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Authors: Shantel Tessier

Uncontrollable (44 page)

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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“What do you wanna do to me?” she asks licking her
plump lips.

 I tighten my hands in her hair and her breath
catches. “Any. Fucking. Thing. I. Want,” I say simply. “And when you don’t
think your body can take anymore, I will push it even further.”

 I want one night with nothing but having my way
with her. And I’m not talking about fucking and then passing out. I’m talking
about once I’m done with her, leaving her there, restrained and waiting for me
to use her again. I’ve been fighting a darker side for a while now with her,
and she knows it.

“You will know nothing except that I have complete
control,” I say honestly. “Can you imagine what it would be like not to be able
to stop me?” I lean down and place my lips right in front of hers and whisper,
“Not knowing what I would do to you next. Which part of your body I’m going to
touch. What part of your body I’m going to fuck.” I slowly lick her parted lips
as I remember what they feel like when they’re wrapped around my cock.

 She lets out a whimper and her legs buckle. I
tighten my hands in her hair, and she cries out.

 “I wouldn’t hurt you,” I say with a smirk knowing
that’s exactly what I’m doing as I speak. “But you would know that I had the
power to do so. If you refused me what I wanted.”

Her green eyes close as she pants. I’ve learned
with Angel that the pain of something can make the pleasure ten times better.
She likes when the cuffs are too tight, when my bites leave bruises. And I can
never slap that round ass hard enough for her.

 “I like the pain,” she confesses breathlessly.

“I know.” I feel her heart beat faster against my
chest, and I allow myself to smile.“Would you give me that power, Angel?” I ask
pulling back looking down at her. “Knowing there would be no boundaries? No say
on your part?” A while back the possibility of her saying yes would have
terrified me. Not now. Now I want her to give me this. I want to treat her like
my little personal sex slave. And I know a part of her wants that as well.

 She looks up at me and whispers, “I belong to you,

I give her a cocky smile. “Yes.”

 She gets a slow and sexy smile of her own. “Make
me believe it.”

 I yank her head back and she lets out another
strangled cry. I kiss her exposed neck and can feel her pulse beating wildly
and my cock twitches. Tonight, I will fucking own her like she has never known.


Morning comes way too soon.
I smile as I realize my entire body hurts and my muscles are sore. I let Slade
have his way with me last night, and God was it amazing. The man took more from
my body than I knew it could give.

 Once I shower and get ready, I make my way to the
kitchen. I get out everything we have and begin to make the biggest breakfast
of my life. Grits, biscuits, and gravy. Pancakes and bacon. Whatever we have, I
use. After my fight with Slade last night I realized I wasn’t mad at him. I was
mad at myself. I was mad at what was in front of me all along, and I never even
questioned it.

I want Tate to know I’m here for him. I want Slade
to know that I’m a different person than who I was when I ran out on my mother.
You only get one chance at life, and I have decided to just roll with the
punches. Take them with a smile.

“Something smells good,” I hear Slade say as he
comes down the hallway before entering the kitchen.

“Breakfast,” I say placing a few plates on the

 He comes over and gives me a kiss on the forehead
and then pulls back placing his hand over my belly. “How are you this morning?
Feeling okay?” His eyes drop to his hand covering my belly.

I smile. “We feel great.”

He looks back up to me, “I wasn’t too rough with
you last night?” he questions. “I don’t want to hurt you or the baby,” he says

I shake my head, “Not at all,” I assure him.

He smiles and slaps my ass when I turn around. I
squeal, and he chuckles.

 “You guys are being too loud,” Tate mumbles as he
enters the kitchen.

 Slade sits down at the table and looks over at
him. “No such thing. You are just hung over.” He takes a bite of bacon.

 We all turn to face the front door when someone
knocks on it. “I’ll get it,” Slade says shoving another piece of bacon in his
mouth before he stands to go answer it.

I should not be surprised when I see him open the
door and Parker walks in. The guy seems to always be around.

Parker smiles as he sits down where I set my plate.
“Well, I couldn’t have timed this any better,” he says with a smile on his

 “What are you doing here?” I can’t help but ask as
I pour him a cup of coffee.

