WayFarer (28 page)

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Authors: Janalyn Voigt

Tags: #christian Fiction - Fantasy

BOOK: WayFarer
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Abbey of Westernost—A secluded convent in Westerland

Aeleanor (A-LEE-a-nor)—Queen of Whellein

Aelfred (ALE-fred)—King of Merboth

Aelgarod (ALE-gah-rod)—Healer of Whellein Hold

Aergenwoad (AYR-gen-wode)—Healing herb

Aewen—A princess of the Elder kingdom of Westerland

Allerstaed (ALL-er-stayd)—Place of Prayer

Alliance of Faeraven (FAYR-ay-ven)—High kingdom made up of low kingdoms united under one banner

Anden Raven (AN-den RAY-ven)—Other land from which the Kindren originally entered Elderland

Anders (AN-ders)—Elcon’s manservant

Amberoft—Euryon’s grandfather, a former king of Westerland

Anemone (Ah-ne-moh-nee)—Low-growing flower with daisy-like petals

Annora—Raelein (queen) of Chaeradon, a Kindren land, and mother of Arillia

Anusian—a high-stepping breed of horse with a flowing mane and tail owned by nobility

Argalent (AR-ja-lent)—Aerlic’s silver wingabeast; Kindren for “luster”

Arillia—Raena (princess) of Chaeradon, a Kindren land, who grew up believing she would marry Elcon.

Attarnine (ATT-er-nine)—Rodent poison


Baeltor—Weilton’s wingabeast

Benisch (BEN-ish)—Steward of Rivenn

Bovine—A ruminant mammal similar to an ox

Braegmet Doreinn (BRAYG-met DOR-ee-in)—Chasm of Confusion

Brael Shadd (BRAYL-shad)—DayStar of Prophecy

Brambleberry—Edible berries that grow in a thorny thicket

Brianda—A kitchen maid within Cobbleford Castle and Maered’s mother

Brother Robb—Head priest of Cobbleford Castle who enjoys gardening

Bruin—A bear

Brynn (BRIN)—Heddwyn’s red-haired sister

Bursel (BUR-sel)—Dry measurement

Caedmon—Son of Willowa and the huntsman, Camryn, living in Westerland

Caedric (KAY-drik)—Healer within Graelinn Hold

Caerla—A princess of the Elder kingdom of Cobbleford and Aewen’s younger sister

Caerric Baest (KAYR-ric BAYST)—Cavern of Wonder

Caerric Daeft (KAYR-ric DAYFT)—Cavern of Death

Catapult—Also known as a stave or staff sling, a length of wood with a sling attached that used lever action to hurl stones and other projectiles in medieval warfare.

Chaeldra (CHALE-dra)—Shae’s maid at Torindan

Chrin (KRIN)—Liquid measurement

Circlet of Elder—Crown designating rulership of Rivenn

Clerestory windows—High windows that let in light while preserving privacy and/or security

Chaeradon—Kindren land northeast of Rivenn

Charger—Generic term used to describe a variety of medieval warhorses.

Coast of Bones—Elderland’s northeastern coastline

Cobbleford—Rocky location where Cobbleford Castle is built, once a river ford.

Cobbleford Castle—Seat of Westerland and home of Aewen

Cobble River—River that flows past Cobbleford Castle in Westerland

Connor—A prince of the Elder kingdom of Westerland and Aewen’s older brother

Coronet of Rivenn—Ceremonial crown worn by the Raelein (Queen) of Rivenn

Counterpane—A quilted coverlet for a bed

Contender—Ancient enemy determined to destroy the Kindren and all Elderland

Craelin (CRAY-lin)—First Guardian of Rivenn

Crobok (CROW- bahk)—Small blue bird

Daelic (DAY-lic)—Healer within Torindan Hold

Daeramor—A northeastern Kindren land

Daevin (DAY-vin)—Prince of Whellein, brother of Kai

Dagger weed—Wild plant with a barbed seedhead growing in open fields in the western part of Elderland

