Unmistakeable (8 page)

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Authors: Abby Reynolds

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

BOOK: Unmistakeable
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She was quiet for a while. “The doctors want to avoid invasive procedures as much as possible. But they know they can’t any longer. And if I have to lay in this bed any longer, I’m going to read more erotica and you’ll be stuck listening to it.”

I smirked. “You’ll make my ears bleed.”

“Have you and Ash done the deed?”

My Nana was practically my mom. I told her almost everything. She knew when I had my first kiss, my first boyfriend, and when I lost my virginity. Besides, she was shrewd and observant. It was impossible to hide anything from her. “No.”

She raised her eyebrows. “I’m surprised.”

“I wanted to—twice—but he didn’t. He says he wants to take things slow, make sure I’m ready.”

“He’s such a fine man. I couldn’t have picked a better husband for you.”

I smiled. “You really like him?”

“Honey, I love him. He’s hard and tough like a man who’s experienced more loss than a young person should, but he’s youthful and optimistic. He pretends he doesn’t care only because he cares too much.”

“I’m guessing he didn’t tell you he used to be the biggest manwhore in the world?”

“He mentioned it. But I think he just needed the right girl to change his ways. And if you ask me, that makes him even better. He isn’t deceitful and says exactly what he wants. You never have to be afraid of him lying to you. You only need to fear how much the truth will hurt you.”

“I feel like you know him better than I do.”

“We spent a lot of time together.”

I leaned back in the chair and watched the monitor. “When is this surgery planned?”

“We haven’t picked a day. But soon.”

“How does Ash feel about it?”

She was quiet for a long time. “He’s not my physician anymore.”

“He’s not?”

“No. His rotation moved him to emergency medicine.”

“So, he doesn’t know about the surgery?”

She fell quiet again. “He’s aware of it.”

What did that mean?

“Now, what did you bring me to eat?”

I grabbed the Tupperware of lasagna and handed it to her. “It’s vegetarian.”

She picked up her fork and dug in. “It’s good. I’m sure Ash is glad he has a woman who can cook.”

“He appreciates it.”

“He’s a good man, Alaska. Don’t let him go.”

I didn’t plan on it. “I won’t.”



I wasn’t looking forward to dinner with my parents. The fact they didn’t invite Livia told me they wanted to discuss my future in medicine. My dad probably wanted to give me insights to residency in surgery, and my mom would be there to increase the pressure.

“Is there something wrong?” Alaska asked while we lay in bed.

“I’m just…annoyed.”

“Did I do something?” She was wearing my t-shirt and boxers, looking like a wet dream.

“No.” I turned on my side and gripped her waist. “I’m having dinner with my parents tomorrow night.”

“If you loathe them so much why do you spend time with them?”

I sighed. “They’re my parents…”

“Are you…going to tell them about us?”

I looked into her eyes. “Yeah, I am. They aren’t going to like you and they’re going to be dicks about it, but I don’t care. But I’d rather tell them when you aren’t around so you don’t have to deal with their shit.”

“But they don’t even know me…”

‘They don’t care. They want to know if you’re from a wealthy family and you’re getting a proper education. Since you have neither you’re automatically banned.”

She sighed sadly. “If they’re never going to accept me then…”

“Don’t even go there. If they disrespect you in any way after I tell them, I’ll turn my back on them and never speak to them again. I can put up with their shit, but I’ll make sure you never have to.”

“I don’t want you to lose your family because of me.”

“You are my family.”

Her eyes softened when she looked at me in the darkness.

I cupped her face and kissed her gently. “You’re everything to me. I can live without my family but I can’t live without you.”

Her breathing increased at my words. I’d wanted to tell her I loved her for a while, but I wasn’t sure if she felt the same. What if it was too soon? What if it scared her? Jace showed up on her doorstep the other day and complicated things. I’m sure seeing his appearance brought back a lot of painful memories. Now wasn’t the best time to tell her my deepest feelings. But honestly, if she didn’t know already she was completely blind.

She snuggled closer to me. “You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. You were such a jerk in the beginning, but that makes you even better.”

“You like the fact I was an ass?”

“I like the fact you’re only not an ass to me.”

I ran my fingers through her hair.

