Van, Becca - Her Shadow Men [Slick Rock 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (11 page)

BOOK: Van, Becca - Her Shadow Men [Slick Rock 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“Sure. She had a crush on my Damon for a while there, but she’s happy with her own men now. They treat her so sweetly, so do my men. I have three. You’ve already met Damon of course, and then there’s Tyson and then my Sam. Shit, I’ve got to stop thinking about them. I get sappy and horny every time I do.” Rachel sighed. “So, are you going to open up your shop again?”

“I haven’t decided yet. I loved having the shop while I did, and it seemed to fill a need in me, but I don’t know what I want anymore,” Deb replied. Her insurance company had come through, but she didn’t know if she was going to spend the time to get her business up and running again. It had been a lot of hard work, and even though she was becoming bored, she knew how much work was ahead of her if she was to start her shop once more.

“Oh yeah. I hear you, girlfriend. You’ve used your business to fill that empty hole in your heart, and now that you’re in love with two sexy men, that emptiness has gone.”

Debbie felt the blood drain from her face. She placed her mug of coffee on the desk so that it didn’t fall from her trembling hand. She had known she had strong feelings for her men, and even knew she might be in love with them, but to have a stranger peg her so quickly was very disconcerting.

“I’m sorry,” Rachel said quietly and patted Deb on the hand. “Did I say something wrong?”

“No. I…I…Shit. I knew I was falling in love with them, but I didn’t realize I was using my business to fill holes in my life. To have it pointed out so clearly was a bit of a shock. I can remember my parents berating me as a child. They often asked me what I wanted to do with my life and my answer was always the same. To get married and have babies. Of course to them that was utter sacrilege. I was supposed to want to have a career like they did. They’re both very high up in the academic world and my older sister is one of the top neurosurgeons in the country. I tried so hard to win their love and affection, but I don’t think they ever knew the real me and they never stopped to try and understand me. I was considered the black sheep of the family.” Debbie paused and inhaled deeply. “You know, I think I’d really like to have a night out. When would you like to go?”

“How about tonight, since it’s Friday? Your parents were very shortsighted and selfish. Don’t let their shortcomings affect your hopes and dreams. Stand up for what you want out of life and grab onto it with both hands. Life’s too short not to. I was like you. Too scared to see what was under my nose and too busy trying to protect everyone else. But you know what? I was wrong, and I now have three men who love me and I love in return. Don’t let fear and other people’s opinions stop you from going after what you want,” Rachel stated.

“Shit, I’ve been such an idiot,” Deb grumbled.

“Who called you an idiot?” Britt’s voice boomed across the room.

Debbie looked up to see Britt and Daniel walking toward her as well as the two sheriffs, Luke and Damon.

“No one,” Debbie said with a shrug.

“Give me a look at your head,” Britt said. Debbie tried not to shiver as he ran his fingers through her hair and smoothed over the pink scar on her scalp. Just a touch or a look from him or Daniel was enough to turn her to mush. She had it so bad. “It doesn’t look too horrid, baby. Your hair covers it and no one will ever know it was even there.”

“What are you doing here, honey?” Daniel asked. He placed a hand on her shoulder and gave her a slight rub.

“I thought if you weren’t too busy, we could have lunch together at the diner. But I understand if you can’t.”

“No, we’re finished here for the moment. Let’s go, baby.” Britt helped her to her feet by placing a hand at her elbow.

“Oh, I nearly forgot. Rachel’s invited me out to the hotel tonight. Do you mind if I go?”

“How about we all go?” Damon asked. “We can have a meal and then listen to the new band Tyson’s hired on.”

“That sounds perfect. You can call Sam and Tyson and let them know we’re going out. Tyson’s going to have to keep our table free and add another to it for the evening,” Rachel responded.

“Okay, we’ll see you there around seven. I’m really looking forward to it, Rachel. Thank you,” Debbie said, and then she took Daniel’s and Britt’s hands in hers and led them from the office.

“You seem happy, honey. Are you glad you got your stitches out?” Daniel asked.

“You have no idea. I can’t wait to get home and wash my hair.”

“You don’t have to have lunch with us if you want to go home, baby,” Britt said.

“I know, but I want to be with you both. I missed you.”

Britt stopped on the sidewalk and turned her to face him. She looked him square in the eye and let him see her emotions. She heard his breath catch and knew he could see her love for him shining from her eyes. She turned her head to Daniel and let him see how much she loved him, too.

“You sure pick your moments, baby,” Britt whispered, and then his mouth was on hers. The fact that she was standing on the sidewalk faded into the background. She opened her mouth up to his when his tongue licked along her lips and kissed him with all her pent-up emotions. When he pulled back they were both breathing heavily.

“My turn,” Daniel rasped and pulled her into his arms. He devoured her, sliding his tongue along hers, and she couldn’t prevent a moan from escaping. She jumped and pulled away when she heard a car horn blast.

“Come on, we’d better go eat before we give the fine citizens of Slick Rock something to gossip about,” Debbie said, holding their hands again, and began to walk.

“Would it bother you, Debs?” Britt asked.

“Would what bother me?”

“Being the object of gossip?”

“No. I don’t care what anyone thinks. I love you both too much to worry about pusillanimous, small-minded people. If they have nothing better to do with their lives then that’s their problem, not mine.”

“Honey, you are so sexy when you’re preachy. No, you’re just downright sexy all the time. I love you, too, Deb,” Daniel replied. “You’ve made me very happy by saying you love us.”

