Until I Met You (16 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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“You’re not going to make this easy for me, are you?”  His smile broadened and I realised quickly that I’d made a mistake.  I’ve just gone and told him that he affects me.

“I’m not kissing or touching you Angelina—but no—I never said I would make it easy on you.  I will endeavour to perform your wishes to the fullest whilst we are here, but I won’t make it easy.”

I shook my head, and slipped down into the seat.  The only problem was I was now face to face with his crotch.  Somehow, I felt I was being tortured.

“See something you like?”  Seth looked down into the car and could see my expression.  I had obviously been leering.

Quickly turning my gaze away from him, I stared straight ahead.  “No, not at all.” 

I was a big fat liar and we both knew it!

“Whatever you say,” he said, closing my door. 

As he ventured around the other side, I took a moment to look around the interior of this beautiful car.  I couldn’t help but swoon.  It was a contrast of red and black, making it look sexy and sleek.  It didn’t have a lot of room, but what it did have was sex appeal.  I could see why my dad was gushing when he got back home.

Once Seth was inside, he pushed a bronze button and the Jaguar came to life.  The sound it made nearly had me orgasm on the spot.  That coupled with Seth being so close was all too much.

“You like that, don’t cha?”

I couldn’t hide it at all.  “Oh God, yes.”  He laughed loudly and set off from my parent’s home.

“So where am I taking you?”

“I need to go into town, about ten minutes from here.  I’ll give you directions.  I want to get a couple of bottles of champagne.”

He frowned, glancing over to me for a second.  “What are we celebrating?”

“Hopefully some baby news.”  He looked over at me hesitantly and I couldn’t help but laugh.  “It’s my sister and Jack.  They have an appointment at two to see a doctor.  They both think she might be pregnant.”  His mouth formed a big ‘O,’ and he looked relieved.

Seth fell silent for a few seconds, but then frowned.  “Aren’t you being a bit presumptuous?”

“I’m going to hide the champagne.  If they’re pregnant, then it’s popping time, if not, I can just give the bottles to Jack, and he can keep them for when they are.  I know they’ve been trying, so I’m sure it will happen for them one day.”

“And what about you?”  He looked at the end of the road and I told him to take a right.

“What about me?”

“Don’t you want kids one day?  Normally every woman does.”

I shook my head.  “Well, I’m not like every woman.”

Seth chuckled.  “You’re certainly telling me.  You’re something else.”

“And what is that supposed to mean?” I was immediately on edge making him wince a little.

“I didn’t mean to offend you.  I meant it as a compliment.  I’ve never met anyone like you before.  You always seem so focused, so on edge, so determined to not let anyone break you.”

My posture picked up a little.  “You say that like it’s a bad thing.”

Seth glanced my way with a smile.  “It’s not, but soon you’re going to have to trust someone, Angel.”

I crossed my arms and huffed.  I seem to be doing that a lot around Seth lately.  “You have bunnies,” was all I could say.  I think it was all I needed to say.

“Don’t you remember what I said last night?”  I looked at him, confusion all over my face. 

“I thought not.  You obviously had more to drink than I thought.” 

“It’s not my fault.  I didn’t even think you were real.”  He glanced my way, his expression, serious.

“I’m real, Cookie, and I’m not going anywhere.” 

I sighed at his words, but more in contentment than anything else.  He was here and I wanted him here.  Despite my protests, I liked him, and I couldn’t hide away from that fact.

With that conversation ended, I gave him the directions to a local off-licence I knew which sells good quality champagne.  I bought a couple of bottles but Seth bought a couple more, telling me that we may need more—if it’s good news.

At the car, Seth held the door open for me again, and again came in real close when I turned around to him.  “I think you should take that cap off.”  Seeing him in it was really bugging me.

“Why, is it distracting you?”

“Yes.”  I was a little surprised I had admitted that, but who was I kidding?  Of course it was a distraction.  His beautiful face was shocked, but then that cheeky smile formed on those beautiful rosebud lips of his.

“Then I’ll keep it on,” he said.  “I’ll even wear it to bed, and then you can think of me in it.”  He leaned in that little bit closer and my breathing hitched.

“You’re evil, do you know that?”  I tried to make it sound like a joke, but I was failing miserably.  He was hot and I’m seriously lacking in the orgasm department lately.

