Valhalla Hott (20 page)

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Authors: Constantine De Bohon

BOOK: Valhalla Hott
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claimed he had other gifts to give.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

The fanfare went on well into the morning. The children fell

asleep partway through the night and slept curled around and over

one another like a pack of wolf pups. Hrolf was one of them.

Though he still didn‟t speak, he was accepted and proved himself

to be far from the idiot Anki had declared him to be. The boy

could fish and catch game better than many of the boys, and he had

been furious to be left at home with his mother like a child when

the men went hunting, until Hott had explained when he was gone

he needed his son in charge. He would trust only his son with the

safety of his sons‟ mother and his baby brother. The boy had puffed

with pride, donned his little bow and arrow, and to her

amusement had dogged Valerie‟s every move.

The rest of night had been filled with sweet lovemaking to

Hott. Valerie and he worshipped every inch of each other over and

over again until, completely exhausted, they slept.

* * * *

It was a warm summer day when Valerie wandered through

the forest looking for wild herbs. Her mind wasn‟t really on the

task at hand, and she was surprised when Ulfr was suddenly before

her. She was in his arms, and he was kissing her as though he were

deprived of the sweetest nectar for far too long. Valerie kissed him

just as eagerly. It had been many months since Ulfr had joined her

and Hott in their furs. Though his eyes had followed her with

longing, he had kept his distance.

“Come with me,” he said. He captured her hand in his own

and led her eagerly to the hot springs.

Ulfr came at her hard and fast once inside the deep cavern.

Valerie‟s clothes were removed in record time. He pulled her into

the heated water and sucked her tongue into his demanding mouth.

His hands squeezed at her sensitive breasts, causing some pain and

she felt a moment‟s concern.

“Ulfr?” she asked warily.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“It‟s been so long and there are no women here who have

your passion. I waited until Hott had taken you a few times. Please

don‟t deny me,” he said urgently.

“I would never deny you,” she whispered. “But you seem to

want to eat me alive!”

“I do,” he growled.

His fists tangled in her hair, and he turned her before him.

Valerie could already feel his hard cock press up against her bare

bottom. He didn‟t bother with his fingers, just pushed his penis up

inside her in a single thrust. She cried out and gasped and clawed at

the stone ground.


“I missed you,” he moaned. “I missed the feel of you, your

heat. I missed hearing my name on your lips.”

Valerie felt him plunge again and again. He was the same old

Ulfr, but she wasn‟t the same passion-filled woman who needed

sex in a frenzy. She groaned as he continued his thrusting. He

wrapped an arm around her waist, and she knew he was going to

be rough with her. She thought to stop him, but decided she

wanted him one more time like this. Just once and then no more.

She had a family, a husband, and two sons. The lost longing look in

Ulfr‟s eyes wouldn‟t go away until he had what he wanted and

sadly she knew she wasn‟t it.

“Are you ready for me?” Ulfr demanded.

She nodded, and she felt her waist gripped tighter. Ulfr

cupped his hand over her mouth. Valerie had never been taken

before by him so wildly. He rammed himself up her ass and she

screamed. He was frenzied, and she knew he realized this was their

last time together. She accepted each thrust, each time he ground

against her. Her screams turned to moans and she wanted him this

way, it was his way. Her hand reached to pull his hand from her


“Give me everything you have,” she demanded on a loud pant.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

He did and then some. She cried out his name over and over.

Her hands slipped on the water-slick rocks trying to keep her

balance. But it wasn‟t long before he stopped his assault and

became gentle. He took her as one would a lover. His grasping

hands touched intimately in places with a caress. He told her he

loved her, and she knew he did, but she was Hott‟s. Any child she

bore would belong to his brother. Ulfr needed more.

When he finished he turned her, and asked her if he hurt her.

She rubbed her behind and said she probably wouldn‟t sit for a

week, but she loved him too. He wrapped his arms around her and

just held her. When she looked up she could see the wetness in his

eyes, and she squeezed him tighter. Her hands then slid up and

down his back, and he shivered.

A small sound separated them. Valerie rubbed at her moist

eyes and looked over at Hott. He looked at her with some

concern, but she shook her head. She wasn‟t injured, she was sad.

Ulfr climbed out of the pool and dressed. Hott placed his hand on

his brother‟s shoulder. Ulfr stopped for a moment and said

something to him. Hott nodded. Ulfr left and Hott helped Valerie


“If you like it that way I can be accommodating,” he said and


For a moment she could see Ulfr‟s roguish grin on his face,

and she thought perhaps it wouldn‟t be such a bad idea if she

weren‟t feeling so sad.

“We were saying goodbye,” Valerie sobbed, and he crushed

her hard against his chest.

“Ulfr loves you, perhaps too much. He loves me as well. His

insides battle. It is a hard battle. There is nothing to strike at.”

“Maybe in time he will find another,” Valerie said hopefully.


Valerie and Hott left the cavern holding hands. Valerie needed

to return and feed Biorn. Her breasts felt full and achy. They


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

strolled slowly along enjoying the feel of the warm afternoon. A

ruffle in the bushes caught Valerie‟s attention. She stilled

wondering if the bears were about or if Petal had followed them.

She was horrified when five huge men emerged followed by Anki.

Anki looked as hideous as ever, but now a nasty burn mark

ran up the side of his neck, scarring his face. His hair and beard on

that side were missing and Valerie felt sick. She had thrown him

into the flames, tossing him onto the hot grease. He grinned at her

and her heart flipped in dread.

