Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1) (53 page)

BOOK: Vulnerable: (McIntyre Security Bodyguard Series - Book 1)
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“But you’re not?” There was nowhere on him to conceal a firearm.

“I’m not,” he said. “That’s not my job today.”

Beth frowned. “What’s your job, then?”

“In the event of any unpleasantness, my job is to extricate you from the vicinity.”

She frowned. “Why would there be any unpleasantness? Andrew’s locked up, right?”

Shane nodded. “He is. But Kline’s an unknown variable right now.”

She blanched at the mention of Kline’s name.

Lia walked out the front door. “Hey, Princess,” she said. “Don’t worry about Kline. We’ve got that covered.”

Beth turned to look at Lia and did a double take. Lia’s facial tattoos were gone, as were her nose and lip rings. She wore her hair in a cute pixie style. She was dressed in a short skirt and a tank top that showed off her tanned and sleekly muscled arms, and sneakers. She looked… normal. She looked pretty, in a girly way. How could this be the same Lia she’d known up until now? Shane hadn’t been kidding when he said Lia was a chameleon. Had she ever known the real Lia?

“Lia, you look amazing,” Beth said.

“What, this?” Lia glanced down at herself. “Oh, it’s nothing.”

Cooper opened the driver’s door and climbed in. “All right, folks. Let’s get this show on the road.”

Shane opened the rear passenger door and helped Beth step up into the Escalade.

“Where are we going?” she said.

“I told you, it’s a surprise,” Shane said, climbing in after her.

“Lia’s not armed,” Beth said, watching her bodyguard skirt around the front of the vehicle.

Shane chuckled. “Lia’s always armed,” he said. “She just doesn’t carry a gun.”

Lia climbed in on Beth’s other side.

“Why the makeover?” Beth asked, as Lia buckled herself in.

Lia shrugged. “New assignment, new look. It’s all part of the job.”

“Hey, Rainbow Girl,” Jake said, turning back from the shotgun seat to look at Beth. “You’re looking good.”

“Rainbow Girl?” Beth said, frowning.

“Yeah,” Jake said, pointing at her face. “The array of colors on your face is impressive.”

“Jake,” Shane said, glaring at his brother.

Beth shivered.
That tone

“What?” Jake lifted his hands in self-defense. “That’s a good thing. It means her bruises are healing.”



Once they left the lush, green expanse of the suburb and hit the city limits, traffic picked up. Cooper exited onto N. Michigan Avenue and they headed west. They weren’t far from Shane’s office building, and for a moment Beth thought they might be headed there. But in the middle of the shopping district, Cooper pulled to the curb, sliding effortlessly into a reserved parking spot in front of a familiar building.

Beth peered out the window at her favorite spot on Earth.

“Are we going to Clancy’s?” she asked, grinning at Shane. “Please say ‘yes.’”

“You could say that,” Lia said, opening her door and hopping out.

Beth followed Lia out of the vehicle, and Shane followed right behind her. Cooper and Jake joined them, and they all stood on the sidewalk in front of the entrance to the bookstore.

One of the doors to the bookstore opened and out walked a man who was 90 years old if he was a day. He was a small man, not even Beth’s height, and frail. His posture was stooped, and his fingers were bent with arthritis. What little hair he had was white and trimmed short, and his face was heavily wrinkled and tanned to a permanent shade of leather. He was definitely a man who’d spent a lot of time outdoors.

The old man walked right up to Shane and offered him a shaky hand. “Mr. McIntyre, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you in person,” the man said, smiling up at Shane, who towered over him.

Shane smiled back, shaking the man’s hand. “Please call me Shane,” he said. “And the pleasure is all mine, sir.”

Shane put an arm around Beth’s shoulders and drew her close. “Sweetheart, I’d like to introduce you to Fred Clancy.”

Beth’s eyes widened. “Clancy? You’re the owner of Clancy’s?”

Fred Clancy nodded, smiling at Beth. “For the past 63 years,” he said. “And thanks to Mr. McIntyre, I can retire now in style to Florida and fish all year round.”

Clancy reached into his trouser pocket with his gnarled fingers and fished out a set of keys on a gold key ring. He held the key ring out to Beth, dangling it from his shaking fingers.

Beth frowned. “I don’t understand.”

Clancy took Beth’s good hand and dropped the key ring into her palm, then folded her fingers around it.

Beth glanced up at Shane.

“Think of it as... a token of my affection,” he said, smiling at her. “If you’ll have... it.”

Beth stood speechless, her mouth open. For the life of her, she couldn’t form a coherent thought.

Lia leaned toward Beth and whispered loudly. “He bought you a bookstore.”

“What!” Beth cried. “I – ”

“And I think he just asked you to go steady,” Lia added, rolling her eyes. She shook her head. “I didn’t think this would be so hard.”

Beth turned to Shane, her expression dumfounded. He couldn’t possibly be serious! She couldn’t even begin to imagine what a business like Clancy’s would go for in downtown Chicago. The price tag on the building alone in this part of town would be exorbitant, not to mention the cost of the business itself. And she knew absolutely nothing about running a business. This was insane!

“The store is all yours,” Shane said. “It’s paid for in full. The transfer of ownership paperwork is solely in your name.”

Beth didn’t know when the tears had started, but she realized her cheeks were wet. She wiped her tears with the back her hand – the one holding the keys – wincing at the tenderness of her face. Good grief, she’d cried more in the past two days than she had in the past decade.

Shane pulled the tail of his shirt out of his jeans and used it to gently dab her tears.

“My dear, would you like to come inside and have the grand tour?” Fred Clancy said, taking Beth’s hand.

She looked back at Shane.

