Underworld Queen (23 page)

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Authors: Sharon Hamilton

Tags: #Erotica, #Romance, #Paranormal

BOOK: Underworld Queen
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“Very well, then. You will be punished for this indiscretion. But first, your hands. Remove your hands so I can examine you.”

Audray tilted her head and let her lips quirk up on one side. With genteel compliance she slowly removed her arms from her chest.

Jonas stared at her like he’d never seen her breasts before. Her nipples had hardened, but their color had changed as well, growing dark pink. “God almighty, love. You’re huge.” He felt the heaviness of her flesh, a handful in his large paw. He stood her up, knelt before her and slowly slipped off her pants, but left her panties on. “Listen little one,” he said to her tummy. “You’ve got to lay low for awhile so your mum and me can have some fun. Don’t be giving her a rough time of it.”

Audray moaned as she rubbed his temples with her fingers.

He continued with his message to their child, “Now, I want you to close your eyes and ears for a bit whilst I pleasure your mum three ways to Sunday. If you’re a boy, I’ll teach you how it’s done much later. And if you’re a girl and you care about the lives of the men who come courting, you’ll stay away from them. You don’t need to know anything about what I’m about to do to your mum.”

Good as his word, Jonas took his time. He seemed to forget the game of domination he’d intended to play. His long gentle strokes were decorated with bedtime whispers and promises, telling her how she made him feel, telling her stories of what their life would be like in the coming years. She’d never heard him say such things. It felt like he was convincing himself that the more he described their glowing future, the more they were creating it, actually making it a reality.

His mouth could bring pleasure either by words or by the hot touch of his tongue. She saw how intent and careful he was, how he loved to watch as his cock dove into her from behind. She felt the lips of her peach split open, massaged and kneaded to the side with gentle pressure from his fingers. He pressed on the knob at her front and encircled it, sending her into spasms. She gripped his thighs with her own and leaned back for deeper penetration. At last she gasped, resting her head against his shoulder as he kissed the sides of her face and neck, his other hand finishing the ministrations between her legs. He brought his wet finger up and had her taste her own desire.

Jonas turned Audray to her back, laying her down gently, raising her knees over his shoulders. His tongue lapped at her moist nether lips. She grimaced as her need shattered her composure and her pleasure peaked again, just before he sunk his cock in deep again, pulling out and then plundering her over and over.

She couldn’t get enough. He would start to come and then would stop utterly still, waiting for her to rise up and demand more. He studied her attentively, began to stroke her again, letting her body go into a low rumble, raising her up higher and then giving her the full force of his cock inside until at last he exploded with seed. His body shuddered. His deep guttural groan made her feel like he thought this would be their last encounter.

Later that afternoon,
Audray scolded him in the shower. “Some punishment you mete out. And here you call yourself a warrior.” She had pulled him into the warm steam, glazing his body all over with lavender shower gel.

“Well, if you insist on keeping me covered with your body and the scent of flowers, what do you expect?”

“I expect that you use the silk ties in our spare bedroom. Keep me your prisoner, bound to your bed.”

“You mean your bed. You could vaporize them in a flash, my love. Josh’s old ties are no use to you, except as props. I couldn’t detain you if I tried with all my immortal strength.”

“See. I told you the female of the species is the strongest. You’ve just proven my point, my dear.”

“Yes, you are my strong female, and you carry my child. That does change things. But it makes me mad with desire for you.” He kissed her gently. “I want to take care of you now.”

They dried off
and dressed without words. Jonas checked out of the inn, telling the front desk their work had called them away and they wouldn’t be spending the night. He drove the black Hummer to the transport station, parking it in the street, away from the warehouse entrance, but also a good distance from Audray’s former home. He’d arranged to have the rental agency pick it up later in the day and have it ready later, if and when he returned.

The flames had left their violent mark on the landscape. Pieces of the Director’s home were scattered throughout the abandoned construction yard. Jonas figured there’d been another explosion.

In a way, it was a blessing they hadn’t spent much time there. Their attachments to the place were at best minimal, except it was the first place he had claimed her. Jonas decided he’d start looking for a new home on the next trip back. He’d feel safer closer to Joshua Brandon. Being close to the transport was no longer important to them.

The transport was
efficient and faster than either one of them had remembered, and for the first time in many trips, a young female driver was at the wheel. She turned in her seat and greeted him. It wasn’t against any protocol, but having a driver was a new development. She barely gave Audray any notice at all. Instead, her large overly made up dark eyes explored every part of Jonas, making him blush in front of his queen. This was also something new. Women never made him feel embarrassed before. He usually liked the ones that weren’t afraid to show their feelings, their desires.

Jonas was sure the driver didn’t recognize Audray and guessed she was a recent convert.

Probably one of Rupert’s minions.

When the transport came to an abrupt stop in front of the station in the Underworld, Jonas kissed Audray’s palm, whispering, “Showtime!” under his breath. She had been tense. Her skin was cool to the touch and her fingers had lost some of their pliability since the afternoon lovemaking sessions. She was distracted, he thought.

And for good reason. She’s not sure what she’s running headlong into.

“How are you feeling? Everything okay?” he asked. She looked healthy, a little cold and tense, but there was a warm glow to her face he was glad to see.

“I’m fine.”

The female driver opened their door and, although fully clothed above the waist, she wore only a thong down below, matching the color of her black spiked heels. Her body was hard not to admire, due to the perfection of her well-muscled form.

“Excuse me, Miss,” Jonas began.

The driver beamed back in his direction, eyes half-lidded, red lips moist and plumped.

“If you get summoned to pick up the Director again, you will dress properly? Or did you perhaps get us confused with a bachelor party coming later?

The smile left her young face as she glanced between Jonas and Audray, finally landing on Audray.

