Until I Met You (10 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“Of course not, that would be lovely.”

He smiled, making me feel a little guilty.  He seemed nice, and I didn’t do nice.  “Great, have you got your phone on you?  I can give you my number and you can text or call me when you have a lunchtime free.”

My personal phone was in my pocket, so I grabbed it and punched the number in he read out.  I told him that I had better head back to the crowd and he said he would look forward to my call.

As I got back, Shelly looked at my smiley face.  “What took you so long?  You haven’t been up to no good in the toilets have you?”

I thought back to Brian and I at the wedding and I cringed.  “No, of course not.  I bumped into STD’s uncle of all people.”

Her eyes went wide.  “Shit, no kidding?”

“Yep,” I said taking a swig of my newly filled champagne glass.  I looked over to where he was, and sure enough, he was back at the table with his friends.  He raised his glass to me and I leaned in towards Shelly.  “In fact, he’s over there,” I whispered, raising my glass back.  I saw the men he was with eyeing me, and then they turned his attention away by talking to him.

I smiled at Shelly and she gushed a little. 

Turning back to the bar, I barely had time to swig another sip of my drink when I felt his hot breath behind my ear.  I knew immediately it was him.  His smell, his presence, everything about him I suddenly was in tune to.

“How come you know my uncle?” he whispered.

Turning back around, I smiled at him as his blue eyes burned into mine.  “I had the pleasure of meeting him by the ladies loo.” 

His eyes widened and I inwardly chuckled at his reaction.  “He’s a very nice, polite guy your uncle.  You could certainly learn a thing or two from him.”  I could see his fists tightening at his sides and I was happy that—for a change—the boot was on the other foot.  “We’re meeting for coffee one day this week,” I sang, deciding to have him hook, line, and sinker.

“Really?” he asked.  “We shall see about that.”  With a turn of his heels, he stormed off in Paul’s direction.

“What did STD want?” Shelly asked.

I sighed, but couldn’t hide my delight.  “It would seem, for some reason, he’s not too happy about his uncle Paul and I meeting for coffee sometime this week.”  As I spoke, I spied him sitting next to Paul, but pretty soon a heated debate seemed to ensue.  I hoped Paul would give him what for.  He needed taking down a peg or two.

“Wait a minute, did I hear right, that’s his uncle?”

She was obviously completely oblivious before when I said it.  “Yeah,” I said laughing.  “It would seem that playboying runs in families.  Paul’s father had children in later years.”

Shelly nodded her head.  “Ah.”  She looked over to Paul and Seth, and saw their heated discussion.  “It certainly looks like he’s pissed.”  She laughed a little but turned back to the bar. 

For some strange reason I was feeling a little warm inside that he felt some of the anger I did around him.  He always looked as cool as a cucumber and it just made me hate him even further.

The feeling didn’t last very long when a group of girls, in mid-discussion, interrupted Seth and Paul’s conversation by landing practically on Seth’s lap.  He smiled sweetly at them and caressed one of their backs—at least I think it was her back.

He looked towards me and the fucker grinned like a Cheshire cat.  What the fuck?  Does he really think I care?

I turned around so I didn’t have to watch the spectacle and carried on drinking my champagne.  I was thinking that two could play that game, when I found myself wandering over to Jonathan.  I knew Seth didn’t like Jonathan liking me, so I thought I would use that to my advantage.

“Hi Jonathan,” I purred.

He took one swift perusal of me and smiled his sexy grin.  “Angelina, my favourite girl,” he whispered in my ear.

He placed his hand on my back and I instinctively edged closer to him.  I knew Seth was watching.  I could almost feel the burn at the back of my head.  Now all I needed to do was find some random guy and kiss him.  Could I really do that? 

Why am I even caring for fucks sake?!

“You did really well today my girl,” he said, pouring another glass for me.  “I’m so glad I asked you here.  You’re an excellent seller and I knew that about you from the start.  Here’s to a budding relationship with Francis and Co.”  Jonathan raised his glass with a wink.