“Go ahead,” Shane said. “I’ll be right behind you.”

Fred Clancy led Beth through the front doors of the shop, Lia close on her heels. “Come meet your new employees,” he said, pointing to a cluster of  people standing next to a display of newly-released hardcover books. “They’re anxious to meet you.”



Beth looked at the display of crisp, new hardcover books, recognizing several that she’d been looking forward to reading. She picked one of them up and opened the front cover, loving the pristine feel of a brand new book in her hands. While she adored her e-reader, she’d never lost her love for physical books.

She glanced up and looked around, taking everything in.
So many books
. It was overwhelming. It was like Christmas and her birthday and – she couldn’t do it justification – it was like
, all wrapped into one. It was so fantastical, she couldn’t even begin to comprehend it. Her heart skipped a beat, then started hammering in her chest.

She looked back at Shane, who stood behind her, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched her. He smiled at her, and she walked straight into his arms, her good arm going around his waist.

“I know absolutely nothing about running a business,” she said.

He shrugged. “That’s all right. You love books, and you love this place. That’s what matters most. You’ll learn what you need to know about running a business – if you want to – and I’ll give you all the help you need. Besides, there’s a highly competent staff here already who know how to run this place. You’re the
, Beth. You don’t have to manage it, if you don’t want to. But it’s yours now, so enjoy it.”



Shane was about to follow Beth further into the store when Jake caught his eye and signaled him to hold back. As Beth and Lia moved on with Fred Clancy and a couple of the employees, he and Cooper remained with Jake just inside the bookstore entrance.

Jake finished reading the message that had just come in on his phone, frowning. “It’s from the Kline surveillance team. Kline just boarded a bus headed to Hyde Park.”

“Damn,” Cooper said.

Shane frowned. “Do they know his exact destination?”

Jake shook his head. “It’s too soon to tell. It could be her townhouse or the Kingston campus – they’re both on the same route. We’ll know if, and when, he gets off the bus.”

“I want to know,” Shane said.

“You know he’s not going to stop,” Jake said. “He keeps coming one step closer to her each time. He’s got a gun, ammo, and now he’s casing either her home or her workplace. Eventually he’s going to go after her.”

“I know,” Shane said, his expression somber.

“What are you going to do?” Cooper said.

“The only thing I can do,” Shane said. “I’m going to take him out. It’s the only way to ensure Beth’s safety. We’ll give him an opportunity to go after her, and we’ll be ready for him.”

Jake looked skeptical. “You’re going to use Beth as bait?”

“Hell no,” Shane said. “It won’t be Beth – we’ll use a decoy. But Kline will think it’s Beth, and we’ll be waiting for him.”


* * *


Shane caught up with Beth and Lia on their tour. He put his arm around Beth and drew her close. “I love you, sweetheart,” he said, kissing the top of her head.

His words gave her goose bumps, and she hugged him back. “I love you, too, Shane.”

“Oh, thank God,” Lia said, rolling her eyes. “Otherwise, this little outing would have been awkward.”



The End



Upcoming New Releases

What’s coming next? In
, the sequel to
Kline’s coming for Beth, but this time she’ll be ready for him. Also stay tuned for Lia’s story, Jamie’s story, and a whole lot more in the McIntyre Security series.


To find out about new releases and to receive free and exclusive bonus content featuring Shane, Beth, and other characters from this series, sign up for April’s New Release Mailing List at
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Praise for

Here’s what some readers had to say about


I can't even begin to explain how much I loved this book! The plot, your writing style, the dialogue and OMG those vivid descriptions of the characters and the setting were so AMAZING!

 – Dominique


I just couldn't put it down. The first few pages took my breath away. I realized I had stumbled upon someone truly gifted at writing.
 – Amanda


is an entertaining, readable erotic romance with a touch of thriller adding to the tension. Fans of the
Fifty Shades
series will enjoy the story of wildly rich and amazingly sexy Shane and his newfound love, the young, innocent Beth, who needs his protection.”
 – Sheila



I’d like to thank the following people who helped make this book possible:


To my daughter, Chloe, for listening patiently to me talk on and on about my dreams of becoming an author


To my sister and BFF, Lori, my steadfast cheerleader, manager, sounding board, and therapist. Without her unwavering support, this book never would have seen the light of day.


To my brother, Matthew, who kept asking me, “So, when are you going to publish a novel?”


To my parents, for always being there for me and believing in me


To Sheila Trask: Thank you for the constructive, encouraging and insightful editorial feedback.


To my beta readers, Dominique, Ashley, Angela, Amy, Cassie, Jenny, and Becca, for their feedback, insights, and encouragement


About the Author

April Wilson has been writing fiction since the age of 10, when she wrote and illustrated (in Crayon) her first children’s book. With the explosion of the indie publishing market, she knew it was time to get serious.
is her first published novel. But stayed tuned, because she has more novels on the drawing board than she can count.


In her professional life, April has enjoyed a long career in education, including teaching college English courses and developing online education for corporations and colleges. Over the years, she’s done freelance work for newspapers, publishers, and magazines as a writer, editor, and desktop publisher. She has a masters’ degrees in literature and in education.


April lives in Ohio with her teenage daughter and more than a few dogs and cats. When she’s not writing, this die-hard romantic is reading romance novels and watching movies with happy endings.


April welcomes reader feedback! You can reach her here:


Email: [email protected]




Twitter: @AprilWroteIt



Thank You!

It’s been my life-long dream to become am author. Since the age of 10, I’ve been writing, writing, writing. Getting lost in my characters’ lives gives me more pleasure than I can express. Thank you so much for reading my first novel. You’ve made my dream come true.

– April Wilson


Table of Contents

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

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