Until I Met You (13 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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They carried on much the same and told me all the gossip about town.  What shocked me completely was when my mum told me that Brian was dating Veronica.  She finally managed to sink her teeth into him.  I had to smile at that.  “How long has that been going on?”  It was hard to contain the laughter building, but I managed to hold it together.

“About a couple of weeks.  Not long.  She’s always been determined to get that boy.”  She smiled at me as if to say, ‘I know why she never did’.  I smiled back to let her know I was fine about it.  I was actually happy for him.  As long as she treats him okay, who was I to judge?  I didn’t like her, but she didn’t like me.  She might be a really nice person deep down.  She was just jealous of mine, and Brian’s relationship.  Whatever the hell it was.

“So, come on—tell me—have you met a gorgeous hunk up there yet?”  My mother’s eyes were dancing; keen to get whatever gossip she had from me.  I could tell both Julia and Jack felt the same.  They were all eager to find out what I had been up to.

“No, Mum, no gorgeous hunks for me.”  Who was I kidding!  Seth wasn’t just a gorgeous hunk; he was the epitome of gorgeous hunks.  No one has ever come as close.

They all looked a little disappointed that I couldn’t come up with any juicy details, but they were interested enough to hear all about my work and my colleagues.  They were all in stitches hearing about my run in with Cruella di Vil, and how uncomfortable a viewing it was.  They asked about Jonathan and if he was taking care of me.  I said yes, not that he needed to.

We all had dinner and wine together later and it felt good.  I did notice, however, that Julia wasn’t drinking.  She looked happy enough, but also a little pale.  I would have to speak with her alone when I got the chance.


Once it was all over, Julia and Jack made their way home, leaving my dad and I to the washing up.

“Are you okay, honey?”

I looked at my father and frowned.  “Yes, why?”

“You seem a little distracted.  There’s certainly something different about you.  There’s no one in London giving you a hard time is there?”

“No, Dad, I’m fine.  Really.” 

Once the dishes were dried, he set them down and looked at me.  “You would tell me if there was anything going on, wouldn’t you?”

I stopped all my loading up and turned towards him.  “Seriously, Dad, I’m fine.”

He opened up his arms to me.  “Come here, Angel.  I’ve missed not having you around all the time.  Your mother’s constantly worrying about you in such a big city.  I keep telling her you’re okay, but it doesn’t stop her.”

I walked into his arms, welcoming his comfort.  It had been a while since I felt a warm hug from anybody.  “Everything’s just peachy, Dad.”

A little while later I got a text from Jack asking if I wanted to meet for a quick drink.  I wasn’t going to say no.  Sitting in the house moping about Seth wasn’t going to help me.

When I arrived, I was expecting Jack and my sister to be there, but it was Jack and David instead.  “Hey guys, how are you?”  David got up and gave me a big brotherly hug, as that was just what he was to me.  They both were.  “Where’s Julia?  I just assumed she would come.”

Jack shrugged his shoulders and looked away.  “She said she was tired, but she’ll definitely see you tomorrow.  She doesn’t mind me coming to the pub if I’ve got big sis to keep me out of trouble.”  He pulled his pint glass up to me and said cheers.  “I took the liberty in getting you a double Vodka Tonic.  Are you okay with that?”

“Yes, fine.  More than fine.”  I raised my glass to them both, glad that I was here with my two best friends.

“So, now that you’re not around your parents anymore, you want to tell me what you’ve really been getting up to in London?”  Jack gave me a look as if to tell me he wasn’t buying what I said earlier.  David just leaned in like he’s about to hear the best gossip ever.

“I already told you that there isn’t anything going on in London.  My life is very boring compared to you two.  One’s been on a honeymoon, and the other’s been shagging my sister’s best mate—which, by the way, I will get to in a minute—but first of all I want to know why my Julia’s tired.  What have you done to her?”  I raised an eyebrow with a wicked grin, but I soon softened my features.  “No, seriously—is she okay?”

“We’re not sure yet, but we think she might be pregnant.  She’s going to get the confirmation tomorrow at the doctors.  She’s been quite sick, and she’s constantly complaining how tired she feels.”

