Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1) (24 page)

BOOK: Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1)
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"What is going on?" The shorter Anguis man knocked heavily on the door.

Hope wailed and gagged some more. She laid down on the floor curling around the edge of the toilet clutching her stomach.

The door burst open, and the man rushed in. He looked from Hope to the toilet then back at her.

Hope let her head loll to the side as she choked and slobbered on herself.

The man's eyes widened in horror.

"Oh shit Keelback's not going to be happy about this."

The man spun and rushed out of the room.

That worked better than she'd hoped. Men could be such wussies when it came to illness.

Hope scrambled off the floor and raced to the bathroom door. As his rapid footfalls sounded down the hall, she peeked around the corner and watched him enter the main room.

Hope wasn't about to wait for an invitation. They would be coming soon. She hurried for the exit as she heard the shorter male shout out that she was sick.

Thank god they never expected her to attempt an escape, the door didn't require a finger scan to get out.

Hope made it out into the street, just as she heard the men rushing into the hall. She quickly raced down the block then turned the first corner running as fast as her legs could carry her. Hope heard shouting, and it spurred her on faster, her heart thundering in her chest, her sandals pounding the pavement.

She knew she couldn't out run them, so she took every turn that she came to, hoping they didn't lead to a dead end.

Hope came to the end of an alley and thought she heard people. She ran towards the sound, turned another corner and saw a group milling about outside a restaurant. She glanced over her shoulder relieved she didn't see her abductors, till she recalled their ability to camouflage themselves and their intense sense of smell.

Hope pulled her scarf over her head as she exited the side street. She calmly attempted to melt into the small crowd of people. For once she was glad the Anguis towered over her making it easier to get lost amongst them.

She didn't have her portable comm-unit. Hope wondered if someone here would help her, but she didn't know who to trust. She couldn't just ask anyone. What if she happened upon another Purist sympathizer?

Hope frantically looked around. She was in the same area they went shopping, but it was also where there'd been protesters. Maybe she could find her way to the shuttle station. Hope found herself on the other side of the group when she heard the commotion at the far side of the cafe. She'd been found.

"No no no." Hope cried frantically.

Hope recognized the shop at the corner with the colorful tented awning out front. It was the quaint storefront owned by the little old couple she'd bought Viper's necklace from. Unfortunately it was closed for business, the flap on the tent sealed.

Hope turned to see her abductors pushing through the crowd, their heads turning every which way trying to locate her. She didn't have any better options. Hope hugged the building as she crept towards the shop. She reached the tent flap, crouched on the ground then crawled inside.

The tent was dim, but a light shone from the interior of the shop at the back of the stall. Hope crawled between the empty tables towards the door. She prayed like hell the men hadn't seen her enter and that someone was still inside the shop.

Hope crouched at the door as she knocked gently. She heard movement inside so she knocked louder. The hollow sound made her cringe as she looked towards the tent flap in fear.

Sudden movement nearly frightened the piss out of her. Hope swung around to see the old man standing in the doorway.

"Uxorem?" The elderly Anguis man stared down at her in confusion.

"Please help me!" Hope begged in a whispered voice.

"Come in child." The man stepped back.

Hope didn't waste any time.

"Secure the door." She urged her voice tinged with panic.

Hope watched the gray haired man press his finger to the pad locking the door and nearly collapsed in relief.

"Thank you. I was abducted. I got away but the men are following me." Hope wanted to hug the old man.

She jumped as someone came down the stairs.

"Don't fear Uxorem it's just my subeo, Umi. We live up stairs."

"Orn what... Oh Uxorem." The little old woman stopped on the bottom step.

Sudden banging on the door made Hope jump. She spun away from the door. A face appeared in the large shop window. Her hand rose to her mouth to repress a cry of distress when malicious eyes made contact with hers. Hope backed further into the shop as Keelback struck the window in frustration.

"It's storm glass he'll have to try harder than that." Orn said.