 He starts to place food on
plate when he
speaks. “I have to go in today to do some paperwork, so I thought I would come
by.” He looks at Tate. “I was wondering where you were last night. Get lucky?”
He wiggles his dark eyebrows.

 Tate chuckles. “Yeah, with a bottle of tequila.
She’s kicking my ass this morning.”

After I finish making the guys breakfast I walk
back to our bedroom, grab my purse, and make my way back to the kitchen. “I’m
gonna head up to the bakery. I want to do some cleaning and shop for some paint
colors. You guys have a great day. Love you,” I say before turning and walking
to the garage.

 As I open the truck door Slade steps out into the
garage. “You didn’t eat breakfast.” He frowns

“I’ll eat something on the way.” Cake sounds really
good right now. I can’t wait until I can go to the bakery and just bake a cake
for myself.

 He smiles. “Thank you.”

 “For what?”

 He leans up against the open truck door and kisses
me on the lips. “For Parker.”

“What can I say?” I shrug. “I’m just in a really
good mood.”

He smiles. “Have a great day and be careful.”

 “Will do.” We kiss one last time, and I head off
to the bakery.

 As I pull into the parking lot I spot Missy’s
little red sports car. “How did you know I would be here?” I ask as we both
climb out of our cars.

 She shrugs. “Just a lucky guess.”

I take in a deep breath. “I’m really worried about
you, Missy. Is everything okay?” Her hair is blonder than it has ever been
before. And she looks like she has lost a little weight.

 She nods her head once. “I’ve just needed some
time alone.”

 “Is there something that I can help you with?” I

 She shakes her head. “I promise. I’m okay.”

“Okay,” I say unsure but if I have learned anything
in the last twenty-four hours, it’s that you can’t push someone to tell you
what they don’t want you to know.

I jiggle the keys to the bakery in my hand. “I’m
going to pick out some colors and order some things for the bakery today. Wanna
help me out?”

She gives me a small smile. “I would love to.”


I just get home from a busy
day at work and walk into the kitchen for a bottle of water, when my cell
starts to ring.

“What’s up, man?” I say when I see

“I have a few questions for you,” he says.


 He takes a few seconds before he speaks. “First.
Did you know that Sam’s name is on a no charges filed report?”

Why would her name be on a no charges filed report?
“Oh, yeah. That was when she and Jax broke up back in September.” I know he had
skipped town before they could serve him anything the first time.

“That would be a negative,” he states.

“How so?”

“This report refers to a Jeremy.”

 Jeremy? We don’t know a Jeremy. “You must have
read it wrong.”

“No. It’s right here in front of me. It is dated
back in November. The officer was called to her place of business for a
domestic dispute.”

That’s almost six months ago.
“I don’t know
what that could be about.”

 “Well, I normally wouldn’t think anything of it.
But it also says that her statement was lost.”

 I sigh. “Bring it over to my house.” I wanna see
this for myself.

“Slade I can’t…”

“Bring the fucking paperwork over to my house. Now
Parker,” I demand.

He lets out a breath as if conflicted. “I’m on my
way,” he says reluctantly.

I scroll down to her name and am about to call her
when I decide to wait. I want to know what the hell is on this report. It has
to be a mistake. Maybe it was when all that shit went down before the holidays.
It was like we were calling the cops left and right. With the house getting
broke in to, the truck window being smashed, and her being attacked outside of
her work…That’s probably it. That’s where he saw Larry’s being involved. Even
though Tate had taken her to the police station it had still happened up at
Larry’s. But why would it have Jeremy written on it? And why would it say
domestic dispute? She and Tate both said they never saw the guy who attacked

 I walk over to answer the door when I hear a
knock. I open it to reveal Tate standing there with his arms crossed over his
chest. “What are you doing here?” I ask.

“Sam told me to come over yesterday for dinner tonight.”

“Well, Parker is on his way over. He has some
papers for me to look at.” I look at the clock. Angel will be home in less than
thirty minutes. When I spoke to her earlier, she and Missy were ordering stuff
online for the bakery. She was going to run to the store on her way home.

“Okay.” Tate goes straight for the fridge and pulls
out a beer for himself before he hands me one.


 “Do I need to leave? Is this work related?”

