Valentine Cowboys (5 page)

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Authors: Cat Johnson

BOOK: Valentine Cowboys
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Whether intentional on her part, or circumstantial because of her job situation, there was a good chance she’d be leaving this town and never looking back. And Justus would be left, scarred, in her dust. Maybe with Dakota making the third side of this fucked-up triangle, Justus wouldn’t get so attached. And if he did, at least he’d have someone to lean on when she left. He’d have Dakota and their friendship.

Leaning against his chest, Melody let out a sigh. He glanced down and saw Justus’s hand was still in her jeans and beneath the sleeve of his jacket, Justus’s forearm muscles were moving.

Dakota shook his head and smiled. “What are you doing to her?”

Justus glanced up. “Making sure she has enough information
to make her decision when she leaves here.”

Information? It looked more like an impending orgasm to Dakota. Maybe Justus wasn’t so virtuous after all. Melody drew in a sharp breath and Justus’s eyes started to look out of focus. Shit. Justus was well on his way to being in love with this girl again. Though that may have happened even without Dakota’s failed plan to send Melody running, which instead had led to her coming. Twice.

They all, but Justus in particular, needed a reminder there were three of them here. This was not some romantic date. Dakota turned Melody’s head to face him and kissed her, thrusting his tongue inside her mouth the way he’d like to thrust his cock into her. Blindly he did something that was probably risky, considering he wasn’t convinced she could be trusted yet, and pushed her jeans down her hips, just a few inches, giving Justus more room to work his fingers in and out of her.

It must have met with Melody’s approval. She let out a shuddering breath.

Starting to hope, a little more than he liked, that she’d call them tomorrow and say she’d agree to this thing, Dakota slid his hand down Melody’s back, slipped between her ass cheeks, and found her wet pussy. He slid a finger inside her, and bumped into Justus’s hand, already there. Justus held still.

Dakota’s gaze met his over Melody. “Together or not at all?”

“Together or not at all,” Justus echoed.

Justus moved his forefinger inside Melody again, sliding against Dakota’s finger, also inside her. Both of them stroked her. It was crazy. It was hot. But it wasn’t enough to push her over the edge, though she felt close as her muscles gripped them both.

Dakota upped the game. He slid, wet from her juices, back and began to circle the tight entrance of her ass. Melody’s breath caught in her throat but she didn’t pull away. As Justus worked her clit with one hand while stroking one finger inside her, Dakota pressed gently deeper into her ass. Her body began to pulse around his fingertip as she started to shake.

“Oh God.” Justus let out a shaky breath.

She came hard, her muscles convulsing rhythmically around Dakota’s fingertip. Imagining her gripping his cock while she came with him inside her, Dakota was having trouble not ripping her damn jeans all the way off and plunging into her. Her cries were driving him crazy.

As she started to quiet, Dakota discovered he’d latched onto her neck and sucked hard enough to mark her without his even realizing he’d done it. He cringed when even in the semi-darkness he could see he’d left a bruise.

Justus pulled back, still looking dazed as she trembled between them.

Her breath came in gasps as she glanced back at Dakota. “I thought you said no more tonight?”

“This doesn’t count. It was just an extension of what we’d already done.” Dakota cocked one brow. “Besides, our pants are still on, aren’t they?”

“Yes, they certainly are. I didn’t touch either of you at all.” With a smirk, she zipped her jeans and pulled down her shirt. “So I guess you’ll both have fun jerking off tonight.” Melody sat forward, looking as if she was about to leave them.

“Wait, don’t forget to take our numbers before you go.” Panic in his voice, Justus flipped the visor down and slid out the pen Dakota kept there. He scribbled what looked like both of their cell phone numbers on a napkin that had been stuck in the side-door compartment.

“Pretty confident I’ll call, are you?” She took the napkin from Justus.

Dakota shrugged. “Call. Don’t. Whatever. That’s up to you.” He opened the door and slid to the ground so she could climb out after him.

