War In Heaven (22 page)

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Authors: C. L. Turnage

BOOK: War In Heaven
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It is Heaven that Rules

In Daniel 4:24-26, Daniel interprets the dream visions of
Nebuchadnezzar, which illustrate that

someone other than “Heaven” was attempting to run things here on
earth, through Nebuchadnezzar. It

was the decree of the “Most High” that Nebuchadnezzar was to
“recognize” that the Most High is “ruler

over the realm of mankind, and bestows it (kingship) on whomever
he wishes.” After seven periods of

time, his kingdom was to be restored to Nebuchadnezzar, but first
he must recognize “that it is heaven

that rules.” Daniel 4:24-26.

the struggle for control of earth, through the means of a rebuilt Space Port,
the vital

link between “heaven and earth” had apparently been going on
during the time of Daniel. Since

Jerusalem was the divine “mission control,” or communications
center of the new Space Port in the

Sinai; we can now understand precisely why Nebuchadnezzar besieged
it and sacked the temple. The

temple contained the “Dvir,” the speaker that made communications
between heaven and earth

possible.” This Dvir was obviously a sophisticated piece of
equipment, capable of transmitting and

receiving messages from outer space. Was this Dvir, the “Ark of
the Covenant”? Was it what Marduk

was really after, and what he sent Nebuchadnezzar to Jerusalem to
fetch? Was this one of the “vessels”

of the Hebrew God?

Nebuchadnezzar Dreamed of Future Iraqi Empire

wasn’t long after Nebuchadnezzar returned that he had the famous dream
concerning the

“image” which was interpreted for him by Daniel. This was
interpretation was accomplished with the

help of God. Sitchin pointed out in his work, Divine Encounters,
that the gods had the power to make

themselves known in a dream, and to convey messages to their
servants the prophets in this manner.

occurs numerous times in the Bible. Apparently, Nebuchadnezzar lay on his bed
thinking about

what would take place in the future. He saw a “single great
statue, which was large and of extraordinary

splendor.” It was standing
in front of him, and its appearance was awesome. The head of the statue was

made of fine gold, its
breast and its arms of silver, its belly and thighs of bronze, its legs of
iron, its feet

partly of iron and partly of clay. Nebuchadnezzar continued
looking on until a stone was cut out

without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet and iron and
clay and crushed them. The iron, the clay,

the bronze, the silver and
the gold were crushed all at once, and became like chaff, and the wind carried

them away so that not a
trace of them was found. The stone that struck the statue became like a great

mountain and filled the
whole earth. (Daniel 2:29 & 31-35).

had Nebuchadnezzar been thinking about what would happen to man in the future?
Was it

because the struggle between the god Marduk, and the God of Heaven
led him to believe that someday,

man might be destroyed by their feuding? Or, had his god Marduk
promised to resurrect him in the

latter days, and put him back in power on the throne of Babylon?
Oddly, Daniel interpreted the dream

of Nebuchdnezzar by explaining that the God of Heaven had given
him the kingdom, the power, the

strength and the glory - and that he (Nebuchadnezzar) was ruler of
the entire earth, making him the head

of gold. (Daniel 2:37-38). Now, when we compare the scriptures of
Daniel with the Babylonian text,

“To Marduk,” that states that it was Marduk who entrusted to
Nebuchadnezzar “kingship of all

peoples,” then we have the missing pieces of the biblical story
that clearly enhance the meaning of

Daniel. The real struggle for control of earth was not between
Nebuchadnezzar and the God of Heaven,

it was between Nebuchadnezzar’s god Marduk and the God of Heaven.
And, Nebuchadnezzar was

being shown all the kingdoms that would come to pass before he was
again in power.

Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream Identities Succeeding Kingdoms

goes on to name the kingdoms of the earth that will succeed Nebuchadnezzar.
They are

the kingdom of silver which represented the Medo-Persian empire,
ruled by Cyrus the Persian - its arms

indicating its far reaching influence, and its handing down of the
Babylonian religion that was later

absorbed by the Greeks who imparted it to the world. Next, he
named the kingdom of bronze, the belly

and thighs of the statue, which represented the Greek empire that
conquered the dominions of the

Persians, and with it the reign of Babylon. This led to a further
absorption of the old knowledge and

religion; translated to the world by the Greeks.”

legs of the statue were made of iron, representing the infamous Roman Empire.”

Romans quickly and
brutally seized control over all the “known world,” including Greece by 146 B.