"We need to contact Prognatus Viper. He will send someone for me." Hope jumped as the banging got louder. "I'm so sorry I involved you."

"Nonsense child." Umi placed her wrinkled hand on Hope's arm attempting to calm her.

"It would be faster to take our vehicle. It's in the garage out back."

"Do we have to go outside to reach it?" Hope looked nervously at the pissed off male striking the window. "There's two others somewhere out there."

"No it's attached to the house. Don't worry our security is pretty good."

Hope nodded.

They moved through the shop to a door at the back. Inside the attached garage was a minivan sized vehicle. Umi opened the door and Hope jumped into the backseat.

She never felt so good as she did when the vehicle took off leaving her three abductors behind. For an old man Orn had a lead foot.

"Thank you!" Hope sobbed then said a prayer thanking fate for putting the old couple in her path.

15 Taking Love for Granted



"I don't know who ordered me to organize my sect. They just gave me the place and time." The lead Purist rioter wailed, blood streaming from his gut where Viper had raked his claws across his flesh.

Viper was sick of the asshole. It had taken way too much convincing for the tight lipped bastard to crack, but a few claws shoved into the abdomen seemed to do it.

Viper pushed the reprobate up against the wall, his spiked clavum at the male's throat.

"So you just listen to anyone who contacts you?" Viper snarled in the perpetrator's bloodied face.

"They used the code word." The male rasped as he swallowed hard, his throat raking against the sharp projections on Viper's forearm.

"Your life is already forfeit but know this, for every hair that is harmed on the Uxorem's head, I will flay a strip of flesh from your worthless hide, till you beg me for the sweet release of death." Viper promised the wretched male, pressing his forearm into the Purist's throat till blood welled and trickled down the tips of his serrated clavum.

As much as the beast inside was begging Viper to end this lowlife, he pulled back and stormed out of the detention cell.

"Fuck." Viper snarled, wiping blood off his claws onto his pants.

None of the prisoners seemed to know anything of value though several were real stubborn. The ones affiliated with the Purist group had the same story, they received a message calling them to protest, but were ignorant beyond that. The other idiots just seemed to go along for the ride.

"Don't give up." Adder gruff'd beside him.

It was getting late. If Hope wasn't found soon... Viper shook his head. He couldn't think about the awful possibilities.

"Prognatus, I have something I need you to see." Boaz said through Viper's private comm frequency.

"Go, I'll see if I can learn anything else here." Adder nodded to him.

Viper headed to security.

"What have you found?" He said the instant he entered, hoping Boaz had good news.

"The footage outside your cabin isn't the only footage that isn't quite right. Look here, this is the south-western recorder." Boaz stated.

Viper watched the vid seeing nothing unusual. The mercenary walked the perimeter as expected, on schedule, every ten minutes.

"What am I looking for?"

"See that guard." Boa pointed. "He walks from the left of the screen to the right, then back again." Boaz scanned forward. "Now he does it again on schedule, but watch. See how he again looks at his comm at the same spot near the tree, and notice the same bird takes off from the tree when he approaches, here in the top corner of the screen."

"It's a loop." Viper growled.

"Yes. Someone hacked the footage but got sloppy. Whoever was here in security would've been concentrating on the perimeter particularly with the riot. So the hacker did a better job concealing the border feed than they did with your pod, but it's still sloppy. I think they were betting no one would notice surveillance was down outside of your pod with everything else going on."

Viper snarled in anger. They'd all been distracted by the rioters.

"What I haven't determined is the source." Boaz grimaced."The loop was bad, but they covered their tracks well."

"Boaz I want a log of everyone who's had access to security. Cross it with anyone who was on the ship. It may not help but it can't hurt. Has there been any unsanctioned movement at the colony perimeter?"

"Nothing so far. Basilisk reported in half an hour ago but hasn't had any luck searching the city."

"Fucking bullshit." Viper bellowed.

Viper pushed down the feral need to put his fist through something. His hands clenched, claws biting into his palms. The pain a distraction from his mounting fear. He thought for sure the traitor would attempt to make a move to meet up with Hope's abductors.

