United (The United Trilogy Book 1) (14 page)

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She placed her hand on my knee for comfort but mostly to calm me down and remind me we were in a room full of people.  “Yes Roz, I understand how much of a shock this is to you, but remember this also happened to me, to everyone here so yes we understand how it feels.  This isn’t a way for us to get perverse pleasure or to use this to control people.  Think of how much good can come from this type of information.  The biggest reason for the monitoring is the best way to find the best president for our country, and if I say so myself, I have done that.” She says with a smirk.  “And second, the amount of crime we avoid because of it is substantial.  Presidential files aren’t the only ones we keep.  The journals are our best way to find people’s disturbed thoughts.  Anytime we notice anything of suspicion we send those files straight to the Department of Defense.  The Sentry are able to keep a close eye on those particular people and a lot of crime is avoided this way.”  Ok, so she had a point there.  Our country is known for its peacefulness and lack of crime, we have some, but compared to most it’s not even in the same ball park.  But it still felt wrong to me.  “I know how you  feel Roz; I felt the same way at first.  Imagine coming here my first day of work and discovering the ins and outs all at once.  It was overwhelming and embarrassing, but once I saw how much good comes from this, I realized that it really is the best way.”

She is right, I guess I’m just being overly sensitive.  “Ok so once you get your two or three children you keep the same ones all the way through until they are sixteen, right?”

“Yes, for the most part but we do have many exceptions.  Like Wes for example, if one child is too much then you may give your other to someone else.  Some people who have a child that ends up having a disability automatically have an opening to take another child.”

Now that caught my attention.  I would think it would be harder to have someone which a disability and take more time not less.  I said as much to Natasha who began shaking her head.  “No Roz, people with disabilities aren’t given jobs.  It wouldn’t be fair to expect them to do what everyone else can.  They are the only exception beside the old who don’t have to work in order to be taken care of.” Ok that makes sense.  It wouldn’t be fair to have the same expectations for them, but not to do anything for the rest of your life, how boring.

“So if you have a child with a disability you stop monitoring them then?”

“Correct, it would be a waste of our man power.”

“So then you really don’t know what they are capable of doing then, do you?”

Natasha tilted her head to the side in contemplation just looking at me, then a slow smile crept a on her lips.  “That would be correct; we wouldn’t know just what they are capable of if they weren’t being monitored.”

This gave me an instant idea.  I jumped up out of my chair so fast I almost fell over.  “Thanks so much Natasha, I really appreciate your help, I have to run but I will be back tomorrow.”

Before I could take off she grabbed my arm.  “Roz, wait.  I know this is overwhelming to you and I know in a way you blame me for your becoming President.  But I want you to know I’ve watched more than just you three.  We help each other out, and as an intern you see a ton of files and people.  I’ve been through three presidents now, counting you, and you have to know, Roz, that you are perfect.  I’ve never seen a more perfect fit, you’ve been here an hour and already I can tell you are going to make this program so much better.  This program hasn’t been touched since inception Roz.  You can do this, and I will be there cheering you along the whole way.”

That was so sweet of her to say, she really gave me just the confidence I needed.  I threw my arms around her in a hug which she embraced fully.  “Thank you Natasha.” I whispered softly and disengaged myself and took off to find Molly, we had a new policy to research.


Chapter Fifteen

I literally took off running to find Molly and on my way I bumped into Bob.  “Dang interns, this isn’t a playground, adults walk!” He blustered before he realized who he was talking to.

I scowled up at him and said in my iciest voice, “I’m sorry Bob, I was in a huge hurry, important country business you know.  I was only about to change thousands of lives, but I will make sure to slow my pace to accommodate those of more advanced years.”  Ha!  Take that Bob, you old coot!  He just stood there mouth agape and stared at me in surprise.  Before he could find his voice, I took off again, walking this time but speed walking for sure.  I ran into George’s office flinging the door open and slamming it behind me

He and Molly both jumped.  “Are you alright?  What is wrong?” George looked panicked and maybe Bob did have a point. 

The President couldn’t exactly go running around without causing some type of panic.  Turning red in the face I looked down and whispered, “Umm, no, nothing’s wrong I was just excited.”

George threw his hands up, “Women!  She-devils all of you!  I knew a woman would be the death of me yet!   I’m an old man Roz; you can’t go around running in and slamming doors unless we are under attack, my ticker certainly can’t take it.”  A large smile was threatening to break out on my face at his dramatics.  If I wasn’t so thoroughly embarrassed I would be rolling on the floor laughing, which is a step away from what Molly was doing now.  She was laughing so hard she had tears running down her face.

“I’m sorry George, really I am.  I didn’t mean to scare you.  I will try to contain my energy as long as you promise not to take out my stupidity on my gender as a whole, ok?”

This got George laughing as well.  “Oh Roz darling you are anything but stupid, no you are just what we need, you little she- devil you.”

