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Authors: Erica Chilson

Unleashed (33 page)

BOOK: Unleashed
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“Men just do not appreciate the taste of a woman. The
ir unique bouquet, the scents and tastes from sweet to musky. But, then again, what do they know? It’s the ones who love cheap, American beer who make the most pussy jokes. They just don’t have the palate for a fine wine.  It’s an acquired taste as they say about their tinny tasting brew. You, pet, are as soft as a peach and as sweet as one, too. I could drink you down all night long as you coat my tongue and the back of my throat.”

I continue to stroke, suck, lick, nibble, and bite until Mo
nica is rocking against my face, practically weeping in pleasure. I feel her getting close to the brink and withdraw over and over. The time in between is getting shorter and shorter, to where it is a constant need to cum.

Monica is driving me so high that I’
m grinding my cunt against the heel of my foot, closing in on my own release. I abruptly stop and stand, just before we both unleash.

“I brought someth
ing of mine from home for you, pet.” I say as I reach back to the nape of my neck and extract the cane that Ezra used on me earlier. I had hidden it in the back of my catsuit. “My master used this on me just before we came here. It seems I was a very bad Kat and he wouldn’t let me cum. So my pussy juices are all over the cane. Taste me.” I horizontally hold the switch near Monica’s lips. I leave it far enough away that she has to strain for it with her tongue. She makes little hungry noises as she licks the cane clean.

it good?” I purr. “Do you find me tasty, pet?”

Yes, Mistress. I want more,” Monica begs in a husky voice filled with need.

’s not what you want, now is it?” I ask for my master’s benefit and stifle a laugh.

“No, Mistress.
I only want what you provide,” Monica breathlessly murmurs.

“Oh, you are such an excellent little subbie. How proud you make me. I think you do need more o
f my taste. I know I need it.” My catsuit is blessedly free of zippers. It took Ezra and me twenty minutes to pull the thing on. I complained about how I was I going to pee while wearing it. He showed me the inventive flaps that are built in on both breasts and the crotch. It’s reminiscent of men’s briefs. You slide your hand in the flap one way, turn your hand and slide past the opposite flap finding your goal of skin. I do this now with the handy flap at my cunny. I slide two of my fingers inside myself and collect my juice on my fingertips.

“Open up, my good lil subbie
and take your reward,” I say as I stroke Monica’s bottom lip with one of my wet fingers. She moans as she opens her mouth. I slowly slide inside her warmth. She sucks my taste from my fingers, and I pull them out clean of my essence. I lean down and take her mouth with my own, mingling my taste from her mouth and hers from mine.

“Mistress, please, I’m go
ing to cum.” I smile against Monica’s lips and she joins me.

, we can’t have that, now can we?” I tease her. I flick my cane on the bud of her breast- lightly, not as hard as my master did to me earlier. I test Monica’s pain threshold. She doesn’t scream as I’d imagined. Monica loudly moans and acts like she is seconds away from release. No, we can’t have that, yet. It would be scene over. I don’t want to fail!

I tap her other nipple and I’m reward with a scream. Well, I didn’t tap that time. It was
a good, heavy swat. She’s still close to release- curiosity. “You’re a little pain slut, aren’t you, pet?” I say loudly for the crowd’s benefit.

“Yes, Mistress,” Monica
weakly replies. I smile at the crowd, hoping our onsite sadist enjoys her admission. I will get them their minivan and a gaggle of kids if it’s the last thing I do.

“Very well
, then, you will enjoy what’s to come. Do not climax, pain slut. I’ll punish you if you do. And it won’t be by your preferred method. I’m creative, I will figure out your currency,” I threaten Monica.

I walk behind Monica
and study her back for a moment. I’m transported back a few weeks to when Dexter displayed his craft on Tobias’ flesh. I’m no expert, but Monica really is a little pain slut, so I have room to experiment and improvise.

