Until I Met You (2 page)

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Authors: Jaimie Roberts

BOOK: Until I Met You
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A couple of hours later we were all dressed, pimped out, and ready to go.  We were getting close to being late, but Julia didn’t mind that too much.  It was tradition after all.  It was my mother that was flapping about the place, getting herself in a right state.

There was a spectacular cream coloured 1977 Rolls Royce Silver Shadow waiting outside for us, courtesy of my father—who is a car salesman.

I’ve been brought up with a love of cars, as my dad feels so passionate about them.  I’ve seen many classic cars come and go throughout the years of his career.  He was always very good at it, too.

I smiled at my dad for his choice, and he beamed back at me.  I went up to give him a hug and he quickly took me in, and held on tight.

“Angel, my girl.  I’m going to miss you, honey.”

“Not you as well, Dad.  I’m only going to be a few hours away by car.  I’m not emigrating to Australia or anything.  I’ll come and see you as often as I can, and maybe even you can come visit me in the big city.”

He smiled, showing his little dimples.  I loved dimples on men.  With my father all he would have to do is ask me for something, and whether I like it or not—the minute I saw those dimples—I would agree to anything.  I was a sucker for a cute dimple.

“I know you won’t be far, it’s just your mother and I have always had you so close to us.  Even when you moved out of the house, you were still only five minutes down the road.  Anyway, it doesn’t matter what I think.  Your career is soaring and I’m so proud of you for it.  I just hope Jonathan looks after you over there, or he will have me to answer to.”

I rolled my eyes at him, but hugged him tighter.  “I love you, Dad.”

“I love you, too, my angel.”  He kissed the top of my head just as Julia appeared in all her glory.  I know my sister thinks I’m a heartless bitch, but I could appreciate the enormity of the day for her.  She looked stunning.

“Julia, you look beautiful.  My precious little girl is getting married.  It only seemed like yesterday I was bouncing you on my knee and you were vomiting all over me.”

My dad smiled and Julia frowned. “Err, thanks, Dad… I think.”

It wasn’t long before my mother ran out, practically dancing down the stairs as she went.  “We haven’t got time for this.  Now come on ladies, we have to go.  Julia has her future husband waiting.”

We got there around five minutes late, and before the car even came to a halt, my mother was running towards the church like the hen that she is.  I couldn’t help laughing, and that had my sister, eye-rolling at me—yet again.

“Do you think she’s worried that they’re going to start without you, Julia?” I asked chuckling.

Julia shook her head at me as she tried to get out of the car.  “Possibly.”

Helping her with the dress, I eased her out as comfortably and gracefully as possible.

“I’m so fucking nervous,” she said, whispering in my ear.

Our father looked over at Julia with a reproachful glare.  “I heard that, young lady.”

I laid my hand on his shoulder.  “Come on, Dad, give her a break.  She’s just about to walk down the aisle with a man she’s going to spend the rest of her life with.  Cut her some slack.”

Just then Julia had a full on panic attack.  “Julia, what’s wrong?”

“What you just said,” she blurted.

“What about, the rest of your life?”  She nodded and I couldn’t help but laugh.  “Oh come on, Julia, did this not occur to you when he popped the question?”

“Yes,” she answered breathlessly.  “But it didn’t really sink in until you said it out loud.”

I looked up at dad and he didn’t look too pleased with me.  I thought I had better try and defuse the situation as quickly as possible.

“Listen, sweetheart, Jack is one of the nicest people I have ever met.  We’ve known that boy since we were in school.  He was in my class, remember?  We were, and still are best friends.  I owe him a lot since he kept all the horrible bullies away from me.  You remember what it was like in school, right?”  She nodded her head, smiling.  “Well, put it this way.  There is no better person I could think of that would be deserving of your heart.  He loves you and that has never changed in the twelve years that we’ve known him.  I remember the first day he laid eyes on you.  He was only fifteen, but he was smitten the minute he saw you.  I realised this of course, and used to tease him about it, but deep down it was so sweet.  I have never doubted his feelings for you.  He loves you, Julia, never forget that.  And if you don’t get in that church right now, I’m going to personally haul you in there myself—even if I have to carry you over my shoulder!”