Darbin—One of the gatehouse guards within Cobbleford Castle

Darksea—Coastal Elder kingdom

DawnSinger’s Lament—Ancient prophetic song

Demeric—A guardian of Rivenn and wingabeast rider from a noble house within Chaeradon

Destrier—Prized warhorse, usually a powerful stallion raised specifically for war

Destrill—Wingabeast whose name describes the sound of thunder, ridden by Dorann

Devlon—King of Darksea and father of Raefe

Dithmar (DITH-mar)—A guardian of Rivenn

Doctor Jorris—Physician who lives north of Norwood’s White Feather Inn

Donia—Caerla’s maid

Dorann (DOR-ran)—Tracker for Torindan

Doreinn Ravein (DOR-ree-in RAH-veen)—Canyonlands southeast of Torindan

Draetenn (DRAY-ten)—Tree with spreading branches and fragrant bark

Dragon-tongue fern—Knee-high pale-leaved fern that grow in moist, shady places and are especially common in kaba forests

Dyloc Syldra—Great Eastern Desert

Early flower—A low bush bearing small white flowers in early spring

Eathnor (EETH-nor)—Tracker for Torindan

Ebain (ee-BAIN)—Plain

Eberhardt (EB-er-hart)—Whellein’s king

Eberrac—Black bird found in woodlands throughout Elderland

Ederbaer (ED-er-bayr)—Red berry bushes that grow at the edges of meadows and in barren places

Elcon (EL-kon)—High prince of Faeraven; son of Timraen and Maeven

Elder (ELL-der)—Race of humans with darker hair and more rounded eyes; original inhabitants of Elderland

Eldritch (ELL-drich)—Eerie and malevolently strange

Ellendia—A huntress from the Elder land of Sloewood, who married a Kindren from Rivenn and bore half-cast children

Emmerich (EM-mer-ik)—Elder youth

Enric (EN-rik)—Graelin’s king and Katera’s husband

Erdrich Ceid (ER-drik SEE-id)—Mythical Ice Witch

Erinae (EAR-rin-ay)—Mother of Dorann and Eathnor

Eufemia (YOU-fee-me-uh)—Maeven’s serving maid

Euryan (YOU-ry-an)—King of Westerland; an Elder kingdom

Ewaeri (ee-WAHR-ee)—Priests who distribute alms

Feiann (FY-an)—Elusive small folk

Fenning—An Elder kingdom north of Westerland

Ferran—Shraen (king) of Chaeradon, a Kindren land, and father of Arillia

Flaemling (FLAYM-ling)—Tiny bird often kept as pet

Flecht (FLECSHT)—Kai’s white wingabeast; Kindren word for “arrow”

Flitling—Small colorful bird found in the western lands, and also Murial’s pet name for Aewen

Frael (FRAYL)—Prince

Freaer (FREE-ear)—First Musician of Torindan

Gaerlic—Arillia’s admirer and heir to the throne of Daeramor

Garn (GAHRN)—Goblin-like giants

Garreth Shraen of Tallyrand, a Kindren land

Garrison—The troops that defend a castle

Gentian (GEN-ti-an)—Trumpet-shaped flower

Gilead Riann (GILL-ee-ad REE-an)—Gate of Life

Gillyfish—Small white fish found only in western streams and sought after as a delicacy

Gladreinn (GLAD-re-in)—Bride of Rivenn; one of the first Kindren to enter Elderland at the Gate of Life

Glindenn—Southern Kindred land

Glynnda—A dressmaker within Cobbleford Castle

Graelinn—Eastern Kindren land

Graylet (GRAY-let)—Medium-sized bird of prey with speckled gray feathers

Graystone—Sedimentary stone mined in the north of Elderland and used to construct buildings and to pave pathways and floors