“Stop it. You’re going to make me cry.”

“Love you, baby,” Britt whispered in her ear.

“Me, too,” Deb replied and then had to clear her throat. “Okay, let’s get some lunch. I’m hungry.”

While they ate they sat chatting about what she was going to do about her business and about the other ménage relationships in Slick Rock. She hadn’t realized Luke was also in the same sort of relationship and wanted to meet the woman who could tame the large, wild-looking sheriff. She was thinking of planning a barbecue and inviting Leah and her men, Rachel and hers, and Luke and his woman and friends. She was glad she wasn’t the only woman in town in an unconventional relationship. It made her feel more at ease.

Once lunch was over, her men walked her back to the truck, kissed her good-bye, and sent her on her way home. They would be home around five o’clock so they could get ready for their night out.

She planned to try and get a little loving with her men before they went out for dinner. She’d only been with them the one time, and now that she was one hundred percent healthy again, she needed to feel the touch of the men she loved.

Chapter Twelve

“Honey, we’re home. Where are you?” Daniel called as soon as he entered the back door. He had been itching to have Debbie in his arms since lunchtime. His heart was so full with joy and love, and he wanted to show her just how much he needed her. He had waited too long for her to say she loved him, and now that she had, he wanted to make love with her. His cock had been hard for hours, and he wanted to lose himself in her sweet body.

“I’m in my bedroom,” she called out.

Daniel hurried down the hallway and then froze at her bedroom door. She had candles lit all around the room, their flames flickering and their scent wafting to his nostrils. But what drew and held his attention was the sight of his woman lying on the bed amongst a heap of pillows, with the covers on the bed pulled down, and totally, gloriously naked.

He drew in a breath and stepped farther into the room. He didn’t look at Britt when his brother gasped behind him. He just stared at her while he removed his clothes. When he was standing before her nude, he clasped his cock in his hand and pumped his shaft. She just continued to stare at him, her eyes roving over his body, and her cheeks beginning to flush with arousal. He loved the fact that he could get her horny without touching her. He let his cock go and moved to her side on the bed.

“I love you, honey,” he whispered and then took her mouth with his.

He groaned as he slid his tongue between her lips and tasted every inch of her sweet, moist cavern. He placed his hand on her belly and smoothed his palm up over her soft, silky, warm skin. When he got to her breast, he used his fingers to frame the fleshy mound, withdrew his mouth from hers, and kissed his way down her throat to her chest. He laved his tongue over her dusky pink nipple and then sucked it into his mouth. She cried out with pleasure, and his cock jerked with need. He released her turgid peak, and then he kissed, licked, and nibbled his way down her body.

Daniel placed a leg between hers and nudged her thighs apart. He lifted his head and looked at the love of his life. Her chest and cheeks were flushed, her pink nipples were hard, and she was currently kissing his brother, who was now naked and on the bed at her side. He saw her reach out and wrap her hand around Britt’s cock. Her small white hand pumping his brother’s dick was so damned erotic, his cock jerked.

He slid his hands beneath her ass and massaged the firm, fleshy globes as he lowered his head. He growled when her cream coated his tongue as he licked her from anus to clit and back again. He rimmed his tongue around her wet pussy hole and then thrust it into her body. When he looked up the length of her body, he nearly shot his load. He gripped his balls and gave them a firm tug to prevent himself from coming too soon. His woman suckled on his brother’s cock. Her lips were red and full, stretched wide around his brother’s shaft as she bobbed along his length.

Daniel’s control was slipping, and even though they only had a limited amount of time, he wanted to make his woman come before he entered her body and made love to her. Closing his eyes again, he concentrated on bringing his Debbie pleasure. He eased two fingers into her cunt and lapped at her clit. He smiled against her flesh as she bucked her hips up, begging him for more. When he found her sweet spot, he slid the pads of his fingers over her again and again. Caging her clit between his teeth, he laved his tongue over the sensitive bundle of nerves, over and over. He made sure not to lift his tongue away from her clit and was rewarded when she cried out and grabbed hold of his hair with her hand.

Her walls fluttered and rippled around his digits, and he knew his love was close to orgasm. He changed the angle of his fingers and made sure he pumped his fingers deep and fast, caressing over her G-spot with every pass. He loved the sounds she made when they pleasured her. He felt her flesh clamp down on his digits, and she screamed as she climaxed.

He withdrew his fingers from her hole, placed his tongue at her entrance, and lapped up her juices. She tasted so exquisite he didn’t want to miss a drop of her cum. When the last quiver died away, he sat up, swiped a hand over his chin and mouth, and moved in closer to her.

He began to ease his cock into her body while he watched her give Britt a blow job. He groaned as her tight, wet flesh enveloped him. He had found heaven on earth. To be able to tell Debbie he loved her freely and have her return those sentiments was magical. To be able to hold her in his arms and love her with his body was special. He was halfway in her body, and sweat was running down his face as he held his control on a tight leash. He wanted to surge into her until he was embedded in her body balls-deep, but he didn’t want to hurt her. But she surprised him by taking the matter in her own hands, so to speak. She lifted her hips up and forward until he could feel his cock touching against her womb. She released Britt’s cock with a slurp and a pop and reached both hands out toward him.

“I love you both, so much. Please. I need you to love me at the same time,” Debbie panted out.

“Come here then, honey,” Daniel said breathlessly and gently pulled her up onto his lap and into his arms. “God, I love you so much, Deb. I want to love and hold you forever. Just relax those muscles and let Britt stretch you.”

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