She immediately calmed and even laughed.  My dad looked at me, proudly giving me the thumbs up, and I knew then Julia was going to be okay.

My mother popped her head out of the door as we were walking, and I gave her the thumbs up.  My dad took her arm and I graciously followed behind with Naomi and Mindy.

The music started on queue and off we marched down the aisle, feeling as proud as ever for my sister and my best friend.  I saw Jack briefly looking at me and I winked at him as he smiled.  He looked every bit the handsome man he always was with short, cropped black hair, and green eyes.  When he clocked his eyes on Julia, his chest expanded with pride.  This day was going to be perfect for them.


The ceremony was beautiful and I could see Brian from the other side of the room staring at me.  He looked especially sexy today in his suit, but I was determined not to let the fact that I hadn’t had sex in about two months get to me.  I was just going to have to avoid him at all costs.

We were ushered out of the church, where all the ladies stood anxiously trying to get front row for the bouquet throwing.  I didn’t join of course, but my mother had other ideas.  She dragged me right up front where I crossed my arms in protest.  I didn’t want to play this game, but I was made to.  It didn’t help the fact that Julia threw the thing before I was even aware.  When it went straight for me, my natural reaction was to—yes, you guessed it—put my hands out.  The bloody thing was aimed at me just perfectly.  I caught it, and my mother and Julia cheered, but the other ladies were not happy.  They all seemed to turn away in disappointment once they saw me with the thing, cradled in my arms.  I guess my reputation precedes me.

Brian was there and saw the whole spectacle.  He looked at me, his eyebrow raised as I shook my head.  He laughed a little and came over.

“Angelina,” he chimed.

I gazed into his soft brown eyes.  “Brian.”

“You look beautiful as ever.  How long has it been now, two months?” he asked.

“Yes,” I said, remembering the whole fiasco.  I went to a bar with Jack, my sister, and a few others, but the bar was close to where Brian lived.  I found myself—after drinking two bottles of wine—knocking on Brian’s door.  Next thing I knew, I awoke with a hangover, lying—partially clothed—on Brian’s bed.  Not one of my best moments.

“I’ve missed you,” he said, stroking my arm with his finger. 

Suddenly the lower half of my body was on full alert.  I could even hear my—you know what—sounding the alarm.

“Brian, we can’t be doing this.  It’s unfair to you.  We both know that I’m off to London tomorrow, and I’ve never ever given you an indication that I want more from this then what we have—or had, shall I say.”

“I know that,” he said, putting his hands up in surrender.  “I want to wish you all the best in London.  It seems you’re really moving up in the world now.  I’m proud of you.”

I smiled and looked across at one of my old frenemies, Veronica.  If looks could kill.  She never liked me, but even more so when I started my casual relationship with Brian.  I’m a complete bitch for saying this, but her reaction was what made me go after Brian in the first place.  I knew he liked me, but I kept my distance until I knew she liked him.  Once I had that ammunition, there was no holding me back.

“I appreciate what you’re saying, Brian, thank you.  I think Veronica will be glad when I’m gone though.  She’ll get you all to herself now.” I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped me.

“Stop it, Angelina.  You know for certain that if I had a choice, what that choice would be.”

We smiled at each other for a few seconds, but I was soon interrupted by my lovely mother’s dulcet tones, shouting at me for photographs.  I shrugged my shoulders, told Brian that I would see him later at the reception, and off I went to do my sisterly duties.


