War Torn Love (26 page)

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Authors: Jay M. Londo

BOOK: War Torn Love
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“Abram, hey Abram, honey, hey look I brought you some lunch, I figured you would be hungry?”


He smiled when he saw me standing there watching him; he later that night said I was positively glowing. With his boxing gloves still on both his hands, wearing his boxing shorts, which showed off his amazing legs, he came over to me.  One thing I adored about him was how he always showed me that he was so glad to always see me - he was never too busy for me when I
was in his presences.


“Hi sweetie, how is your day going? It is so good to see you I did not think I would be getting a chance at seeing you until tonight, what a treat this is! I have been having such a great workout; you know you have perfect timing. Are you here to have lunch with me?”


I couldn’t wait, since it was just busting to get out, I would have waited for the perfect moment, but I just could not hold it in! Besides, I could not keep secrets around his.


“Ok Abram darling oh please you better sit down, I have to tell you the truth why I came to see you, I didn’t just come here to bring your lunch, and I did not want to disturb you when your training. I also came here to share with you some news with you!”


Showing a look of real concern at this point, I must have startled him unintentionally, perhaps suddenly thinking the worst - it was written all over his face, “So
come on out with it, what is it sweetie, did something happen, don’t tell me is it bad news?”


“No, no not at all, please do not worry yourself, I promise it’s certainly isn’t bad news at all, quite the contrary, in fact it’s great, no I would have to say fantastic news! See darling I just came from the doctor, you know how I have been not feeling so well lately, we were thinking perhaps the flu, well after the doctor examining me, it wasn’t the flu. No, he only confirmed what I had thought all along!


“So what did he suspect?”


“Patience I am getting to that, he said that I was with child. Abram, my love do you know what that
That means you’re going to be a Poppa!”


He had sort of a blank stare for a moment as the news began registering inside his head. I almost thought that he was going to pass out.


“Abram did you hear what I just said to you? Say something please!”


He had that vacant gaze in his eyes, slowly though, it registered and dawned on him. I think for a few seconds, it had gone right over his head. Then suddenly his face lit up with bright coloring, he was positively grinning from ear to ear.


“I had no idea - I’m really going to become a Poppa! I just cannot believe it, oh my darling that is the greatest news I have ever heard! I am so proud and happy!
Oh my gosh, We’re going to be parents. All my dreams just keep coming true” At this point hearing that, and seeing how happy he was, I began to cry, but they were tears of joy!


Wrapped up in the moment, he picked me up swiftly off my feet, and then he happily began to twill me around, and around. Oh, he looked so pleased. I felt as though I was on a merry-go-round.


“Woo hoo!” He yelled out loudly, focusing the entire gym on him.


There was a swiftly developing problem with all this twirling, “Oh please, put me down honey you’re making me sick to my stomach, I am going to throw up please!”


“Oh my love, I’m so sorry I didn’t hurt you, or the baby did I?”


“No silly! Did you forget how tough I am? You just cannot twirl me like that when I get morning sickness. I have real bad morning sickness.” Then I quickly ran over to a nearby trash pail, and began to let loose and hurl. Then I wiped my mouth off when I was done.


When He saw that I was ok, he yelled out “Attention everyone, I just found out I am going to be a Poppa!”


The gym then quickly erupted in loud cheers for the two of us! Everyone came up and then congratulated us,
one by one patting him on the back. I must have been given twenty hugs. Abram’s coach came and gave me a big hug.


“Oh, my girl I am so truly happy for the two of you, I have now known you for let me see it must be going on five years now. I have witness you blossoming from a girl into a beautiful woman, all that I know about you, tells me that you’re going to make a terrific mother, just like you have already proved what a amazing wife you are to your husband.  I am going to let you in on a little secret sweetheart, you know how I motivate your husband - I get him to start focusing on you, and it proves to be the greatest motivator I have ever seen, no you have to believe me, it’s true. Now with a baby, he will be completely unstoppable, he’ll do very well when we go to the Olympics. Nevertheless, I have to say, the two of you make the perfect couple. It is easy to see that the two of you are madly in love with one another.”


Abram interrupted coach and mine conversation. “Coach under the circumstances, I would like to take the rest of the day off if you wouldn’t mind, so as I could celebrate with my wife, and family. I promise to work twice as hard tomorrow!”


“Sure thing kid, my wife would ring my neck if I did not - you kids go celebrate; I would have insisted that that you did, if you wouldn’t had said anything.”


