V-Day: (M-Day #4) (21 page)

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Authors: D.T. Dyllin

BOOK: V-Day: (M-Day #4)
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Riley, look at me.

I jerked his head up, a chill running down my spine at the glazed over look in his eyes. I

d seen it before in other I-Men.

I know you

re still in there. You need to

Taste you,

he rumbled, pitching me backwards so I hit the ground hard. He shoved his face between my legs, groaning as he sucked on my clit.

So fucking good,

he grated against my slick folds. Because of course they were slick and ready for him. I

d just spent the last

I don

t know how long

fucking him. My body still reacted to him even though my mind was screaming for him to stop. It was wrong. All of it.

No, stop! Stop it!

I writhed underneath him, hating and loving what he was doing to me. But I knew if I let it happen

This. This I will regret.

I sat up, yanking Riley by the hair away from me. He snarled, glaring at me with hostility and want. I had no choice. I clenched my fist and hit him as hard as I could. It wasn

t nearly hard enough to knock him out but he did roll away from me. I scrambled for the handgun I knew was over by some of our discarded things. My fingers curled around the cool metal just as Riley slammed me to the ground face first. My pants were still down around my ankles, and he slid up my body, his erection poking at my ass.

Just enjoy it. I

ll make it good.

His voice had gone guttural, inhuman

just like any other I-Man.

I sobbed against the cold ground, the scent of dirt and grass filling my nostrils. My original plan had been to use the butt of the gun to knock him out, but I knew I wouldn

t be able to with him going full I-Man on me. I was going to have to shoot him. It was either that or let him rape me. My Riley, the man I loved, would never forgive himself even if he wasn

t the one driving his body. He would blame himself forever for something beyond his control. I prayed his actions meant he was full I-Man, so a bullet to his head wouldn

t really kill him. I was 99.9% sure he

d be fine, it was just that little bit of doubt that gave me pause.
This is Riley. What if I kill him?

I managed to wriggle around so I was on my back. I raised the gun, my hands shaking. Riley stilled, then he threw his head back and laughed.

You won

t shoot me.

I placed the barrel of the gun against his forehead, right between his eyes.


s the only chance we have.

I prayed again that he would be fine, and I squeezed the trigger. Surprise registered in his glacial gaze a second before he collapsed to the ground, a bullet hole oozing blood down his face.


m so sorry,

I whispered.

I promise I

ll do everything I can to save you. I know there has to be a cure. Maybe not yet, but I

ll keep you safe until one can be found. I won

t give up on you.

How fucking sweet.

My head swung up to see three I-Men standing about a half dozen feet away.

Stay back,

I snapped, pointed the handgun at the one in front.


ll shoot you and then turn you into nothing but ash. I know how to take you fucks down permanently.

Depends on how good of a shot you are,

the one in front growled.

One of us should be able to get to you or him
He nodded in Riley

s direction.
before you get a headshot in all three of us. And if we get to your little pet first, his head will be separated from his body. There

s no coming back from that, even for one of us, but I

m guessing you already know that if you know so much about us.

He grinned.

I glanced from the three of them to Riley and back again. He was probably right.

What do you want?

You, of course. But I

m betting you knew that already too.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I just can

t seem to catch a break. Of course maybe it

s my karma for all I

ve done.

And if I go with you willingly? What about him?


ll let him live. In fact, we

ll bring him with us. Think of it as leverage. I know you

ll be more cooperative with him around.

I was officially stuck between a rock and a hard place. I knew what would happen to me, or at least I had a general idea what would happen, if I went with the group of I-Men. I

d come across women held captive by groups of I-Men before. I

d be brutalized, and chances were, I wouldn

t make it out alive. And it wasn

t just me I had to worry about, but Riley. But at least we

d both have a fighting chance if we went with them, no matter how small. It was another bad decision, and I knew it. But in a world like the one I now lived in, it seemed like there wasn

t such a thing as a good decision anymore. There were only bad and worse decisions. The bad you walked away from and the worse crippled you.
I just hope this one is only bad.

Fine, I

ll go with you,

I grated, lowering my gun.

I had a feeling you

d say that.

The lead I-Man

s grin widened.

My name is Bill, but you can call me master.




t I have a little sample of her? She

s already been fucked raw. What would one more time hurt?

The I-Man carrying me whined to Bill, the obvious leader. I ground my teeth against the gag in my mouth when one of his large hands kneaded my ass. I

d been trussed up like a pig ready for a roast, completely helpless to defend myself

at least for the moment.


Bill snarled.


s going to be an offering for Simon. He has some things we need to protect ourselves from the others. He

s been looking for a feisty little bitch like her.

