Undisclosed Desires (High Rise Novella Two) (9 page)

BOOK: Undisclosed Desires (High Rise Novella Two)
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“What do you mean, next time?” Isabella pecked Nat’s forehead. “I believed you to be the fuck-and-run type.”

“I haven’t fucked you yet.” Nat kissed Isabella’s chin. “And anyway, I thought you were a lady.”

“I’m fairly certain you felt every inch of the lady I am.” Their eyes met and they burst out laughing.

“What a difference a day makes.” Nat’s voice seemed to have deepened somewhat.

“Poor Sophie. We couldn’t have used her in a worse way.” Isabella scrambled with the sheets, eager to get under as the air around them chilled. She settled her head in the crook of Nat’s shoulder.

“I’ll talk to her. It’s my fault,” Nat said.

They fell silent for a while. A crushing fatigue weighed on Isabella’s bones. Her eyes started fluttering shut.

“Alex is going to have a field day with this.” Nat didn’t appear sleepy yet. “She’s going to think she and Maddie arranged this in some way.” She nuzzled her nose into Isabella’s hair. “While it’s clear you had the hots for me from the very beginning.”

“Mmm.” Isabella didn’t have the strength left to quibble over details—not that there was a lot to argue about. She drifted off, her head gloriously empty and Nat’s arms around her.

* * *

Isabella woke up with the sheets thrown off her, her legs spread wide and Nat in between them. At first she thought she was stuck in the kind of dream you never want to wake up from, but she extended her arm and Nat’s hair bopping gently up and down was real and so was the pressure she applied to Isabella’s clit with her tongue.

When she dug her fingertips into Nat’s shoulder muscles, Nat looked up and grinned, her lips glistening with Isabella’s juices.

“This is your wake-up call, Madam.” She winked and a slew of butterflies fluttered in Isabella’s stomach. “Orange Enterprises at your service. Please relax and enjoy.” Nat’s head ducked between her legs again and Isabella had no trouble doing what was asked of her.

Nat’s tongue whispered along her lips with light, deft strokes. She’d barely been awake a few minutes, but already wetness trickled down Isabella’s thighs. It might as well have been a dream.

Images from last night flashed through her mind and blended with her current arousal. Nat’s tongue flicked over Isabella’s clit, back and forth, while Isabella remembered the look on her face when she made it clear she’d be wielding the toy. No doubt Nat would get her back for that soon enough.

The tip of Nat’s tongue circled the entrance of her pussy. Nat really seemed to have a thing for circles. When she pushed it inside, Isabella didn’t bother to suppress the yelp escaping from her throat.

If only all alarm clocks operated like this.

Nat traced her tongue upwards again, gliding stoutly through Isabella’s folds. Isabella wouldn’t survive another round of clit stimulation. The fire inside her was building already, igniting from deep within her belly and starting to spread through her bones.

While zoning in on Isabella’s clit with her tongue, lapping endless circles around it, Nat slid a fingertip along Isabella’s lips. Ever so lightly, she trailed it along Isabella’s entrance, as if preparing her for something bigger, but for Isabella it was more than enough to tip her over the edge. She dug her heels into the mattress and looped her finger around Nat’s short strands of hair.

“Oh god,” she moaned, pushing herself into Nat’s mouth. Her muscles started to tremble, quick convulsions announcing climax. Nat’s tongue danced over her clit, while her fingertip lingered at the rim of her pussy. The fire raged with full force, flaring up before the final explosion.

“Aah,” Isabella groaned, reaching the pinnacle of pleasure and just then Nat pushed a finger deep inside of her. It startled and amazed her and catapulted her straight into another round of flames erupting in her belly, shooting straight to her limbs. Her pussy clenched around Nat’s finger and her clit throbbed against her tongue.

With a sigh Isabella collapsed into the mattress as her muscles relaxed. Nat gently slid out her finger and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand as she shuffled upward.

“Breakfast of champions.” Nat shot her a broad smile and Isabella failed to hold back a tear. One drop tumbled out of the corner of her eye before she could blink it away.

Nat kissed her on the mouth, her lips still wet with juices. Isabella had trouble finding her voice. She replied by slipping her tongue deep into Nat’s wet hot mouth.

* * *

“I suppose The Bean for brunch is out of the question.” They stood in the kitchen, both drinking greedily from bottles of Evian after a quick shower. “What did you tell that girl, anyway?”

Nat’s hair pointed in all directions and the t-shirt Isabella had lent her strained around her chest. She looked the very picture of delicious.

“That I wasn’t feeling well, which wasn’t far from the truth.” The fly of her jeans was open and she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. “I’ll sort it out.”

“Busy Monday for you, it would appear.” Isabella didn’t want to let her leave. Nat looked even better dishevelled, as if born for the post-fuck look. “A lot of bridges to reconstruct.”

Nat merely nodded. “What do you have in your fridge?”

“See for yourself.” Isabella pulled the door open for Nat. “But I have a client in exactly one hour.”

“Not to worry, scrambled eggs
à l’Orange
coming up in five minutes.” Nat licked her lips. “You go and put yourself together.”

“I may need more than five minutes to make myself look presentable after last night.”

“Then I suggest you clear your schedule tomorrow because tonight I’m on top.” Nat’s face peeked from next to the fridge’s door, a gentleness glinting in her eyes that contradicted the implied dominance of her words.