Our eyes were locked so tight on each other that we were not even aware of the company that was behind us.  Not until I heard a, “Ahem.”

Looking over Seth’s shoulder, I saw it was Brian and Veronica.  Oh shit, this was all I needed.  Seth turned and gave them both a smile.  Veronica immediately blushed. 

Does he never have that effect on anyone?

“Angelina, you never said you were coming to town.”  Brian’s face seemed a little bit hurt and confused.  I could see him sizing up Seth, and the look he was giving didn’t go unnoticed.  Seth’s back immediately arched like he was a man about to attend battle.  The way Brian reacted to him soon saw to that.

“It was a spare of the moment thing really.  I haven’t seen my mum and dad since I left and thought it about time I came here.”  Brian looked at me for a long time.  It was almost as if he was asking why.  It was the same look I had to endure at Julia and Jack’s wedding.

I saw Veronica grip Brian’s hand a little tighter, giving me a very unwelcome fake smile.  That was a smile I had become accustomed to by her.  When she looked across at Seth though, her smile was completely different.

“And who have you brought with you?” she asked, staring at Seth.

“This is Seth Jacobs from London.  He decided to come for a visit last night.”  I wasn’t going to explain who he was to them, and I didn’t need to.  Not to mention the fact that I wasn’t quite sure myself.  I can’t call him a friend, because I have never fantasised about any of my friends the way I fantasise about Seth.  I can’t really call him a client anymore, because what client follows someone to their home and meets their parents?  I couldn’t call him my boyfriend, because he wasn’t. 

Just thinking about that last idea had spidey senses standing to attention.

“How long is he staying for?”  Brian looked toward me, completely ignoring Seth.  He didn’t want to know how long I was staying, just how long Seth was staying.

“We’re both leaving on Sunday,” Seth said with obvious delight.  Seth knew there was something off with this situation, and I already knew by now how much he liked to wind people up.

“Well, it was nice to see you both.  Hope you have a pleasant stay.  Brian and I were just doing some shopping before we headed back home, weren’t we darling?”

I really wanted to laugh.  I think she was flaunting the fact that she had Brian now, and was trying to wangle it in my face.  It wasn’t working though.  I couldn’t give a toss.

“Yes, we better be going.  It was nice to see you again, Angelina.”

I nodded in Brian’s direction, but he seemed to huff in Seth’s.  If I was Veronica now, I wouldn’t be too happy.  All it did was confirm my theory that having a relationship was too damn complicated. 

Once they were out of earshot, Seth turned to me.  “I take it that was an ex-boyfriend with the way he was glaring at me?  I’m assuming it’s not been that long considering it’s so obvious that he hasn’t gotten over you yet.”

“He wasn’t my boyfriend.”  I didn’t want to have to explain myself to him.

“Then what was he then?”  He looked me in the eye and something in my expression must have given me away.  “Ah,” he said.  “He was one of
bunnies, wasn’t he?”

“Don’t be so silly.”  I tried to get back in the car, but there was no escaping him.

“Don’t be coy with me, Angel.”  He gave me a serious look.  One that told me he wasn’t budging until he had heard my story.

“Okay, okay.  We were friends,” I began.  I couldn’t quite know what to say next.  Seth answered it for me.  “With benefits?” he asked.

“I suppose so.  I don’t know.  It got complicated in the end.  I had to end it before I came to London.  He wanted more, I didn’t.  End of story.”

He searched my eyes for something and it made me uneasy.  I kind of knew what was coming next.

“You knew I wanted you from the beginning.  Why did you turn me down?”

I knew he was going to get round to that, and I was completely unprepared for an answer.  I had to think of one quickly before he got suspicious.

“Because you were my client, and getting involved with you in that way would have just complicated matters.  Not to mention the fact I could have lost my job.”

Seth shook his head, obviously unimpressed with my explanation.  “You and I both know that’s not going to happen.  Jonathan worships you too much to ever let it go that far.  Besides, you and I also both know that you’re lying.  I won’t push you, but one day you will have to admit it to me.  But what I really want to know is, do you have any more bunnies around here I’m going to have to fend off you?”  He edged closer again and I could feel the heat radiating from his body.  It made me quiver slightly knowing how close he was to me.

