Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1) (27 page)

BOOK: Viper's Hope (Anguis Defenders Book 1)
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"Unless you have found a cure, it can wait!" Viper roared, as he jumped to his feet.

Hope could hear the strain in his voice and see the toll it was having on him.

The scientist quaked in fear as he shook his head.

"No." The scientist's voice quivered. "But the virus has somehow been eradicated in the Regina."

It took them both a moment to realize what the man had said and who he was talking about. Viper was the new Rex and that meant Hope was the Regina, and...

Viper dropped to his knees and clutched at the man's lab coat.

"Say it again." Viper demanded.

"Sire we don't know how but Regina Hope has fought off the virus."

If the Anguis scientist was afraid before he was no doubt terrified now as Viper let out a whoop and jumped to his feet. He picked up the poor man and spun him around. Then just as quickly released the man and pressed himself to the glass.

"Did you hear that Hope?"

She smiled and nodded with bleary eyes that were crying again. It was a good thing they were pumping her with fluids because she was leaking like a sieve.

"How?" Viper turned to the man who was still picking himself up off the floor.

"We are unsure. Something in her blood is fighting and killing the Morbo Virus, but we haven't isolated it yet. We think it may be something unique to her or her kind. We don't know without further tests and samples."

"When can she leave?" Viper was almost giddy.

"Please Viper Rex we are just now certain that she is winning the battle. The Regina could still be carrying the virus or in some kind of remission."

Hope watched as Viper's mood deflated slightly.

"Hey don't pick out my burial plot so quickly!" Hope admonished him. This was good news, and they were going to run with it.

"Give us a few more days in quarantine and then a bit longer in regular observation please. This... this is monumental!"

Hope smiled at the scientist who'd relaxed some. Once he got past his initial fear of Viper, she could see the man of science was truly as excited as they were. That meant a lot considering how long they'd been searching for a cure.

Viper turned to Hope again as the man left.

"I wish I could get you out of here!"

"Patience." Hope smiled at her large mate, taking a second to look at him, to memorize him in this moment in time.

His dark brown dreads were pulled back from his rugged face, showing off his strong sharp features. Hope was always amazed how different and yet similar they were since they came from worlds apart. Creation was a wondrous thing. It didn't matter if you believed a Divine hand guided it or not, the magic hid in the fact that It Was, they Were.

Viper's twinkling resplendent green eyes stared into hers for a quiet shared moment. Then Hope found herself too happy and overcome to be silent.



Hope was winning the battle and Viper couldn't control his joy. He wanted to run into the star lit night and cry out in triumph. He wanted to kiss the earth in praise of Kadru. But most of all Viper wanted Hope. Not even the possibility of this being just a fluke dampened his spirits much. The scientist had been too happy for it to be anything other than a miracle.

Viper gazed at his mate, she was his everything, wrapped into a delicate looking package, but beneath the surface she was strong, brave, beautiful, and so wildly sexy.

"You know why my mother called us girls Faith and Hope?" His female said with a wistful smile.

"Why beautiful?" Viper asked as he stood pressed to the glass.

"She named us after a religious saying that goes, 'Faith, Hope and Love. But the greatest of these is Love.' I once asked mom, if we had another sister would she call her Love. And she would always tell us she already had love as she squeezed us tight." Viper's sweet female had an even sweeter smile as she recalled her mother.

Viper agreed with Hope's mother. He had love, and he had Hope.

"Viper have them turn off this drug that's making me sleepy, and my butt is sore from laying here so long." Hope grimaced.

Viper nearly burst he laughed so hard. The tension from the last day evaporating as his strong little mate groused.

"Yes Hope, let me see what I can do." As Viper walked to the door, he heard her holler.

"And I'm hungry too."

In that moment Viper was sure his Hope would be fine.

Amare wrapped around Viper's hearts and shook him to his very roots. Yet even as it uprooted him, Viper wouldn't have it any other way.