I smiled brightly for him.  “Well, that’s great news, Jack.  I take it this is what you wanted?”

Jack nodded eagerly.  “Yes, of course.  We have been trying since our honeymoon.  We both knew it’s what we wanted.  I just don’t want to celebrate yet until we know for sure.”

“I hear ya.  You better let me know tomorrow.  I take it Mum and Dad don’t know?  I’m sure it would have been the first thing mentioned to me otherwise.”

He vehemently shook his head.  “No, and please don’t until we know for sure.”

“Of course, Jack.  It’s not my news to tell.” 

With that news told, I took my drink and downed it in one go.  I’m trying hard, but no matter what, I still keep thinking about Seth.  He seems to pop up in my head like a cuckoo clock.  He’s constantly there letting me know he won’t disappear in a hurry.  The butterflies are there again.  Just thinking about me not thinking about him has me going.

Jack and David watched with interest as gulped the lot down.  “Fancy another?” I asked them.

“Okay, big city girl.  Let’s get it started.”  David smiled at me and that was my cue to order another round at the bar.  I felt contented being here, but something felt a little weird.  My spidey senses were on high alert and I wasn’t sure whether it’s an uneasy feeling or not.

With a shake of my head, I got back to my seat and tried to ignore this strange sensation.  Instead I turned to David, as I knew he was going to be my next target for a conversation.

“David, so what’s the deal with you and Mindy?”  I was keen to find out the gossip face to face.  I have spoken with all of them on occasion whilst I was in London, but I didn’t think I would get the true picture of what happened unless I saw it for myself.

“We’re doing okay.”  He smiled and it was like one of those smiles where you’re really trying hard to hide how happy you are—but failing miserably.  “In fact, we’re doing great.  She’s a great girl that Mindy.  I’ve always liked her.”

“So you told me at Jack’s wedding.”  I smiled at him mischievously.  Mindy had already told David what happened.  He was a little pissed at first with me, but at the end of the day, it got him what he wanted.

“Yeah, about that.  I’m glad someone was honest with me in the end.  You’re a little bugger for that, Angelina.  But I still love you.”

“Aww, shucks.  Thanks David.”  I winked at him and we carried on our drinking.  We chatted about anything and everything, making me feel good about being back.  I made sure I let my hair down.  I think I may have let it down too much.  After a couple of hours of drinking and laughing so hard until my sides hurt, I was starting to feel a little woozy.

“Come on girl, let’s get you home.”  Jack rose out of his chair to steady me a little.

“Oh shit, boys, I think I might be a little intox… intox… I think I might be a little bit drunk.”  I giggled into his Jack’s shoulder for good measure. 

Jack wrapped one arm around me so I wouldn’t fall, and David dutifully held the other.

“What’s gotten into you, Angelina?  You don’t normally get like this.”  David looked concerned, but I smiled cheekily at him.

“I’ve just missed you guys is all.  I’ve been such a good girl in London; I needed to let my hair down a bit.  Don’t worry, I can take it from here, fellas.”  I motioned for them to let me go and they hesitantly lowered their arms from me. 

Turning towards the door, I walked out briskly into the cold night air.  I quickly staggered myself to the right to head back home and bam... I walked straight into someone’s solid chest.  Jack and David steadied me a little, and apologised to the stranger.  “She’s just had a little too much to drink.”

“I can see that,” his silky voice said. 

Hold on, I recognise that voice!

I looked up to that handsome, cocky, sexy grin of his and smiled.  “Hey boys, it’s my mirage.  You didn’t transport me back to London by any chance?” I asked giggling.

My mirage looked at Jack and David with interest.  He could see they had their arms around me and he didn’t look happy.

“Hold on a second, you know this guy?” David asked.

Seth smiled with a nod.  “Yes, she knows me.  My name is Seth Jacobs.  Nice to meet you.”  He offered his hand and they all shake like men do.

“This is David and I’m Jack.  We were in the middle of taking her home.”

The unhappy face was definitely showing itself.  “I can take her.  She looks like she needs looking after.”

