didn’t release them. Nothing to be sorry for.”

“But I brought Brittney here. Trusted her not to do exactly what she ended up doing.”

Jocelyn spoke up for the first time. “I don’t know if I’m prepared to see pictures of you with another woman.”

Logan smiled. “They aren’t of me or her. She took some candid shots of
that I didn’t know about at the time. And in my mind that’s worse.”

She shrugged with a sad smile shaping her lips. “If you say so.”

Kendall looked her up and down once. “I see a new ring on your finger, Jocelyn. Are you perchance engaged?”

Chapter Twelve


Jocelyn had been spinning the new ring on her finger trying to get used the weight and feel of it. “As a matter of fact, yes. Although, I think Logan did it just to preempt my parents from yelling at me for not bringing Jenna home.”

“He’s crafty that way. But I see that it’s his grandmother’s special engagement ring and I know for a fact he wouldn’t give that to you for any reason other than he’s totally in love with you, and wants to tie the knot.”

“So the question circulating in my head has to do with marriage to both of you.”

Kendall sat up straighter. “You want to marry me, too?”

“Yes. I’m greedy that way. I love you both. I want both of you. Problem?” Logan had warned her that Kendall might not be inclined to traipse down the aisle in holy matrimony. She tried to be matter-of-fact about it. But she truly did want to marry them both. Or at the very least express her desire for a permanent commitment to this relationship.

He smiled and downed the rest of his drink in one swallow. “Not really. Although the truth is, I swore a long time ago that I’d never marry.”

Trying not to look as crestfallen as she felt, Jocelyn asked the obvious. “Why?”

He stood and approached her with an unreadable expression. Had she gone too far in wanting permanence with both of them?

“The truth is, I don’t think I have a good reason anymore. My brother, Clay, was married long ago to a very nice woman he loved all the way to his soul. But then he lost his first wife in a car accident. So devastated by that loss, and blaming himself for it years afterward, he completely stopped communicating. Deep down, I vowed never to love anyone so much, but then I met you. I finally understood his loss. After only a week away from you, I was damn near despondent. And you’re right, I love you. So I’m breaking that long-ago vow.”

He took her in his arms and squeezed her tight. “Marry Logan in the public eye, then we can have our own private service, just the three of us. Will that work?”

“Yes. But there’s no need to hurry. We can have a very long engagement.”

Logan pressed in behind her. “What if
in a hurry?”

“Why are you in a hurry? You aren’t after my money, are you?”

“Not at all. I’m very content with my stable master salary. I just like the idea of having you as my wife.”

Kendall kissed her before she could respond. After three minutes of lip-licking pleasure, she forgot what they’d been talking about.

Logan faked a yawn. “Is it time for bed yet?”

“I’d love a shower first.” Jocelyn felt the full weight of her daylong travels.

Kendall kissed her again. “Perfect. We can help you with that.”

Less than five minutes later she was upstairs, stripped naked, and standing under one of three showerheads spraying warm, wonderful water over her tired body. Logan’s huge master bathroom shower stall was big enough for six people.

Kendall approached her first. He washed her hair, a surprisingly arousing procedure. She’d never felt this way when her hairdresser scrubbed her scalp. Kendall’s fingers might as well have been rubbing her clit as he massaged shampoo into her hair.

Once all of the suds had been rinsed out, she stepped back and his stiff cock poked her in the hip. “Hello,” she said. Every nerve ending in her body cried out for attention. A look over her shoulder and she saw the primal lust in Kendall’s gaze.

Without saying a word, she turned toward the tile wall of the shower stall, and put her hands above her head, flat against the cool surface.

Kendall’s hands immediately covered hers, pressing her palms harder into the smooth tiles above. “So compliant. I like that you can read my mind.”

She didn’t respond, just smiled to herself. He pushed her a bit closer. Her breasts hit the cold tile, and she sucked in a surprised breath as her nipples reacted. Behind her, Kendall pushed his rigid cock against one butt cheek. “Are you still on the pill?” he asked quietly. Now she knew he’d been listening to her make love to Logan early this morning.


“That’s good. I forgot to bring a condom into the shower with me.”

Jocelyn pushed her butt into his groin in invitation. “You don’t need it.”

“Excellent. Widen your legs for me.”

She stepped a foot to one side, giving him better access. His cock pushed between her thighs. The tip of his cockhead slid along the seam of her pussy lips. She wanted him buried inside, but didn’t move.

He pushed forward and pulled back several times, his cock never doing more than tease the opening of her drenched pussy.

Without meaning to, Jocelyn started moving her hips trying to get his cock inside her body.

“Naughty, naughty girl, Jocelyn, trying to control where my cock goes.”

Logan stepped closer. “Does she need a spanking?”

“Yes. I believe she does.”

Jocelyn moaned. She wanted it. Kendall stepped back, and Logan smacked a cheek of her ass once, twice, three times. Then he warmed the other cheek with three more pussy-juice-inducing spanks. Her pussy gushed with each sting of his hand. What was it about being spanked that made her want to fuck so desperately?

BOOK: Unbridled Temptation
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