V-Day: (M-Day #4) (20 page)

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Authors: D.T. Dyllin

BOOK: V-Day: (M-Day #4)
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He scrubbed his hand over his face and turned away, his voice a harsh whisper,

I can

t. I won

t do that to you.

Anger that morphed into aggression crept in to mingle with my lust. I pulled myself to my feet and rounded on Riley, fury simmering in my gut.

What? You don

t want this anymore?

I ran my hands down my curves, granted less than I used to have since my food intake had greatly been limited, and yeah, I hadn

t exactly had a chance to do that grooming I wanted but

I was still me, and he was still Riley. He

d never turned me down before. Never.

His eyes traveled up my body, almost like a physical caress, stopping to lock gazes with mine.

Of course I fucking want you. I

ll always want you.

What kind of I-Man are you anyways? Did you get infected with the rare strain of gentleman virus?

I waved my hands up as if surrendering.

Oh no, so sorry. I can

t do that. I

m too much of a gentleman now. But don

t blame me, it

s this damn virus.


s nostrils flared but he backed up a few steps, which was the opposite of what I wanted him to do.

The thoughts and feelings running through my head

I wouldn

t do that to you even if you hadn

t been

traumatized. I can

t be gentle with you right now.

He bared his teeth at me, snarling,


t you get it? Nothing could ever make me hurt you, not even a virus. But it

s a fight in here.

He slammed his fist into the side of his head, blinking hard.

It shouldn

t be this difficult. What I

m thinking

what I

ve been wanting to do to you since I first saw you


s fucked up.

I wouldn

t beg. I refused. But I needed Riley. I needed to use him to regain my control. If he was waging a battle inside his head with the sexual aggression the virus caused then it only made sense for me to take charge of the situation. So that

s what I decided to do.


s not fucked up to want me, Riley. Just because something horrible happened to me doesn

t change who I am as a person

unless you let it.


s just like you to do this

push all your feelings down. I know you, Viv. I know how you are. You could be dying inside and you wouldn

t want anyone to know.

And I know you too.

I crept towards him, treating him like a skittish animal, which I guess he sort of was with the infection.

You won

t hurt me. Not even now that you

re an I-Man.

I can

t be trusted with you,

Riley grated, his eyes locked onto my bouncing breasts. My nipples pebbled under his rapt gaze.

Then trust me with you.

I quickly took another few steps and grabbed his arm before he could back up anymore. Just the small amount of contact between us caused a fresh surge of lust to heat my blood.

My heart stuttered in my chest before picking up speed, pumping scorching need through my system.
If I die tomorrow, at least I

ll have gotten to love Riley one last time.
I let go of his arm, shoving him hard. He lost his balance and hit the ground with a grunt of agitation. I immediately straddled him, yanking his pants down.

You had your chance, now you

re just going to have to suck it up if you get a twig up your ass.

Not giving him a chance to reply, I slammed down on his throbbing cock, crying out in pleasure at the sensation of being completely filled by him. I leaned forward, ghosting my lips over his.

I missed you so much.

I lifted my hips up and slammed back down on him, grinding my pelvis in a circular motion. He grabbed the back of my neck and yanked my head down to his, laying siege to my mouth with his tongue. He tasted better than I remembered

the indefinable essence of Riley more potent somehow. I wanted to drown in it, lose myself completely

forget about everything but him.

I bit and scratched at Riley as I rode him brutally. His hands encircled my waist, helping to lift and bring me back down faster and faster. My orgasm snuck up on me, my muscles clenching impossibly tight just before the euphoria skyrocketed through me

stealing my focus. I squeezed my eyes shut, a kaleidoscope of colors dancing across my vision.

A snarling face loomed over me, hands ripping at my clothes. Ice blue eyes flashed with lust. I tried to fight but my body was too heavy, unresponsive to the commands my brain was attempting to give it.

Panic lanced my gut for a second, barely a moment in time, because as soon as my eyes popped open to meet Riley

s ice blue gaze instead of the one from my nightmares, I was instantly centered, the darkness inside my mind illuminated by what Riley and me were sharing. The I-Man that had raped me, stolen something that should never be taken against someone

s will, but it didn

t have to mean all my choices were gone forever. One horrible event didn

t have to define me for the rest of my life, no matter how long it ended up being. I only lost something if I let it be stolen. And I was stronger than that.

m a fighter. Always have been and always will be.

