Ursula Hegi The Burgdorf Cycle Boxed Set: Floating in My Mother's Palm, Stones from the River, The Vision of Emma Blau. Children and Fire (38 page)

BOOK: Ursula Hegi The Burgdorf Cycle Boxed Set: Floating in My Mother's Palm, Stones from the River, The Vision of Emma Blau. Children and Fire
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“Maybe I can buy a car for my father,” she told Frau Abramowitz.

“Maybe you can … once you’re grown-up. Cars are very expensive.”

Frau Abramowitz took her through five stores, and it was not until Trudi saw the golden tie with silver stripes that shimmered when you moved the fabric that she knew she’d found the perfect present for her father—at least until she was grown-up—and even Frau Abramowitz’s hint that a tie as festive as this might not be for everyday use couldn’t sway Trudi from buying it.

In a restaurant that overlooked the
, Frau Abramowitz ordered hot chocolate with whipped cream. Their table looked out over the frozen ponds, and Trudi wondered what had happened to the swans that were here in the summer. As Frau Abramowitz talked about her trip to Italy, the winter landscape outside their window was transformed: earth-colored houses of the Amalfi coast stacked up against the hillside above the sea; rows and rows of grapevines grew along the shore of Lago di Garda.… Trudi could even feel the bright sun that started the instant you stepped across the Italian border,
where smiling guards presented you with rounded bottles of red wine.

When Frau Abramowitz buttoned Trudi’s coat for the drive home, she kissed her forehead. She was far more affectionate than most grown-ups, who did not hug or kiss in public. Sometimes Trudi wished Frau Abramowitz lived with her and her father. She could tell that Frau Abramowitz liked her father—not just because she enjoyed bringing them things, like vegetables from her garden in summer or pies filled with her fruit preserves in winter—but because she confided in him.

“My children don’t need me anymore,” she’d told Trudi’s father once, her smile brittle, her eyes blinking tears away.

Trudi hid the Christmas tie beneath her bed when they returned to the pay-library, and Frau Abramowitz borrowed two romance novels, insisting to Trudi’s father, as she had for the past year, on paying for them. It was a conversation Trudi could predict, a conversation she knew would happen again.

“Please, let me pay for them.”

“Absolutely not, Ilse.”

“Our original trade was the mirror for five years of borrowing books. It’s more than six now.”

“But we’re still enjoying the mirror.”

That night Trudi left her shoes outside her bedroom door for St. Nikolaus, and in the morning they were filled with nuts and marzipan. St. Nikolaus arrived in school at recess in his crimson bishop’s robe, carrying a scepter, accompanied by Knecht Ruprecht, all dressed in black and hunched over. While St. Nikolaus gave sweets to children who’d been good all year, Knecht Ruprecht chased the children who’d been bad and gave each a bundle of dried birch switches. Most received at least a few pieces of wrapped chocolate tied to the twigs, but Hans-Jürgen Braunmeier’s switches were bare. A gangly boy with defiant lips, he came to school with dirt under his fingernails. He could whistle better than any of the other kids, but he lied to the nuns, stole coins and cookies from the girls, and bullied the boys in the schoolyard.

Hans-Jürgen hit Paul Weinhart with an ice ball outside the Theresienheim when Sister Mathilde took the first graders there to sing Christmas carols and recite poems to the old people. You lived in the
Theresienheim if you were old and didn’t have anyone left to take you in—say, if you hadn’t married or if your children had died before you. As long as you had even nieces or nephews, you lived with them. The Buttgereits had both grandmothers living with them; one of them had been blind since birth. “A house of women,” Herr Buttgereit would mutter.

Most of the old people sat in the dining room, which was decorated with fresh boughs of pine and countless candles. Their movements were slow, and in their eyes Trudi saw a wonder and stillness that didn’t need words and lent them a dignity despite their missing teeth and the age spots on their hands and faces. Some of the old people listened to the carols from their beds, their doors wide open as the lovely Sister Mathilde led the children through the long white corridors, and it was hard to tell if their tears sprang from gratitude or despair.