This was her last day in quarantine and thank god they didn't feel the need to keep her for further observation. The doctors had taken a truckload of blood already, the vampires! The Anguis scientists isolated some kind of cell in her that was literally consuming the Morbo virus. Cool and creepy! They just couldn't recognize or classify it. Either way there wasn't a single trace of the Morbo virus left in her, so Hope wasn't a threat to anyone else.

Hope was also happy to learn that the creature that infected her died afterwards. Apparently that's what they do, reproduce then die.

Was it shameful all she could think of was getting naked, hot and sweaty with a certain tall dark and handsome? Hope had been a ball of hormones from the moment they said she wasn't going to die. She had it bad, really bad.

"Are you ready?" Viper asked nearly shaking in excitement.

He was as ready as Hope was to get out of this place. He hadn't left her side for one moment and looked as pathetic as she did.

"God, I love that man." Hope beamed. "You know I am." She nodded emphatically.

Tara, Faith, JP, and Acris stood happily by the door. Even Hyla was present. The woman cast a genuine smile at her son, but occasionally glanced at the other room where Adder had been, and her face fell. It was a tragic loss. Hope wondered how she had been spared when Adder had not?

Hope watched and held her breath as the scientist typed into the control panel securing the room. Something in the back of Hope's mind nudged at her but was forgotten the instant the seal on the door broke.

It was a race to see who could get in first to hug her and Hope loved it. Tara and Faith reached her first to smother her. Hope's sister and friend twittered all bleary eyed as they gripped her tight.

Hope looked up to see that Viper had frozen just inside the entrance of the room. His nostrils flared as he took long huffing breaths. With eyes closed he rolled his head from one side to the other like he was bathing in the scent of her that undoubtedly filled the room. The rumbling growl that started in his chest only intensified, till it reverberated through the room. When his eyes opened, they were wild in their intensity, the pupils having swallowed up the green irises. The colors of his skin flashed rapidly. When Viper moved towards Hope, it wasn't a carefree gait, it was more like a predator closing in on his prey.

Hope shivered and realized she was instantly wet.

Hyla and Acris exchanged nervous looks.

"Um females, males we need to get out of here for a bit." Hyla said suddenly looking at her son with concern.

"What are you talking about? We're taking Hope home." Faith said with chagrin.

Hyla grabbed Hope's sister and shoved JP back towards the door, while Acris did the same with Tara.

Viper leveled a menacing gaze at the male Anguis doctor, his growl turning feral. The man blanched and backed away slowly as Viper's teeth gnashed at him. Tara, Faith and JP paled looking confused and frightened.

"Viper's not quite himself at the moment." Hyla said to the ladies. "He's a bit overwhelmed."

Hope had seen Viper look this way before, the night she was chained and claimed. He looked primal, unhinged.

"Oh god." She nearly moaned.

He was more animal than man and she welcomed it. Hope could smell him too and the scent made her stomach clench. Her mouth watered, she could almost taste the spicy chemical lust that coursed through him, ready to invade her.

"I'll be fine just go for a bit." Hope reassured her sister and friends, keeping eye contact with her savage lover.

They vacated the room and Hope hopped off the bed stripping off the medical gown. Viper's eyes followed her as he huffed and closed in.

Hope knelt down on the floor on her hands and knees. As crazed as Viper was she knew not to resist him, not that she would, she wanted him desperately. Hope wasn't afraid of him, actually she was already soaked and needy.

Hope pushed her ass up into the air and spread her knees wide baring herself for Viper. He was at her back in an instant. The animalistic growl rolling through him vibrating her spine. His nose brushed along Hope's back, his tongue flicking out to taste her, as he curled over her.

Hope cried out in shock and excitement when his mouth clamped down on her shoulder, canines piercing her skin. The pheromones from his mark were strong and heady as they swamped her blood stream.

She shouldn't enjoy the way he restrained her with his hard body pressing into hers, but his aggressive dominance made Hope even wetter. She could feel the moisture escape as her hidden flesh ached with want.