Romans, like the Greeks and Persians before them also absorbed the Babylonian

They assigned roman names to the same Greek deities; and forced
the worship of their gods on the rest

of the world under their domination.

signifies the strength and endurance of the Roman Empire, and the legs of the

represent the swiftness with which the Romans were able to move
men and materials. They built many

roads throughout Europe and the Middle East, and with this
improved transportation, ideologies, and

knowledge were also moved; thus spreading the old “revamped”
Babylonian religion into every corner

of the ancient world.
The Babylonians had derived
their gods from the Sumerian religion. Therefore

it was really that
religion that was being spread throughout the earth.

Final World Kingdom will be ET Hybrid

Part of the feet of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream statue, were made of
iron. This is symbolic of the

Roman Empire’s ability to crush all resistance to its totalitarian
authority. However, the feet were also

mixed with “common clay." Since these feet were mentioned
last, they represent the final great kingdom of the earth.
Evidently, this final kingdom will be a divided power, for the toes of the feet

were partly of iron and
partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be

brittle. (Daniel 2:42).

two powers join forces in the end times. One as tough as iron, and as sadistic
as the

holy Roman Empire; and one weak like clay. (Pottery, is made of
clay. Also, remember where this

vision is taking place; ...Babylon). Nebuchadnezzar saw the iron
mixed with “common clay,” and that

“they will combine with one another with the seed of men; but they
will not adhere to one another, even

as iron does not combine with pottery.” Daniel 2:43.

ancient Mesopotamian texts tell us that Enki used the common “clay” of earth,

erectus to make man, does this clay then refer to human beings?
And, if the iron refers to the “gods” of

the Babylonian religious system, this could mean that the renegade
Serpent faction will attempt to unite

with the people of earth to create a frightening global military
machine equivalent to the one created by

the Roman Empire. The Serpent Faction, of the Nibirians, led by
Marduk, will probably recruit the

people of earth as he did in the “Babel” incident to fight the
last great battle with the returning forces of

the home planet. Since the
verse states that this attempt to “combine with the seed of men” is a failure,

something happens to undermine
this fragile unity.

Attack from Outer-Space Destroys Final Kingdom

the stone that was cut out of the mountain without hands crushes the “statue”

representing the kingdoms
of earth which have been either openly led by Marduk, or secretly

manipulated. (Daniel
2:45). What is this rock that destroyed the image? Psalm 19:14 identifies the

Lord as “my rock and my
redeemer.” Daniel 2:44 goes on to say that “in the days of those kings the

God of Heaven will set up
a kingdom which will never be destroyed, ...it will crush and put an end to

all these kingdoms, but it
will itself endure forever.” (Daniel 2:44). Daniel was also given a “night

vision” as to who would
rule this “kingdom which will never be destroyed.” Daniel saw “one like a son

of Man” coming with the
clouds of Heaven, “And He came up to the Ancient of Days and was

presented before Him,” and
was given “dominion, Glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and

men of every language
might serve Him.” We are then told that his dominion is “everlasting,” and one

which will not pass away;
nor be destroyed (Daniel 7: 13-14).

Extraterrestrial Hybrids will Reappear on Earth

the Adversarial faction of the Nibirians will need the help of humans to
establish their

regime, or “combine with the seed of men,” it may be that they
will literally combine their DNA with

the seed of men. As I mentioned in an earlier chapter, the
Nibirians often employed hybrids to work for

their causes here on
earth. Noah, Moses, and Jesus Christ, are some of the most noteworthy of such

beings. The value of a
hybrid is obvious. Being part Nibirian, they would be more intelligent,

and they should feel an affinity for those of the home world. On
the other hand, being part human they

could mingle with the population of earth unrecognized, and would
have insight and compassion for

humanity. Or, if planted by the Serpent faction, their allegiance
might lie primarily with their Nibirian

benefactors, and not with the humans they have infiltrated. The
books of Enoch, Matthew, Daniel and

other writings point toward a fresh intermingling in the last
days, reminiscent of the days of Noah.

Therefore, it is entirely probable that both sides of the
Nibirians have already begun a process of

secretly planting hybrids among us.

the past, both the forces of the Adversary, and the forces of the Home planet
used hybrids for

positions of leadership in times of trouble. (For example, Moses
led the Hebrews out of Egypt.

Pharaohs and other kings of the ancient world had divine fathers).
It seems entirely plausible that both sides will repeat this practice before
the return of Christ. The remarkable case of Shona Bear Clark, an

American Indian
abductee/experiencer, leads one to believe that this woman may be a Nibirian

She has seen, and interacted with the “tall blondes,” a name some
researchers have given to the

Nibirians. Shona described two beings that came to heal her foot
wound one night. Though there was

no light on in the room, it was completely lit up: “...They had
blonde, shoulder-length hair, and looked

to be about fifty years old. Their skin was bronze color, like
they had good tans.” They also wore

robes, a typical dress for Nibirians from other sources.

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