V-Day: (M-Day #4) (4 page)

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Authors: D.T. Dyllin

BOOK: V-Day: (M-Day #4)
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I filled the tub with lukewarm water, scanning the products perched on the edge of the tub. I ignored the twinge in my gut when I saw the bottle of baby shampoo. Somehow I

d missed it before when I

d taken my shower, probably because I

d wanted to.
Wasted emotions.
I focused in on my new furry friend. I picked up his squiggling little body and placed him in the shallow water. He slicked his ears back and whined.

Yeah, I feel you buddy.

I chuckled at his forlorn expression and set to work. He put up little resistance; although it was clear he wasn

t pleased with his current predicament. When I was finished, I lifted him from the tub and began rubbing him dry with one of the discarded towels.

What should I name you, huh?

Obviously pleased to be done with his bath, the little guy rolled onto his back, offering me his belly. That was when I noticed that he was missing a vital piece of equipment to make him male.

Oh, well, I guess you

re not a guy, are you?

I laughed.

Sorry. No girl wants to be mistaken for boy, does she? Huh? Does she? No, I didn

t think so.

I scratched her belly and her tongue lolled out of her mouth.

Now, what should I call you? How about Cujo? Huh? You look like you could be a fierce little thing if you wanted to be. You

d have to be to have survived this world on your own. Cujo could be a boy or a girl dog name, right?

I tried to remember if Cujo had been a boy or a girl in the movie. Not that it really mattered. I liked the name.

Cujo it is,

I cooed, causing her little tail to thump harder against the ground.

The bathroom door slammed open, splintering against the wall behind it. It was as if I turned in slow motion to reveal an infected man looming over us. I couldn

t help the startled scream that burst from my throat as I reached for a weapon. Cujo was on her feet, snarling as she lunged for the infected man

s shin. With one swift kick Cujo was sailing across the room, her yelp ringing in my ears, causing me to see red.

You fucking bastard!

I screeched, raising my handgun.

Before I could squeeze the trigger, the infected launched himself at me. My head cracked off the floor and my vision wavered for a moment before all went dark.



Chapter 3


My head pounded with the same erratic cadence of my heartbeat. A heavy fog had taken root inside my head, and I fought to open my eyes. I saw pieces of things, snapshots really, and I wasn

t sure if I was lost in a nightmare or facing the kind of reality that I couldn

t wake up from.

A snarling face loomed over me, hands ripping at my clothes. Ice blue eyes flashed with lust. I tried to fight but my body was too heavy, unresponsive to the commands my brain was attempting to give it.

Pain lanced through my core as I blinked the off-white tub into focus.
Specs of blood fanned across the plastic molding, a pattern maybe?
Where am I?
Grunts met my ears.
No. No. No.

The sky, bright and cloudless moved above me as I groaned. An unfamiliar female face peered at me for a moment, concern etched into her dark features. Confusion settled over me, replacing everything else.

Cold metal greeted my back as I shivered. A blinding light shone in my eyes, voices loud and yet muffled caused me to panic. Flailing, I hit at hands that were groping at me. I had no idea what was going on or where I was. Something sharp jabbed into my arm, and the world completely drifted away.



Doctor Greensley tugged on his hair.

I can

t believe I never saw it before. It all makes sense now. Or maybe I just didn

t want to see it.

See what?

I strode into the room and flopped down beside the main workstation.

The Doc lifted his gaze to meet mine, his eyes wide and half crazed. A slow smile spread across his face. The hairs on the back of my neck rose involuntarily.


ve always liked you, Vi.

I swallowed around the lump in my throat.

Yeah, I

ve always liked you too. You

re one of the good ones.

He turned away from me, nodding to himself.


re strong. Women are stronger than men in a lot of ways.

What are you talking about?

I stood, no longer able to remain still.

But the Doc ignored me like I hadn

t said anything at all.


re like locusts, consuming everything


a plague on this earth

a virus. Maybe Mother Nature is the only thing that can stop us, but she needs a little help. But


  He scratched his chin, humming to himself.


s only fair.

He nodded more vigorously.