Gnarlwood—Giant tree with high branches

Guardians of Rivenn—Highly-trained knights

Guaron (GWAR-ron)—A guardian of Rivenn and keeper of the wingabeasts

Hael—Stableboy at the White Feather Inn in Norwood

Haldrom—A pretender to the throne of Westerland who challenged Amberoft’s kingship in the revolt of Lancert

Heddwyn (HEAD-win)—Mistress of White Feather Inn

Herald—An officer who announced news and arranged tournaments and other important events

House of Rivenn—Ruling family of Rivenn; also rule the alliance of Faeraven

Ice Witch—Mythical being inhabiting the Maegrad Ceid (Crystal Mountains) who possesses the power to freeze living creatures through enchantment

Iewald (I-a-wald)—Talan’s trusted friend; First Guardian of Pilaer

Iewald’s Betrayal—Ancient historical song

Illandel (ILL-an-del)—Glaedreinn’s maid

Ilse (ILSS)—Queen of Merboth, sister of Shae and Kai

Inglemarch—An Elder kingdom north of Norwood

Innyde—Queen of Westerland, an Elder kingdom, and mother of Aewen

Ironstone—Ruddy-brown sedimentary rock quarried in Westerland and used to construct buildings, pathways, and floors

Ivan (I-van)—Captain of the Sea Wanderer

Jaenell (JAY-nel)—Grandmother of Dorann and Eathnor

Jaggercat—Predatory wild cat found in the kaba forests

Jost—A weaver whose cottage stands just north of Willowa’s farm in Westerland

Kaba—Giant tree that has reddish bark with healing and preservative properties

Kaeroc (KAY-rok)—Lage white bird with long tail feathers that roosts in tall trees and inhabits ruins

Kai (KI)—Guardian of Rivenn and Maeven’s personal guard

Katera (Kuh-TEAR-ah)—Shae’s twin sister

Keep—Innermost and strongest building or tower within a castle

Keirken (KEER-ken)—Deciduous tree with twisting trunks and spreading branches

Kindren (KIN-dren)—Race of humans with fair hair and slightly elongated eyes who came through the Gate of Life into Elderland from Anden Raven

Krei Doreinn (KRY DOR-ree-in)—Three canyons; a place where two rivers and three canyons meet

Kunrat (KOON-rat)—Descendent of Rivenn

Laesh Ebain (LAYSH e-BAYN)—Lost plains

Lammert—Shraen of Daeramor, a Kindren land, and a childhood friend of Elcon

Lancert—Major city and trade center lying north of Cobbleford in Westerland

Lanthorn (LAN-thorn)—Lantern paned with thin horn instead of glass

Last Battle of Pilaer—Battle that marked the fall of Pilaer to garn invasion

Leisht (LEESHT)—Dagger that breaks enchantments

Lenhardt (LEN-hart)—Morgorad’s king

Lof Frael (LOFF FRAYL)—High prince

Lof Raelein (LOFF RAY-leen)—High queen

Lof Raena (LOFF RAY-nah)—High princess

Lof Shraen (LOFF SHRAYN—High king

Lof Yuel (LOFF YOU-el)—High One; God

Lohen Keil (LOH-hen KEEL)—Well of Light

Lute (LOOT)—Guitar-like instrument with ten strings

Lyriss—A watchguard who protects Cobbleford Castle

Lyse (LYSS)—Shae’s maid at Whellein Hold

Maeg Streihcan (MAYG STRY-kan)—Broken Mountain; a lone peak rising at the eastern edge of the Plains of Rivenn

Maeg Waer (MAYG WAYR)—Forsaken Mountain; where the Cavern of Death is located

Maegrad Ceid (MAY-grad SEE-id)—Crystal Mountains; Kindren name for the Elder’s Ice Mountains

Maegrad Paesad (MAY-grad PAY-sad)—Impenetrable Mountains, located in the north of Whellein

Maegran Syld (MAY-gran SILD)—Forested Hills, Kindren name for the Elder’s Hills of Mist