Melody shook her head. “Good night, you two.”

From the passenger seat, Justus leaned toward the open door. “Good night.”

“’Night.” Dakota tipped his hat and climbed back in to the truck.

He found Justus staring at him like he was crazy. “What the hell do you mean, call, don’t, whatever?”

Dakota glanced at Justus before starting the ignition. “Relax. She’s going to call.”

Justus stared across the parking lot to where Melody was climbing into her car. “She’d better.”

“She will.” Dakota waited for Melody to start the car and pull out of the parking lot before he did the same, turning onto the highway toward the ranch, the opposite direction of where she’d turned toward her grandparents’ house.

One thing she’d said Dakota was certain would prove true. Both he and Justus would be jerking off tonight, maybe more than once.

Chapter Three


Melody sat across from Mrs. Stowe, her old fifth-grade teacher, in what had to be the most surreal moment of her life. Actually, now that she thought about it, last night with Dakota and Justus took the prize for most surreal life moments. And the fact that she had their phone numbers scrawled on a napkin in her purse and she was seriously considering calling them topped it all.

She tried to focus on her current surroundings, rather than memories of what had happened inside Dakota’s truck. This interview was too important to blow.

The plaque on the desk inside the dull, beige-colored office read
Elizabeth Stowe, Assistant Principal
. Melody had never considered that Mrs. Stowe had a first name. Of course she would, everybody did, but it’s not something a fifth-grader thought about. Their teacher was always just Mrs. Stowe to them. The woman who’d broken up the fight that Dakota seemed still obsessed with even today. That she’d punished the two boys by taking away their recess for the rest of the month might have something to do with his residual anger, but still, a twelve-year-old grudge seemed excessive.

And he was definitely holding a grudge. Melody had no doubt he’d jerked her around last night as payback. Making outrageous rules about her having to take both him and Justus, or neither one. Suggesting they go to the Maverick ranch together, and then backing out and saying nothing was going to happen last night no matter what. Then a couple of amazing orgasms later, a flippant renewal of the offer of the threesome. There had been multiple orgasms for her and zero for them, and that was the most confusing of all. They hadn’t even let her touch them, not even when she tried to open their belts.

She’d thought Dakota had been bluffing right from the beginning while they were still inside the bar, saying they’d both be with her at once. That was the only reason she’d agreed to get into the truck with them in the first place. She definitely didn’t think Justus would be up for it, even if Dakota was. Justus was always the quieter of the two. Maybe that’s why she found them both so intriguing. They were so different in some ways, but so alike in others. Once her zipper was down though, neither one had any issue sharing, and she had no problem coming. Maybe they shared women all the time. It’s not like she really knew them anymore. Twelve years was a long time to be away.

The whole thing was crazy. They’d barely touched her and she’d been throbbing with need. A need that hadn’t subsided in the hours since she’d left them. And now, when she should be listening to Mrs. Stowe talk about the job she needed so desperately, she couldn’t focus on anything but the two cowboys. Melody was certainly aware of the twisting low in her belly, and her need to be filled by those boys. But how could she do what they were asking?

Then again, how could she have done what they’d done last night? She knew the answer to that. Her life was a shambles. Student loans. No job. Her parents were tired of her living with them and not working. She had no boyfriend. She’d had no sex in what felt like forever. Then the two guys she’d had a crush on since she was ten walk into her life again after twelve years. They gave her orgasms and a promise of many more. But it all came wrapped in the craziest offer she’d ever heard. Both or nothing. Last night she’d come harder than ever before. Maybe their offer of both wasn’t so insane after all.

“…includes the standard benefits package, including health and dental insurance.”

Health insurance and dental. God, she really needed this job. She couldn’t stay on her parents’ insurance any longer now that she’d was over twenty-one and no longer a full-time student.