“My grandmother told me something interesting today…”

“What did that wise woman say?”

“They you skipped two of your exams just to help me…and you lost clinical hours because of it.”

Damn, I was caught.

She sat up and looked at me. “Is that true?”

I couldn’t lie. “Yeah.”

Her lips pressed together tightly, the emotion filled her eyes. “You did that for me?”

“You’re more important than anything, Alaska. And that was true even if we weren’t together.”

She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Jace wouldn’t have even done that for me…”

“That’s why I’m lying in this bed with you and he isn’t.”

“My own sister wouldn’t have done that for me.”

I smirked. “Well, that woman is an enigma.”

She chuckled. “Yeah, she is.” She moved her hand under my shirt, feeling the abs of my lower stomach. She drew small circles with her finger and didn’t meet my gaze. When a strand of hair fell from behind her ear, she didn’t tuck it back. “You were always there. I didn’t realize it at the time but you were…you know I don’t like Chinese food.”

I knew a lot more about her than her preference for food.

“I just…”

I stared at her, feeling my heart race. I was practically on the edge of my seat, waiting for the words I longed to hear. In my heart, I knew she felt the same way I did. The attraction between us was undeniable. The trust was even stronger. And our friendship was the foundation to all of it. I would be the man to take care of her, to stand by her side through the good and the bad. She was more important than anything else. I was here for the long haul, every day that she wanted me.


Come on
. “What, darling?” I grabbed the fallen strand and tucked it behind her ear, revealing her face.

That seemed to snap her trance. “Nothing.”


I arrived to the restaurant late on purpose. The less time I spent with these stiff people, the better. I knew they wouldn’t approve of Alaska at all. Just her name alone would make them dislike her. A freelance photographer would never be good enough for their son. What was she doing for her retirement? What was she investing in? All they cared about was shit that didn’t matter.

I looked around the restaurant then finally spotted my mom’s ridiculously shiny hair in the crowd. I sighed then headed to their table.

“My boy.” My mom stood up then kissed me on the cheek.

I hated how she acted like our last meeting didn’t end with me walking out. “Hi, Mom.”

My dad embraced me next, patting me on the back like he always did.

Then I sat down and immediately looked at the wine list. I needed some alcohol—now. “So, what’s this about?” Let’s just cut to the chase. Did they have a doctor they wanted me to work for? An internship?

“Can we just have a meal together without any fuss?” my mom asked. “As a family?”

“If we’re a family, where’s Livia?”

My mom swatted my hand. “Be on your best behavior.”

“Am I five?”

She stared at my father. “Talk to him.”

About what?

“Just listen to your mother.” He put on his reading glasses then looked at the menu.

“We have a guest and we want you to make a good impression,” my mom whispered.

So I was meeting a doctor that Dad knew.

“Here she comes. Stand up.”

Stand up?

A young brunette came from the bathroom and to her chair. She was my age, with hair as silky as my mother’s. She had fair skin, perfect make up, and she held her self straighter than a board.

Oh no.

“Clementine, this is my son, Ashley.”

“Ash,” I said with a growl.

She shook my hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“Likewise.” I was going to kill my parents. I couldn’t believe they were doing this to me.

We all sat down.

I was trying to bottle my rage but it was a struggle.

“Clementine is completing her residency in emergency medicine,” my mom explained. “Her family owns a few urgent cares in the San Fernando Valley.”

“Impressive,” I said politely.

“And she’s a beautiful girl.” My mom shot me a glare.

“Of course.” I was pissed at my parents for doing this, but the girl didn’t deserve to be treated with disrespect. She had no idea what was going on.

My mom shared a look with my father then stood up. “We’ll give you two some privacy.”

“Whoa, hold on.” I stood up. “Mom, I’m not doing this.”

“Don’t be rude,” she hissed.

Clementine remained in her seat, watching me.

“Mom, I have a girlfriend.”

“A girlfriend?” Her face blanched. “Please do not tell me it was that photographer I saw you with. I just assumed she was one of the girls who…entertain you.”

I never wanted to slap my mom before but I wanted to do it now. “Yes, her name is Alaska, and I’m in love with her. This isn’t going to work.”

She grabbed my arm and yanked me out of earshot. “You failed to mention this to me.”

