Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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“Amaya is modest,” Mr. Hansen said. I smiled at his comment.

“Oh my gosh, I love those shoes. Where did you find them?”

“That’s our queue to leave the girls to do the girl talk.”

“Right behind you dad,” Lance said.

“It was a real pleasure meeting you. I hope to see you again soon,” Mrs. Hansen said as she gave me a casual hug. They headed over to one of the tables to sit as the staff announced they were getting ready to serve dinner.

“I’m sorry, I know where you got the shoes from, but I wanted to get you by yourself for a few minutes. My brother is really crazy about you. You know he has a checkered past, don’t you?” I looked at Jaimie with a look of concern, not exactly sure what she was referring to.

“I know about his birth defect and how he overcame that challenge.”

“No, not that,” she explained. “Nicky, he is or was sort of a bad boy. He was always angry and had a fuck the world type attitude. For his nineteenth birthday, Dad told him that he needed to get his shit together or the next time he gets in trouble he is on his own.”

“Trouble? What kind of trouble,” I inquired.

“Um, yeah. Fights, wild parties, and girls on top of girls with girls sex parties. Completely out there. I wanted to tell you because my brother is head over heels for you and he has put that life behind him. But, I have seen that look he had tonight and it led to nothing but bad things.” I stood there trying to digest what Jaimie said and couple it with what I heard Michael say to him.

“Maya, they are ready to serve dinner,” Samantha interrupted.

“Okay, Samantha, thanks. It was nice meeting you, Jaimie. Maybe we can do lunch or a spa day together.”

“That would be great. I’ll have Nicky to give me your number.” Samantha and I left and went to our seats. I had many questions and the one person that could answer them isn’t here. I sat at the table with a blank stare barely touching my food.

“What’s on your mind?” Samantha asked with great concern.

“Nothing really. Overwhelmed tonight, that’s all.”

“Yeah, it has been a lot to take in for one night,” she said. “So where do you think he went?”

“I have no clue. I hope he’s okay.” I decided to put my worrying aside and eat my dinner.



The evening continued with dessert and dancing on the makeshift parquet dance floor. We mingled as the NFL committee stopped by to enjoy themselves, although we were secretly hoping that they would take note of the NHL committee that was there also since we signed with them. We highlighted Hansen construction and used photos of the opening of the art studio a few weeks back to beef up their portfolio. Mr. Binning stood in the middle of the stage and called everyone to attention as he had an announcement to make.

“Now, as many of you know, the marketing industry is hard work, harder for a woman. Amaya Davis proved to us over the last two years that she embodies hard work, determination, and drive. In the one year that she has been in our newly acquired sports division, she has landed lucrative deals with the largest to date being the NHL sponsorship recently closed this week and a potential NFL deal on the horizon.”

“Tonight we want to thank her and her team for their hard work and dedication. We are creating a spot for Amaya and we hope that she will be comfortable with the new position of Sports Division Marketing Executive.” The crowd began to clap and cheer. Samantha screamed inadvertently because that means she will now be my assistant and we would need to fill our positions. Gabrielle was cheering along with the crowd.

“Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce Amaya Davis.” I did not know I was to meet Mr. Binning on stage or I would have worn something different. I got up and went to the dance floor where Mr. Binning was standing as instructed.

“Now, I know that this is making you uncomfortable, but Charles, Carl, and myself wanted to award you.” Mr. Anderson and Mr. Binning walked over to where we were standing with a plaque.

“This plaque reads: Amaya Davis on behalf of Binnings Marketing; we present you this award for your dedication, hard work, and professional work ethics.” They handed me an envelope and told me to open it in the privacy of my home and it is not to be shared. I hugged each of them and we paused for photos. Samantha had tears streaming, she was happy, and Gabrielle couldn’t help but join. This was a great moment, but I noticed Mr. Hansen on the phone and walking away from all the festivities. I knew it had to be about Nicholas. I thought back to what Jaimie told me about her brother as I watched Mrs. Hansen run to catch up with her husband. We all headed back to our seats and the DJ continued to play once Jim Binning dismissed us.