I swat Monica
in inconsistent intervals to keep her in suspense. She jerks in her swing. She still repeats a mixture of Oh God/Goddess/Kat. I’m not sure if she is calling me a Goddess or she is simply praying to God to make me stop. Monica’s will is mine tonight, and I will stop when I’m good and ready, unless and until she safewords.

fear I’m a closet sadist from the intense pleasure I derive from Monica’s pained pleas. If it wasn’t for the leather catsuit, I’d be dripping to my ankles. Leather isn’t absorbent, so I’m uncomfortable in my stickiness. I assume Ezra didn’t want my body on display this evening. I wish I were naked. It would be far more comfortable and breathable.

I step away from my work of art as Moni
ca listlessly hangs in her swing. I yank her head back by the hair and stare into her face. Monica gazes at me from glazed-over eyes. She looks at me as if she is witnessing the divine firsthand. Alright, maybe Monica was calling me a Goddess earlier. She truly is a pain slut. It is a sadist/masochist match made in heaven for her and Dexter.
I twirl my masterpiece around to display her as the art that she is to the awaiting mass of masters.

I hear a collective
when they see my handiwork. Monica’s back is marked with four perfectly placed letters.

“Just showing
that I don’t have to piss on or ejaculate in my submissive to prove that she is mine.” I speak into the crowd, but the party it was meant for got the message loud and clear.

“You’ve been such a good lil subbie
, letting me mark your back. I think it’s time for your reward. I purchased this for Skullfuck’s punishment. What we do for love.” I smile sweetly at the masters. “I haven’t got the taste for harming him over our first intimate moments- albeit, brutal and forced. So you will be the first one to enjoy my new toy.”

I walk over to the side where I see my hood just inside the circle of light. I assume that Ezra was the one to walk me into the dungeon and
remove my hood. If I were the master bringing someone in, I would place their bag of tricks with their hood. Let’s see if everyone is right and Ezra and I think alike. I pick up the hood and curse when my bag isn’t near it. I hate that fucking spot light. It truly does blind all the area outside of its radius. I fumble my hand in the blackness until I find my satchel by the texture of its canvas strap. I drag my prize into the light and release a snicker of victory.

“I think we should thank the Goddess Nyx for answering your prayers, Monica.” I pull a leather harness out of my
bag and step into it. Monica’s eyes widen at the sight. “I know you can take this,” I say as I wave a latex phallus. “Your former master prides himself on preaching the qualities of his exquisite cock.” I place air quotes around the word exquisite.

“I found one that is roughly the same size. I though it apropos that his punishment be the same as my own. Someday, we will see.” I slide the leather up my hips and buckle the straps in
to place. I give a tug to make sure the fit is perfect. I walk over to Monica and rearrange her in the swing. I face her towards the masters, breasts thrust out for their viewing pleasure. I adjust the straps from her thighs to her knees. She is suspended in the doggy style position. If you could find straps in a flesh tone, she would look as if floating in air.

I tap Monica’s
cheek with the toy and I’m rewarded with a heady moan. “Moisten the toy, pet. I know that you’re very excited, but I have a big, thick cock for you, and I don’t want to hurt you. Slobber it up for your own pleasure.”

I watch
in captivation as Monica sucks the toy until my fingers meet her lips. I gasp at the sight. Jesus, why would anyone give her up?

“Your new m
aster will be very pleased with your deep-throating skills, pet. I hope you can take a little more, since he’s bigger than this toy.” I finally break Dexter of his vow of silence. I hear his sharp intake of breath when he sees his newest slave deep-throat a nine-inch toy. 

I attach the phallus to the harness and stand behind Monica. My hand
slides up the side of her neck, lovingly, lingeringly stroking. She gasps out a moan when I tighten my fingers on her throat and I thrust into her to the hilt.

“Do you like that, p
et? Do you like my cock inside of you? I may not feel through it, but you’re clenching enough to vibrate the harness. Don’t cum, your pleasure is mine to give.” My voice changes from its usual tones. I sound husky, like a chain smoker or an excellent phone sex operator.

I pick a rhythm that satisfies us bo
th. I angle my hips so I hit Monica deeply while the base of the dildo grinds against my clit. I’m close to release, but it’s a matter of will not to do so. I want to prove to Ezra that I can hold my orgasm at bay. I will display the upmost restraint possible. It isn’t without great difficulty, though. I giggle when I realize that Ezra and I share one more personality trait, stubborn hardheadedness.