Viper lunged into her wet pussy so hard and deep Hope screamed out in tortured pleasure, her arms collapsing. Viper fucked her with his monster cock like his very life depended on it. Every thrust penetrated so deep Hope felt like he was trying to meld them as one.

Hope reveled in the brutal, wonderful erotic intensity. Her orgasm came fast and hard. Her spasming channel clamped down on his throbbing thick shaft as she screamed out her pent up passion.

Viper released her shoulder and roared as he exploded inside her body, his heated release and swelling shaft kicking off more tremors in her body. The satisfied sound shook the room. Hope heard a frightened cry somewhere outside the room. She quickly pulled away from Viper despite his growl of displeasure.

"You swell up in me big guy and we're going to be stuck here for another hour at least." Hope told him as they rolled to their sides to catch their breath. His engorged length resting between her thighs. "You with me handsome?"

"Yes. Sorry." Viper said as he nuzzled and licked the bite on her shoulder. "I lost it a bit."

"I know and I liked it! If you're done frightening everyone and marking your territory can we get out of this place?"

"Sounds good." Viper husked into her ear.

They got up and Viper helped Hope dress since she was a bit wobbly on her feet.

"I've missed being able to touch, to taste you."

"Me too!" Hope said as they headed towards the door. "When we get home, I'll show you what it feels like to be a lollipop." She winked at Viper as they greeted their friends and family outside the room.

Poor Faith looked traumatized. Tara and JP just shook their heads. Faith gave her a giant squeeze

"I'm okay." Hope hugged her sister tight.

"What's a lollipop?" Hope overheard Viper ask JP.

JP explained looking slightly confused and Hope couldn't help but watch in wicked delight as Viper's eyes darkened and his skin changed colors. He growled and came at her again.

"Not this again!" Tara declared as Faith screeched.

"Hope you are a dirty slut." JP exclaimed putting the pieces together.

17 Wolf in Sheep's Clothing



Viper sat holding Hope like a youth held a coveted toy as he worked at his desk in the colony's community center. He felt guilty for his selfishness, and yet not at the same time.

Instead of concentrating on what he was reading he kept replaying the day she was released in his mind.

When the haze had lifted, and he felt his steel hardened shaft push into Hope's welcoming tight depth, it felt like coming home as he stretched her pussy wide. Viper had been lost to the sensation of nirvana sweeping through him, hopelessly out of control as he pounded into her. Hope's sweet cries, an erotic symphony.

Viper squeezed Hope close to his chest.

His mate had promised dirty things when they reached home. A promise she made good on. There was nothing in the world that got his hearts racing like the view of Hope's mouth wrapped around his shaft, his hands tangled in her silky hair to hold it back, so he didn't miss a second. She sucked and moaned, her one hand stroking Viper's turgid flesh while she played with her swollen clit. The sight of her hard pink nipples, that he adored sucking, a delicious treat. If other Anguis males knew human females were capable of this, there would be raiding parties invading the colony.

Hope was unbelievably healthy considering she'd survived the Morbo. Viper was yet again amazed by his little mate.

Viper wanted to stay in bed for days. He hated that he had to return to work. Hope didn't mind joining him, but if she wasn't up to it, he would've moved everything into their little pod.

"What are you working on?" Hope asked as she peaked at the screen.

Although the language implant did a lot, it didn't translate written language.

"Reading the scientists' report on your blood work. They are stumped. I'm also trying to come up with something to say at the mourning for my sire this evening."

"I'm so sorry Viper." Hope kissed him softly.

"I miss him, but my mother is beside herself with sorrow." Viper just shook his head. "She refuses to have a formal public ceremony. This was all she'd allow."

"Then don't force her. Let her have a bit to come to terms with this. Would you mind if I said a few words? I really liked your dad."

"It would be an honor."

"Hey, I just had an idea. Why don't you let Tara look at my blood work. Maybe she can identify the cells the scientists are stumped by."

"Good idea. If it is something common to humans she might easily recognize it."

The idea that this immunity might be common among humans gave Viper a thrill.

Canebrake knocked on the open office door.