Melody nodded and pretended she’d heard all of what Mrs. Stowe had said, not just the tail end of it. “That sounds wonderful. I’m definitely extremely interested in the position.”

“Good. It would be nice to have a former student in the ranks as teacher.”

Her heart began to race. Did she have the job?

“Now, as I said, we interviewed another candidate before you. She has a slight edge over you since she does have teaching experience.”

Which Melody did not.

Her heart sank. Oh well, back to her parents’ house. Maybe she could get a job at the Supermart. Melody heard they offered benefits after six months of employment. Fighting tears, she raised her gaze to Mrs. Stowe. “Of course, I understand. Thank you for taking the time to speak to me.”

Mrs. Stowe held up one hand. “It’s not finalized yet, Melody. There are more people than just me involved in making the decision, but you can be sure, I’ll put in a good word for you and I’ll call you the moment we make a decision, either way.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” Melody forced a smile. Mrs. Stowe, who’d seemed so old and so scary to her at ten, was on her side. She was not only a perfectly normal person, she was a nice one too.

Her former teacher smiled. “You’re very welcome. So now that the business is all settled, tell me, what have you been doing since you’ve been back? Is it strange after all these years?”

She stifled a laugh. Strange was a good word for it. “Well, I only got here yesterday but I did run into a few people I knew from the old days. Do you remember Dakota Washburn and Justus White from my class?”

“Oh goodness, of course I remember them. Really nice boys. Do you know what they did last year?”

Melody shook her head no. After last night, she couldn’t even imagine what those two might have done, but it seemed Mrs. Stowe was happy about it so it couldn’t be too bad.

“We have a student who’s wheelchair-bound, but she’s always had a love for horses. Those two boys—” Mrs. Stowe’s voice cracked and she swiped at her eyes—“I’m sorry. I have trouble talking about it. It was so sweet. When they heard about her, those two designed and made a special saddle and took her riding on the Maverick property. It was absolutely amazing. She never looked so happy. Her parents either.”

“Wow. That’s amazing.” As the older woman got so choked up she had to reach for a tissue and blot her eyes, Melody tried to reconcile the two cowboys who would do something so wonderful for a handicapped child, with the two men who’d had their hands down her pants last night. It was a difficult task.

“Amazing boys…young men, now. I’m proud to say they were two of mine.” Mrs. Stowe sent her a tearful smile.

“Yes, that does sound…amazing,” Melody agreed.

Maybe their former teacher, who still lived and worked in town, knew Dakota and Justus better than Melody did at this point. Her sincerity certainly was convincing. Maybe this threesome thing was as out of character for them as it was for Melody. She’d never done, or even dreamed of doing, anything like last night, yet she had been right there between them in the truck. She’d felt both of their fingers inside her at the same time, and instead of feeling shame, or even fear, all she’d felt was pleasure. All she’d wanted was more.

She wanted this job too, but with someone with experience up against her for it, chances were good she wouldn’t get it even with Mrs. Stowe’s recommendation.

“Anyway. I’ve kept you long enough.” Mrs. Stowe stood. “I’ll be in touch as soon as I know something.”

Melody stood as well, as relieved this interview was over as she was anxious about getting the position. She extended her hand, finding it strange she now was a half a head taller than her former teacher. “Thank you for taking the time to meet with me.”

“My pleasure, Melody. And say hello to those two boys for me if you happen to see them again.”

Fearing all of her mixed up feelings about seeing Dakota and Justus again were written all over her face, she just nodded. After a quick goodbye to Mrs. Stowe, Melody headed out of the office as fast as she could. Sparing only a shocked glance at the water fountain, which she realized was so low she’d have to kneel to use it, she made her way out the front exit doors and toward the visitor parking.

Outside, Melody sat in the driver’s seat of her car and stared at the two phone numbers scrawled on the creased paper napkin. Justus’s handwriting didn’t look like it had changed all that much from fifth grade when he’d given her that Valentine’s Day card.

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