“Thank you, Jonathan, that means a lot,” I beamed, clinking his glass.

Leaning his elbows on the bar, Jonathan regarded me for a moment.  “Have you spoken to your mum and dad recently?  How are they getting on?”

“Fine,” I said smiling.  “They’re missing the fact that I’m not around anymore, but I’ll visit them when I can.  You never know, maybe they can come to London.”

“Well, they’re always welcome to stay at my place if that happens.”

I looked at him, smiled, and he smiled back.  Our eyes suddenly locked for a moment.  I’m not sure if it was the alcohol, or the fact that he’s the sexiest mature man I have ever seen, but I knew that any other circumstances, that split second thought, could have got me into a lot of trouble.

Thankfully we were interrupted by a presence in the corner of our eyes.  I turned, but wasn’t pleased by who interrupted us.

“Mr Jacobs,” I said with sarcastic enthusiasm.  I had to smile inside though.  He didn’t look too happy.

“Angel.  Are we enjoying ourselves this evening?”

I sighed, wanting him to see how exasperated I was.  “It’s been perfect up to now.”

Jonathan gave me a reproachful look and turned towards Seth.  “Mr Jacobs, it’s been quite an eventful day.”  He smiled and Seth followed suit.

“Yes, it has.” Seth smirked and raised an eyebrow at me.  “I was hoping to speak with the lovely young Angel here, if I can steal her away from you for a few minutes?”

“Not at all,” he said gesturing with his hands to me.  “Steal away.”

I gave Jonathan a dirty look and he just shrugged and turned to Brad.  “Haven’t you got some bunnying to do?” I asked, looking towards the group of girls.  They didn’t look none too pleased by Seth’s sudden interest in me either.  “They don’t look very happy.  I shouldn’t keep you... in fact, where’s your uncle?  He’s so much nicer to talk to.”

Seth shook his head with a sarcastic smile.  “First of all, bunnying?  That isn’t even a word; second of all, those ladies will keep. They won’t mind waiting for me, I can assure you that.  And thirdly, I don’t think it’s a good idea to let you speak with my uncle.”

What?  Did I just hear him correctly?  “Excuse me, where do you get off?” I huffed.

“Oh, believe me when I say, I never need to
get off
.  I have plenty of women offering to do that for me.”  The impish grin soon appeared.

I shook my head in distaste.  “You’re disgusting, do you know that?”

“Yes, but I’d rather be disgusting with you.  Just say the word and I’ll ditch those girls and have you screaming my name back at your place within minutes.”

I didn’t like it, but his presence, and the drink had me wanton.  It would be so easy to say yes to this man.  Maybe if I did, he would leave me the fuck alone.  He said I was a challenge.  I could give in and then he’ll be off onto is next target.  The thought was tempting, but I hated him too much to relax my ground.

“You seriously have a chip on the shoulder issue, buddy.  You really think you’re the biggest thing since sliced bread, don’t you?  And seriously, screaming your name within minutes.  Come on.”  I rolled my eyes for good measure.

“Oh baby, I’m definitely going to crack your cookie, no matter how much you protest, it will happen.  And yes, I bet I can have you screaming my name.  You’ll feel how good I am inside you, love it, and I’ll leave you wanting more.  I can guarantee it.”

My goodness it was tempting to find out.  “Well, mister, this cookie isn’t for sale in order for you to crack.  Go back to your bunnies.  I think they’ll explode if you don’t return to them soon.”

“I’m in no hurry,” he said smiling.

“I can see that,” I replied, completely exasperated by him.  “Anyway, let’s get to the point: your uncle, why do you give a damn about me meeting him?”

He leaned in closer sending my pulse into overdrive.  “It’s bad etiquette and I told him that.”

No matter what I couldn’t give into him.  “What’s bad etiquette?”

“To go after someone I’m after.  It’s just not what friends and family members do to each other.  I told him that much.”