The festivities started to wind down and, to be honest, I was beginning to grow more worried about Nicholas. I kept checking my phone to see if he had called, but I didn’t have any notifications at all. I walked over to the bridge where we last were and looked up at the starlit sky and then checked my phone again as if I said a prayer to the heavens.

“You keep looking at your phone. Are you expecting a call from someone?” I heard a familiar voice speak to me. I was so startled that I jumped and dropped my phone in the water. I turned and was relieved at the sight of him.

“Nicholas.” I breathed out.

“Shh, I don’t want anyone to know I am here.” Nicholas started walking toward me. “I’ve been here for a while, observing the party, watching you. See what kind of mood you were in and if talking would be possible tonight, or if we would even be talking.” He grabbed me and kissed me so hard that my mouth bruised. He was breathing heavily after that exchange of saliva and so was I. I kept my eyes closed while I inhaled his scent. When I opened them, he was smiling at me.

“Come with me,” he directed. I couldn’t speak I just nodded in agreement.


I followed him through the other side of the building to a dark and secure location. No one would be able to find us. I felt my heartbeat accelerating, not sure what was to be expected. I didn’t know if we were going to talk about this evening, his bad boy past, or us. All those things needed to be discussed regardless if we were going to have a relationship or not. He grabbed my hand and held it up, examining me.

“I can’t get over how you look tonight. It’s fucking hard for me to control myself right now.” He ran his hand through his hair in an exasperated way. All I could do is stare at him, reading his body language, looking for clues to how he was feeling. He pulled me in closer and we were standing face to face, breathing heavily at the anticipation of what could be. The throbbing in between my legs started to match my heartbeat. I reached my hand up to touch his face and he moved.

“Don’t Maya. I just want to have this moment, this one moment with you, taking in every curve of your face, the sparkle of your eyes, fullness of your mouth.

This was making me hotter than I cared to tell him. I took a deep breath and decided to break the silence before it became louder.

“I, I think I better get back before they notice I am gone.” I turned to walk away, but he grabbed me and pulled me back in. This time, he kissed me with softer force and greater desire versus passion. I felt his hand run up my thigh to the top of my panties. He pushed into me tighter and I could feel his bulge growing in his pants. I wanted more of his mouth, and I pushed in on it more. I bit his lip as I pulled away. His kisses left me with a hunger that needed to be satisfied.

“Nicholas,” I said, as his phone began to ring.

“Ugh!” he said rolling his eyes as he grabbed his phone from his inside pocket. “Yeah? Really? Okay, thanks for the information.” He hung up.

“Is that important?” I asked, never the one to stand in the way of business.

“Not nearly as important as you,” he replied.

“I know we need to talk and I want to know everything, but I will be patient and wait for you to tell me when you are ready.” I could hear the DJ announce the event was ending in about thirty minutes.
Ready to Love Again
by Lady Antebellum began to play after his announcement.

“Oh, it’s almost over. I had better get back,” I said. I turned to head back to the main floor of the party when he stopped me by blocking my path.

“Would you like to dance?” He flashed that mega-watt smile while he pulled me in closer and placed his hands upon my waist. How could I resist that smile? I gave in and placed my arms around his neck.

We danced slowly as I rested my head on his shoulder, forgetting about the evening's events that transpired earlier, listening to the words of the song and singing along. I could hear him softly singing the lyrics to me as if it were an admission of his feelings. I looked up and he was looking down at me, still softly serenading me. I remembered meeting his family earlier and felt the need to break the ice.

“Your brother and sister are nice.”

“You met them?”

“Um, your dad introduced us earlier, after you took off.”

“My dad? He introduced you?” He was surprised at the gesture and had a warm glow on his face at the thought.

“He must think I love you or something,” he said with a sarcastic overtone while looking at me trying to search for my reaction.

I smiled back at him instead of confronting the obvious as I rested my head back on his shoulder and we danced until the song ended.