Hope's beautiful pale face flashed in his mind. He imagined her eyes filled with fear and it nearly ripped him in two.

"We have a vehicle at the eastern entrance." Boaz stated, and they looked at the screen to see the vehicle stopped at the outer gate.

"I'm on it. Keep your eyes peeled." Viper instructed Boaz before he took off towards the eastern border.

No one was expected so Viper armed himself before leaving security. It was past dark, a covert ambush wasn't outside the realm of possibilities.

The mercenaries held the vehicle at the gate, but the occupant refused to open for them. Viper approached cautiously. With everything that had occurred he was just as easily a target.

"I need to see the Prognatus!" The voice of an old man came through the lowered portal.

Viper was instantly wary. He scented Hope. These people had something to do with her abduction.

"I'm here. What business do you have at this hour?" Viper demanded as he stepped into the light by the gate. His patience had worn thin.

The rear vehicle door suddenly burst open.

Every mercenary instantly had their weapons pulled.

"Viper!" Screamed the voice Viper recognized all the way to the depths of his soul.

Thankfully the mercenaries also recognized they weren't under attack.

Viper lunged for Hope swinging her up in his arms. He tucked her head into his chest guarding her with his body.

The vehicle doors opened slowly and a frail old male and female managed to get out of the vehicle.

"How did you...?" Viper lifted Hope's chin and asked. He couldn't even finish his question before he choked on the words.

Hope's wide blue eyes were filled with tears as she clutched him. The emotion flashed through her so fast, going from fear, to disbelief then relief, it had Viper reeling.

"I escaped. Umi and Orn let me in their home before my abductors could catch me again." Hope sobbed.

"I've got you now." Viper purred attempting to soothe her.

Viper turned to the couple.

"You have my undying gratitude." Viper grasped Hope so hard he had to consciously tell himself to release his grip so he didn't crush her. "Please excuse me."

The elderly couple nodded.

"I want them treated like honored guests." Viper yelled to his mercenaries as he took off with Hope towards their pod.

Viper called his father as he ran.


"I have her father. Hope escaped and an old couple brought her in. I'm heading back to our quarters."

"I have everything under control. Go." Adder replied his voice tinged with relief.

Viper was glad his father understood his desperate need to get Hope alone, without having to explain. Viper wanted nothing more than to examine every inch of Hope and that's exactly what he planned. He had to rub his scent on her and taste her just to comfort himself she was safe.

Viper opened their pod door and kicked it shut. He set his little mate on the couch, but didn't release the hold he had on her.

Hope was trembling. Her intense emotions tore at him as he scented every nuance.

"Are you hurt?" Viper asked suddenly realizing he should've taken Hope to the infirmary.

"No. I thought I'd never see you again." Hope sobbed.

Viper was instantly relieved she wasn't injured as he knelt in front of her. He pressed his face to her stomach as he gripped her. Hope threaded her fingers through his thick locks holding him tight as he breathed her in. Despite the scent of other males, Viper could smell his female's unique perfume. It was a comforting scent. It quieted the rage and fear that burned through him. He was so thankful she was unharmed. The thought of what might have happened far surpassed unsettling.

Viper pulled back and studied Hope.

"I have never truly known fear before today Hope."

Viper kissed her releasing all the desperation and passion he held pent up inside. Hope tongue tangled with his as she opened for his bruising kiss. Her hands fluttered over his neck and shoulders as she clung to him, sucking the spicy flavor he exuded just for her. Hope's touch and kiss became needy as Viper drank her in. It was glorious, but he wanted more.

Viper pulled Hope's clothes off. He tried to be gentle, but he was desperate to confirm for himself that she was unharmed.

Hope quietly followed his movement with her eyes as Viper looked one by one at her arms, legs, every finger, toe and everything in between. Her long pale legs, full thighs and lush hips were flawless. Hope's heavy breasts heaved as her rapid breath came out in pants.

