Valentine Cowboys (8 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Valentine Cowboys
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Melody watched exactly how Dakota was checking, with his hands, both of them, inside the heifer. But he’d been standing there for what seemed like a long time, his hands in the cow but not moving. “Why’s it taking so long? Can’t he figure out if those are front hooves or back hooves?”

“Well you can’t just go sticking your arms deep inside her and feel around, especially not during labor. You have to dilate the, uh, opening. That’s what takes all the time, and the patience. Then he’s going to making sure the head is facing down and that its neck isn’t bent back. If it’s not in position, we’re supposed to call the vet.”

While Justus told her all the specific details about calving, Melody swallowed hard as very naughty thoughts careened into her head. Seeing Dakota in doctor mode, and having Justus describing things softy near her ear as they both kept their voices down during this delicate procedure, had her insides twisting.

“Is it what you expected?” Justus glanced at her.

“Not one little bit.” She never in all her twenty-two years would have thought that watching a calf being born, and all the less than pleasant stuff that entailed, would turn her on. It was kind of sick. When she’d first arrived after following Justus’s truck with her car from the gate, Dakota had been washing the cow’s rear with warm water. To clean away any bacteria, Justus had told her, before Dakota moved on to the next step

the internal examination to feel if the calf was in the correct position.

Watching him now, she couldn’t help but remember his fingers pressed inside her. Crazy. She needed help. This had nothing to do with that. Yet it did. He was as gentle handling the heifer as he’d been handling her last night. That was important in a man. More important in a lover. Or in two lovers. She glanced at Justus quickly and tried to calm her rapid heart rate.

“I’m gonna see if he needs help.” Justus moved to where Dakota stood, both hands deeply inside the heifer now. “How’s it feel?”

“I haven’t gone as deep as the calf’s head yet. I’m still making sure she’s dilated enough so I don’t hurt her.” Dakota glanced at the clock, and then at Justus. “How long has it been?”

Justus followed his gaze to look at the clock on the wall. “I’d say just about five minutes. That should be enough. Right?”

“Yeah.” Dakota braced his feet wide on the floor, knees slightly bent, and pushed farther inside the cow. He’d tied her tail to the side but it twitched now as she stomped one foot. “I wanna get out of here before the next contraction.”

“Good idea.” Justus laughed.

Dakota concentrated on his task as Melody watched, riveted. She’d never underestimate ranchers again. They had a lot of responsibilities with these animals, including acting as midwives it seemed.

“It’s facing down headfirst and it’s upright. That’s good. And the head…” he shifted a bit, “is facing down.” Dakota let out a breath and slowly pulled his hands out. He glanced at Justus. “No vet. We should be good.”

Justus let out a breath. “Good. I better call Blue so he doesn’t worry.” Justus moved toward the doorway and took out his phone.

“Yeah, good idea.” Free and clear now, Dakota peeled off his plastic gloves and tossed them in the nearby trashcan, then untied the cow’s tail. She swatted it back and forth, showing her opinion pretty clearly about having had it tied to the rail with that rope for so long.

Dakota washed his hands in the sink along the far wall and then came back to stand by Melody. “Hey. Sorry I didn’t have time to say a proper hello when you arrived. I had to check her between contractions. It couldn’t wait.”

He leaned down and planted a kiss directly on her lips. It was quick, and light but it had her barely able to answer.

“It’s okay. You have work to do. Don’t let me get in your way.” She hoped her cheeks didn’t look as flushed as they felt.

Dakota studied her closely and then smiled. “What’s up with you tonight?”

“What? Nothing. Why would you ask?” She stuttered. Shit, he could read her too well. He somehow knew she was turned on. So much so that if he pulled off her pants right now, she’d spread her legs and beg for it.

“You’re acting kind of strange. And your voice is a little too high.” His eyes opened wide. He grinned broader and took a step closer. He ran his hand down her arm. “You’re horny.”

“What? No. Girls don’t get horny.”

“Bullshit.” He frowned. “So if I slid my hand inside those little panties of yours, I wouldn’t find you wet?”