I explained to them about what happened in the Career Department and what I wanted Molly to research for me.  Both she and George were nodding enthusiastically, and I couldn’t help but let the excitement take over.  Then I told them about my encounter with Bob and we all had another laugh.  Molly left to go work on our new project and I went to my office to catch up on some messages from my department heads.  I was fitting in nicely and starting to settle in with the swing of things.  Now if only I could get all the formality dropped and the people not to be so uptight.

I spent the rest of the week in the Career Department with Natasha.  I really enjoyed getting to know her and it seems like we’ve known each other forever.  Well technically, she has known me forever!  She introduced me to Leon who explained that he didn’t know what to do with himself anymore.  I’m going to have to drag Wes in here one day to meet Leon; he’d get a kick out of knowing how much he had actually been developing all along.  All those crazy ideas he’s had over the years and what I thought as useless formulas were actually being used by scientists here in The Ministry.  No wonder he skipped the university, he’s basically been working here all along. 

Natasha and I decided to go to lunch together that day and it was nice to have a new friend.  In the café we found a table in the corner where we could have a private conversation.  “So how is everything going?  Are you learning the ropes and fitting in alright?” She asked before taking a bite of her sandwich.  I just played with my salad.  “Ropes, yes, but fitting in, not so much!  People either see me as a child or are intimidated by me.  I’ve asked everyone to call me Roz but very few people actually do.  I understand it’s a respect thing, and I’m fine with it for the most part, but I want the people working directly under me to feel like we are a team.”

She nodded her understanding.  “I can see that.  The problem is you have your old stuffy people who are used to the way the old things ran.  I thought President Vaughn was a good President, smart as a whip, but he had a bit of a slave driver mentality in him.  He demanded respect and got it.  You are going to have that problem anytime you bring in a fresh young face.  But Roz, there’s a reason why they say out with the old and on with the new.  Our founders believed age was only an advantage.  It gives us fresh new perspectives so don’t be afraid of your energy; do whatever you have to do to help people see it as an advantage.”

Her advice made a lot of sense.  “Thanks Tash, I’ll try to think of something.

She smiled at her new nickname.  “You have a thing for nicknames huh?” I just shrugged, I never really thought about it.  “Well I like it, and if there’s any way I can help you to fit in better please just ask.”

“I will thank you.  Well it’s time to get back to work.  Thanks for all your help Tash, and I will see you tomorrow.” We went our separate ways and I went back to my office.

I got to my office to find both Wes and Molly there pouring over all kinds of papers and each with their computer.  “Hey guys, what’s up?” Wes and Molly both looked up from what they were doing.  I went to the fridge to grab them each a bottle of water and some snacks.  I’m guessing they worked right through lunch.  Wes tore into his right away as my confirmation.

“Thanks Roz, so Molly and I have been working on your Disabilities Act.” My face lit up in excitement, I really hope they found something to back up my suspicions.  As if she read my mind, Molly nodded her head with a huge smile on her face.

“You were right Roz.  All the research Wes and I found completely backs you up.” YES!  I knew it!

Wes gulped down the rest of his water and took over the conversation.  “When Molly came to me to see if I could help find some statistics way back in the archives to see if there was anything to prove that people with disabilities have a heightened sense In another area I thought it was odd.  But the more I looked into it Roz, the more I found to back you up.  There are tons of cases where it’s proven over and over that people who lose a sense have their other senses heightened.  I took it a step further and went to the testing lab and ran a few experiments on some people who have lost their eye sight or hearing due to old age.  Then I had some people who were deaf and blind from birth.  The people who lost their vision or hearing from old age did have heightened sense, but you wouldn’t believe the difference between the people who were born that way!”

“It was better?” I asked hope filling my voice.

“It was much better.  This one girl was only eleven and she had lost her hearing but her sight was amazing, she picked up on all facial queues and emotions.  And her sense of smell was outrageously good.  She was able to tell what people were eating next door!” Wes was pacing excitedly now.  “It was the same with the blind girl.  She could hear people from far away, she could guess their age and weight not to mention male or female just by the sound of their footsteps Roz!” I assumed they had better senses in other areas, but never thought it would be that much better.

“We’ve been doing a ton of tests on all the volunteers we could get Roz, the outcome is amazing.  We brought you all of our data and everything we’ve done up until this point.  We should have been using these people years ago and instead they are stuck in a building all day just letting all that talent go to waste, and why?  Just because someone deems them not good enough because they aren’t like everyone else.” Wes was getting upset now and I could see the underlined hurt in him.  He wasn’t just talking about those people anymore.  He was talking about himself.  Wes has always been different, he has never exactly fit in and he is brilliant.  He is what gave me the idea initially.  If Wes’s intelligence could make up for the lack of social graces he has I was sure others would have the same type increase of sense.

