Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3) (55 page)

BOOK: Wayward Son (Jensen Family #3)
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“Well” he mused, his fingers softly stroking the backs of her arms
“You appear to be naked and so do I, it
would be a shame to waste it
” he grinned.

“Ooh, another first for me, sex in the shower

“Hmm, actua
lly, I pretty much suck at shower
sex, it requires some thought and a bit of balance

“I don’t believe you
” she stood on
tiptoe and wrapped her arms around his neck
“Prove it
” she whispered as she slid her tongue
between his lips feeling his body stir
as she stroked
her tongue along his, he growled and picked her up, pressing her back into the
tiled wall, breaking the kiss to adjust the jets of water, flicking a switch
causing further streams of water to erupt from the walls of the shower.

“Hold on to m
” he told her, shifting his weight and
grip on her “I don’t want to drop you

She grasped the back of his neck with one hand, reaching between their
bodies to position him against her then arching as she returned her free hand
to behind his neck, slidin
g onto him making him groan
and push against her.

Later, after they had dried themselves off, Gavin told her he needed to
finish a bit of college work and then they would head home. He sat cross legged
on his bed, wrapped only in a towel, his laptop in fro
of him while she sat back against the pillows and picked up her sketch pad
again, taking advantage of the fact that his attention was elsewhere to start a
new sketch of him now, perfectly catching the contours of his back and the way
his damp hair hung
in waves. Completing the sketch
quickly, she would fill in other details from memory later, she reached out and
stroked his back, he straightened and turned to her.

“You’d look good with some ink
” she said.

“I’ve been thinking about it
” he answered
like a
full sleeve at some point

“You have the perfect body for tribal
” she responded
“I’ll draw something up if you like?”

“Yeah, if I like it, I’ll find someone to do it for me
” he nodded.

“I use Dane on London Road, he did mine, he let me design t
he artwork for the studio’s walls and I did all the
painting in return for the tattoo, he loves doing bespoke work and I’d chat him
into a good price
” she grinned.

“Like I said, I’m still thinking about it, I need to see if I like what
you draw up first

he closed his laptop and put it on the floor
“Think I’ll have a closer look at yours
” he crawled up
the bed towards her, tickling her before pinning her beneath him and stilling
her struggles with his mouth.

He took his time, kissing her softly,
his t-shirt from her body before moving down and grasping her shorts with his
teeth, dragging them over her thighs, letting his hands ease them over her
ankles before settling himself between her legs, reaching out with his tongue.

Knowing what to
expect and how much she loved
the feel of him lapping at her, Angel wrapped her fingers into his hair as he
lifted her legs over his shoulders and pulled his mouth hard onto her, holding
him fast, writhing against his expert tongue.

“Bite me
” she
groaned, pushing harder down onto him when she felt his
teeth graze her clit “Harder
” she demanded,
he obeyed
“Oh God
” she shouted, her body taking up the
spasms of her groin.

Disentangling himself from her hands, Gavin slammed into her while her
body w
as still convulsing, his hands either side of
her rib cage, loving the way her breasts moved with each thrust. She was so wet
he was able to get his entire length in her with ease, enjoying the spasms of
her inner walls as he moved, he slowed his movements
to allow her to recover and as she relaxed, he picked up the pace
er hands and nails locking onto his shoulders when he pushed a hand
beneath her hips, angling her up slightly making her groan again and setting
her on the way to yet another orgasm.

l let her legs slide from his hips as she
came down from her second explosion, they were trembling and wet with her
juices, she placed her feet firmly on the mattress, opening her legs a little
wider and then began to push her hips up at him each and every
time he thrust into her, taking him deeper every time. He
tensed as he came and used his weight to flatten her onto the bed as he rooted
deep inside her, emptying himself, kissing her as he subsided.

“Don’t pull out
” she told him
“Lie down
” she stroked
his face, his hair as he laid his head on her chest, his arms wrapping around
“Rest for a
bit, then do it again
” she whispered.