I still couldn’t help myself.  I was way too intrigued.  “Oh yes, and what did he say?”

“He said that I had a cheek considering there is any number of girls I could pick.  He said you were nice and he didn’t want me corrupting you.”

If only his uncle knew!

“He said that, did he?”  I had to feel a little smug at that.

“Yes, and don’t smile like that.  No matter how much you gush and think he’s a great guy, it ain’t happening.  Period.”

If we weren’t in a very public place I think I would have smacked him one by now.  “You’re such an asshole.”

Seth’s face looked just as frustrated as mine.  “And you’re the most stubborn woman I have ever met in my life.”

Shaking my head, I pointed at him.  “Not stubborn, just not interested.”

Within an instant his features changed.  He was back to being his smug self.  “Now that’s not true and you know it.  You can’t wait until I get between those silky thighs of yours,” he said whispering in my ear.  “I assure you that you won’t be disappointed.”

I shut my eyes, letting the flame take over.  He just felt so good.  Way too good.

“Hmm, you smell of champagne and roses.”

He gently bit my earlobe, making me shudder under his touch.  I really hated my body at that moment. 

Pulling his head back, he noticed my huge fuck up.  He smiled knowingly and it instantly made me cringe.

“You never answered my text?” he said breaking me from my thoughts.

Thank God he never said anything.  “What text?”

“The one where I asked if you were thinking of me.  Were you thinking about me?”

I was, but I certainly wasn’t about to divulge that to him.  His ego’s about the size of Mount Everest.  He didn’t need me to add a few more feet in height to it.

“No,” I said twiddling my hair.

“Do you do that a lot?” he asked


“Twiddle your hair?  You were doing it the today at the viewings.”

“Was I?” I asked bemused.

“Yes.  It makes me want to twiddle it around my fingers and pull you towards me.”

I knew what he was doing and I wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction.  “I do it when I’m bored,” I said, trying to act it.

That sexy eyebrow of his raised itself again.  “Oh really?”

He smiled, a crooked smile and it was then I noticed something different about him.  He had a dimple.  I was a sucker for dimples.  Something else to hate him over.

“Yes really.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have drinking with my friends and colleagues to continue.  I’m sure your company will be pleased you’re
leaving with me tonight.”  I was about to turn and remembered something else to say.  “And another thing.  Paul and I met, we like each other and I
be going for coffee with him this week—and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it.”

I was hoping he’d get mad, but he didn’t.  He simply smiled and shook his head.  “As I said, we’ll see about that.”  With a swift turn, he left.

Contriving, malicious, vindictive son of a bitch!  I really didn’t know who he thought he was.

He went back to his bunnies, smiling that perfect grin of his.  His uncle looked like he was enjoying the show.  He even winked at me.

“So, what did Mr Jacobs want?” Anthony asked.

“He wanted to know if he could take me back to my place and make me scream.”

“He what?” Anthony blurted.  I could hear Shelley laughing her head off on the other side of me.

“The look on your face, Anthony.  Priceless,” Shelley chuckled.  “Anyway, what did you say?”

I could still see Seth staring at me.  It was an intense stare.  He didn’t seem to want to move his eyes away.  He was capturing me, and I was quickly becoming his prisoner.

“I told him to go back to his bunnies.  He said that he didn’t want me to go out with his uncle Paul.”

“He can’t say that,” Shelly and Anthony said together, making me laugh.

“I know, right?  I told him that I will go out with who I damn well please, and that me and him will be going for coffee.”

“What did he say?” Anthony probed.

“He said, and I quote, ‘We’ll see about that’, and walked off.  Little prick.  He thinks that because he’s after me, that means his uncle should clear the path for him.  He said that friends and relatives don’t do that to each other.”

Anthony nodded his head in agreement.  “That is true.  I’ll give him that, but it doesn’t look like he’s spoilt for choice over there.”  He pointed towards the group and all our eyes followed.

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