“No, it’s just Brian.”  Any of the others had long gone.  There were a couple from school, and another couple that were passing by town, so thankfully there was only Brian left now.

“Good, but I may have to go all alpha over Brian’s arse.”  I started laughing, and his smile warmed my heart.

“I love it when I can make you laugh.  I want to be the one that can always make you laugh.”

His longing stare had the butterflies fluttering wildly in my stomach.  That coupled with the fact he mentioned ‘us’ and ‘always’ in the same sentence. 

He came closer to me so I was pinned to the door again.  His eyes were searching my face, almost making love to every single inch of it.  I thought I was going to faint with the pressure.

“You’re making this so damn hard, Angelina.  Do you realise how much I want to kiss you right now?  How much I want to run my fingers down that beautiful face of yours.  The one that’s buried in my head.  The one that I can’t let go—I don’t want to let go.”

I stared at his stubble, wanting so much to reach my hand up and touch him, too.  Our eyes locked for what seemed like an age.  Time stood still, lost in the moment.  I was very nearly there.  All I had to do was reach up and touch him.  Tell him that it was okay to touch me, too.  I could feel my hand rising, feel it without my mind telling it to.  It was almost as if my body was in control and my mind had no say in the matter.

I was so close, so very close.  But life—as always—played that unpredictable game.  Seth reluctantly pulled away from me and glided round to the other side of the car.  The moment immediately lost.  In a way I was glad, but a huge part of me was bitterly disappointed at the lost opportunity.  The next two days were going to be a killer.








Chapter 10



Once back at home we had to figure out a way to hide the champagne bottles.  I knew there was a fridge in the garage that my parents used in the summer for all their barbecues.  Luckily for us, my dad was so worried about Seth’s Jag that he offered the spot to him.  His car was parked on the drive as always anyway.

He negotiated the car in, and once we were all parked up, Seth walked over to my dad and led him out of the garage.  I shot out of the car and opened the tiny boot to retrieve the bottles of champagne.  Once I knew they were hidden in there as best as possible, I made my way to the kitchen.  Seth was sat all on his own smiling.

“You know your mum’s still on about me staying here?  I don’t think she’s going to let it slide.”

I took a deep breath.  “Me neither.  I think it’s okay for you to stay.  Charlie’s has rats anyway.”  I smiled as his eyes widened.  I winked at him and he immediately rewarded me with a full on beaming smile. 

Oh yes, I’m definitely in big trouble now.

“Ah, there you are, Angelina.  I was just saying to Seth here that—”

“I know, I know,” I interrupted.  “I’ve just told him that he can stay—in Julia’s room of course.”  I glared at my mum so she knew I meant business.  Normally mum’s try to keep couples apart when they’re in their homes, not glue them together in the same room. 

My mind suddenly raced at the word ‘couple’.  It’s like I keep having to remind myself that he’s not anything to me.  God, who am I kidding?

“That’s great news.  I’ll go and set up Julia’s old room for you now, sweetie.”  I mouthed the word “sweetie” to Seth and he chuckled.

“Thank you, Rachel.  That’s very kind of you.”

“Not at all.  It’s wonderful to have you here.  You’re very welcome.  Make sure you make yourself at home here.  If you fancy anything, just help yourself,” she said, waltzing out the door.

Seth looked over to me when she said this.  His cheeky eyebrow was hitched up, and I couldn’t help but laugh.  “I don’t think she means
, Seth.”

Smacking his hand on the table lightly, he smiled.  “Oh darn it.  There was me thinking she gave me the go ahead to ignore the no kissing and no touching rule.”

I started wiggling my finger at him.  “Now you listen here, buddy.  I don’t want any funny business at night-time.  No trying to sneak into my room or anything, cos I’ll have to beat you.”

“That sounds promising,” he said with a grin.  “Anyway, maybe it’s
I’m going to have to worry about sneaking into
room.  You may decide you want to get a little frisky with me knowing I’m wearing this baseball cap in bed—all alone—wearing nothing but this cap and a smile.”

My mind immediately raced to try and stop that image in my head from forming.  Now I knew that when I lay in bed tonight, this is exactly what I’ll be picturing.  God, I hate him.  Time for a comeback I think.

