Weapon of Desire (11 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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I don’
t expect Anthony to answer at this time in the morning and after all of this evening’s events I can’t stop thinking about Anthony. I need to hear from him. He had a spell over me that has weaved deep inside and my feelings for Daniel although strong can’t match.

She is a business acquaintance and NO she isn’t with me! A.”

He is awake or did I disturb him?
My heart sings with relief and I want to talk more.

Did I wake you?

I couldn’t sleep, was worried about you. Is Daniel there?


So you accepted his proposal?


Why is he with you at 2.30 in the morning?”

Anthony sounds
agitated and I want to tell him the whole story but I know he’ll not rest and will try to come over.

There was an incident so the police asked Daniel to stay with me tonight. Please don’t panic as I’m ok. I’ll talk to you at a reasonable hour. Won’t be in work tomorrow.

My phone immediately rings.

What the hell happened?”
Anthony’s voice is urgent and alert.

I try to restrain the vol
ume of my voice as I don’t want to wake Daniel.

“I was chased on the A14 by a black Range Rover. They forced me off the road and then shot at me.”

Anthony listens envisaging what I’ve just told him “Are you ok, did they hurt you?”

, I’ve some cuts but nothing serious. Just a bit shook up. They knew my name!” I’m still spooked at the thought that they set out to get me for whatever reason.

Anthony sighs as though his worst nightmare is materialising. “Did you recognise them?”

“No, but they were outside my apartment taking pictures when I left for work yesterday.” I yawn as I try to fight the tiredness that’s now overwhelming.

“You sound tired, get some
sleep. I’ll come to see you tomorrow.” His tone is low and sincere.

“Night” I mumble.

“Darcey, don’t go out on your own or let anyone into the apartment, promise me.” He is insistent.

“I promise.”



As I wake the bed feels like the most comfortable place on earth and for a few seconds I’ve no recognition of the time of day or how I got to bed. I stretch and feel the sting on my forehead and cheek as the small butterfly stitches slightly tug. I can hear Daniel talking to someone over the phone. He is summarising what has happened as the terror of the attack comes flooding back.

“Lola can you drop in
with some fresh clothes, I don’t want to leave Darcey alone.” Spoons clang against pans. “Yes I’ve already called Darcey’s work and I’ll call Rosemary and let her know. Got to go I’m cooking breakfast. See you later.”

raise my head from the pillow and stare across at the mirror to view the small cuts on my cheek and forehead. Spots of dried blood are still visible on my arms as I stand en route to shower the episode away. Daniel enters the room carrying a tray with scrambled eggs and buttered toast that tantalises my senses especially as I didn’t eat last night.

You’re awake, how are you feeling?”

Good. Thank you for staying over.” I smile and backtrack to the bed forgetting my need to shower which is replaced with the desire to eat.

“That’s my job to look after you.
I’ve informed your work so no need to get out of bed, just relax.” Daniel waits for me to climb under the duvet and then lays the tray on my lap with a smile that says I want to be here with you.

cosies up beside me picking up the remote and switches on the TV as I dive into my scrumptious breakfast. The eggs and toast are great. He watches me enjoy each mouthful with pride as I’m thoughtful of my appreciation for him right now after all the embarrassment I caused him at the restaurant.

The local news
begins with the main story requesting witnesses to come forward with information regarding a shooting that involved a Black Ranger Rover and a BMW Z4. The incident happened between 9 and 9.30pm last night on the A14.

re talking about me!” I stop eating and glare at the news presenter.

Daniel sits
upright “Darcey, Detective Stevens called while you were sleeping. He’d like to speak to you and will be here at 10.30.”

“Ok” I reply
finishing my eggs. I look across at the alarm clock and note that I only have 45 minutes to shower and dress before Detective Stevens arrives. “Thank you for my delicious breakfast.” I shift to the edge of the bed and head for the shower.

Daniel is on his mobile phone as I reappear. He is tal
king about Friday when he realises that I am in the room and briskly ends the call maintaining he’ll call back later.

“Is that a new work assignment?” I refill the kettle to make tea.

“Possibly, I’ll call them later.” Daniel looks tense as he sits in front of his laptop responding to emails.

hing a mug of tea I return to the bedroom to dress and dry my hair. Daniel continues with his emails. Choosing a short, tartan skirt with a black sweater and woollen tights I dress in a hurry while my damp curls hang around my chin. Applying foundation I cover the smaller cuts on my cheek and forehead and then a layering of mascara and lip gloss.

“Darcey, Detective Stevens is here.” Daniel calls from the lounge.

As I enter the room I’m surprised to see Anthony standing at the breakfast bar with Detective Stevens. He smiles as Daniel is visibly angry at his presence while making coffee in the kitchen.

“Good Morning Ms Brooks.” Detective Stevens offers his hand to greet me. He is shorter than Anthony with silver grey hair and a little overweight being disguised by a heavy black coat over a dark grey suit.

“Good Morning.” I’m edgy with both Anthony and Daniel in the same room and neither says a word but both eye up each other, silently wary.

“I hope you slept well after last night’s incid
ent?” He thanks Daniel as he receives a mug of coffee. “Ms Brooks, I hope you don’t mind Mr Hunt visiting with me but he came to see me first thing as he is concerned that last night is connected to two other crimes.” He takes a sip of his coffee and then continues.

I know that last night was terrifying for you but I want to assure you that we are making headway with new leads and witness statements, we’re also convinced that their intention wasn’t to kill you but the result of a foiled kidnap.”

I am shocked as I look to Anthony for answers. He remains quiet waiting for Detective Stevens to continue.