“Thanks coach!” he grabbed my hands and said,
“Hana, let me go get changed, and then we’ll head off straight to the store. I am sure you want to tell our families the fantastic news! Just wait here a minute, I will
not be long. I’m positively too excited to eat, at the moment.”




Boy I do not think I have ever seen him this excited about anything before, it clear he could not think straight. The boy was on cloud nine. I hoped our future child looked just like him, so well chiseled.


As we walked in, the little bell above the door began ringing upon us opening the door, signaling our arrival. It was a belated surprise since I was not even planning on coming in today - it was my day off, I had been working so hard lately. The family all just so happen to all be sitting behind the counter eating lunch, the only one that was missing was my sister. She was still at home tending to her new baby. We did not have to announce a thing – Abram’s extreme happiness was even out of character for him. I didn’t think I had the ‘pregnant glow’ yet –or my mother would have guessed sooner. As soon as we did walk in through the doors, Momma looked up from the table where she was eating her lunch. Glancing up at the two of us with a rapidly emerging excitement, written on her beautiful face. I was not hundred percent sure what had given me a way, that she could read me so well, and so quickly - normally it at least takes a couple of minutes to get out of me.


“Oh my gosh! Everyone, our Hana is with child!”


I looked over at Poppa - he looked over at me, very surprised so I had thought, with a huge smile, he could not
help holding back the tears of joy, he just did  not care if anyone daw him. I ran over to him and we began to hug.


“Oh my bear you have made your father so happy!”


“Thank you Poppa, I am quite joyful myself”


Then my attention was squarely on my mother, she really had me wondering. I was not going to be able to let it alone. “So Momma how did you know?”


“Well for one my daughter, you have been sick to your stomach, yet you’re hungry, you’ve been extra moody, sensitive to certain smell… A pregnant woman has a look to them you certainly have that look. Oh ya, I just got off the phone with the doctor - seems in all the excitement it seems you mistakenly left the purse there, and before you get mad at him, for spilling the beans, I got it out of him. Remember your curiosity comes from me.  Now come over here and give me a hug. I am so happy for you.”


Once again, everyone began cheering; Ms. Kaczmarek had just so happened to have been working in the store. She was so happy for us both she started crying for joy!


“I always knew you two were going to get married, even when you were back in my class, the way you looked at one another - now look at you two, you’re going to be parents.


Poppa unable to contain himself
and joyously
began singing and old Jewish song his grandfather had taught
him. It seemed happiness filled the room. That is when I began blushing for another reason; it was when Poppa said, “Well the fact that my daughter is pregnant doesn’t really surprise me at all; by the way you two have been going at it. Truthfully I am just astounded it has taken this long as it has. I thought The God was punishing me. Of course, your mother thought it would be a couple more months. Son thank you, you could not have given me a greater gift. I think that you’re going to make one terrific father.”


This certainly had gotten our attention. Both Abram and I turned and looked at one another, a bit embarrassed that our actions went as noticed as it had that they all had a wager on when we would be getting pregnant, I guess neither of us should in fact be surprised that something was even said, that however did not stop us from turning beet red! But it didn’t matter because we were going to become parents, it’s the end results that everyone counts on.


Odd to think that there was now a small life that Abram and I created together, now growing inside of me. We spent about an hour at the store, then Abram and I headed on home, he headed to the farm to tend to the animals. I excitedly showed up at Marym’s door, so I could tell her the big news in person - I could not wait to share with her. I thought she would be excited for me. Maybe seek out some mommy guidance from here, and I can learn what to expect while I am the one now pregnant, since she just had given birth, it was all fresh in her mind.


Then the thought my two nieces, and my future baby will have playmates gave me a warm feeling on the inside. They would grow up together.  Family was so
important to me.  And of course, I told her as soon as she opened the door. She was so excited for me.


Sadly, just a week later, after I found out that I was pregnant, Hitler had been pressuring France, as well as England, claiming he considered necessary to now invade Sudeten land in Czechoslovakia to save the small minority of Germans that lived in the country, to protect his fellow Germans, that have been mistreated, or so he claimed. Everyone could see this was just an excuse to justify what he really sought to do, completely overthrow the Czechoslovakia government. Prime Minister Chandler could have stopped him, but rather he gave into Hitler’s demands, both making decisions on other countries other than themselves. Still the preponderance of the European powers, as well as the United States had not tried stopping him. Soon after gaining control of the Sudeten, almost immediately the Jewish population there was being persecuted once more. Every day more Czechoslovakia Jewish families began showing up throughout Poland trying to flee from the Nazis.

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