Jack frowned.  “No, we’re good thanks.  We don’t know you.  I’m definitely not leaving Angelina with a stranger.  We’re good to take her home, thanks.”

“My knights in shining armour have come to rescue me again,” I whispered.

“Angelina,” Jack warned.  “I think you’ve said enough.”

“What does she mean by again?  I’m not here to hurt her.  I’ve come to visit.”  Seth’s face is a mixture of annoyance and concern.  Even that face looked sexy.

I suddenly had an instinct to go and touch that stubble of his again.  I thought it couldn’t hurt to do it.  After all, he was just a mirage.  Pulling away from Jack and David’s grip, I stepped towards Seth.  He smiled at me, but was still a little weary of Jack and David.

“Hey guys, this here is Mr Jacobs.  He has lots of bunnies,” I said giggling again.  I ran my finger down his stubble, gazing into those beautiful pools of blue.

“Angelina, either this guy here likes to breed rabbits for a living or you really have had too much to drink.”

I started laughing at David’s comment and he soon followed.  Jack still seemed a little uneasy about this stranger I’m now rubbing my hands all over.  “Would you like me to show you some properties in Cornwall, Mr Jacobs?  I know you would be keen on seeing the bedrooms.”  I giggled again and nearly stumbled.  Seth caught me, holding me steady in place.  His hands were around me now and I was too bloody conscious of the fact.  Why does life have to be so cruel?  I came to Cornwall to get away from him and now I’m making up fantasies about him being here.

“We just don’t know you very well.  Who are you to Angelina?”  Jack glared at Seth and I could tell Seth was getting a little annoyed.

“Oh for goodness sake!” I shouted.  “Seth, this is Jack.  He’s my Brother-in-Law, and this here is David.  I have known them both since I was at school.”  I noticed Seth relax a little, so I decided to continue.  “Jack, David, this is Seth Jacobs.  He’s a client of mine in London and has been trying to get me into bed ever since we met.”  I started laughing again and everyone but Seth joined in.  “Oh, and did I mention that he likes bunnies?”

David chuckled.  “Yes you did, Angelina.  You seem to like his bunnies.”

“I don’t think so,” Seth interrupted.  “I think that’s half the problem I have.”  He looked down into my eyes and I nearly melted.  “I don’t have any bunnies.  Not since you walked into my life.”  His eyes still buried into me—telling me just how serious he was being.  “You’re cute,” I said flicking my finger at his nose.

“Well at least that’s better than arsehole, or prick.  I’ll take cute any day from you, Miss Bradshaw.”

With a wave of his hand, David flicked his finger from me to Seth.  “Are you two?”

“No,” I said too quickly.  “He’s not getting my cookie, David.  I’ve told him that already.”

David laughed and shook his head.  “What on earth are you on about girl?”

“It’s a private joke,” Seth explained.  “And I’ve already told her that I’m not giving up.”  He looked down into my eyes again making me gush.  I can’t believe how beautiful my mirage is.

“That explains a lot.”  Jack placed his hands in his pockets and smiled at David.

“What does?” Seth asked.

I glared at Jack for a second, warning him not to take this conversation further.  He seemed to know all too well why I had this sudden urge to come to Cornwall now.

“Nothing mate, it’s nothing.”  Seth looked toward Jack and then back at me.  I think he could tell that something was said in silence.

“I think we better get Angelina home before her mum belts me one.  She’s already not going to be very happy at me once she sees the state she’s in.”

“I’m fine,” I protested.  “Would everyone stop fussing over me?  I can take care of myself.  Always have.”  I gripped onto Seth a little tighter, not wanting to let him go.

“Listen, I’m staying in a little B&B down the road there.  I’ll come by tomorrow and pay you a visit?”  Seth still didn’t look happy about leaving me, but I nodded my agreement to him.  He is—after all—just my imagination.  I giggled to myself thinking, how preposterous it all sounded.  I think I might be losing my marbles.

“Okay, Seth, nice to meet you,” Jack said putting his hand out.  They all shook hands again and then Seth watched us as we walked off. 

Jack pulled me in tighter to him, leaning his head down to my ear.  “I think I will need to pay an unexpected visit to your parent’s house tomorrow.”

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