Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5) (11 page)

BOOK: Wayward Trouble (Wayward Saints MC Book 5)
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“Hey,” Anslie greets.

Wynter gives her a quiet hello before looking up at me. “What’s going on?”

“Brant found some information that may or may not be a shock to you,” she nods her head, and I move her behind Brant and Anslie.

Her eyes are glued to the screen, and I can see the tears filling them. She shakes her head a few times, before she runs out of the room.
Anslie goes to get up to follow her, but I stop her. “I got it sis.” I kiss her cheek, and punch my brother’s arm. I’ll see you guys in the morning.

They both nod, and I turn to go find Wynter.

Walking into the room, I see Wynter curled up in a little ball in the middle of the bed. I shut the door, and pull my shirt and jeans off. Slipping into bed, I wrap my arms around her, and pull her up the bed. She turns and buries her face into my chest.

“How could he lie to me like that?” she whimpers. “Shawn hated Saxton; he told me over and over that I needed to stay away from him, and everyone in his life. He was part of that life too.” Her sobs get louder, and her grip on my back is getting tighter.

“Sugar, he isn’t worth your tears,” I whisper against the top of her head. “If he’s that big of a fucking moron, then you didn’t need him.” She nods her head yes against my chest, and I just hold her tighter to me.

I hold her until she stops crying, and I hold her when she finally falls asleep four hours later. She keeps her death grip on me. I can’t imagine being anywhere but right here with her, which scares the fucking shit out of me. I don’t know how to handle being with one woman. I’ve only fucked them, and pushed their asses out the door before the next morning.

Knowing that I want to be the one to comfort her, I just close my eyes and try to catch some sleep. It’s gonna be a long few days.

The shrieks of those two little boys running down the hall cause me to open my eyes. Wynter is still asleep, and I don’t want to wake her up. She already had a rough night, and those boys are a lot to handle on no sleep. I gently release her and pull my body out of her grip. The blanket falls down, and I can see her panties. She must have changed out of her clothes at some point last night.

My dick hardens at the sight of her smooth skin, and I want to bury myself so far into her, that it’s fucking driving me insane. So instead of trying, I pull on my jeans, and walk out into the hallway.

As soon as the boys see me, they come rushing at me. “Unky Jase!” they both screech.

I almost need to cover my ears at the sound that’s coming out of their mouth. “Shhh,” Anslie snaps. They both look over at her, and then back to me with sad expressions. I pick them both up and walk them over to the couch.

“What are you guys doing?” I ask looking between them. They both show me their toys, and then go to the floor to play cars and Legos. Brant walks in and sits at the other end of the couch. “Is she okay?”

“Yeah, I think she’ll be fine. She’s hurt, but I think she sees he ain’t worth her tears.”

Brant smirks, “And you are?”

I flip him off, and he just snickers. “Brantley stop,” Anslie says from the kitchen.

Whatever she is making smells fucking fantastic. Getting up, I walk in there, and kiss her cheek. “Thanks for letting us crash here.” She waves me off. “Breakfast is almost ready if you want to get Wynter up.” She hands me two cups of coffee, and shoos me out of the kitchen.

I walk down the hall towards the bedroom we’re staying in and open the door quietly. Wynter’s eyes are still closed. So I set the cups down, lie down next to her, and kiss her neck.

She starts to stir, and I place another kiss to her neck. Her hands grip my arm that’s wrapped around her, and she rubs her ass against me. My dick hardens, and I need to fucking get control.

“Breakfast,” I whisper against her temple. She blinks her eyes open, and a small smile appears on her lips.

“What?” I ask grinning at her. She runs her fingers down the side of my face.

“Thank you for everything,” her voice is soft, and for the first time since I met here, she has a genuine smile on her face. It isn’t a big one, but I’ll take what I can get right now.

Leaning over, I grab a cup, and hand it to her. “Here, Anslie told me to bring this to you.”

I reach over and grab my cup, and take a drink before putting it back. Her stomach starts to growl, and her eyes widen.

I grab the cup from her, and help her up. “Come on. Let’s get you some breakfast.”

When the blanket falls down her body, I run my eyes over her body, and I can’t help but groan. Fucking hell. Her fucking body is to die for, and as much as I want her under me, I just grab my cup and make my way out into the hall. If I don’t then, there is no way I’ll be letting her up to get breakfast. I would be feasting on her body for breakfast instead.

When I come back into the living room, Brant has a smirk on his face. I want to go over there and knock it off his cocky face, but I refrain. Instead I walk over to the table, and take a seat.

Anslie walks over to me and hands me a plate, and then sets the twin’s plates down at their seats.