He raised his head, looking into her eyes
“Do you honestly enjoy this as much as
I do or are you just playing along?” he
asked, he saw
a flash of anger in her eyes
“From my point
of view, it’s fucking fantastic, you are fantastic but I’m aware that maybe I
push you too far sometimes, perhaps?”

“We haven’t even started, I’m hoping you have plenty more tricks in your
ire to keep me interested
” she told him
“Right now, I just can’t get enough of
having you in me, I thought I’d be one of those girls who liked loving, gentle
sex but I’ve discovered that I like it rough and I like it when you manipulate
me and the fact t
hat you are so strong and could make
me do anything thrills me beyond belief

“I wouldn’t do anything you objected to
” he told her
“I might try something new with you but
if you asked me to stop, I would and if you want loving, gentle sex, I can do

“You’ve already done that. I know you will stop any time I ask, that’s
the exact reason you won out over Quinn, I couldn’t trust him to stop, I always
had to fight him off when we fooled around but you, I just gently push against
you and you back of
f immediately, I trust you, I feel
safe with you

“Do we really have to talk about Quinn now? I’m still inside you, I was
considering getting hard again but then you went and mentioned his name
” he returned his head to her breast.

“Little boy, you have b
ragging rights, you have
boldly gone where Tarquinn Masters never will
” she laughed.

“Tarquinn?” he asked, he raised himself up from her chest
“God, I wish I’d known that weeks ago

“That’s why I didn’t tell you, you would have taunted the shit out of h

“Damn straight. I’m liking the bragging rights
” he leaned in to kiss her, trying to
resist her hands pulling him down onto her, failing miserably, feeling his body
return to full erection when she began to suck at his neck
“Fuck me Angel
” he whispe
pulling her with him when he sat back on his haunches, letting her dictate the

“What was that?” Angel asked looking back at him over her shoulder, he’d
let her take over, she had ridden his lap for a while but after climaxing she
found she was wa
y too sensitive to stay there, she
had eased off of him and turned onto all fours, her favourite position at the
moment. Gavin’s head was bowed, he was lost in watching his glistening cock
disappear into her and come out freshly wet, he hadn’t heard anythi
ng except the rush of blood in his ears as his orgasm
approached, her voice stopped him.

“What?” he asked, half in and half out of her.

“I heard a noise
” she said

He listened, “Can’t hear a thing
” he said easing his hips forward.

Angel relaxed
back into his rhythm, then she
heard it again
definitely a noise
” she said,
moving away from him, just as he came.

He bit down on his lip, desperate to stop himself as he felt her begin to
move off him, grabbing his penis as he shot his load ov
er the back of her thighs. “Sorry
” he gasped, bent over trying to recover
quickly, and then he heard it, he sat up straight, listening hard.

“See, I’m not imagining things
” she said, she had grabbed the towel he was wrapped in earlier and was
wiping his
semen and her juices from her body, she
stopped when they both heard a loud smashing noise.



“What the hell?” Gavin asked. He reached for his jeans and pulled them
on, not bothering with underwear and went out into the hall, Angel close behind
him, once again in her knickers and his t-shirt. They
heard the noise again and headed down the cavernous hallway to the large arched
window at the front of the house, looking down; the first thing that registered
was the shattered windscreen on his car th
en he saw
Quinn along with four other boys, all with baseball bats. He felt Angel come up
closer behind him; he turned slightly towards her, keeping her out of sight
with a gesture of his hand, not taking his eyes from Quinn and was just about
to speak whe
n Quinn shouted up at him.

“You might as well turn her over to us if you want to save your precious
car,” he swung the bat, swatting off the drivers’ side wing mirror. “If I have
to come in there and find her, things will go badly for both of you,” he cont

Angel was amazed that so far Gavin hadn’t reacted; she knew without doubt
that he would never hand her over to Quinn but the destruction of his car, she
felt for sure would set him off, she watched as his shoulders tensed at Quinn’s
last words, an o
pen threat, she heard another smash
and knew another part of the car had taken a beating. Gavin stepped back from
the window, trying to keep his expression neutral and his voice calm.

“You need to hide,” he said, his hand on her arm, guiding her back down
the hall.