Hott pushed her behind him. The men were flanking them.

Hott‟s sword waved back and forth in front of him. The men

attacked as one. Valerie screamed when she was grabbed from

behind. She heard a loud groan as Hott‟s sword ran a man through.

She struggled to get free and finally succeeded. The man behind

her went flying through the air to land on his ass near Hott. In one

slice Hott decapitated him. Anki went after Hott with a battleaxe.

They exchanged blows, every few seconds Hott needed to fend off

another. Valerie didn‟t know what to do.

“The woman is mine!” Anki bellowed.

Valerie turned and screamed as a man stood before her with

his axe only inches from her neck.

Hott turned and saw her. She gazed at him in terror. Hott

bellowed with seething rage.


The ground shook beneath their feet. Valerie had been in

earthquakes before, but two of the men looked beyond wild with

mounting fear. Everyone struggled to maintain their balance. A

deep eerie mist rolled in.

“Giants come!” a man howled.

Valerie looked beyond the mist and saw gnarled trees but

nothing else. She felt herself caught up in strong hands. She looked

up to see Hott starring down at her in agony. A blade had gotten

him, and he was bleeding.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

“Hott?” she whimpered.

“I love you,” he whispered, right before he flung her hard into

the mist.

“No,” she screamed.

Valerie hit the ground hard and rolled then struggled to her

feet. When she turned, Hott had vanished. She searched through

the heavy fog screaming his name. She heard no signs of battle. She

heard no yells or the clash of swords. Everything was solemn and

quiet. It was as though the forest bowed its head and looked away

to avoid her despair. Hott was gone, taking her home, her family,

and her Viking life away with him.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Chapter 13

Valerie lay on the grass sobbing in heartache. Her breasts

ached so terribly she had needed to expel some of her milk. She

had searched the area for hours looking for the opening to Hott‟s

time. Only the mist swirled, surrounding her in an eerie game of

hide and seek. She had grown tired of Odin‟s game. She gave up

and felt her loss.

“Hott,” she cried out mournfully.

What would she do? Had he been killed? Who would take

care of little Biorn and Hrolf? Would there be enough milk to keep

her baby boy from malnourishment? The thought ate her up inside

like no other thought. She grieved for the loss of her husband and

sons. She wished she would die. Was this how Hott felt when he

had lost everything? It was too agonizing to bear. He had indeed

been a powerful man to continue on in blind faith.

The day turned steadily darker. Valerie rolled over and stared

at the many twinkling stars. She wondered if Hott were seeing the

same thing. The mist had cleared around her, but flanked either

side. Valerie knew she was between both dimensions. She refused

to budge. She was ready to wait until either Hott or death claimed

her. She wondered if the same time elapsed in each era or if it was

still light out where Hott was. She supposed it didn‟t matter, day

or night her emotions would remain dark.


She heard the word whispered on the wind, and she tensed.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Had Hott come through or had Anki? She sat up cautiously,

her hands to her hard aching breasts. She rose stiffly. Let come

what may. If it was Anki she would do her best to kill him so that

he may never harm either of her sons.

The huge man who walked out of the mist moved slowly.

Valerie gasped. It was Hott. She raced to him. He held her tightly

in his arms. She tried not to whimper as his solid chest pressed

against her throbbing breasts. Her cheek pressed against his warm

solidness. Oh, how she loved him.

“Anki?” she asked.


“The other men?”

“Dead as well. Ulfr returned in the nick of time to find us. He

killed the others while I faced Anki.”

“You‟re hurt,” she cried with dismay when she saw his bloody


“Only a scrape.”

It looked worse than a scrape, but she said nothing. Hott took

her by the hand and led her into the mist. As before she was unable

to follow him back through. He disappeared from her sight, leaving

only his suspended hand in hers. He moved slowly back into her

line of vision.

“Hott,” she whimpered pitifully. “My breasts ache. I want to

go home. I need my home.”

“The earth shook the last time I came through,” Hott said as

though thinking aloud.

“But I never felt an earthquake on my end. Not the first time.

Why was I allowed to go back through the second time?” she

mused. “Something else must have happened. Maybe it was the full

moon as well.”

She looked to the sky, but there was no full moon this night.

Her face fell. She was devastated.


Viking Warriors Book 1: Valhalla Hott

Hott looked at her for a long while, obviously contemplating

their situation. He suddenly tossed her to the ground. Valerie

looked up at him in surprise at his roughness. Blue eyes gazed back

at her with intensity. He started peeling off his clothing and gruffly

ordered her to undress.

“Hott?” she asked.

“It wasn‟t the ground moving, my little Valkyrie, nor the full

moon. It was me, rocking your world, as you once told me after

our heated lovemaking.”

“We went through because we had sex?”

“No, we went through as a result of sex,” he countered.

Dropping down he was soon on top of her kissing her hard.

They were panting when the kiss ended.

“I don‟t understand,” she whispered.

Hott had never come at her so furiously. The pressure of his

hands and fingers were that of a desperate man.

“The babe connected us. Biorn is our connection. And when

I‟m through with you we will once more have our connection!”

She had gotten pregnant with Biorn! That was why she could

follow him into his dimension. Yet her clothing hadn‟t because

they weren‟t of his time. But the baby was. The Gods couldn‟t

keep a father and child apart. Valerie wondered if it worked both

ways, if Hott could have come through to her time, but she

doubted it. A man couldn‟t carry a piece of both worlds…or could

they in some way?

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