Viper growled when he saw the scratch from a fang on her arm.

"No one puts a hand let alone a mouth on my female!" He silently vibrated in rage.

Viper had to have Hope. He needed to taste her, touch her everywhere.

Viper pressed his face to her bare mound. He loved that she had a tuft of hair there. Her musky sweet scent called to him.

"I have to have you. Open up for me."

Hope gripped his shoulder as Viper pulled her hips to the edge of the couch, spread her thighs, then nuzzled her heat.

Hope gasped as he pressed his face into her cleft then sighed. It was a sound that pleased him to no end.

"My female is safe, and she wants me." Viper reveled in the knowledge.

He spread her thighs wider, then paused to take in the sight of her. Hope's pink folds glistened. He wanted a taste. Viper's tongue snaked out and swiped along her slit. She tasted glorious. Viper pushed into her quivering channel as Hope's hands kneaded his shoulders and moaned.

He quickly learned that the bud at the top of Hope's slit was hyper sensitive and would swell the more he teased it, till she cried out with uncontrolled desire. Viper needed to hear her scream his name. He latched onto her clit and sucked it as he flicked her with his tongue.

Hope's nails dug into Viper's biceps just as a gush of moisture escaped her heated core. She arched her back and pushed her hips into his mouth as he worshiped her flesh.

Viper pressed his fingers into Hope's tight sheath, curling upward to stroke the other spot he knew made her lose control.

Hope started panting, her thighs trembled and Viper knew she was ready for him. He could feast between Hope's thighs forever but the need to reclaim her was intense.

Viper had to force himself to slow down, so he didn't hurt her. The primal need lashed at him, taunting him to flip Hope and mount her. Viper felt the seething need boiling in his blood like a beast clawing to be free.

"Viper please!" Hope moaned as she pulled at his head.

It was all the encouragement Viper needed. He started to flip Hope over on the couch but she pushed at his hands.

"No I need to see you." She pleaded.

His mate had been taken from him, she was frightened. Now Hope needed the reassurance of seeing him as he reclaimed her. It made Viper proud that she found comfort in his arms, but also angry that she had been traumatized.

Viper spread her legs wider and wedged his hips between the cradle of her thighs as he tore at his pants.

Viper aligned the head of his shaft with Hope's weeping slit then pushed into her balls deep, all while staring into the blue pools of her eyes. They were wet with her emotion.

He couldn't believe he'd almost lost her.

Viper caressed Hope's cheeks, capturing her tears with his thumbs. The emotions that sunk into him were more profound than anything he'd ever known. He gasped, his hearts clenching as the acute impressions seared through him. Viper dipped his head and kissed Hope while he pulled back then stroked into her clenching depth. Hope squeezed his girth and Viper growled into her mouth. Hope nipped his lip breaking their kiss. The words she panted were his undoing.



It was ironic how the loss of something made you realize just how much you truly wanted it, needed it, to begin with. We take a lot for granted, our loved ones and even the earth we live on. In the blink of an eye Hope almost lost yet another precious thing in her life.

No more!

Hope stared into Viper's smoldering green eyes. They looked like they were rimmed in charcoal, making the luminescent green all the more intense. He breathed her in savoring each breath. His persistent growl chuffed out and vibrated his chest, teasing her sensitive stiff nipples.

Viper's strong comforting arms bracketed her, as he supported his weight on his elbows, hovering above her on the couch. His palms tenderly cradled her face as he knelt between her spread thighs, burying his broad length in her grasping sheath. It was heaven the way he stroked her over heated flesh.

Viper moved slowly steadily as if he were committing the feel of her to memory. Hope loved the gentle way he cosseted her, but she needed to feel the savageness she saw trapped in his eyes.

His jaw was straining with the overwhelming need to brand her as his own. He held himself in check just for her, but Hope wanted, needed her primal strong male.

Hope whispered her need to him.

"Oh god Viper I love you. I need you so much, all of you. Don't hold back."

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