Viking Claim (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 2) (22 page)

BOOK: Viking Claim (The MacLomain Series: Viking Ancestors Book 2)
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Though she knew damn well it did.

Right here.

Right now.

Their eyes held for a long moment before he slowly untied his pants and removed them. Not shy in the least, he watched her the whole time before he walked into the pool and relaxed beneath the water.

While she might not be a huge believer in true love, she was an avid cheerleader of a perfectly made man and good sex. And Raknar was nothing less than perfect with his chiseled torso and long, strong form as he eased back into the water. When his eyes met hers it wasn’t with curiosity but one hundred percent pure challenge.

He didn’t need to say a word as he lounged against the far wall. His look said it all.

Come join me.

You won’t regret it.

Veronica might have been terrified of what lay ahead, but all her trepidation was put on a back burner as light flickered off his taut skin.

But this was wrong.

So she waved her hand in the air loosely, unsure what else to do. “Are we really that confident Naðr, Megan, and Kol are safe?”

“Enough so.” Raknar’s eyes traveled down her body. “But it no longer matters.”

“It might,” she argued.

“No,” he assured.

“How do you know?”

Raknar lifted a hand and curled his fingers in a slow come-hither motion, eyes languid. “Come here, Veronica.”

Heat might have unfurled beneath her skin in anticipation, but she shook her head no.

“Come here,” he repeated softly, not moving an inch. No, the power was in his eyes and now that she’d met the dragon within she could safely say what called her now was…him. Man.



Though she swore she didn’t move a muscle, the next thing she knew she had kicked off her boots and was ankle deep in water.

“No,” he murmured, coming to her, eyes crawling hungrily over her form. “No clothes. Take off your dress.”

When she started to speak, he shook his head. “Take it off then come to me.” Though his mouth stayed hard, his eyes softened. “I want to feel your skin against mine.”

Veronica continued to shake her head even as she peeled off her dress. She whipped it aside, eyes locked with his.

Again they stared.

It felt like her heart might explode in her chest.

Sharp desire unraveled in her stomach then moved lower.

Suddenly, it became all about seduction. Need. Desperation.

When his eyes dragged from hers and slowly roamed over her body, Veronica followed it, trailing her hands over her breasts, then waist, before sliding them over her hips.

His pupils flared.

A low growl rumbled in his chest.

She bit the corner of her lip as her body reacted to his animalistic response. When he lunged forward, water sloshing, to get to her, the look on his face was so intense she pulled back.

But he grabbed her wrist and yanked her forward.

Veronica part cried, part gasped, when one hand clenched her backside harshly and the other dug into her hair and angled her head. Raknar’s mouth came close, his hot breath fanning over her lips. “I need to be inside you.”

The last of her breath escaped when he lifted her, strode through the water and sat her on a small ledge. The pool might be warm but the water running down the rock was cool. A delicious contrast to the searing heat of his body as he came between her spread thighs. When his lips crashed against hers, she shivered and rippled, immensely aware of not only the stark ridges of his thigh and abdominal muscles but the eager, silky hard length between her legs.

Hips thrusting slowly, purposefully, he dragged his erection against her, fueling her need so thoroughly that concentrated, intense arousal pooled below. She wrapped her legs around him and cupped his cheeks, groaning into his mouth as she flexed her hips in rhythm with his.

This time there would be no slow build up but immediate possession.

Veronica cried out when he slammed her wrists against the stone on either side of her head and no longer moved against her but thrust deep. Guttural moans came from them both as he rammed forward and she dug her heels into the flexing muscles of his ass.

, woman,” he growled as he moved faster. Water skimmed over her shoulders and dampened her skin, creating a slick, delicious glide between her breasts and his chest.

He released her hands, scooped his arms beneath her knees then slammed his hands back against the wall. Veronica had just enough time to wrap her arms around his neck before he pressed deep.
very deep. She cried out again, squeezing her eyes shut to the drastically heightened pleasure twisting and ripping through her.

She swore he breathed her name into her hair but it was hard to tell over the roar of blood in her ears as waves of heat started to fill her. Everything seemed to be catching on fire as he rode her with such focused intensity breath struggled to break free from her lungs.

Trapped, forced to take all he gave, she dug her nails into his shoulders and whimpered, desperate for the release he drove her toward.



Almost there.