“Is Wynter joining us?” she asks sweetly. I nod my head, but don’t look up. Brant takes the seat across from me, and Anslie brings him a plate.

Looking over at the twins, I see them silently eating their food and watching us. When Wynter finally comes out of the room, I see Anslie set a plate for her next to me, and then takes seat next to Brant.

I pat the seat next to me, and she comes to sit down. Just as she’s about to take a bite of her food, Sev asks, “Unky is her yous irlfend?”

She starts to choke, and I pat her back. “Yeah Sev, she is.” He nods his head after thinking it over, and then Remy says, “I wike her.”

This time Brant and Anslie can’t help but laugh.

Leaning to Wynter, I whisper, “Looks like I have some competition.”

Chapter Thirteen

Sitting at the table with everyone else is a strange feeling. I haven’t sat at a table with other people in months. When one of the twins asked if I was Jase’s girlfriend, I almost choked on my toast. I didn’t expect that question at all.

Feeling his eyes on me, I know he’s about to say something. He whispers in my ear about having competition, and I can’t help but laugh at him.

“I think I’d take that adorable little boy over you any day.” Anslie and Brantley both bust up laughing, and one of the twins gets a big smile on his face.

“Her wike me beter unky,” he exclaims.

Jase mutters something under his breath, puts his hand on my thigh, letting his fingers trail up and under my shorts, causing me to gasp. Brantley gives us a knowing look, but doesn’t say anything. When his fingers make contact with my panties, I can’t help but squirm in my seat.

Jase leans over again, and kisses right below my ear. “You sure you want that little boy over me?” his breath tickles my neck, and he slips his finger under my panties.

I try and keep as straight faced as I can, but it’s no use. “I changed my mind,” I whisper. He gets a shit-eating grin on his face, as he sinks his finger inside of me. “Good.”

He slowly thrusts his finger in and out of me, and I have to take a drink of water to keep from moaning out. When he pulls his finger out of my panties and shorts, he looks me right in the eye, and sticks it in his mouth.

I can feel my heart beating crazy fast, and I know that Brantley and Anslie just saw what he did. Looking across the table, Brant is trying not to laugh, and Anslie is smacking him in the chest. Both of the boys are paying attention to each other, and I want to kill Jase.

I focus on eating the rest of my food and try not to pay attention to Jase at all, but he makes it impossible. Every few minutes he has his hands on me. What ever happened to this being for pretend? My whole body wants to let him continue, but my heart is still broken after what they found out about Shawn. I still can’t believe that he would do that to me.

After everyone is done eating, I help Anslie clear the table, and do the dishes.

“You know, I’ve never seen him like this with anyone before,” she looks me in the eye and smiles, “he likes you.”

I shake my head no. There’s no way he likes me, he doesn’t even know me.

“It’s just pretend,” I mutter, scrubbing the plate in my hand.

She shakes her head. “No it’s not. I can see you both are attracted to each other. But you’re afraid to let him in because you probably think that once this Saxton guy is gone, Jase will be gone too.”

How does she know that? I just nod my head in response. I’ve become quite attached to Jase in the last two days, and he is the first person to help me without expecting anything in return from me.

“I knew it,” she says with a huge grin.

“He’s a man whore. I won’t be what he wants in the end. Plus, he probably only wants to get in my pants,” I sigh, and hand her the plate so she can put it in the dish washer.

“Girl, you are crazy. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You are fucking hot, and if my future brother-in-law is that fucking stupid, I’ll junk punch him. Trust me honey you deserve the world, and if he doesn’t give it to you, don’t settle until you find someone who will.”

I look at her with my mouth hanging open. Did she really just say that? I would have thought that she’d be on Jase’s side.

“You realize you just stood up for him, and then pretty much gave him a big fuck you in the same sentence.” She shrugs her shoulders, and grabs the cup out of my hand.

The guys both come in the kitchen, and Brantley makes a beeline for Anslie. He whispers something in her ear, and she smacks him. “Eww no!” she pulls away from him, and give’s Jase a dirty look too.

He shrugs, and then laughs. “Come on sugar, I need to do some stuff at the clubhouse.” I rinse my hands and wipe them on the towel sitting by the sink. Anslie pulls me in for a hug and whispers, “Don’t forget what I said. You deserve the world.” She pulls away, and I walk over to Jase.

He throws an arm around me, and leads me to the door.

“Ooh wait!
My dad wanted me to get you to help with the party for Dom and Coley!” Anslie says walking over to us.

“Sure I’d love to help. Maybe it will keep my mind off of everything else,” I give her a small smile, and she nods. “I’ll stop by the club house later and we can talk about it.” I nod, and she closes the door behind us.

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