I close my eyes and seep into the sensations wracking my body. Every nerve is alive and thrumming with pleasure. I feel my lower belly tighten and fill with pressure
, signaling that soon, no matter how much control I exhibit, I will release whether my mind says no or not.

The moans, whimpers, and groans echoing around the
room speed my thrusts. Sweat gather at my hairline as the beads tickle against my skin.

“Monica, I wish
that I were inside you for real. I want to feel you milk my cock dry.” I whisper more naughty thoughts into Monica’s ear as she wildly rocks against my strap-on and howls her torturous pleasure at the ceiling.

“Such a good lil subbie
, you are. You know not to ask to cum. I give you permission to beg me. Beg me, Monica, beg me,” I chant in her ear.

“Please, Mistress, I ache so badly. If I don’t orgasm soon
, I will explode.” Monica pleads as she jerks in her swing, thrusting back onto my latex phallus. I close my eyes against the sounds of her cries and the force grinding into my clit. I bit my lip to stay my release.

“Trust me, p
et, I understand more than you can imagine. My Master forbid my release earlier, and now I’m proving that I can do him one better. I’m being a very good Kitty Kat for him. I want to make him proud. I want to please him as much as you please me.”

I tig
hten my hold on the front of Monica’s throat, digging my fingernails into her skin. The pressure I force is just this side of choking. I use the action to quiet her wails of pleasure. I test my endurance and hers as my body prickles and beads with goosebumps. I lean my head back and moan
to the ceiling during a full body shudder that makes me wonder if it’s possible to orgasm without release. The pressure is agonizing, pain that hurts so good.

“Cum for me, Monica. P
rove to me that I pleasure you like no other could.” I flex my fingers around her throat, holding her in place as she wildly writhes in my embrace. I concentrate on the force I exact so that I don’t accidently choke her, and it helps me control my own need to release. I hold Monica while her screams turn to cries and then whimpers. I hold her while her body-spasms decrease until she is silent and still. I brush the hair from her forehead and place a gentle kiss on it.

“You’ve pleased me to no end,
Monica. You will make your new master a very happy man.” I pull out of her pussy and detach the dildo from the harness. I walk in front of Monica and to the side, so that I don’t impede the audience’s viewing pleasure.

“Be a good girl and lick this clean. You were a messy, dirty, little, pain slut. Show me how much you appreciated all the hard work I
just did.” I help Monica out of the swing and point to the floor, signaling that I wish her to kneel. She kneels like an expert submissive. I hand her the phallus, and watch, mesmerized, as she licks and sucks it clean. I take the toy back from her as she rolls her eyes up at me. Monica looks at me through the lace of her eyelashes. Her lashes have clumped together from holding unshed tears.

“I thank you, Mist
ress,” Monica sobs out. She abases herself to the floor, resting her chin on the cold slate. A pink tongue dabs out between her lips and licks a wet line on my bare foot. I reach down and pet her. I soothingly run my fingers through the top of her hair, down to the nape of her neck, and around her jawline. I tip her chin up to me with a fingertip.

“I told you, you would be my new best fri
end. I don’t lie, Monica. Your only issue is your self-worth. You’re an amazing person and I hope you see that now.” I kiss Monica lightly on the lips, just a brush of a touch.

patiently wait while Monica kneels at my feet, awaiting the masters’ next move. I slowly count in my head. When I reach a hundred, I worry that I’m missing something important. When I reach a thousand, I start to sweat profusely. When I start to doubt myself, I want to cringe into the floor next to Monica.

“Place a hood on the submissive’s head, Mistress.” A
deep voice that sounds familiar, but I cannot place, ominously echoes throughout the cavernous dungeon. I smile when I note the use of Mistress, and it is definitely Mistress with a capitol M. I know I’ve passed their tests. The voice belongs to the top master- the Master of our universe. I’ve heard it before, but hell if I can place it.

BOOK: Unleashed
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