“I think I should really get back,” I said, not wanting this moment to end.

“Okay, I’ll escort you back to the festivities.” We walked back along the bridge and I remembered what happened earlier.

“Fuck, my phone,” I said.

“Yes, the one you dropped in the water.”

“If you hadn’t startled me, I would not have dropped it, Mr. Hansen.” I gave him a playful shove with my shoulder.

“Careful, Maya, that will incite an urge I’ve been fighting all night.”

“Hmm, and what urge is that?” I teased, knowing I felt the answer when we were on the other side of the building.

He stopped our forward motion and whispered in my ear, “To rip those sexy lace panties off you and fuck you in one thrust,” and kissed my ear as he backed away. I let out a deep breath because I know he could do what he said he could do. I felt the weather change in my panties; it was now warm and humid too.

He began to walk toward the guests as I stood there pondering what he said. I started to feel like I was the reason for the water flowing beside me. I gathered my composure and walked toward the crowd as the event was closing out.

“Girl, where in the hell have you been?” Samantha yelled.

“I had things to take care of and I dropped my phone in the water.”

“Oh, that’s why you didn’t answer. Was that Nicholas that came from that direction?”

“I wasn’t paying attention. I was over there by the bridge.” I didn’t know if Nicholas wanted anyone to know that he had been here in the shadows or not.

“Mr. Anderson wants you to close out the evening.”

“Okay. Sure.” My mind was still rocked by the words Nicholas said to me before leaving me throbbing and aching for his touch.

“Are you okay, Maya? You look flustered.” Hearing her words snapped me back to reality

“I’m fine. Shocked about losing my phone, that’s all.”

“Ugh, they are expensive if you don’t have the insurance. But what am I saying, we got a raise!” She was goofy. We walked toward the floor where Mr. Anderson and the rest of the staff were awaiting my arrival. I thanked everyone for coming and made sure to acknowledge our honored guests including Hansen Construction. Mr. Hansen acknowledged me with a hand gesture and Nicholas blew me a kiss. That gesture made a few of the guests smile and howl. I felt embarrassed. The crowd applauded the evening and as they left, we made sure to make contact with our guests. Nicholas was standing there staring at me as we closed out the evening.

“Ay Caramba, mami,” Gabrielle said. “He has it bad for you, just look at him.”

“Trust me, I am,” I replied. Our stare was locked on to each other as if we were the only two there. Nicholas walked over to me, not breaking our hold.

“Maya, I have a few things to go take care of. Would you please wait for me at my place? I’m sure the limo driver can drop you off there.”

“Oh, okay,” I said. I still felt like I was in a trance.

“Nicholas, I’ll make sure the limo driver takes her there,” Samantha said.

“Thanks, Sam,” he replied with a smile. He turned around as his family was walking over.

“It was a pleasure to meet you,” Mrs. Hansen spoke as she reached out to hug me.

“Yes, it was great meeting you as well,” I replied while catching Nicholas roll his eyes at his mother.

“I am sure we’ll be seeing more of you in the future.” She casually suggested that as she looked at Nicholas and with a wink and a smile, they all turned to leave.

“Whoa, his mom is… hot.” Gabrielle and Samantha spoke in unison as they watched them leave. I watched as Nicholas and his family walked toward the exits and then disappeared.

“You are a mess, Maya. Come on let’s go. I promised the delivery of a package.” We hugged and told Gabrielle bye and waved by to the others as the cleanup crew arrived. The limo was patiently waiting for us and our driver opened the door for us to get in. The ride home was quiet. I thought about what the evening held for me once I got to his place and Samantha had drifted off to sleep. Once we arrived, I asked the driver to wait so that I could grab a few things and then he was to take me to Nicholas’s place. We got up to my place and I packed a weekend bag. I was willing to stay the entire weekend if it meant to get the air clean between us and put everything on the table. Samantha agreed to stay at my place in case of an emergency.

BOOK: Unthinkable (Undeniable Trilogy #1)
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