Her eyes shot open when her stomach muscles started to flutter rapidly. Then everything seemed to explode, expanding but clenching tight and pulling in all at once. This time she didn’t simply cry out but screamed as every little muscle in her body seized. Even her lungs or so it seemed as her wail snagged in her throat and a climax ripped away coherency.

Raknar released a low roar as he thrust one last time and locked up against her.

Both panted as they languished in the aftermath of pure perfection. Stars continued to shoot across her vision as her muscles slowly unlocked and a soothing, sated glow settled over her. Gentle, reverent, he slowly lowered her legs, cupped the side of her neck and brushed his lips over hers before he lifted her and sunk down into the warm water.

Completely lost, she floated in his arms, eased by the water. Though he braced his back against the rock, he kept her on his lap, his eyes roaming over her face.

“You’re looking at me like you expect to lose me, Raknar,” she murmured.

“No, I'm looking at you like I intend to keep you.” He ran his finger along her jaw. “Because I do.”

The interesting thing? The idea of that no longer seemed so preposterous. When she first arrived, heck even more recently, she had been so certain that she
be going home. Now the thought of it left her feeling uneasy. About the only thing she missed was twenty-first century clothing and on occasion, modern day amenities. But it seemed she didn’t miss them so much that she’d turn away from those she had met here. No, these Vikings had wormed their way straight into her heart.

The thought of returning to her apartment in the city held little if no appeal. She couldn’t imagine how empty it would feel…without them…him. Now that she’d finally come to that stunning realization, it made her sick to realize she would have absolutely no choice in the matter.

“Please don't look so sad,” he whispered and stroked her cheek.

Veronica tried to perk up some, but it was tough. She was increasingly frightened about what lay ahead, by all that she might lose. Not only him and his brothers but also Heidrek. She’d grown alarmingly close to the boy in a short amount of time.

Troubled, her eyes met Raknar’s. “If things go wrong you and your brothers won’t remember us and vice versa, but what about Heidrek? Will he remember me and Megan? Because that would be horrible and so unfair after everything he’s already gone through.”

And probably something she should have thought about before agreeing to this. Still, there was too much at stake and she knew she’d make the same decision again no matter what.

“My brothers and I will
lose you so please don’t worry.”

“I didn’t even have a chance to say goodbye,” she whispered.

“He knows how much you care about him.” Raknar pulled her close and rested her head beneath his chin. “Regardless of what happens, you have helped my boy find great strength and that will keep him brave when faced with whatever comes.”

A long silence stretched only broken by the trickle of water and the spitting of torches. All the while, he stroked her hair before at last whispering, “I love you, woman. I cannot be without you.”

Eyes closed, she released a soft sigh. “Though I’ve never been a big believer in it, I’m pretty sure I love you too.”

Raknar kissed the top of her head then tilted up her chin until their eyes connected. Again they stared at one another for a long moment before his lips closed over hers. At first gentle, seeking, confirming, the kiss was affectionate. Yet it soon grew more passionate as their tongues twisted, mingled and danced.

Within seconds, his renewed erection pressed against her.

Slowly pulling his lips away, he sat on the rock ledge and turned her so that she sat on his lap with her back to his front. Then he put her knees on the outside of his and spread his legs as he positioned his erection not against her backside but her front.

If there seemed to be one thing that was consistent about the Sigdir brothers, it was that they were absolutely insatiable. Which wasn’t such a bad thing. Veronica was quickly coming to understand why Megan had become so sexual because she was heading down the same road.

When he brushed aside her damp hair, grazed his teeth along the side of her neck and ran his fingers over her clit, she couldn’t help but return the favor. Eyelids drifting, she wrapped a hand around as much of his arousal as she could manage and began to squeeze and stroke. He grunted with approval but didn’t give her long to enjoy the feel of his thick length…at least not in her hand.

Veronica clamped down hard on her bottom lip when he lifted then lowered her onto him. That’s when he began a slow, excruciatingly delicious form of torture. His lips and teeth never left her neck as one hand paid thorough attention to her breasts while the other kept busy below.

All the while he thrust up and down so slowly she started to squirm. When she did, he locked her in position with a tight arm around her waist. Her eyes drifted down. The sight of him working her swollen flesh in combination with the movement of their joined bodies had her groaning with uncharacteristically lusty satisfaction. 

