Read Virtue & Vanity Online

Authors: Astrid Jane Ray

Virtue & Vanity (48 page)

BOOK: Virtue & Vanity
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“I love you.” I closed my eyes and whispered, unconsciously finishing his sentence.

“We’re kind of in the middle of the story here, sweet, but nice of you to share.” He said softly and winked at me, making me realize that it came out like a confession of love to Sebastian, and my cheeks flushed from embarrassment. Sebastian seemed to enjoy the show.

“Love you too.” The warmth of his soft voice traveled to my skin and he gave me a small kiss before revealing the ending of the story in a hot whisper. “Was exactly what Leila said to Alexander right before she agreed to marry him and become his queen.”

Suddenly, we both laughed at the little play of words which kind of made us say ‘I love you’ to each other for the first time.

Sebastian pulled me into a tight embrace and turned me to my side to face him. For the longest time ever, he just gazed at me, occasionally touching the contours of my face and closing his eyes as if he savored the touch. I observed as he kept his eyes closed for a long time and then they opened in a quick moment and I drowned in their green serenity.

“So, how did you like your first bedtime story?” he asked in a light whisper.

“I loved it!” I accentuated the words. “But you forgot something?”

He looked at me in light surprise. “What could I have possibly forgotten?”

“Only the most crucial part of a fairytale,” I said teasingly and smirked when he still didn’t get it. “You didn’t say that they lived happily ever after.”

He snickered. “I must be the worst storyteller ever. Is it too late to fix this inexcusable mistake?” I shook my head and he sighed, feigning relief before officially finishing his beautiful story. “They lived happily ever after. There,” he said in a pleased voice. “Anything else?”

“Do you mind telling me the title of this beautiful tale?”

“Not at all. The title of this story is...
Omnia vincit amor
.” He leaned closer to me and whispered. “Love conquers all.”

A smile curved my lips and warmth rushed through me when I heard him say those words. I looked up at him. He couldn’t have chosen a better title for his story, this night or anything in our lives that emerged from the dust of the shattered things that separated us, only to bring us together.

“Your Majesty,” I addressed him in a suitable manner. “You do realize that I’m perfectly aware of the obvious metaphor you’re trying to create here?”

He smiled with mystery. “I hope so, princess.” He leaned closer and pulled me into a long, passionate kiss. Still holding me close, he lowered our bodies onto the mattress and turned out the lamp on the nightstand.

“Sleep tight, love.” He kissed my forehead, pulling my head onto his warm chest and it felt great to fall asleep in his arms knowing that was exactly where I would wake up.






















Chapter Forty-Seven



After days of anticipation, filled with careless joy I experienced with Sebastian, the day of Jared’s and Amelia’s wedding had finally arrived. As I sat in the church that was filled with the same crowd that had once made me feel unworthy of their presence, mild discomfort troubled my mind. But I pushed it down. Sebastian would occasionally glance my way, smiling at me and it reminded me of his reassurance that things would turn out a lot better than I expected.

The first notes of
The Wedding March
echoed across the spacious interior of the church, announcing the arrival of the bride. Curiously, I glanced her way the moment I heard the sound of her shoes touching the tiled floor and I saw a graceful woman, proudly walking down the aisle, at times quickening her pace, eager to meet her husband-to-be and have him make her his wife. The hem of her beautiful white gown followed her decisive steps and she looked like she was the happiest woman alive. As the little girls sprinkled white rose petals on her way to happiness, a wide sincere smile wouldn’t leave her face. The moment she approached Jared, they held hands and looked at each other lovingly.
This is how a bride should look like on her wedding day.

Even though evoking bad memories or making comparisons was the last thing I wanted to do at the time, the moment the priest started the ceremony and the lovely couple revealed their excitement by smiling at each other, I couldn’t help but remember. Like a taunting memory, the image of a scared girl standing in front of a cold, cruel and powerful man suddenly consumed my mind.

For seconds, if not minutes, my eyes were glued to that happy couple who was about to pledge their eternal love to each other and I couldn’t look away. At some point—I don’t know when exactly because I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings—I felt the fire of that green gaze burning an impression on my skin, compelling me to turn and face him. Slowly, I directed my gaze at Sebastian and met his light stare that instantly tried to convince me that the man from that dark memory didn’t exist anymore. The storm that was building in his eyes told me that he was well aware of the flashbacks that appeared so vividly in my mind and in that moment, I knew he was thinking the same. Not wanting to prolong this moment of discomfort, I looked away from him and directed my gaze at the shiny floor. The words of the priest and sweet exclamations of love that Jared and Amelia had written for each other echoed through the room, but I didn’t hear them.