Yes. Yes, that

s what I

ll do. Mother Nature will respect women more, since she is one herself, and women will respect her in turn. Or maybe

His voice trailed off as he began humming under his breath again, lost in thought.

I stood behind him, staring at his hunched shoulders.
Something isn

t right. He

s acting crazy.
Not just obsessive science guy crazy but

mad scientist crazy. I knew I needed to report the erratic behavior, but for some reason it felt like it would be a betrayal to Doctor Greensley.

ll be fine. He just needs sleep. Everything will be fine.

ll keep his secret. For now at least.

Things shifted, taking me somewhere else, somewhere beyond redemption.

A child cried, its forlorn wail a song of guilt and regret for the life I didn

t save. It filled my mind completely, consuming everything.

m sorry. I

m so sorry.

I jolted awake, my eyes fluttering open to unfamiliar surroundings. I was lying in a small bed with a flower comforter, sunny yellow walls glowing in what appeared to be early morning light. When I tried to sit up, the room spun and I slumped back down, the faint smell of fabric softener mingling with sweat surrounding me. I pressed my fingers gingerly along my scalp. There was a large knot on the back of my head, no broken skin though. My face felt puffy and sore, but the worst

the worst pain was something I didn

t want to acknowledge. I squeezed my eyes shut, hating that tears swam in them.

A snarling face loomed above me, hands ripping at my clothes. Ice blue eyes flashed with lust. Pain lanced through my core, grunts meeting my ears.

No. I couldn

t let myself think about it. I

d been raped. It was a horrible reality that thankfully I

d only been semi-conscious for. I had to accept what happened to me and move on. I no longer lived in the kind of world where I could afford to dwell. It could mean the difference between life and death for my brothers and even myself.
Stuff it down deep. It

s all wasted emotions. Wasted


I choked back a sob before I managed to detach myself from the feelings of vulnerability and anger already eating at me.

I slowly pulled myself up into a sitting position, dizziness still assaulting me, but more bearable than before. I peeled the covers back from my body, noting that I was dressed in loose shorts and a baggy t-shirt. Someone had cleaned me up. Tony? Emilio? I should have been grateful for their care, but I didn

t relish the thought of them seeing me naked, especially after what happened.
Stop. Don

t think about it. What

s done is done. Put it behind you.

I ambled to the door, opening it slowly. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from groaning from the pain such little exertion caused my entire body. A flurry of movement took me off guard and I cried out as I landed on my ass, a small bundle of joy licking any exposed flesh it could find.


I couldn

t believe it. My mind flashed to her crumpled body on the bathroom floor. I ran my hands over her soft fur, making sure she wasn

t injured. But if her excitement was any indication, she was just fine.


re okay! I can

t believe you

re okay! Tony! Emilio!

They had to have moved us to a more secure location when I was out, and scavenged the house we were in for more supplies.

Good, you

re awake.

I stilled, Cujo continued jumping around me, her little body a blur of motion.

Who are you and what happened?

I studied the female who stood in the doorway. She was small but wiry, her dark brown hair pulled into a high, tight ponytail, the severe style highlighting her ghostly pale face. Her clothes were plain, just a pair of dark pants and tank top. No weapons could be seen on her.

A group of us found you when we were out scouting for

supplies. One of the I-Men was attempting to take you from the house you were in. He

d already


you were unconscious.

I-Men? Do mean one of the infected? What about Tony and Emilio? Where were they?

My gut twisted. The real question was: where were they now? Their absence coupled with the news I

d just received did not bode well for their health. Of course I

d already known that on some level from what happened to me.

I-Men is what we call the infected

I for infected and the men part is obvious, I guess.

She flicked her gaze away from me.


m sorry. You were the only one we found alive besides the I-Man. And your dog.

A small smile tipped up her lips.

At least she considers herself yours. She wouldn

t leave you and has been outside your door this whole time.

As if she sensed my inner turmoil, Cujo settled into my side, placed her head in my lap, and whined. I threaded my figures in her fur.

I don

t understand. We cleared the place. How did he sneak up on us like that?

I couldn

t believe it, both Tony and Emilio

Stuff them down. Stuff down the emotions. There

s no time for them now.
I raised my head.


s my gear?

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