“Dakota!” She tried to act indignant but she knew it was true. And she didn’t put it past him to check. Hell, she kind of hoped he did. “Okay. Maybe. A little.”

Justus had wrapped up his phone call and was back, but stood by looking a little confused at finding Dakota bent so low that he was practically cheek-to-cheek with her. So close she could smell the soap he’d used to wash his hands.

“Justus, our little city girl here is turned on by calving.” At Dakota’s words, warm air wisped across the skin of her cheek.

“I didn’t say that.”

“You didn’t have to.” Dakota turned his head just enough to glance at Justus. “Come over here.”

Brow raised, Justus did as instructed.

Dakota continued. “We’ve got some time before this calf comes.”

“Yup.” Justus narrowed his eyes. “What did you have in mind?”

“I think maybe Melody needs to relax a bit. She seems strung a little tight tonight.” Dakota slapped her butt and sent her jumping with a squeal, which only proved his point.

“Melody?” Justus’s gaze focused on her.

There was no denying it. Her panties were wet, her body was strung tight as a bow, and the solution to both problems were the two cowboys in front of her. To hell with worrying—about her job, her parents, her student loans, her virtue. To hell with it all. She glanced behind her. There was a stack of hay bales about waist-high covered with a horse blanket. Good enough.

She reached for the waist of her jeans and undid the top button. “It has been a pretty stressful day. I think I do need to relax a little.” She heard the breath Justus expelled.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the smile cross Dakota’s lips.

“I know just the thing.” He followed her to the hay where she sat on the edge and unzipped the fly of her pants. “I know it’s a little cold in here, so you better leave your sweater on. But these, have to go.” She squealed again as he grabbed the legs of her jeans and pulled them off, tugging them over her boots. “And these, too.” He slipped his fingers beneath the elastic of her panties and they followed the path her pants had taken.

She resisted the urge to cover her nakedness as the two cowboys’ eyes bored into her. “Dakota. What if someone comes?”

“Lock the door, Justus.”

“Uh, the lock’s on the outside, Dakota.”

“Oh, yeah. Guess we’ll have to risk it then.” Dakota smiled, obviously teasing her. “No one’s going to come out here. Blue’s away. Mrs. Jones will be happily watching television in her room by now. Besides, in about a minute, you won’t be able to think of anything besides what I’m doing to you.” Dakota got on his knees and pushed her legs wide, leaving his hands braced between her spread thighs. “Damn, you’re beautiful. Come look, Justus.”

Justus, rooted to the floor nearby, finally moved. He took one step closer, focused solely on her pelvis, bare before him. “Damn. That is pretty.” Then he raised his gaze to her face. “But then every single inch of you is.”

He was so adorable, she would have smiled if she weren’t so nervous. “Justus?”

“Yeah.” He licked his lower lip with the tip of his tongue.

“Kiss me?” Nerves threatening to overtake her, she needed Justus to anchor her. The feel of his lips. His strong arms around her.

“My pleasure.” He kneeled on the blanket next to her. His warm hands cupped her face and then his lips met hers.

She melted into his kiss, trying not to be freaked out that just below them Dakota still kneeled, slowly stroking his fingertips up and down the skin on the inside of her thighs. Each pass he made brought him a little closer to what she knew would be his final destination. Each time he almost reached it but didn’t, she twitched, craving his touch.

At the same time, Justus tangled his hand in her hair and angled his head. He pushed his tongue between her lips and she met it. His tongue stroked hers until she moaned. Then Dakota’s fingers parted her other lips and her breath caught in her throat. He touched her gently, playing lightly over the tight bundle of nerves, clenched and ready. Then the warmth of his tongue replaced his fingers and she shuddered. He latched on to her clit and sucked hard, bringing her hips up as she sought more.

Between Justus’s claim on her mouth, and Dakota’s possession of her clit, Melody gasped for breath. She was going to come and soon. What was it about these men that had her poised on the edge so quickly, when her last boyfriend had rarely done it to her, no matter how much he tried and how long he worked?

