Valentine Cowboys (9 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Valentine Cowboys
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Dakota drew her earlobe between his teeth, then released it. “I’ll be gentle and patient. I promise. Just like I was with the heifer. Slow. Easy. First I’ll lube up my finger really good and just hold it here until you get used to the feel of me in you. Want me to show you?”

Justus, who must have heard the question, paused, holding still, watching her face, waiting for the answer. She nodded.

Dakota glanced up. “Justus, would you grab the lube?”

He nodded his head, but didn’t speak. Melody had a feeling Justus didn’t trust his voice any more than she trusted her own. He handed the tube to Dakota, who spread a generous amount on his finger. Then the slippery digit was back, slipping easily inside her just the tiniest bit. He did as he’d promised, just holding it there until she got used to the invasion. Then he started moving in and out ever so slightly.

“Once you’re used to this, I’d add a second finger. Just like that.” Dakota pushed a second finger into her and held it there, again, just as he said he would. She felt stretched at first, until the uncomfortable feeling subsided. Only then did Dakota move his fingers deeper.

Justus let out a shaky breath and licked his lips again. “Do you want me to wait?”

“Nope. Go ahead. She’s going to like the feel of both.”

He nodded and pushed in, but slowly as he tried to watch Dakota’s progress while sliding into her.

“I can go a little deeper, I think.” Dakota did as he described, then scissored his fingers, spreading them wide inside her. “How’s that? All right?”

She couldn’t breathe, forget about talk, but she managed to say, “Yes.”

Dakota’s fingers stroked in and out of her. “You want us to make you come again?”


Dakota moved his other hand to her clit and pressed. She nearly lurched off his lap. “Mm. Justus inside you. Me rubbing your clit. Is that nice?”

“Yes.” Her muscles tightened.

“If I slid my cock into your ass now, you’d be totally filled. I bet that would feel good. Don’t you think so?” His voice was like thick honey, washing over her. Making her want more. Want everything he could give her.

Her heart pounded so hard it nearly made her pass out. “Yes.”

“I think I’m gonna try it. Just a little. Ever so gently. We’ll see how it feels. Okay?”

Melody nodded. Justus, looking as if he was about to pass out too, stopped his stroke. He pulled out and waited while Dakota managed to lube his cock while she sat in his lap. He lifted her hips in both hands and aligned the entrance of her ass over his tip, then slowly let her weight push her down onto him. She drew in a sharp breath and he stopped her descent.

“Just breathe and relax. I won’t move. No more until you’re ready.” Dakota’s words came from close behind her ear. “Justus. Rub her clit a little bit. Yeah, just like that. Go on, you can slide in again.”

Dakota was in charge and both she and Justus did as he said. “Close your eyes, Melody. Feel Justus inside you? Feel him working your clit? That must feel good.”

Her eyes closed, she nodded.

Justus changed his angle a bit, hitting a spot inside that sent chills straight through her. She opened her mouth and dragged in a ragged breath. Dakota pressed her lower over his cock and she felt the painful stretch. A reflex made her bear down on her muscles and push against him. As she did, he slid in, until she felt the relief of the wide head of him slipping past the tight muscles to rest inside.

“Okay?” Dakota asked.


He pushed deeper. “Melody, I’m all the way inside you.”

Dakota pressed his hand low over her stomach. Justus groaned and Dakota let out a laugh. “Justus, I can feel you.”

“I feel you, too.” Justus panted and stroked into her.

“I wanna make her come.”

“Be my guest.” Justus moved his hand and it was replaced by Dakota’s.

He went to work on her clit, circling her hard, first one direction, and then the other. Her hips tipped forward toward his touch. He took advantage of the move to rock in and out of her ass.

“Oh God,” Justus groaned.

“He can feel every move I make and I can feel him, we’re that close inside of you. Does that get you hot, Melody?” As her muscles coiled, on the brink of release, Dakota kept crooning softly in her ear.

She gasped. Her only answer was a cry as her body spasmed, coming around them.

“Holy shit,” Justus cursed as her body gripped his.

Even Dakota stopped talking and drew in a sharp breath.
The more her muscles clenched the two men inside her, the stronger the orgasm seemed to get. Justus and Dakota moved in time with her spasms until she heard them both, Dakota first, followed almost immediately by Justus, groan with their own releases. The speed of Dakota’s finger on her clit slowed until there was only pressure, which slowed her orgasm. His steady touch kept her right there on the edge, pulsing with aftershocks. He pressed down a bit on her clit and her body gave another throb.

Dakota did it again with the same result. “I could do this all night.”

“You ain’t kidding.” Justus, his head hanging and his brows drawn down low, continued to breathe heavily. He hadn’t pulled out. Neither did Dakota. Softer, smaller, they still both filled her.

Dakota pressed her clit one more time. “Next time, I want you totally naked.”

Justus moaned his agreement.

Next time
. She couldn’t even accuse him of being presumptuous. Not when her body still clenched both of their cocks inside her. Not when she was imagining being pressed between their nude bodies.

“I’m gonna have to pull out soon.” Justus pressed his slackening cock deeper as he began to slip out.

Dakota nodded. “It’s okay. Fun time’s over for now anyway.” He tilted a chin toward the heifer, which Melody had totally forgotten about. She was half lying down, two legs protruding from within her.

Justus took a step back. He threw the condom away, zipped up his jeans and fastened his belt while keeping his gaze on the calf and heifer. “Sorry, Melody. We have to watch and make sure its hips and shoulders don’t get stuck.”

“Mm, the last thing in the world I want is for you to get up, but he’s right.” Dakota still didn’t release his hold from around her waist or on her clit. “One quick kiss?”