“No.” He grasped both of her arms with his hands. “Listen to me. He’s not
certain that you are here, he’s bluffing and seriously deluded if he thinks I
would just hand you over. There are five of them, I can’t defend you against
all of t
hem and I can’t defend myself if I’m worrying
about you,” he pulled her with him into Paul’s room and through to the massive
walk in wardrobe, he stopped halfway down, listening, another smash and Quinn’s
voice calling his name. “They’re in the house,” he
his hand fumbled along the edge of one of the doors, a soft click and it glided
open, a light flickered on revealing a staircase.

“What’s this?” she asked.

“Dad’s secret room, he doesn’t think I know about it,” Gavin explained
quickly. “Go up the
stairs, through the first room to
the second, it’ll take you into the loft, there’s a small window and you’ll be
able to see when they leave, don’t come out until you are sure they are gone,
they won’t find you here.”

“You should come up here with me, the
y won’t
find either of us,” she suggested grabbing at him as he pushed her towards the

“Come on Angel, he’s brought the fight to me, do you seriously think I’m
going to back down now?”

“Please Gavin,” she pleaded.

“I’ll be ok,” he told her. “I just
need to
convince him you aren’t here, let him have a piece of me and he’ll go away
thinking he’s won, it’ll be fine.” He nudged the door and it slid shut. Gavin
took a deep breath before going out into the hall; he knew there was no way in
hell he was com
ing out of this in one piece. The
house was silent, he had no idea where Quinn and his cronies were, and he’d
taken too long to persuade Angel to hide. His footfalls were silent thanks to
his bare feet, he stuck to the wall as he rounded the corner in the
hall that would reveal the ornate marble staircase, Quinn
was standing at the top of the stairs alone, twirling his baseball bat. Gavin
glanced around him, he couldn’t see the other boys, he knew they must be here,

“Where is she?” Quinn asked.

t here,” he replied. “I took her home before
I came here,” he continued wondering how Quinn had found him.

“Liar.” Quinn bellowed. “There are people watching her house, she hasn’t
been back there.”

“I didn’t say I took her to her home, I took her to mine.”

“You bought her here.” Quinn snarled. “Where is she?”

“What do you want her for Quinn? She hasn’t done anything to you

“She broke my nose

“After you tried to rape her
” Gavin filled
in, trying to buy time to work out if his superior speed would get
him past Quinn and down the stairs to Paul’s study and the
as yet, only working panic button in the house before the other boys caught up
with him.

“I want her so that I can prove just how much of a man I am and just how
weak you are
” Quinn began to
er towards him
“I’m going to make you watch as me and
the boys make her into the ravenous slut I know she is

Gavin felt himself begin to shake, reasoning with his conscience that now
really wasn’t the time to have a firm handle on his temper
“She isn’t
” he repeated,
his voice low, his body dropping into a fighting stance
“As long as I still have breath in me,
you won’t ever get anywhere near her, Tarquinn
” he smiled, the use of the other boys’
full name creating sparks of fury from his enemy.

fter we’ve used her
” Quinn took a step closer
“And explained to her that it was all
your fault for pursuing her in the first place, I’m going to lay her over your
conscious but battered body and fuck her arse with this bat, you’ll feel every
single thrus
t, you’ll hear her scream and you won’t
be able to do a damn thing about it, if you’re lucky and she performs to my
satisfaction, I’ll let you both live

“That’s enough
” Gavin growled
launching himself at Quinn, he managed to duck the raised baseball bat
, his fist landing squarely in Quinn’s stomach making him
take a step back, it was then that two of the other boys grabbed him from
behind, yanking him away from Quinn, the remaining two boys completed their
journey up the stairs, standing either side of t

Quinn addressed the two boys next to him, “
ind her, rip this place to pieces if you
have to
but find her
” he told them before turning back to
Gavin and again raising the bat. Gavin used the support of the boys holding his
arms to raise his
legs and kick out at Quinn who
hopped out of the way
“If you are
going to start kicking, I will simply have to put a stop to it
” he mocked swinging the bat, hitting
the outside of Gavin’s right knee, his leg buckled beneath him, he couldn’t
stop the groa
n of pain that escaped his lips, his
entire focus now on his throbbing knee, he screamed in pain as Quinn swung the
bat again, hitting him in the groin making him fold over gasping.