Viper tried not to be aggravated by the interruption but the male was no doubt here to tell him he still had no luck in locating the Purist leader, Wyvern or the traitors that abducted Hope. How the Purist traitors evaded them was maddening. Viper couldn't wait for Ophidian to be entirely healed.

"Don't tell me, I don't want to hear it." Viper growled.

"Sorry Viper Rex" Canebrake replied.

It was so strange to hear his sire's title. He hadn't expected to take on the mantle of leadership for quite some time.

Beep, beep, Viper's private comm-unit alerted.

"Go ahead Boaz." Viper said into the unit on his wrist.

"Sire I need you in security we've finally teased out the breach in security. I wanted you to be the first to review the findings." Boaz relayed.

Viper's new brother, Cody was gifted. Between him and Boaz they'd sifted through the data till they teased out the information someone thought to erase.

It still amazed Viper how Cody had excelled with Anguis technology with little effort since human technology was several centuries behind them. Then again there were those few people in all cultures that were leaps and bounds ahead of the rest. Cody seemed to be one of them.

"You mind if I look for something online while you go deal with that?" Hope asked "I know of a poem I'd like to read tonight."

Viper nodded and switched the tablet keyboard to English and hooked into the human database for her.

"Canebrake watch over my lovely subeo, I'll just be down the hall." Viper kissed Hope's head. "Be back in a few."

"Of course Viper Rex"

As Viper walked down the corridor, he was almost ecstatic. He felt one step closer towards solving several problems.



Hope searched until she located the W. H. Auden poem, 'Stop all the clocks', then printed it. She wanted to recite this at her parents' funeral but was too broken up to do it.

Canebrake stiffly walked to the door, shut it and engaged the lock.

As Hope looked at his face, she was suddenly reminded of that fateful day in the underground lab.

"You were the one who let the creature out." She said accusingly as she recalled Canebrake messing with the access panel near the beast cell.

"You were supposed to die not our Rex!" Canebrake growled menacingly. "It is an abomination to have one of your kind as our Regina!"

Hope stood up swiftly and backed away from him.

"Viper's going to find out down the hall that you're behind all this isn't he?"

It was a terrible realization since it meant Canebrake had nothing to lose. He'd already tried to kill her once.

"Yes but not before I do one last task for my people."

With those words Canebrake lunged at Hope tackling her to the floor. Hope struggled beneath his great weight as his hands circled her neck. Her free hands clawed at Canebrake's eyes but he only chuckled. It was a demented sound as his fingers tightened on her throat.

Hope remembered the dagger she placed in her pocket intending to put it back on after wrestling with Viper earlier. She strained to reach it as stars started to dance before her eyes. His sneering face was so close to hers.

"This time I won't fail!" Canebrake insisted.

Hope pulled out the blade. These Purists thought humans were so weak. He was going to learn today!

With every ounce of her strength, Hope brought the knife down, shoving it deep into his neck, at the base of his skull. The sickening crunch told her she'd succeeded.

Canebrake's eyes widened as his grip went slack. She'd severed important nerves making it impossible for him to move. His breath hissed out on a long sigh as copious amounts of blood started pouring from his wound and onto her. Hope wanted to retch as it pooled where they lay. She could barely breath, but satisfaction filled her as Canebrake's eyes dulled.



Viper waited as the computer finished processing. When the screen finally flashed the identity of who'd logged in to tamper with the camera feed, Viper tore out of the room in abject horror.

He'd left Hope in the hands of his enemy.

Boaz followed swiftly on Viper's heels.

When Viper reached his office, it was locked. Viper yelled in rage as he threw himself into the door splintering the thing as if it were no more than a twig.

The sight that greeted him was a nightmare. There was so much blood.

"Get this asshole off of me!" Hope wheezed.

Viper raced over and rolled Canebrake's body aside. That's when he noticed the dagger he'd given Hope lodged in the traitorous male's neck.

The day Viper's mother had passed it on to him she'd been hesitant at first, till Viper told her how he felt about Hope. Hyla had smiled and hugged him wishing Viper a happy and long mating, just like her own.