“Because my personal life is none of your business. Mom, I’m almost thirty. Who I fuck and don’t fuck is none of your concern.”

She gasped at my profanity. “Ashley, knock it off now.”

“No. You need to respect my choices.”

“I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” Her eyes were wide. “Now this poor girl is here. If you gave her a chance, I know you would love her. She’s elegant, smart, poised—”

“She’s not Alaska.”

“What kind of name is that?” she snapped. “She’s a good for nothing hippie.”

“She’s a beautiful and talented artist.”

She grabbed her purse from the back of the chair. “You
have dinner with her and you
take her home.”

“No.” I held my ground.

“Then she’ll have to walk. Come on, Bill. Let’s go.”

You’ve got to be kidding me.

My parents left, leaving me alone with Clementine.

Whether I had a girlfriend or not, I wouldn’t leave a girl stranded. I sighed then sat down across from her. “I’m sorry about that…”

“It’s okay.” She looked down at her hands then turned back to me. “They just asked me to meet their son. My parents pushed me into it too. I know how you feel.”

At least she was cool about it.

“So, you have a girlfriend?”

“I do. And I love her.” I wanted it to be clear this was not a date.

“Your parents don’t accept her?”

“If she doesn’t have an MD, she isn’t good enough.” I clenched my fist just thinking about it.

“Geez, they sound like my parents. When my dad found out I was dating a guy in a band, I thought he was going to put a hit on him.”

I laughed. “That sounds close to home.”

She rolled her eyes. “Right.”

“What happened to him?”

“He went on tour and we broke up. I wanted to go with him but my parents insisted I stay in school. Totally lame. I wanted to see Europe but they insisted I would see it some other time. Like when? When I’m forty and boring?”

I laughed again. “Yeah, it makes me wonder what I would have done with my life if I wasn’t pressured to be like my father.”

“Me too.”

The silence descended on the table. Since we were here, we may as well have dinner. And she seemed pretty cool. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” I asked.

“We’re here, right?”

“Yeah.” I relaxed while I sat across from her.

“Tell me about your girlfriend.”

“Her name is Alaska.”

“Cool name.”

“Yeah. She’s a freelance photographer. She’s beautiful. She’s warm. And she’s everything I ever wanted in a woman.”

“She sounds wonderful.”

“She is.”

“It’s a shame your parents don’t approve.”

I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care. If my parents push me to the point where I have to disown them, I will.”

“Wow…you really do love her.”

“More than anything.”

“Your parents will see that and eventually accept it.”

“I don’t give a damn if they do or don’t.”

The waiter came to our table and took our order. When we were alone again, I asked her about her experience in emergency medicine. She and I had a lot in common. We even had the same personality. She was actually really cool. Perhaps if my heart wasn’t already taken something could have happened. But I was more than happy with the girl I fell in love with.

“Are you seeing anyone now?” I asked.

“No.” She sighed. “My parents know everyone, so if they spot me with ‘trash’ they’ll know about it then give me hell. I can only spend time with my future husband. If he isn’t good enough to marry, I shouldn’t spend time with him.”

“I’m glad I’m a boy. I messed around a lot and my parents never drilled me for it. But they did it to my sister.”

“What’s wrong with just wanting to go to a bar and hook up? I’ve done that a few times but didn’t use my real name. It’s ridiculous. Let me make my own mistakes and learn from them. Geez.”

I laughed. “I feel like we’re different versions of the same person.”

“What would you have pursued if you weren’t pushed into medicine?”

I never thought about it before. “I’m not sure. My parents bred me to be a doctor since I was little. I’m not even sure what my other passions are. What about you?”

“Music. I’ve played the violin all my life but I’ve fallen in love with my guitar.”

“A musician…I can’t think of a worse career to please your parents.”

“I know, huh?” She laughed.

The waiter returned with our plates and we ate in comfortable silence.

“So, are you going to propose soon?”

“No,” I said quickly. “We haven’t even told each other we love each other.” I thought about the evening before. I was pretty sure she was going to say it but she didn’t.

“Is this a new romance? The way you talk about her makes it sound like its been around for a lifetime.”

“It’s complicated…we’ve only been together for about a month, but our romance goes back much further than that. I was in love with her far before she even noticed me.”

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