“Funnily enough, I wear absolutely nothing in bed also.  In fact, once I undress at night-time I rub baby oil all over myself in the mirror.  I get all wet and slippery.  My whole body glistens in the light.  It takes time rubbing it all in until it’s all absorbed.  I especially have to take time round my breast area, stomach, and thighs—rubbing up and down until it’s all gone.”  His smile disappeared as he shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

“You’re going to kill me for the next two da
ys with this, aren’t you?  Now I’m going to have that image in my head tonight.”  He looked me up and down when he said this and shook his head.  It took everything in my will-power not to just get up, straddle him and kiss him until I ran out of air.


Seth and my father were watching football when the expected knock on the door came.  My mum was in her element baking cookies—which Seth thought was hilarious.  I actually helped my mum out as I needed to do something to keep away from Seth and my wandering eyes.  Even if there was a fire, explosion, hurricane, or tornado about, my eyes would seek out Seth.  They were drawn to him like a moth to a flame.

With a turn of my heels, I went to answer the door, knowing exactl
y who was behind it.  I was eager to see their reactions.  If they were both smiling like idiots, then it was good news, but if they looked a little sad, it was bad news.

Once I copped a look of their faces, I knew. 

Yep, smiling like idiots. 

“It was positive?”  I squealed.

“Yes, now shh.  Are mum and dad here?”  I jumped up and down for them and pulled them both in for a hug.

“What’s all this hollering about?” m
y mum asked.

Seth and m
y dad were soon in the hallway, wanting to know what was going on.  Seth smiled; I think he knew what the outcome had been.

“Mum, Dad.  I have some news for
you.  I’m afraid I have to tell you that you’re going to be grandparents in seven months from now.”  The screaming from everyone soon radiated around the hallway as everyone kissed, hugged, and congratulated them both.

I immediately ran towards the garage to retrieve a champagne bottle.  Seth offered to take one, so that he could open it.  I graciously handed him the bottle and smiled.  M
y mum saw the champagne and raised her eyebrow at me. 

you know about this before we did?”  She placed her hands on her hips, waiting for my explanation.  Julia and Jack were too busy smiling.  They just didn’t care.

“Jack told me last night that Julia was feeling tired.  I had to ask wh
y and he told me she could be pregnant.  They obviously didn’t want to tell anyone until they knew for certain.  I just wanted to get these champagne bottles ready for ‘just in case’ purposes.”  My mum eyed up Jack and he just shrugged his shoulders and winked.  A smile soon took over and before we knew it, she was banging on about names for a boy, and names for a girl.

“Oh bo
y, now I know why I decided to never have kids.”  I nudged Seth as he unhooked the champagne, his cheeky grin lighting up his whole face.

“Never sa
y never, Angelina.”  He popped the champagne before I could tell him to go to hell, and the whole kitchen erupted with cheers.

“We’ll onl
y give half a glass to Julia just so she can wet the baby’s head.  No more drinking for you for the next seven months.”  I dangled the champagne glass in front of her, knowing full well how much I was teasing her about it.

you just wait until it’s your turn.  I’ll remember this.”  She grabbed the glass from my hand and smiled.

“I’ll never be in
your position, Julia, so it doesn’t really matter.”  She smiled again, but this one’s as if to say ‘you wanna bet?’ 

I could see her e
yeing Seth and then looking over at me.  She kept nudging her head over towards Seth and it was bloody irritating.

You should take care of that twitch before it gets worse, Julia.”  She glared at me and I smiled back.  Seth could tell that there was something going on, but didn’t say anything.

“What twitch is that, dear?” Mum asked.

“Nothing, Mum, Angelina’s just being a jerk.”

“Come, come now.  We’re not children an
ymore, Julia.  Stop fighting with your sister.”  I couldn’t help but laugh.  It was like I had gone back fifteen years to when we were bickering all the time.

We raised our glasses to congratulate them both and the conversation soon turned to babies.  Seth could tell I wasn’t comfortable in that environment so he offered to save me b
y going for a walk.  I gladly accepted, just so that I could get away from the brooding going on in the kitchen. 

y mum was only too happy to see us go out again.  I think the more time she thought we could get alone, the better.  That way Seth could try and make his moves on me and I would eventually give in.  What she doesn’t realise is, that I have already outlined the rules of no touching and no kissing, so the whole thing was fruitless really.