I dipped down to rain kisses along Riley

s sculpted chest. A few thrusts later and he groaned his own release, hot liquid pumping inside of me.


he muttered.


m still rock hard.

He stroked a hand down my back, and goose bumps dotted my skin.


how was

how are you?

Concern played across his features.

Fine. But I want to be better. I want more.

I wanted

no needed Riley to completely erase the remnants of that horrible day from my mind. We were off to a good start. Progress had definitely been made, but I wasn

t ready to call it a day quite yet.

And this time

I want you to take me any way you want.

A feral grin slowly stretched across Riley

s face, his eyes burning brighter than they had a second before. A low growl vibrated his chest, and without a word he lifted me off of him, pulling me to my feet.

I hope you don

t regret this.

I nibbled my lip, knowing that maybe I should worry, should fear Riley, but my heart wouldn

t let me. My heart would never let me do anything but trust him completely. Stupid or not, it was just how it would always be with us.



Chapter 18


Babies wailed

they were everywhere. They were lying on the cold concrete ground, and rolling by in strollers, merely drifting without anyone to push them. I tried to pick a few of them up to comfort them, but my hands passed right through their bodies as if I didn

t exist. Or maybe they didn

t. I knew it was a nightmare and I wanted to wake up, but I couldn

t seem to find a way out of the horrific dreamscape. I pressed my hands over my ears and hummed, trying to drown out the noise. The babies only screamed louder.

I woke up with a start, gasping for air, my mind still foggy from the horrible images of parentless children swimming around in my mind. The children weren

t real, but the guilt that caused the repetitive images was.

You okay, Viv?

Riley ran his hand over my short hair and I snuggled closer into his chest for a moment before pushing up on my arm so I could see his face.

I noticed his eyes were lighter than before, almost white instead of ice blue.

Just a nightmare. Nothing to worry about.

His hand stilled, his fingertips curling into my scalp.

Not because of what we did?

No. It had nothing to do with what we did.

I tried to smile but I couldn

t. Being with Riley had been a nice

okay better than nice, break from reality, but it was time to refocus on more pressing matters.

He exhaled loudly, relief relaxing the lines around his mouth.

Good. I was worried.

Of course he was, even though I

d reassured him it was what I wanted. He wouldn

t be Riley if that wasn

t the case, and then I would have known the virus really had taken him away from me completely.


I drawled.

We need to get dressed and out of the woods.


Riley groaned, tightening his arm around my waist.

We could stay here just a bit longer.

No, we can


I wriggled out from his grasp, and stumbled to my feet. I was a little wobbly after all the fun woodsy naked time. I rolled my eyes when Riley smirked, primal male pride dancing in his eyes. As I was pulling on my pants I paused to peek under the bandage on my leg.

What the hell?

I tugged it off and gaped.


m completely healed.

I poked at the slightly raised skin that looked like an old scar instead of the fresh one I knew it to be.

Riley lumbered over and crouched down in front of me. He ran his fingertips gently over the imperfect flesh.

I know those weren

t some kind of super spider
His gaze flitted up to meet mine.

You don

t suppose you

re infected like Max, Evo and Nyx, do you?


s razor,

I muttered, yanking at my pants, which were being kept down by Riley.

He smirked at me.


t put those on quite yet.

We don

t have time for anymore right now.

I ran my hands through his spiky hair.

I wish things were different.

I want to taste you.

He licked his lips suggestively.

Just for a little bit.

Riley, we don

t have time.

Not to mention I

d want to shower first after everything else we

d done. Being in a post-apocalyptic world did not suddenly erase old expectations of hygiene, at least they didn

t for me.

His fingers dug into my thighs before sliding up to cup my ass.


m not asking.

Now, I

m all for a little dominance and submission when it comes to bed play, and for switching up who

s in control, but there was just something
about the way he was demanding my acquiescence to his command. It wasn

t Riley vying for more time with me

it was his virus-riddled brain. He was currently losing the battle in his mind with the sexual aggression.

And I said no.

I gripped his hair to keep him in place.

He bared his teeth at me, growling.


ll like it. And when I

m done licking your sweet little pussy, I

m gonna fuck you so hard you won

t have the strength to go anywhere.

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