Raknar spread her legs further and started to roll his hips just enough that tiny bolts of pleasure started to zing up and down her torso, arms and legs. She released a quivering gasp and tried to arch. No such luck. He’d taken her freedom and left her with nothing but high-octane, unescapable bliss.

She cried out his name when he nipped her neck and jerked his hips, flinging her into another toe-curling climax. This time he didn’t go with her but dialed down his relentless touch to whisper soft, drawing out her pleasure.

When at last she drifted back down to Earth, he stood and turned them so that her wobbly legs fell. Yet he kept a solid, supportive arm around her waist as he urged her to brace her hands against the wall. He pressed her legs apart and started to thrust with far more ambition.

Veronica dug her now completely ruined nails into the rock and pushed back as his thrusts increased. Not only heat but shivers raced through her as he grasped her hips and took her over and over. Water sloshed as he again growled low in his throat. She clenched her teeth as pleasure mixed with sweet pain.

Then everything seemed to swirl into a tornado of unquenchable need.

In a brutal frenzy, she nearly lost her footing he became so aggressive. But she liked it and her body
it. This time his final thrust was a harsh slam and his roar not soft in the least but loud and echoing in the cave.

Veronica might have thought he couldn’t outdo himself but when he found his release, it triggered her own. Intense, powerful, it seemed to be more than her body could handle because stars didn’t just shoot across her vision this time but flickered so sharply that all went completely dark.

Chapter Seventeen


Raknar knew the moment Veronica passed out and lifted her into his arms.

By the time he managed to dry her off and lay her on the bed, she was snoring. Raknar smiled, dried off, lay down next to her and pulled a fur over them. He shifted onto his side and wrapped his arms around her, content to watch her sleep. Her lips were open a scant fraction and her nostrils flared ever-so-slightly as her delicate snoring continued.

Though he doubted Yrsa raining down her wrath at this very moment could awaken Veronica, he was gentle when he ran the pad of his thumb over her lower lip. Swollen from his kisses, beautifully curved, he continued to grin when her lips curled up in a small smile. She was very much asleep but still aware of his touch.

Raknar swallowed as unfamiliar emotions threatened. He had never felt this deeply about anyone save his son and truly feared that he might lose her. Disgusted with his lack of faith in his ability to protect her, he clenched his jaw. Never once had he doubted himself before and it was an appalling sensation.

So he pushed it aside and focused on her stunning face.

A face that he intended to look upon for the remainder of his life then at Odin’s table in Valhalla. There was no other option. At least not one he was willing to entertain.

No, it was best to focus on defeating Yrsa.

Yet as he gazed at Veronica, thoughts of what she and Megan were willing to do for him and his brothers haunted him. He might have loved Aesa and even Yrsa at one time, but it was incomparable to the way he loved the woman in his arms. She was not only incredibly courageous but good. The way she cared for his son warmed his heart far more than she knew.

Raknar couldn’t help but continue to stare at her for a long time before he at last kissed her forehead and pulled her tightly against him. He slept little and knew before the sun crested the horizon that the seers stirred.

It was nearly time.

Raknar kissed her softly then murmured in her ear. “Veronica, you must awaken.”

She stirred but didn’t wake, a whisper on her lips. “I love you too.”

He again pushed aside the sharp emotions her words invoked and stroked her cheek, his voice firmer. “Time to wake up, woman.”

This time her eyelids drifted. Then, as though she realized what day it was, her eyes shot open and locked on his. Caught as she was between deep sleep and sudden wakefulness, she couldn’t hide her fear.

Knowing full well that it was best to show her nothing but strength, he stood and started dressing. “We must ready ourselves.”

“Of course,” she murmured and sat up, still groggy. “Sorry, I don’t remember much after…”

When her voice trailed off, he offered a small smile. “You fell asleep sooner than expected but it was much needed.”

Veronica rolled her eyes and crawled out of bed. “Way to be humble, sweetheart.” Despite her apparent worry over the upcoming events, she grinned as she dressed. “You certainly know your way around a woman’s body.”

Raknar shrugged and eyed her as he pulled on his boots. “You have a remarkably beautiful body. One I intend to completely explore again and again.”

A blush stained her cheeks but at least she didn’t focus on how that might not happen, ever again, if things didn’t go well today. “I guess that means certain death by pleasure for me then because you seem to have it all figured out. Anything better would be downright torture.”