We walked just a few steps before the chill
y air hit me.  I wrapped my arms around myself tightly to try and shield me from the cold.

You know, I would offer to wrap my arms around you, but you have this no touching rule going, so—”

“I’m fine, thank
you.  What doesn’t kill me makes me stronger.”  I wanted him to touch me, I really did.  This stupid rule I made up is now keeping me from feeling his warmth, but I had to stay firm.  I couldn’t back down now that I had already said it.  It would make me seem weak and I can’t be weak.  I don’t want to look weak.

You know, you have a really nice family.  I really didn’t know what to expect when I drove down here, but they seem the type that would open their doors to anyone in need of shelter and a warm meal.  They certainly opened their arms to me.  I wish their daughter could do the same.  I really like her.”

“What, Julia?”  I asked jokingly.  “I think she would be more than willing to wrap her arms around
you, dear boy.”  I started giggling thinking of Julia’s fluttering eyelashes in the kitchen.

y funny, Angel.  You and I both know that’s not who I’m talking about... although your parent’s have done a wonderful job raising you both.  They’ve certainly brought one corker of a daughter into this world.  She’s a right pain in the arse, but I can’t help but like her... a lot.”  His eyes glanced over to mine and I couldn’t help looking at him in that baseball cap.  It really is quite a distraction.

You really like this cap, don’t you?”

“No,” I said, pushing him.

“Stop doing that, Cookie.”

“Doing what?” I asked, pushing him again.

“One more time and I shall have to tickle the bejesus out of you, rule or no rule.”

I pushed him again, not caring much for the rules an
ymore.  This way I can get him to break it without me giving him the permission.

He looked across at me and the look said ever
ything.  “Right!” he bellowed—and before I knew it—I was off.  Running like the wind and giggling like an idiot. 

I soon found some trees to duck behind, and ever
y time my head ducked to one side, Seth’s head would follow.

“I’m going to catch m
y fallen angel, and when I do, I’m not letting her go.”  He bolted towards the tree, causing me to squeal my head off.

I’m running like a batshit craz
y person and all I can hear is Seth’s laughter coming from right behind me.  I could tell he was a good runner.  He could catch me if he really wanted to.  I think he just liked playing this little game we both started.

He stopped, causing me to stop.  He placed his head between his legs, breathing hard.  “That’s it, I give up.  I can’t do this an

Running back towards him, I laughed.  I was about to call him a lightweight when he all of a sudden sprinted towards me.  I screamed and ran into the nearest field.  I was running so fast that I tripped and fell over a load of ha
y gathered by the fence.  Seth soon caught up with me, asking if I was okay.  I think my laughter told him the answer to that question.

“The sound of
your laughter is one thing—but the sound of your laughter while you’re rolling around in hay is another.  You really are trying to kill me, aren’t you?”

I picked up a piece of straw and put it in m
y mouth.  “I don’t know what yer talking about, cowboy.”  I winked at him mischievously and he shook his head.

“I would help
you up, but that would mean touching you.”

Taking the straw out of m
y mouth, I propped myself up on both elbows.  “I seem to recall saying, no touching me inappropriately.”

Seth nodded with a smile.  “
Yes, you did, didn’t you?  The problem being is, no matter where I touch you, I will have inappropriate thoughts.”

Pushing m
yself up, I walked past him.  “Well, we wouldn’t want you having any inappropriate thoughts now, would we?”  I slid past him deliberately and I heard him groan.

“This is not fair, Angelina.  I need
you to distract me now.  Talk about something else so I don’t keep picturing you naked, covered in baby oil, and rolling around in that hay.”

“Now, that would be mess

Seth closed his eyes.  “Angelina,

I could sense I had come far enough with my teasing.  “Okay, handsome.  Keep
your hat on.”

Suddenly Seth beamed.  “
You just called me handsome.  First it was cute, and now I’ve upgraded to handsome.  All these compliments, Angelina—anyone would think you actually like me.”

I looked at him confused.  “When did I call
you cute?”

“Ah, of course,
you can’t remember, can you?”

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