The reception was soon in full swing.  We sat and ate, sipping champagne and listening to Jack’s best man giving a thoroughly delightful speech.  It had my head spinning at the end of it, through so many memories.  His best man, David—who I also knew from school—was telling everyone about all the naughty things we used to get up to.  Our headmaster was a right old miserable fart.  He used to shout and scream at people for no reason, and everyone hated him.  He took it too far once when he picked on one of the youngest girls in our school for losing her homework.  His shouting made her cry and people thought he was even more of a monster because of it.  She did find it in the end, it slipped out of her bag during one of her lessons, and luckily one of the teachers found it.  He never apologised for his outburst though, so we decided to take action.  We broke into school one Thursday night after having a little too much to drink.  We had made a little poster for our lovely headmaster, Mr Jeffries.  We quickly ran to his office and right outside—for everyone to see—we hung it as high as we could.   In lovely bold capital letters it read, ‘MR JEFFRIES IS A KNOBHEAD.’

As you can imagine, the next day had everyone gathering around his office door in a fit of giggles.  Even the teachers found it hard to hide the smiles across their faces.  To say he wasn’t happy about it was an understatement.  He vowed to find the ones responsible, but never did, to this day.  Four months after the hanging of the banner, he left.  We all had a party to celebrate after that.

Everyone laughed at the story, but my parents gave me a reproachful look.  I giggled, but bowed my head in token dismay.


“Angelina, my bestest friend in the world.  You’re looking good, kiddo,” Jack said, after the bride and grooms first dance.

“Thanks Jack, you’re not looking too bad yourself.  You better treat my sister well or I’ll do more than pin a ‘knobhead’ sign outside your door.”  He laughed heartily and that got me starting.

“Don’t you worry about that, my dear friend.  I’ve got the rest of my years of nothing but love to give for your sister.”  Jack rewarded me with a proud smile.  “Come on, bestie.  I have a dance with your name on it.”

He held out his hand and I took it with no hesitation.  I was going to miss seeing Jack all the time.  I’ve practically grown up with him.  He’s like the brother I never had.

Once the song had ended, I gladly handed him back to his new blushing bride.  They both looked so happy and it was wonderful to see.

I danced my ass off with Mindy and Naomi, all of us drinking champagne like we had never drank it in our lives before.  We giggled, we pranced, we even fell over a couple of times—but then, it was a wedding after all.

“I think I might let Wayne kiss me tonight,” Mindy giggled.

She fell a little and I caught her, making sure she was steady on her feet, before letting go.  “I’m sure Wayne will be thoroughly pleased to hear you say that, Mindy.”

Mindy sighed.  “It’s been way too long.”

“Don’t get me started on that, Mindy… please,” I said exasperated.  I was three sheets to the wind and feeling horny as hell.  It didn’t help that I knew Brian was watching me dance.  It made me move that little bit more seductively because of it.  That wasn’t helping my cause.

A few minutes later, we all decided to head to the ladies together to freshen up.  I was feeling a bit hot and needed a little breather from all the loud music.

Once we were inside, the noise level dropped considerably and it was all too welcome.  I pulled out some drying towels and ran it under the cold tap.  “My God, it’s hot,” I breathed dabbing the cool paper on my chest.

“Well, it didn’t help the way you were dancing out there, Miss Lady Love,” Mindy replied.

I sighed, feeling my level of frustration turn up a notch.  “I guess it has been too long.”

Just then the door swung open and in came Brian.  “Brian, what the hell are you doing in here?  Don’t you realise that this is the women’s toilets?”

He looked towards Mindy and Naomi, dipping his head.  “Ladies,” was all he said, turning his attention back to me.

Naomi and Mindy smiled and gave a little wave as they headed out the door.  “Mindy, Naomi!” I shouted, but it was too late.  They were gone—giggling all the way out, I might add.

“Have I told you how sexy you look in that dress tonight, Angelina?” he asked, placing his arm around my back and pulling me to him.

“Brian, we ca….” I was about to protest, but then his lips were on me.  A sudden burst of flame ignited and right now, I couldn’t give a flying fuck where we were.

“I wonder how that dress would look high above your waist whilst I’m fucking you hard,” he breathed in my ear.

“Oh fucking hell, don’t talk about it, just do it,” I said, a little too wanton.

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