Mael Lido (MAYL LEE-do)—Death song

Maered—A young serving girl within Cobbleford Castle

Maer Ibris (MAYR EE-bris)—Western sea

Maer Lingenn (MAYR LING-gen)—Eastern sea

Maer Syldra (MAYR SIL-dra)—Southern sea

Maer Taerat (MAYR TAY-rat)—Northern sea

Maeric (MAY-rik)—Chief Cook at Whellein Hold

Maeven (MAY-vin)—High queen of Faeraven; queen of Rivenn, Elcon’s mother

Merboth—A southern coastal Kindren land

Mercedon—Father of Amberoft and Euryon’s great-grandfather

Meriwen (MAIR-ee-win)—Temptress who changed the Kindren’s history, mother of the Contender

Morgorad—A southern coastal Kindren land

Muer Maeread (MYOUR MAY-ree-ad)—Coast of Bones; the northwestern shore of Elderland

Murial—Aewen’s nurse and maid servant

Mystael (MISS-tayl)—Craelin’s silver wingabeast; Kindren for “wild wind”

Norwood (NOHR-wood)—Northerly Elder kingdom

Oalram—A guardian of Rivenn and wingabeast rider from Rivenn

Paiad Burein (PAY-ad BYOUR-ee-in)—Field of blood; a historic battleground

Pawel (PAH-wel)—Son of Daeramor; a kingdom east of Whellein

Pelsney—A guardian of Rivenn and wingabeast rider from Daeramor

Percken (PERK-en)—Rainbow-colored river fish

Perthmon—A prince of the Elder kingdom of Westerland and Aewen’s oldest brother

Pilaer Hold (Pil-AYR)—Ancient stronghold of the Kindren; now a ruin

Plains of Rivenn—Grassland in Rivenn

Plaintain (Plane-tane)—Broad-leaved herb growing in most places used for drawing poison from wounds

Psaltery—A stringed instrument much like a zither used widely in the Middle Ages

Praectal (PRAYK-tawl)—Healer

Purr (PUHR)—Trees with thick trunks that grow in the desert oases

Pyrek (PY-rek)—Small, vicious bird of prey

Quinn (QUIN)—Master of White Feather Inn

Raefe—Prince of Darksea betrothed to Aewen

Raegnen (RAYG-nen)—Guaron’s blue wingabeast; Kindren word for “summer rain”

Raelein (RAY-leen)—Queen

Raemwold (RAYM-wold)—King of Braeth and Maeven’s father

Raena (RAY-nah)—Princess

Raven (RAY-ven)—Kingdom

Reyanna (RAY-yan-na)—Queen of Braeth and Maeven’s mother

Revolt of Lancert—A conflict within Westerland that arose over a disagreement among the Elder as to whether to allow the Kindren to move closer to them after they were routed from Pilaer

Rhys—Father of Mercedon and Euryon’s great-great-grandfather

Rivenn—A Kindren land lying east of Westerland and south of Chaeradon, seat of the Lof

Saethril—Black wingabeast Elcon rides in battle

Shaycat—Small, ferocious cat inhabiting forested areas throughout Elderland

Shayla—A kitchen maid within Cobbleford Castle

Shraen (High King) of Faeraven.

Siege tower—A tower on wheels with a platform below it that in medieval warfare was rolled by attackers up to a castle wall. Archers in the tower could clear the wall of defenders, and then soldiers waiting on the platform would lower a ramp to invade.

Sloewood—A southern coastal Elder kingdom

Slurry Nuts—Rich nuts from a bush growing in the boggy areas of western Elderland

Surcoat—A tunic-like garment worn over armor and often embroidered with a heraldric device such as a coat of arms

Sylder—Maid who tends Aewen

River voices—Imagined voices caused by the turning of stones in riverbeds

Roaem (ROW-em)—Eathnor’s black wingabeast; Kindren for the sound thunder makes

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