Veronica had just finished lacing up her dress when he pulled her into his arms. He didn’t kiss her right away. Just held her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her cheek against his chest. They stayed that way for some time before he pulled back. He was about to close his lips over hers but stopped, sensing they were being watched. When he turned his head, he was proven right.

The Unnamed One stood just outside their chamber completely motionless. Before either he or Veronica could say a word, she turned and started walking away. Not long after, Helga appeared. “Come. Break your fast. It is almost time.”

Raknar nodded and waited for Helga to leave before he cupped Veronica’s cheeks and met her eyes. “Today will not be easy but you're very strong. Remember to focus not on emotions or fear but strength alone.”

Veronica pressed her lips together, stood up a little straighter and nodded. “No worries. I’ll be all right.”

His eyes narrowed on hers and he liked what he saw.




Though he meant to simply brush his lips over hers, it was impossible not to kiss her thoroughly. By the time he pulled away, they were both winded and ready for far more.

But the time for that had passed.

At least for now.

Raknar said nothing more but pulled her after him. His brothers and Megan already sat around the fire. None ate but spoke softly. When they joined them, Naðr handed over some meat. He nodded at Veronica then met Raknar’s eyes. “Are you ready then, brother?”

He nodded, mildly shocked to see a flicker of not anger but something else entirely in Naðr’s eyes. Before he could further scrutinize it, Helga spoke. As she had the night before, the Unnamed One sat by her feet.

“When the sun has crested the lowest peak alongside Galdhøpiggen, our power will be at its strongest and we will cast a summoning spell,” Helga said. “Yrsa in her true form will not be able to resist the call of her blood sisters. But…” She paused. “Once the sun fully crests this mountain our opportunity to destroy her will be gone.”

Helga seemed to be aglow this morning despite what lay ahead. His eyes met Kol’s. Though his brother said nothing, it was clear by the exhaustion in his eyes she had kept him busy all night. But again, his brother was at his best after a solid night of romping and the wink Kol shot him confirmed that.

“What will you have us do,” Naðr said.

“Be ready to fight with the weapons provided.” Her eyes went to Raknar. “Do not embrace your dragon or your magic at all. If you do, things will become far worse than they already are.”

Raknar nodded. “I will not. You have my word.”

Helga held his gaze for a long moment before her eyes went to Veronica then Megan. “You should not be part of this battle. If you are, it will compromise the brothers. Do you understand?”

Megan scowled, sighed, and then nodded.

When Veronica said nothing, Helga arched her brows and repeated. “Do you understand?” 

Tongue in cheek, his woman finally nodded. “Yeah, I got it.”

He didn’t much like the look she and her sister tossed one another. They were stubborn women to be sure. His eyes met Naðr’s and he knew his brother was thinking the same thing.

Raknar squeezed Veronica’s hand. When she glanced his way, he gave her a look that said exactly what he was thinking.
Listen to the seer. I won’t have you hurt.

Her lips twisted, but she stayed silent.

All remained somber, eating and drinking very little as they waited. Suddenly, the Unnamed One stood, rocked her head back and forth then started rattling a strand of what looked to be human finger bones over the fire. Helga stood, flung up her hands, tilted back her head and started chanting.

Raknar continued to hold Veronica’s hand as the fire twisted and stemmed upward. Up and up it went until it swarmed over the ceiling high above. Foreign voices whispered and murmured through the cave. Then, as quickly as it rose, the fire sizzled back down and a large sack of fabric appeared by the Unnamed One’s feet. Though smoke rolled off it, Helga pulled it away from the flames and whipped it open.

Eyes narrowed, he and his brothers stood.

“You will fight with these,” Helga announced.

Drawn by the beauty of fine weaponry, the three of them moved closer. Glorious in their workmanship, three long broadswords lay next to three double-edged axes as well as bows and arrows, daggers and shimmering round shields. They crouched, fingering the glorious blades in awe.

“For you. From the goddess Freyja,” Helga murmured softly.

Like his brothers, Raknar grabbed the hilt of both a sword and axe then stood. He tested the weight of his blades. They were perfectly suited to him. First he swung the sword, thrilled at the feel of it slicing through the air. Then, with as much relish, he rolled then swiped the axe, an unescapable smile crawling over his face. His brothers were equally pleased as they swung and got the feel of their weapons.