The dagger was symbolic of his protection, clearly it had been more than that.

"Are you hurt?" Viper pulled Hope to him, checking her for injuries in all the blood that covered her.

All he could see were darkening fingerprints around her throat. Viper growled and debated mauling Canebrake's body.

"Nothing a bath and ibuprofen won't solve." Hope looked down at herself in disgust. "I really liked this shirt!"

Despite Hope's bravado Viper could tell the adrenaline running through her was giving way to tremors. He scooped up his mate and headed to the infirmary. He was beyond glad she wasn't mortally wounded. How much would they be expected to bear?

"I leave you alone for five minutes and you kill one of my generals." Viper teased Hope to break the serious mood. He was bound to have a breakdown with all these near misses.

Hope smiled

"I assume you learned he was the problem?"

Viper nodded as he stepped into the shower stall in one of the medical bays.

"I am constantly amazed by you!" Viper exclaimed as he started to strip his subeo.

"I'm a little like Pandora's box." Hope said.

"Tell me about this Pandora's box." Viper said as he began washing her. Viper wanted to keep Hope talking. He couldn't stand it if she broke down on him.

He listened with amusement as she related the mythical tale of the woman who opened a box unleashing chaos into the world.

"But the very last thing to come out of the box was Hope." She finished as Viper washed away the remnants of the bastard's blood.

It was an apt tale.

"You are indeed a force to be reckoned with." Viper nodded.

They were finally clean and much calmer. Hope hugged Viper with her head pressed to his chest.

"I'd welcome a little boredom for a bit." She sighed, and he agreed.



When it was her chance to speak Hope stood in front of a group of about twenty Anguis mourners, those closest to Adder. They were gathered in an austere stone mausoleum with crypts holding revered Anguis from Viper's family stretching back a few hundred years. Even the weather on the usually clear planet seemed on the verge of a storm.

Viper's arms were wrapped around Hyla, his face serious and filled with sorrow, while his mother looked lost and broken.

It stabbed at her heart. Hope could understand Hyla's sorrow, it had been her sorrow too, not more than a week ago. Being separated by death, from those you loved, held such a bitter finality. It did not matter if you believed in an afterlife or not, it stripped you bare with sorrow all the same.

"I can't put words to what you're feeling now for I know nothing can span the depth of your sorrow and loss." Hope looked into Hyla and Viper's sad eyes. "This is a poem written by a man who must've lost someone near and dear to him when he wrote it. I hope it translates." Hope cleared the lump in her throat and thought of Adder. He had treated her like a beloved daughter and she wanted to honor him one last time, with something from her heart.

"Stop all the clocks..."

As Hope read each line, she watched the emotions swell in Hyla's eyes. The Anguis didn't cry but their eyes weren't any less expressive.

Viper's eyes drifted closed as he listened to the solemn sound of Hope's voice and she knew, like herself, he thought of their near miss. Hope spoke the poem for him as much for Hyla and Adder.

Hope's throat tightened further as she reached the poignant part of the poem that described love being all the four directions on the compass of the heart. No doubt that was how Hyla felt for Adder, it's how Hope felt as she looked at Viper.

As Hope read on she recalled how she too, on her own death bed, wanted to dismantle everything in all of creation, for nothing mattered so much as her Love. Everything else paled in comparison.

Hope spoke the final line, folded the poem and set it on Adder's coffin, then wiped the tears from her eyes as she turned to stand next to Viper.

Hyla suddenly embraced her, and Hope stood stock still. It was a devastating thing to witness a strong soul crumble.

"Thank you for saying what I could not." Hyla's voice broke as she held onto Hope, her arms trembled as they gripped tight.

Hope rubbed Hyla's back not knowing what else to do. There was nothing she could do really, except be there. It was a shame that it took tragedy to bring them together.

Viper smiled even though it wavered.

The memorial finished with the lighting of a perpetual flame before they exited the mausoleum. It had been an exhausting day.

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