We used to have so many other girls to just fuck whenever we wanted. Your daughter is the one who fucked up everything we had going bef

I hit the ground hard, all the air knocked out of my lungs. My nostrils flared as I tried to catch my breath. I managed to roll onto my side to get a look at what was going on. My eyes widened as I witnessed Bill and the I-Man who

d been carrying me beat the shit out of each other. The third one stood off to the side, grinning like a fool with Riley slung over his shoulder.

Bill rolled his opponent onto his back, choking him.

I told you not to question me again.

In a movement so fast my eyes couldn

t follow, suddenly Bill was standing, holding the I-Man

s decapitated head in his hand. With a grunt he tossed it into the woods.

You want to question me too?

He addressed the other I-Man.

No, boss.


Bill stomped over to me, yanking on the ropes around my ankles to untie them, leaving my wrists bound.

I always need a good fuck after a fight,

he growled.

I hope you like it rough.

Bile rose in my throat.
No, please not again.

What about me? Can I fuck her when you

re done?

The other I-Man laid Riley on the ground, moving towards me with a lecherous grin.

No. You never have any restraint. You can have him though.

He nodded in Riley

s direction.

But I

m tired of fucking men, it

s been so long since I

ve had some prime pussy. Plus he

s one of us.


s your only option right now.

Bill tore down my pants and spread my legs. I immediately locked them back together.


m going to come all over you so you smell like me instead of him. In fact, I just might decide to keep you. Axle

s right. It

s been too long since good pussy crossed our paths.

I kicked and flailed my legs, cursing and screaming behind the gag when he reached for my thighs, holding my legs open wide. He dipped down to stare at me.

And you

re in prime condition it seems.

He let go and stood, going straight for his belt buckle. I whimpered when his massive erection was freed.

I turned my head away, my eyes locked onto Axle and Riley, a different kind of horror rocking my system. Riley was still unconscious since Bill had put two more bullets in his head to make sure he would stay out for our trip. He was lying face down in the dirt, his pants around his ankles as Axle hovered over him, fisting his erection with one hand as he spread Riley

s ass cheeks with the other. Tears burned my eyes.
At least he won

t be awake for it. I wish I had the same luxury.

Look at me, bitch. Look at me while I

m fucking you.

Bill grabbed my face, yanking me back so I could see him. He smacked his dick against my cheek and laughed. He then shoved me flat on my back and pushed my knees up to my chest. Sharp pain stabbed my shoulders from the awkward position my arms were forced to be in. Bill loomed over me, leaning down to whisper in my ear as he pressed at my entrance.


t look so afraid, it

ll only hurt the first time, then you

ll be begging me to fuck you every chance you get.

Fuck you! Fuck you! Fuck you!

I screamed, the word indiscernible behind the gag.


He grinned.

And then his head exploded, raining blood, skull and brain matter all over the front of me. I screamed in shock and surprise. His body fell forward, the dead weight making it hard for me to breathe or move. I lifted my head up to try and see what was going on.

Nyx, almost completely unrecognizable, yanked Bill

s body off of me. Her eyes were ice blue and wild, her canines were longer than normal, almost like an animal

s, and her nails resembled claws. She gave me only a passing glance as her fury filled gaze focused in on what was left of Bill. In a matter of seconds she

d shredded him completely with nothing but her bare hands.

I wriggled a few feet back, my ass not even registering the damage it was probably sustaining from the rocks on the ground. I knew Nyx had said she was infected but it was something else to see it. And what did it mean that she seemed to be alone?
Riley. I need to see if Riley

s okay. I

ll figure the rest out later.


an all too familiar voice muttered.

I lifted my gaze to meet Ty

s, his eyes carefully not dipping below my waist. He grimaced and looked away, the pain evident in his expression before he did though.


he grated.

Please. I need to calm Nyx down. You need to take care of my sister

and Riley.

His voice broke as he grabbed Nyx around the waist and hauled her out of site.

I used my abs to pull myself up into a sitting position, blinking rapidly to keeping my eyelashes from getting stuck together. I had no choice but to breathe through my nose, but when I did, I nearly choked on the acrid scent of blood. I peered over at where I

d last seen Riley, the scene too horrible for me to cope with so I squeezed my eyes together tightly and shook my head. It didn

t matter though, it was burned into my retinas. The other I-Man was dead too, his head blown wide open just like Bill

s but that wasn

t what was so disturbing. Riley still lay unconscious on the ground, seemingly fine, except for

except for

I shook my head not wanting to think about it. Riley had been violated in the most egregious way


d been raped. There was no denying or wondering about it. All the facts were laid out like in a crime scene, except Riley would wake up eventually, and then who would tell him?

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