I turn to Wes and Molly, “You guys did great!  This is far above and beyond anything I could hope for, now it’s time to make it happen!”  I turned to my intercom to call Judy into my office.  The door opened and Judy walked in directly.  “Yes Miss President how can I help you?” I sighed; will anyone ever just see me as Roz?  I swallowed my disappointment and let the excitement I felt earlier take back over.  “Yes Judy.  I would like to create a Disability Act and I need to make changes to the Career Department, I’m just not sure how exactly go about it.”  I could see the shock all over her face, followed quickly by a huge grin.  “Wow!  That was fast, yes Miss, I will call Bob, he is who you need to help you.”

Of course he is.  My face dropped.  Well it was bound to happen eventually.  “Yes please Judy, tell him to come as soon as he can.” I might as well get this over with.  I asked Wes and Molly to come back in a few hours once Bob and I got this figured out so we could celebrate.

It took hours for Bob and I to do everything that needed to be done for the Act.  We had to send it to the Foundation Council and to Cole, the head of the Career Board.  Once the foundation gave its approval it would be finalized.  Bob assured me that the Council should see no problem with it and in his own way let me know he was impressed with the Act.  But I could tell he was still greatly disappointed in me being President.  He said his goodbyes and said the Council should get back within the hour if it was approved.  The time frame shocked me, but I guess I know from experience the Council doesn’t mess around.  I called Wes and Molly in to share my victory.  They came right over and we broke into my chocolate stash to celebrate.

“So Roz, let’s hear the finalized version shall we?” Molly nodded her head excitedly in agreement with Wes.

“Alright, so it’s written in all that confusing jargon that Wes is probably the only person in the country who would understand.” Wes nodded like he agreed with that statement.

“So I’ll break it down.  Basically I put the children born with disabilities back on the radar for the Career Board.  I also made a specialty team within that department who will be in charge of this division since it will need to be handled with extra care.  Natasha, being free from any cases at the moment and having such an amazing eye at spotting talent-” This last statement earned me some pretty impressive eye rolls from both Wes and Molly.  “Is going to head up the Disability Unit.  I’m leaving it up to her to choose her team and go about it as she sees fit.  But their job is to monitor them as they would any other child and place them in a job that is suited for their strengths.  If jobs aren’t available it is up to Natasha to create them.”

This is very important to me.  There isn’t always a place for people with special talents, but that doesn’t mean those talents should go unused.  I think adding this new area in the Department of Career is going to be a win-win for everyone.  It gives us more talent to be used to better our Country, and it shows those people who are different that they are just as special as everyone else, and just as needed.  Being needed, I’ve learned over the years, can be a wonderful motivator.

“This is wonderful Roz!  I’m so proud of you.  Your first week and already you’ve made something important happen, with the help of your two amazing friends of course!”

“Of course!  I could never do any of this without you, which brings me to my next problem, what am I going to do  about my staff?” Molly raised her brow in confusion and Wes just looked puzzled.

“What’s wrong with your staff?” Wes asked.

“Well, nothing is wrong, they are just so….well, uptight!”  This had Wes cracking up.

“Really Roz, this is your huge problem, them being uptight?”  I roll my eyes at him.  I should have known he wouldn’t understand.

“Seriously Wes, I’m not like you.  What people think and how they act towards me affects me.  It will affect my work.  I need true support, ideas, camaraderie; not just robotic following of me because it is their job.  Yes I am the President but, they seriously need to loosen up a bit!”

“Well, just do what you do with me when I take things too seriously.”

“Beat you into submission?” Molly asks, earning the death glare from Wes.

“No, force them into a dance party.” Wes said smiling wide.  He was joking, well about making my staff dance, not about forcing him.  Lily and I have been forcing him to dance with us for years.  He may just be onto something.  Yes, the more I think about it the more a dance party is the answer.  Wes could see it all over my face and began shaking his head back and forth.  “Oh no, no Roz.  I was just joking.  It's one thing to force me to dance in private, it’s another to force professionals who represent our country.”

Molly, however, was completely in my corner with this as I knew she would be.  “Do it!  I think it’s awesome!” she stated.   Just then I had several beeps telling me I had incoming messages, many of them.

As the official statement of the Council, we approve of your act.  You’ve done us proud girl!


Thank you Miss President for letting me know so quickly.  We will start making changes and keep you updated on the process.  If there is anything else you need please ask.

*Cole Ronan

Roz, you seriously rock my socks off!  Thanks for the promotion!  ;-)


Well if this wasn’t a sign from above that a dance party needed to happen, what was!?

I opened my door and walked into Judy's office.  “Judy, can you pull up some upbeat dance music for me?  And call over to Cole Ronan and Natasha Starr and have them meet me here ASAP please?”

She looked at me like purple aliens were taking over my brain, but being the amazing assistant that she is she asked no questions.  She just nodded and said, “I will send them into your office and forward the music to you in there as well.”

“Thank you so much Judy and you might want to do a few stretches when you are done.”  I took off for my office at her look of horror and fled before she could ask questions.  I turned to Wes, who looked like he was going to throw up and Molly, who looked absolutely giddy.  “Are you guys ready for this?” Wes shouted “NO!” at the same time Molly screeched “YES!”

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