Stepping closer Quinn grabbed a handful of Gavin’s hair and pulled his
d up
“I’m going to fuck you up
” Quinn smiled
Gavin was still trying to fight the
pain in his leg and groin but he’d noticed the grip on his arms had loosened a
little, tentatively putting his weight on his right leg, gritting his teeth
against the agony
that shot through the limb, he
slipped his left leg behind the boy on that side, straightening his body
quickly when Quinn let go of his hair, he overbalanced the boy who released his
arm as he began to topple. Using his stronger left arm, he swung at the
boy still holding him, feeling his nose break under his
blow and the skin across his own knuckles split.

He swung to his left after glancing in Quinn’s direction, as he expected,
the coward had started to back up giving him time to take care of the boy wh
o was clambering to his feet, slamming his left shin into
the side of the boys head rendered him unconscious
leaving him free to deal with Quinn. He
beckoned to Quinn to come closer, favouring his left leg over his injured right
as he closed the gap betwe
en them

“Just you and me Sloane boy,
see what you’ve got
” he shot him a
wicked grin.

Knowing back up was just a shout away, Quinn stepped closer, holding the
bat in front of him
“You think
you’re so fucking hard, look at you, one small knock and y
ou are hobbling like an old man, looks like I’m taking back
the title of Captain, that knee will have you out for months
” he jabbed Gavin in the shoulder with
the bat, Gavin let it pass
“My father has
told me of the disgusting things your father did to m
mother, how she was a changed woman after he had used her and degraded her
” he continued, jabbing again at Gavin’s
“My mother
whimpers after him every time she sets eyes on him, it’s pathetic and now she’s
started making cooing noises over you
, just like
Angel did, what is it with you Jensen’s? Why can’t you get your own women? Why
do you feel the need to poach another man’s?” he jabbed at Gavin’s shoulder for
a third time becoming complacent as he hadn’t reacted, his complacency was
exactly th
e thing Gavin was waiting for. As the bat
touched his skin, he grabbed it and jabbed it back at Quinn, splitting his lip,
drawing first blood as Quinn staggered back and spat out the metallic tasting
fluid in his mouth, they both looked down at the tooth t
hat hit the floor.

Enraged, Quinn lunged at Gavin, one of his two accomplices had regained
consciousness and was on his feet behind Gavin, wrapping an arm around his
throat, not sure how to respond when Gavin turned in the lock and began to
pummel his flab
by gut but managing to keep his grip.

Gavin had lost it now, he was seeing everything through a red fog
he knew he was taking body blows from
Quinn and the other boys who had returned from their search

When the boy holding his head finally backed away
from his punches, he swayed backwards, taking blows to the face and
chest as he tried to turn, he vaguely heard Quinn tell the two boys still
standing to hold him before his own agonised scream echoed through the house as
Quinn kicked his already injured
knee from behind,
dislocating it.

As the two boys held him up, Quinn reined further blows on his abdomen,
walking around behind him, aiming blows at his kidneys along with further blows
to his quickly swelling knee. Quinn was smiling when he
to face him. Gavin was panting, all
fight gone from him now as he was consumed by the pain in his leg. Quinn
stepped in closer putting his foot on the injured leg, adding pressure. Leaning
harder, he asked
“Where is she?”

Swallowing hard, in pain and phy
Gavin’s pride
made him raise his head and face Quinn
“Suck me off
” he replied, as
Quinn kicked his knee again he thought he would throw up
but that pain was nothing compared to
what followed.

All five boys surrounded him now, two hold
him up as he could no longer bear weight on his right leg, three baseball bats
set about further destroying his injured leg, he lost consciousness briefly
only to come around bellowing in agony as both his tibia and fibula broke under
the repeated blow
s of the bats, he slumped to the
floor when the hands released him, landing on his knees causing further
agonised yelps that were drowned out by the laughing boys who continued to kick

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