Trudi got to recite her favorite Christmas poem twice:
“Es weht der Wind im Winterwalde…”
—“The wind blows in the winter forest …”—letting the
hum from her lips like a swarm of bees. She remembered every word of the poem. Remembering things had always come easy to her, and she’d felt proud when she’d started to read complete words and sentences long before the other children; yet, she found it tedious to guide her hand in forming the perfect letters the sister expected from her. When she’d do her homework in the pay-library, her father would guide her right hand through the frustrating loops and lines of the letters, but he never had to help her with adding or subtracting numbers. That she could do inside her head.

Sister Mathilde praised her for being so good with numbers, but Trudi’s favorite class was history. There she listened to stories about people who no longer lived, stories that gave her a new kind of satisfaction—that of knowing how something ended. History intensified her longing to find out ahead of time what would happen next in her own life, partly from curiosity, but mostly to protect herself against anything she didn’t want to happen. And yet, she already sensed that, had she known her mother would die in the asylum, she could have done nothing to keep her safe.

History was unlike the fairy tales she loved: in fairy tales, there usually was a meaning to what happened and good people triumphed in the end even if they had to suffer; but in history the bullies
often triumphed. History was also unlike the stories that continued to unfold around her every day without apparent endings—and yet, history began to influence how she saw those current stories: it taught her how people behaved and about the patterns between them. Like Napoleon—knowing how he’d kept invading new countries to protect his previous victories made her understand the bullies in the schoolyard. And the old Romans—finding out that only five of their many emperors had been good emperors helped her to grasp the disillusion in her father’s voice when he discussed politics with Herr Abramowitz, who was often drafting letters on behalf of other Communists, many of them unskilled laborers without great prospects.

Politics were like history. Only they were happening now. But they were linked to history. Her father had told her about the feudal system, in which people used to get land from lords in return for total allegiance. Like fighting in battles. “We Germans have a history of sacrificing everything for one strong leader,” her father had said. “It’s our fear of chaos.”

Fates, Trudi discovered in history class, had a way of repeating themselves, even if through someone else, and feelings that might seem unique to her—like that rage when other children taunted her—had probably been experienced by some girl hundreds of years ago. Because of the people in history, Trudi felt a far stronger link than ever before to the people in her town, and from all this grew new stories, which she told to Eva and her father, and to Frau Abramowitz who listened to every word and sighed, “Trudi, you and your splendid imagination.”

But in school you couldn’t tell stories.

In school you had to sit at your double desk and wait—the only child whose feet dangled high above the floor—and answer just those questions that Sister Mathilde asked. You had to raise your hand before you said anything, and if you forgot the rules and blurted out the answer, you had to stand in the corner to the left of the chalkboard. The dry scent of chalk tickling your nostrils, you’d wait there, your face to the wall, which was painted
brown on the bottom half and white above the stenciled trim. It happened to Trudi at least twice a week, but Hans-Jürgen Braunmeier, who fought in the schoolyard and always had bruises on him, spent more time in that corner than all the other students together. They became accustomed to the worn
seat of his trousers, his frayed suspenders, his uneven heels.

You would have never guessed from the way Hans-Jürgen’s parents dressed themselves and their four children in hand-me-downs, that they owned the biggest farm in Burgdorf. All Braunmeiers had bony faces and thin limbs, but while the parents and younger siblings slunk through town like shrinking ghosts, Hans-Jürgen stalked around with vengeful eyes, searching for fights as if seeking to get even for something too big to settle in one single battle. Lush brown curls, which even drastic haircuts couldn’t tame, sprang from his head as if he were always walking into a formidable wind.

Since he occupied the corner several times a day, it was difficult for Sister Mathilde to punish other children for passing notes in class, say, or forgetting the line of a prayer, or throwing stones at the pesky ravens that hovered above the schoolyard during recess, screeching for bread crumbs. After conferring with the principal, Sister Mathilde assigned Hans-Jürgen his own corner—to the right of her desk behind the rubber plant that the bishop had given her. Whenever Trudi was sent to the corner, she’d glance over to Hans-Jürgen’s corner, and he—without turning his head—would grin and stick his tongue out at the wall in front of him. In return she’d roll her eyes and make a fish mouth at the wall.