Deep inside, I cursed for allowing myself to get lost in thoughts which reminded me of that scary contract, as well as the fact that we still hadn’t consummated our marriage after our wedding night. Hopelessly, I wondered if things would ever fall into place for us. I wondered if we would ever look at each other just like Jared and Amelia had; with the strength that could not be broken by anything on this world or the one beyond.

As if witnessing an instant miracle, I heard the angelic words that spread through the room like a sacred melody representing an unmistakable reassurance and an answer to my long forgotten prayers.

Love is patient, love is kind...

I gasped in wonder as the priest continued reading the beautiful testimony of love that described all of the glorious details of its beauty.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, and always perseveres

As the storm of new, warm memories provided a confirmation for each and every one of the spoken sentences settled in my mind, I drew in a deep breath, feeling the warm stream of enlightenment rush through me. In the final act of the eye-opening revelation, Sebastian’s hand brushed against mine, patiently entwining our fingers and pulling me into the disarming softness of his touch. I could sense the tenderness being replaced by a much stronger feeling that made him squeeze my hand with determination like he would never let go of it. Gasping, I gathered the courage to look into his eyes once again and what I saw was an almost unbearable glow that accentuated the words which were spoken to the newlywed couple in order to strengthen their bond, but it had an irrevocable healing effect on ours all the same. The priest continued with his preaching and our eyes remained locked on each other, giving us a chance to observe as the last clouds of darkness around us were chased away by the power of the illuminating light. All I could see was the calming green horizon in his eyes and a wide smile simultaneously teased our lips as we absorbed the words...

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.

And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.

The sound of the word warmed up my heart and I subsided into oblivion that would forever remain in my memory because it marked the moment when I completely opened up my heart and my soul to the man whose diamond eyes pierced into me. Closing my eyes, I enjoyed the heat that spread through my body, making me aware of the strength I kept looking for at so many different places, but all along it had been right there, deep inside me. The crazy rhythm of my heart sped up as I peeked up at Sebastian again. At last, I had seen the blinding light. And it was the brightest shade of green. In a careless game, every single heartbeat evoked the presence of the strongest of all emotions, synchronizing with the words that repeatedly rang in my mind.
I love you. I love you. I love you.

“I love you, Sebastian.” Rushing like there was no tomorrow, I formed the words on my lips, without actually pronouncing them but the flicker of lightning in Sebastian’s eyes told me he recognized what I had just told him.

The loud applause of the crowd interrupted our moment when the priest pronounced Jared and Amelia as husband and wife. At the same time, we both stood up and joined the celebration, clapping together with everyone around us. As Jared got the permission to kiss his bride, I saw Sebastian’s hand twitch in discomfort like he’d just remembered something. Once again, our eyes sought each other and I could see him stare at me with a stunned expression, almost like he was in a deep state of disbelief. I smiled at him innocently, confirming my admission from moments ago in an indirect manner, but he didn’t smile back. He was lost in deep thought, gaping at me like I had told him that everything was upside down; as if suddenly the sky was green and the grass was blue. I gasped because I realized he would have believed those things sooner than he would have believed I had actually fallen in love with him.

As the realization surged through me even stronger than before, that innocent smile grew wider on my face and so did the look of amazement in his eyes.

Before he got a chance to react, people started gathering to congratulate the happy couple. Contrary to my belief, both of them were down to earth people who surprised me with their kindness when we congratulated them on their wedding and wished them a lifetime of happiness. Amelia even suggested she would like for us to spend some time together so that we could get to know each other. Her proposal took me off guard and I couldn’t hide my surprise fast enough, amusing Sebastian way more than it should have.

On our way to the nearby location of the wedding reception, Sebastian remained quiet and still lost in thought, but he wouldn’t stop glancing my way with what looked like a content smirk on his face. He didn’t have to tell me—I knew what he was thinking about.

When we arrived, I was astonished by the sight of the beautiful castle surrounded by huge lawn and lots of colorful flowers of all shapes and sizes. As I took in the beautiful and imposing space around me, I heard the noise of the streaming water. Once I located where it was coming from, I noticed a small creek with an adorable little bridge. Interestingly enough, it was very close to the castle, but almost hidden in plain sight. Without a doubt, the location of the wedding reception was fairytale beautiful.