“I hope you will forgive my lack of taste. Obviously I made the wrong assumption.” She turned around and sauntered the full length of the limo away from them, exaggeration prominent in the swing of her ass.

“Unbelievable,” Audray began. “Obviously she’s not very afraid for her job. Someone is making some promises they won’t be able to keep.” she added, “Or at least I hope not.”

“She’s a throwaway, just doesn’t know it yet. Feeling powerful in her new immortal dark angel body. Her time for suffering will come.” The limo sped off in search of another passenger. Jonas hooked Audray’s arm and helped her up the steps to the Director’s office.

The lobby had changed little. A woman they did not recognize sat at the reception desk. Both of them nodded to the young angel as they walked around her.

“Excuse me, you have not logged in,” the girl called out.

Audray stopped dead in her tracks, dallied back to the desk as if unconcerned about the insult just thrown at her. “Who hired you?” she asked and flipped her blonde hair behind her shoulders.

“Mr. Blade.”

“Good. You’re fired. Now leave the premises,” Audray said as coolly as ordering a drink at her favorite bar.

The pretty young angel was going to protest. Jonas came forward, gripped her elbow and shoved her out the glass front doors. “You’ve been fired by the Director herself. If you want to live on, I’d suggest you go and not return.”

When Jonas came back, Audray was on her red phone. “Get someone down here right away. And I want a full report after you’re done.” She flipped the phone closed.

They passed several dark angels on their way to the bank of elevators. Audray’s fingerprint on the red button labeled with a “D” opened the doors to the Director’s private elevator. In an instant, they were transported to the top floor.

The area was quiet, too quiet. Audray looked around the pillars of the huge anteroom and then looked at Jonas’ face. “Not a soul here. There should be staffers…” she began.

Just then, the doors to her private office opened. Jonas recognized the smell of him before he saw him. Rupert Blade walked through the doors like he owned the place. With a curt bow, he extended his hand.

“How very lovely to finally meet you, Miss Steele. I’m Rupert Blade, your paramour’s cousin,” he waved his eyebrows up and down as he thinly smiled, “through marriage, of course.”

Jonas could feel Audray’s body shaking. Aware of the proximity of their child to this cretin, he encircled her waist and stood behind her, pressing his chest against her back.

Thank you,”
he heard her mentally.

“Mr. Blade,” she started, refusing to shake his hand or touch him in any way, “I’m not accustomed to having to explain to the souls living in the Underworld how things work. You have violated my space.”

“I’m truly sorry.” He bowed again, but upon rising, smiled at Jonas. “She’s stunning. A real heartbreaker.”

“That’s two strikes, Mr. Blade. Your lack of respect could cost you an appendage, or do you have a death wish?” Audray delivered the sentence and then stepped to within inches of the intruder. “I haven’t vaporized someone for a few days. Get out of my sight,” she spat out.

Jonas took hold of Blade, jerking him toward the wooden doors of the office. He felt Rupert’s body tense, like he wanted to react differently but hadn’t expected the attitude from Audray. Jonas shoved the dark angel into the regular elevator but straddled the entrance, immobilizing the doors. “How did you get up here? Who let you in?”

“I have my ways.”

Holding the dark angel at his throat as if to raise him off the ground, Jonas fished through Rupert’s pockets and found an access override card. “Whomever helped you get this is a dead man,” he said.

“Or woman,” Rupert’s dark eyes sparkled back in Jonas’ face as he was released.

Jonas grabbed the front of Rupert’s shirt and hauled him back into the anteroom; the elevator doors closed. “Even if
did it for you, she will suffer the consequences.” Jonas released the angel with a push toward the doors.

Rupert rolled his shoulders and his neck, an action reminding Jonas of his friend, Joshua Brandon. The smaller angel straightened his shirt but said nothing.

“This isn’t your fight,” Jonas started.

“She killed my brother, Peter.”

“Who was sent by your family.”

“Your bloodline as well.”

“But I don’t believe in the prophecy. I want no part of this so-called family.”

Rupert seemed to gather the rest of his dignity. “Have you forgotten about our discussion, Jonas? Is your pride so important that you would harm those you love?”

Jonas was startled by the man’s statement and couldn’t find the words to respond. The reality of his situation began to descend upon him again.


Jonas found himself, finally. “Has you doing her bidding like the lackey you are. Tell me, does she punish you when you go home at night with less than perfect results?” Jonas allowed this last comment to accompany a sneer.

“She has no complaints. You’ve done your part too, or need I remind you it was your job to bring Audray back?”

“She’s the fucking Director of the Underworld. This is where she belongs.” Jonas said, mustering all the bravado he could, belying his fear for her safety.

“Yes. Well, for now at least.” Rupert walked to the elevator doors. “I must go report and receive the pleasure reward that was promised me. She is a very generous woman, Catarina. Passion runs high in her DNA, but then you know this first hand.” He smiled and bowed to Jonas.

“How long do you think you’ll last if she becomes the new Director? Or did you think she’d let you rule? What do you think will happen when that passion flames for another? A warrior type? How long do you think she will be content and occupied with the likes of you?”

There was a moment’s hesitation in Rupert’s step to the elevator. Jonas saw it. He wondered if the angel knew he’d seen it. “With rewards come risks,” Rupert said over his shoulder.

“So what does she risk? Why would she send you instead of doing it herself? Do you really think she sees you as anything but expendable?” Jonas railed back.

Rupert did not turn around, but pushed the button and the elevator doors opened. He took one decisive step forward staring at the red carpet of the carriage floor. As the lumbering elevator closed, he abruptly turned and faced Jonas once again, raising his chin.

“I’d watch my back, if I were you,” Jonas said to the dark angel’s face just before the doors sequestered the man to safety.

Chapter 26

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