In second grade, Hans-Jürgen was the one student not allowed to come to the annual spring concert at the mansion, the only place where children from the Catholic and the Protestant schools came together peacefully. It was a concert that Fräulein Birnsteig, who was famous through all of Europe, gave for the children of Burgdorf every June. She hired farmers with hay wagons to bring them to her mansion, which was four kilometers from the center of town. They loved the concert, which began at dusk and lasted long past their bedtime.

She would play the piano in her music room, where flames from countless candles shimmered in the air, her beautifully shaped head thrown back, her lace-covered arms like the necks of swans as her hands descended on the keys. Although she’d never married, she had an adopted son who studied law in Heidelberg. As a young woman, she’d been disinherited by her parents because she’d chosen music over marriage, but she’d become so famous that her fortune now was far greater than her parents’.

She took on protégés—always just one at a time—and worked with
them without charging. To be her student was a tremendous honor and meant acceptance to the best music programs in the country.

The double glass doors of her music room were flung wide open to the flagstone terrace, where canvas lawn chairs for the teachers had been set up. Sister Elisabeth, the second-grade teacher, was so big that she needed help lowering herself into her chair. Vines of ivy climbed up the stone walls of the white villa and cascaded from the red roof tiles. The rich scent of blooming lilac hedges suffused the air as the children spread blankets on the thick grass in the rose garden, where the pruned bushes were sending up new shoots.

Somehow—certainly not by intent, Trudi figured—Eva ended up sitting next to her, her skirt spread around her. Trudi adjusted her skirt to fall just like that. Two servants with starched aprons passed baskets with strawberries and vanilla wafers, and as the sounds of the piano drifted toward the children, they settled back into the fresh grass—even those who usually found it difficult to sit still—and let the magic of the piano fuse with the fragrant air and with that sense of festivity that comes with special occasions. They wore their Sunday clothes: the girls in smocked or embroidered dresses; the boys in suits with short pants and knee socks. The boys’ hair had been combed wet, and you could see the straight parts and the ridges the combs had left; the girls’ hair was in pigtails or braids that had been coiled above their ears or wound around their heads.

Georg Weiler was waving his hands like a conductor, and Helga Stamm began to wave her hands like that, too. Regular-size girls, Trudi was certain, had it easy, and she envied them, especially poor girls like Helga because the conspicuous line of her let-down hem announced to all of the world that this girl was growing.

The glow of the candles made it seem as if Fräulein Birnsteig were outside with her listeners. People said about her that she believed in her dreams, that she wrote them down and let them determine her decisions. Once, she had canceled a concert tour to America because she’d dreamed that the ship, which was to take her there, had sunk. Another time she had been in Hamburg and had brought a beggar woman home to live with her because she’d recognized the woman’s features from a dream. In the dream, the beggar had been her sister. She still lived with the pianist and kept house for her, making sure Fräulein Birnsteig had absolute solitude during the long hours she practiced the piano.

As the music filled Trudi, it carried the crying of infants from some pocket of time far away; the high, swollen bellies of girls; the staccato of boots against marble floors. She didn’t know what any of it meant, only that it was already there—waiting in its own time, moving through her in a gust of fear. Quickly, she pressed her eyes shut, then opened them again to look at the stars that were beginning to suck the dark from the sky.

A hand—Eva’s hand—touched her hair, drew the fear from her heart. Fingers twirled the ends of Trudi’s pigtails to form curls, combed through them as if no one else were there. Mute with sudden bliss, Trudi glanced at her friend, but Eva’s eyes were on the pianist as though unaware of the gift she was bestowing, and Trudi understood that the love she felt meant far more to her than to Eva. Already she sensed that this was love at its purest. She tilted her head, glad that her hair was beautiful as its fine, thick texture grazed her neck and slid through Eva’s fingers. The scent of fresh grass and ancient lilac bushes was overpowering, and she wanted to cry when Eva took her hand away, but it felt as though the music continued to touch her hair.

But the day after the concert, children began to shun Eva in school. Eyes red and averted, she stayed away from Trudi, who took out her mother’s scarves again and tightened them around her head at night to keep it from growing even larger. In the mornings her temples would ache and her jaw would feel stiff.

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