“Enjoying the view?” Sebastian’s soft voice disrupted my dreamy thoughts.

I turned to face him. “It’s breathtaking,” I whispered.

He looked at me with a pinch of something I didn’t recognize. His lips twitched in a smile but it only took a moment for him to become serious again. Instead of saying something, he gently placed his hand on the small of my back and led me inside.

To my absolute dread, the moment we entered the huge hall, I noticed Sebastian’s entire family was already there and the otherwise beautiful experience was ruined. The following surprise was that we didn’t join their table, but were seated at the very opposite end of the hall. For some reason, Sebastian barely spared them a glance and it was more than strange. I couldn’t help but feel that the reason we were separated from them had something to do with me.

As a true head of the family, Theodore vigilantly observed our every move like he wanted to prevent the possibility of jeopardizing the perfect image they had managed to preserve for so long. The mean glances that traveled my way didn’t escape me when Sebastian pulled out a chair for me. When I sat down, I tensed and Sebastian had to have felt it because he held my hand, squeezing it firmly as a sign of discreet reassurance.

Acting like I would be burned by fire, I risked a peek at his direction, being fully aware that I was followed by more than one pair of prying eyes. The moment my gaze collided with the green sea of tranquility, once again he effortlessly got me to yield to him. Forgetting about the danger that surrounded us, a light smile escaped my lips and he reciprocated the gesture, looking at me with that same expression of amazement from earlier. I could tell he had the strong need to talk to me because we’d barely shared a word since my unexpected admission at the church, but both of us knew this wasn’t the right time to do it.

Convinced that we had reached a silent agreement, I reluctantly started to turn my head away from him and was caught by complete surprise when his hand twitched in mine, like he had lost some kind of an inner battle. An incredulous gasp escaped my throat when I felt his hand rising along my back with both teasing and threatening slowness until it finally reached its destination and rested on my shoulder, pulling me into a light embrace. Avoiding the shocked expressions of his family, I closed my eyes tightly, feeling that there was no coming back from this moment. Sebastian was openly demonstrating affection in front of the conceited members of his family who thought I was anything but suitable to be his wife. To make the matters worse, his minty breath started teasing my senses as my husband, who acted against every law of common sense, leaned closer and whispered in my ear.

“No more hiding, love. Open your eyes.” His breath burned the nape of my neck. “I want everyone to know how proud I am of my beautiful wife.”

As the deepest shade of red settled on my cheeks, I opened my eyes only to witness Catherine and Theodore’s shocked gazes shooting daggers my way. While Helen smiled with content and winked at me, Dianne didn’t even bother hiding her apparent disgust. After taking a huge sip of wine, she whispered something to Caleb but he seemed generally uninterested in whatever she was saying.

I glanced at Sebastian. “Your family isn’t happy with this,” I whispered and he immediately chuckled, glancing their way and tightening his grip around me as if he deliberately wanted to provoke them.

Then he turned towards me and a boyish smile teased his lips. “My family is going to have to accept that you’re the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with or face the consequences.” To my absolute surprise, he pulled me closer and kissed my forehead. “Simple as that, angel,” he said as he slowly moved away from me.

I kept my head down because I had no intention of seeing the dread—filled faces that condemned me from the other end of the hall. To make the matters worse, several people came to sit at our table at the very moment Sebastian was ending his sweet show and I was a bit embarrassed to face them.

Throughout the entire evening, Sebastian continued treating me with extreme care and despite the fact that many of his friends and associates tried to get his attention, he wouldn’t leave my sight. He even tried to get me involved into a boring business conversation with the people at our table but it was more than I could handle so I courteously excused myself under the pretense that I had to powder my nose, which made everybody laugh and relax a little. In reality, all I wanted to do was to get some fresh air and disappear out of Theodore’s sight. Sebastian’s eyes followed me as I made my way through the crowd and while I was walking away I heard him comment something about his wife, but the music was too loud for me to make out his exact words. Suddenly, somebody grabbed my wrist, forcing me to stop.

When I turned around, I found myself face to face with none other than Dianne who was half—drunk, which was a given at every party I’d visited so far. She smirked self-contently and sipped her wine.

“Well, look who’s here.” She smiled with revealing insincerity.

BOOK: Virtue & Vanity
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