“We’ll see about that.” Isabella laughed and turned on her heels.


When Nat opened the door to her flat, Alex sat cross-legged in the sofa staring at her phone. She barely looked up when Nat walked in.

“What’s the matter, Pizza? Did Maddie just text you a picture of her privates?”

Alex shot her a confused look. “Where have you been?”

“One floor higher than you. And yes, your wettest dream has come true.”

“What?” Was that a tear glistening in the corner of Alex’s eye? She couldn’t be
happy for Nat. “I thought Isabella left with Sophie yesterday afternoon.”

“Long story.” Nat perched on the arm rest next to Alex. “All in due time.” She nodded at Alex’s phone. “What’s going on?”

“Nothing.” Alex sighed. “Rita just sent me a long e-mail apologising
for all the things she did wrong. Look.” Alex held out her phone. “It has bullet points and everything.”

Nat took the phone and skimmed over the e-mail. “She wants to meet?”

Alex nodded. “She claims she needs my forgiveness to move on.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know.” Alex shrugged. “What do you think I should do?”

“Ask the expert, always a good plan.” Nat winked, anxious to transform the scowl on Alex’s face into a smile. “Whatever you do, don’t give her the satisfaction of replying straight away. She tore you to pieces. I’m not sure she deserves your forgiveness. If you’ve forgiven her at all.”

Alex shook her head. “I have been in a more forgiving mood lately.” She tossed the phone on the coffee table. “But no, no matter how she puts it now, and no matter our history, what she did is inexcusable.”

“But of course you can’t ignore an e-mail from a woman you shared six happy years with. I get it.” Nat knew how Alex’s brain—and heart—operated.

Alex looked up at Nat, her lips trembling with hesitation. “What would you do if…” She fidgeted with her fingers. “If Claire, out of the blue, asked to meet after pointing out all the mistakes she made with astounding clarity?”

Nat blew some air through her nose. “I’d tell her to fuck right off.” This was most probably a lie. “But hey, that’s me. You’re nothing like me.”

“Whatever I do, I should tell Maddie.”

“You should do whatever you think is best for you, Pizza.” Nat slipped off the armrest and crouched in front of Alex. “Don’t meet Rita because she wants to. Only agree to seeing her if you think it can help you.”

Nat remembered the sad bundle of flesh and bones passing for Alex she’d taken in after Rita’s affair with her Mandarin teacher had come to light. “You don’t owe her anything.” Alex squeezed her hand, her fingers trembling in Nat’s palm. “And of course it didn’t work out with the teacher. Of course, she regrets hurting you. What a fucking cliché.” Nat searched for Alex’s eyes. “You’ve got a good thing going with Maddie. You’ve moved on. Don’t let Rita ruin that.”

“I won’t. I need some closure too, I guess.”

“You don’t have to decide right now. Think about it.”

Alex pinned her eyes on Nat, looking her square in the face for longer than a second for the first time since Nat had walked in. “You wouldn’t really say that to Claire though, would you?”

“It doesn’t matter what I would do. Your situation is different, anyway.”

“Did you and Isabella really hook up?” A glimmer of excitement sparked in Alex’s eyes.

“Yes, we did.” Nat couldn’t suppress a huge smile from bursting out all over her face. “And it was so bloody amazing we may very well do it again tonight.”

“She gets two nights in a row with the elusive Nathalie Orange? Has she hypnotised you or something?”

“She’s a psychiatrist, Pizza. Not a charlatan.” Nat stood up and fell into the sofa next to Alex. “Come here.” She threw her arms around Alex and hugged her. “I’m thinking this could really be something.”

“I knew it. I didn’t really dare believe in it, but I noticed it the first time we all got together on her roof terrace.” Alex freed herself from the hug. “Nathalie Orange has feelings after all.” Alex elbowed Nat in the bicep. “I’d never thought you’d go for someone older than the company I’m keeping these days.”

“Age is just a number, Pizza.”

They both exploded into a fit of giggles.

“This building surely has been good to us.”

Nat narrowed her eyes and lifted a cautionary finger. “Don’t let Rita come between you and Maddie.”

“I won’t. Speaking of which.” Alex snagged her phone of the coffee table. “I have to call her at once and tell her about this miracle.”

“Oh damn,” Nat sighed. “It’s going to be like this for a long time, isn’t it? Lame jokes and a lot of I-told-you-so’s.”

“Oh yeah.” Alex dialled and stood up. “Have you heard the news, babe?” Alex said into the receiver. They’d be all right. As for herself, she couldn’t wait until Isabella’s last client left and they could, at last, fairly settle their fight for top.


High Rise Novella Three (No Ordinary Love) is now available
. High Rise Novella Four will be released in March 2013.

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About the author

Harper Bliss has travelled the world in search of sexual satisfaction. She now resides in a hot Asian country and dedicates her time to writing down the stories that have inspired and aroused her.

Harper has had short stories published in anthologies by Xcite Books, House of Erotica and Storm Moon Press. She is the author of the High Rise series and several other novelettes and novellas for Ladylit.

You can e-mail her at
[email protected]

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Other Harper Bliss books

No Ordinary Love (High Rise Novella Three)

Hot fitness instructor Alex and posh banker Maddie are enjoying the delicious early stages of their love affair, until Alex’s ex-girlfriend Rita re-enters the scene. Adamant to win Alex back, Rita begs for forgiveness, leaving Alex torn between the past and the future.

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