 I shake my head. “You can stay. It has to do with
your sister.”

He doesn’t say anything as he makes himself
comfortable at the kitchen island.

It isn’t more than ten minutes later when Parker
walks through the front door in uniform and lays down a file in front of me on
the kitchen island.

I open the file and scan the paperwork as Tate
leans over and reads it as well. “Why is Missy’s name on there?” he asks
standing quickly.

I scan a little further down and see her name along
with Holly’s. “What the fuck is this?” I ask to no one in particular.

“It’s a police report,” Parker says annoyed.
“Apparently Sam called the police. It says that this Jeremy guy started a fight
in the bar. Holly and Missy are mentioned as witnesses. I don’t know what’s
off, but it doesn’t make sense.”

“What part doesn’t make sense?” Tate asks no longer
concerned. “Holly and Sam were working.” He shrugs it off. “I’ve seen my fair
share of bar fights happen.”

Parker shakes his head. “It doesn’t add up. It also
says that their statements have been lost.”

My head shoots up to him. “What do you mean?
of them?”

 “Maybe the officer forgot to finish the process.
Or passed it off to someone else who didn’t do it. It’s very rare, but it has
happened before,” Parker offers.

“Who was the officer?” I ask scanning the document.

“Officer Howard.”

Tate looks up at Parker with a frown. “That’s the
guy you replaced,” he states.

 Parker nods. “Like I said, shit is not making

“Did you say he just quit coming to work?” I ask.

 “Yep. No one has heard from him since then.”

I hear the door to the garage open and close and a
few seconds later Angel enters the kitchen. “Hey guys,” she says cheerfully.

 “Can you explain this to us?” I ask not bothering
with pleasantries. I want to get to the bottom of this.

 “Explain what?” she asks with a smile.

I lift up the folder. “This.” I open it back up and
skim through it until I land on the name that I’m looking for. “Explain why you
called the cops on a man named Jeremy while you were working up at Larry’s.
Domestic dispute?”

 Her smile drops off of her face, and her eyes go big.
She looks from me to Tate before Parker.

 If I’m not mistaken, I would say she looks like
she just got caught doing something she knows she shouldn’t have been doing.

“What is this?” I ask again this time more

 Her eyes slam back to mine. “Where did you get
that?” Her voice shakes.

 I feel Tate sit up straighter in his seat, and
Parker even narrows his eyes at her.
Something is definitely up. What the
fuck has she done?

 “Doesn’t matter.” My jaw clenches. “Tell me why it
even exists in the first place?” I demand.

Her eyes move to Tate as if she’s pleading for him
to save her. When he doesn’t say anything she looks back at the folder. “It
doesn’t matter. He pled guilty.”

 I look over at Parker. Where in the hell did it
say that in there? I don’t remember reading that. It said the charges were

“Who? Jeremy did? For what?” Tate asks.

She shakes her head. “It doesn’t matter,” she
repeats once again.

I slam the folder down onto the kitchen island, and
she jumps back. “All of it fucking matters. Now tell me why in the fuck your
name is on this police report. Along with Holly and Missy,” I shout, losing my

When she takes a step back and looks like she is
about to bolt, I snap. “Tell me what the fuck this has to do with you. Right
now.” I walk around the island to get in front of her. “Tell me,” I demand
getting in her face.

Her green eyes look up into mine, and she looks
like she is about to cry.“I…it…He wasn’t supposed to be working,” she says



I run a hand through my hair. “Start making sense,”
I say getting tired of this bullshit. I don’t recall anyone named Jeremy
working there.

She takes in a deep breath. “It was my last night
at Larry’s. I walked in and ran into him. I asked Holly why he was there.” She
swallows nervously. “She said she had called him in so I could have the night
off. She wanted me to just relax and enjoy the party.”

I nod remembering our plan for her not to have to
work. But I don’t remember Holly mentioning a Jeremy filling in her spot.

“You called and I walked over to the restrooms to
talk to you. Holly was in the bathroom. After we went back up to the bar Missy
said Jeremy had made her a shot. I noticed it didn’t look like ours.” Her eyes
look over at Tate nervously before they come back to mine. “I wanted to test
it,” she says quietly.

BOOK: Uncontrollable
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