Her hips rocked against Dakota’s mouth. Her sounds of pleasure were swallowed by Justus, until he pulled back. With his eyes glazed, he held her tight and watched Dakota’s head bob between her thighs. Melody bit her lip to control the cries. She threw her head back as the orgasm tore through her. She wanted more. She wanted them.

She was still throbbing, Dakota still working her to the point of pain, when she pawed at Justus’s belt buckle. “Open it. Open your pants.”

His eyes opened wide but he didn’t question. He unfastened his buckle, unzipped his pants and had his thick erection out and in his hand in no time. She leaned forward and slid her mouth over the top. It was like hard steel covered in silk as she drew him deep into her throat.

The feel of Dakota’s mouth disappeared but she didn’t mind. She needed a break for a bit and she needed to concentrate as Justus held her head and rocked into her mouth. She tasted pre-come. His speed increased and she knew he was close. Sucking him in hard, she reached beneath and grabbed his balls, sending his hips thrusting forward.

“Melody. I want to fuck you.” Dakota’s breath was against her ear again. His suggestion had her insides clenching, begging to be filled.

She pulled off Justus just long enough to say, “Yes.”

Seconds later, she felt Dakota between her thighs again. He parted her with his fingers, and then she was breeched by him, thick and hard. He slid inside her, slow but firm. Long-awaited satisfaction had her sighing against Justus’s cock. She wanted this. She needed this. Spreading her legs wider, she braced her feet on the hay bale, lifted her hips and hoped he’d take the invitation to slide deeper.

He did. Dakota plunged in. With his hands braced on her hips, he pumped inside her, hard and fast. One look at Justus showed her he was watching as Dakota pistoned into her. The expression on his face was a mixture of lust and amazement. She scraped her teeth down his cock and his focus returned to her, where it stayed. His eyes narrowing, he grabbed her head and thrust into her mouth faster, until his eyes squeezed closed and she felt his balls draw up and tighten. With a shout he came, sending hot bursts into her mouth.

“Get yourself hard again.” Dakota’s voice sounded tight through his clenched teeth.

Still panting and barely out of her mouth, Justus nodded. He didn’t ask why. Neither did Melody. She knew. Dakota wanted Justus to make love to her, too. Both or none at all. She squeezed her eyes shut. Both. Yes. She wanted that. So strange, but so good. Her body tightened and gripped Dakota as he thrust into her, his rhythm feeling like he was nearing the end. Then he held deep and throbbed, coming deep inside her.

Only then did the thought hit Melody. It was enough to slam her with a wave of panic. Her eyes flew open just as he pulled out and she saw the condom. He rolled it off and threw it into the trash as she breathed with relief. Thank God he’d been thinking because she sure hadn’t been.

Dakota reached into his pocket and handed a foil packet to Justus, then moved to sit behind her on the hay bale. “Lean back against me, darlin’.”

As Justus, hard again, rolled the latex over himself, Dakota reclined on the bale and leaned against the wall. He lifted her onto his lap so her back was cradled against his chest. With his hands looped behind each of her knees, he pulled her legs toward her while spreading her wide for Justus. “I’ve dreamed of doing this just like this. Holding you while he takes you.”

Her heart pounded. All that came out was a moan as he nodded to Justus, who stepped closer and angled his tip at her entrance. Justus’s eyes focused on her face as he pushed forward, nudging slowly into her.

Dakota leaned low again, his breath tickling her ear. “You know what else I’ve dreamed of?”

She swallowed hard, not sure she could talk. Between Dakota’s voice and Justus’s eyes, she was lost, transfixed, totally under their spell. She’d do anything and everything they asked, gladly. Repeatedly. Wantonly. Melody managed to shake her head.

“I want Justus to hold you like this for me, while I fuck you
.” Dakota maneuvered one hand to her tight hole. He circled it slowly then pushed just the very tip of his finger against her and held it there.

Justus’s stroke faltered as he saw what Dakota was doing. His eyes narrowed as his lips parted and he began to breath through his mouth.

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