Naðr held out his blades, flung back his head and roared, “Bless you, Freyja. I will do you proud!” before he fell to one knee and lowered his head.

Raknar did the same. “To Freyja!” Then, like his brother, he fell to one knee, bent his head and murmured. “Thank you for these gifts.”

Kol was right behind them. “To Freyja! My Queen above all others. I love you, my goddess.”

The fire crackled and the wind howled as the brothers kept their heads bowed in thanks and worship. Only once the Unnamed One shook her bones did Helga say, “Freyja acknowledges your thanks. You may rise.”

All three rose and grabbed the strappings to hold their weapons when Helga tossed them over. “Take the daggers and shields as well.”

“What about the bow and arrows?” Megan said.

Veronica had heard that her sister was very capable with the weapon so understood her curiosity.

Helga’s eyes narrowed on Megan. “Take them only if you can keep from using them.”

Megan frowned. “Then what’s the point of taking them.”

“Learning self-restraint.”

Veronica pursed her lips. It seemed Helga didn’t know Megan in the least. But then if the bow and arrows were truly provided by a Norse god and a seer suggested she take them, that had to mean something. And Megan wasn’t about to refuse the opportunity as she quickly strapped them to her back.

Naðr frowned and went to her, his words a murmur but loud enough for everyone to hear. “You are not to fight.”

“And I won’t,” she said, a little gleam in her eyes. “It just makes me feel better knowing I’ve got something to protect my sister with if push comes to shove.”

“If Yrsa defeats us she will not push or shove either of you, it’ll be far worse,” Raknar assured.

Megan quirked her lips at him. “Another one of those twenty-first century sayings, sweetie.”

Raknar frowned and shook his head.

“Where is the sun?” Veronica asked, anxious as the men tucked daggers all along their bodies.

Naðr eyed the mouth of the cave. “Nearly upon us.”

“It is time to summon her,” Helga said and led the way.

Raknar swung a fur over first Megan’s then Veronica’s shoulders. Before they followed everyone outside, he stopped Veronica, hands firm on her shoulders, eyes hard. “What's about to happen will be unlike anything you have seen thus far. Yrsa is not only ruthless but cunning. No matter what she might seem, keep your heart cold and believe nothing she says or puts before your eyes. She is a master at dark magic and will attack you not physically but mentally.” He squeezed her shoulders tighter. “Do you understand?”

“I understand,” she said, irritated when her voice sounded hoarse. So she cleared her throat and spoke more firmly. “I won’t let you down, Raknar.”

A muscle leapt in his jaw and not only his brows, but the corners of his lips pulled down. “You could never let me down, Veronica. You have faced more than any mortal woman should and made me so proud.” He pressed his lips against her forehead then met her eyes again. “You are logical and bright. Keep your wits about you and follow not your eyes but your heart.”

“Absolutely,” she promised, jaw set.

But he got the particular impression that she intended to take his words literally and follow her heart…which now not only belonged to him but was determined to protect him. Raknar looked at her long and hard before he kissed her again then pulled away. “It' s time.”

When she nodded, he took her hand and they followed the others out. Pale purple and deep orange lit the sky, casting errant clouds into twisting ropes across the lower peaks. The wind shear was strong as he pulled her against him and stood alongside his brothers and Megan.

The seers walked to the very edge of the cliff so that only their heels balanced on the jagged lip. Holding hands, they raised their arms in the air and lowered their heads as the first rays of sun shot over the lowest peak. Raknar felt the vibration of life fill him as warmth cascaded up and over the mountains then hovered above them.

Because he knew Veronica couldn’t see what he did, Raknar brought his lips close to her ear and murmured, “They are summoning power that brings forth what you cannot see or hear. The rock beneath vibrates. The air tastes of salt and pine, but fresher when caught within a new day. True colors show themselves.” He ran the back of his fingers up her arm. “Your skin is pink and pulsing with warmth. The mountains are full of every color that exists and the sky.” He shook his head. “Blue. Green. Black. White. Brilliant. It is everything.”

Her eyes widened as though she tried to imagine it.

“But it is the wind that makes it all so beautiful. It dusts off the sea and mountains and sky, swiping all of their colors into the air around us.”

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