Still buried in her ass and he was seriously asking if he could kiss her? Dakota had to be one of the most complicated men she’d ever met. “Sure.”

“Good.” He grinned. Then his mouth covered her lips. His tongue met hers, even as he thrust his hips forward to press his semi-hard cock into her. He broke away on a groan. “Damn, you feel too good and if I don’t pull out of you right now, I’m not going to want to. You feel okay? I didn’t hurt you?”

“No, I’m fine.” A little freaked out because things were so very strange, but fine.

“Good. Now up you go.” Dakota lifted her like she weighed nothing, slipping out of her as he did. “There’s a sink, soap and paper towels to clean up in here, but no toilet. One of us can take you to the bunkhouse if you want.”

He was already moving toward the sink himself, where he wet paper towels and wiped the lube off his cock, and then he washed his hands again. Her ass felt slippery. This part wasn’t exactly romantic. In fact, it was just plain embarrassing.

“Um, I think I’m going to go home.” Melody reached for her underwear and jeans.

Justus turned. “No. Don’t go. We didn’t even get to eat yet. Come on. I’ll bring you to the room Dakota and I share in the bunkhouse There’s a nice bathroom with hot water and a shower and everything. You can get yourself together, then come back and we’ll have hot stew and biscuits.”

“But the calf—”

Dakota, dressed again, glanced at her, “—is going to be a while.”

Melody frowned. “But its legs are out.”

“Yup, but she could be like that for another hour. Easy.”

Melody cringed. The whole thing was as fascinating as it was disgusting, and yet the two cowboys didn’t blink an eye at the gross stuff happening right before them. Just like they didn’t make an issue out of the reality that after what they’d done she’d have to clean herself up before lube, semen and possibly other things she’d rather not think about eventually would slip out of her.

Her jeans in her hands as she stepped into them, she nodded. “Okay. I’ll just go clean up in your bathroom quick and then come back.”

Justus grinned. “That would make me very happy. I want you to see the calf. You’re going to love it. The mother licks it until it’s all clean and then it walks, all on its own. It’s pretty amazing.”

He was pretty amazing.

She smiled. “I’d love to see. Thanks.”

Chapter Seven


“Why are you awake?” Dakota squinted at Justus from his bed across the room.

“I can’t sleep.” Sitting up on the edge of his mattress, Justus ran his hands over his face and hair. The grey light of predawn was just beginning to filter through the window of the bunkhouse.

Dakota groaned and flung his forearm over his eyes. “We only got to bed a few hours ago.”

“And now it’s time to get up.” Justus cocked a brow.

Just because they were up half the night waiting on that calf to be born—along with doing other things with Melody—didn’t mean the rest of their work could be ignored. But work wasn’t what had robbed Justus of sleeping in this morning. Thoughts of Melody were responsible for that.

“Bullshit. Mrs. Jones knows we likely didn’t get to bed until after midnight. She’ll hold breakfast for us, and none of those horses are gonna die if we make them wait an hour or two for their feed.” With a sigh filled with resignation, Dakota sat up and propped himself against the headboard. “What’s the real problem with you?”

Justus debated whether to say anything or not. Dakota was not only his best friend, he was the only other person on earth he could talk to about this.

“Melody,” Justus said only her name. That would be enough. Dakota, having been there since the very beginning, knew all the many memories and emotions those three syllables held for him—for them both.

Dakota blew out a breath. “I should have known you couldn’t handle this.”

Justus frowned. “Handle what?”

“This.” Dakota made a hand gesture to indicate the two of them. “You and me and her.”

“Well, you’re wrong. I’m fine with
.” Scowling, Justus repeated Dakota’s hand gesture. “I’m absolutely perfectly fine with you and me and her.”

In fact, Justus had liked it, a little too much. He was going to surely burn in hell, but watching Dakota hold Melody while he slid into her last night, then feeling Dakota slide inside her too, had made Justus harder than he’d ever been in his life. What that said about him, he didn’t want to think about too closely.

Justus had spent half the time he should have been sleeping hard as a rock with anticipation of the next time they could all be together again. All he could think about was that maybe he could be the one to slide into her ass this time. Then he’d feel Dakota inside her pussy, rubbing against him. That scared the shit out of him. What the hell was that about? Was he gay?

Justus eyed Dakota, who was still looking at him unhappily. He loved the guy like a brother. Sometimes they bickered like siblings too. He couldn’t imagine a life without Dakota a part of it, but that was it. Justus didn’t get aroused by Dakota—unless he pictured Dakota sliding into Melody as Justus held her in between them.


“You don’t look fine at all,” Dakota said as his brows rose.

Justus let out a huff of air. “I like her. A lot.”

“I know. You always have.” Dakota did know. He may be the only person who could appreciate how much Justus liked Melody.

“I’m worried.” Justus glanced at Dakota. Might as well get it all out in the open. “Where’s this thing with all of us going to go?”

Dakota shrugged. “I guess that depends on if she gets this job or not.”

That was part of Justus’s concern, but not all of it. It might actually be a blessing if she did have to leave town again because she didn’t get the teaching job. The alternative was even more painful—her staying in town and his having to give her up because there was no fucking way the three of them could be together. Not in public. Not like a real girlfriend and boyfriend.

Sure, the three of them could secretly continue to have sex. Yes, they could go out in public as three old friends, but Justus wanted a real girlfriend. He wanted to hold hands in the street. Go to a movie and make out in the back row in the dark. Attend the church picnic and share a blanket with her—only in this particular scenario Dakota would be there with them, too. The people in this small town would be appalled if they even suspected the two of them shared her.

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