“The Range Rover was caught on the A14 cameras. We tracked the registration back to a German company that deals in military supplies. They confirmed that the car was stolen two weeks ago.” Detective Stevens produces the captured picture of the car. I hold it shuddering as I recognise the clear faces of the passenger and driver.

“That is definitely them,
” handing the photo back to him.

“Ms Brooks, I understand your brothers
deal in military supplies? We’re going to need to speak to them as they may have crucial information that could help solve these crimes.” Detective Stevens inserts the photo back inside an envelope.

“Are they in trouble?” I’
m immediately worried for their safety.

“No, they may not even know of
the company.” The Detective looks down before looking at both Anthony and Daniel. “You’re not safe alone here and you’ll need to move to a secure location. We’re going to hold onto your car for further forensic analysis so you’re going to need some support.” Before he speaks he looks to Anthony who nods approvingly. “Mr Hunt can offer you a secure location and chauffeured transportation.”

furiously interjects. “I can look after Darcey so that won’t be necessary.” He moves to stand alongside me as I feel awkward at the offer, not wanting to be indebted to anyone.

Anthony tal
ks for the first time after clearly thinking long and hard about all of my options and most probably constructed his plan to ensure that I didn’t spend another night under the same roof as Daniel.

o’ll support Darcey when you fly to Russia on assignment with Ms Stone this Friday?”

Oh yes, Anthony has
done his homework. How did he know they were going to Russia on Friday? The comment was piercing and from the look on Daniel’s face Anthony had cut to his core.

Daniel is nearly frothing at the mouth
knowing how this will sound to me. “Anthony you’ll do anything to get between me and Darcey, I don’t stand a chance.” He storms out of my apartment as I stare in disbelief.

After all Daniel’s promises, his attempt to prove himsel
f trustworthy and committed, he fails miserably at the first hurdle. I take a deep breath knowing that Anthony is my only option for safety and I trust him completely knowing that he has my welfare at heart. “Anthony I don’t want to be a hindrance at your family home, are you sure they’ll not mind?”

Anthony wears
an enormous smile “Darcey you’re more than welcome, they’re preparing a room in anticipation of your arrival.”

Detective Stevens looks relieved as I assume that Anthony has forewarned him that Daniel will be against this decision
. “Ms Brooks hopefully it won’t be for too long.”

I smile tha
nkful for their support “Ok I’ll pack some clothes, how long do I have?”

ll wait with Nick in the car. Text me when you’ve finished and I’ll come to collect your bags.” Anthony walks towards me and gently runs a finger over my patched up cheek. He then turns to Detective Stevens and thanks him for his assistance.

“Ms Brooks, we’ll contact your brothers and I’
ll keep you informed of any further developments. Here’s my business card, should you remember anything else please call me.” Detective Stevens leaves walking with Anthony downstairs.

Staring at my clo
thes hanging in the wardrobe I’m in a quandary as to what I should pack. I know that Anthony’s mother lives in a house set in 43 acres and therefore decide on warm jackets, sweaters, shirts, jeans, woollen skirts and thick tights not forgetting my leather riding boots. I tip my underwear drawer upside down into the case and then finish off with my overflowing toiletries bag and a hairdryer. That should do it! I spot my iPhone, laptop and handbag as I wheel the case into the lounge and then text Anthony.

Sitting on the sofa I zip up
my leather, heeled boots and then stand to open the door to Anthony who enters with a reassuring smile.

Ready? Got everything you need?”

“Yup, I think so.” I take a last look around the apartment before following Anthony down to the car where he waits holding open the rear door as Nick tucks my case into the boot. This is an extraordinary emotion
putting all my trust into this man I’ve known for only one week and I’m for once lost for words to express how I’m feeling. Sitting silent in the back seat, Anthony grabs my hand and Nick smiles in the rear mirror.

“Do you like Coldplay Darcey?” Nick is so sweet
as he tries to lighten the moment.

“Yes, I love them.” I smile in return as Anthony rubs
his thumb on the back of my hand.

“Great, we’
re going to get on fine.” Nick presses a button on the stereo and wonderful violins strike up “Viva La Vida.”

through winding country roads that seems to go on forever we eventually turn into a narrow, tree lined, gravel lane. We reach an entrance with brick pillars and iron gates flanked by high hedging and security cameras indicating our arrival at Sebel House. Cold Play sings of “paradise” as a beautiful Palladian, country house standing in front of a lake drifts into view. My eyes widen and a “wow” spontaneously leaves my mouth. The three storey, white house with Georgian bay windows looks stunning set against immaculate striped lawns.

Nick stops at the main entrance which is framed by an impressive portico. A Malaysian older lady dressed in a
pink checked shift dress with a white apron opens the door to greet us.

“Good morning
Anthony, Nick.”

“Good morning Rosie, this is Darcey.” Anthony is still holding my ha
nd as I step out of the car smiling at the gentle lady standing in front of me.

Nick walks towards us carrying my case and kisses Rosie on the cheek. “Good morning Rosie.”

“Rosie is our cherished housekeeper and nothing’s any bother for her. Anything you want, she’s onto it.” Anthony is obviously very fond of her.

I hol
d out my hand to greet her “It’s lovely to meet you Rosie.” She is very sincere grasping my hand with both of hers and tilting her head.

A mature couple arrives
from inside the house and walk towards the car. He is tall, burly with grey hair and she is bubbly with short blond hair wearing stylish glasses. Both are dressed smartly. He’s in dark jeans, a big buckled belt and a yellow checked shirt and she in a stunning sea green, knitted dress, hanging pearls and brown leather boots. As they reach the car they are genuinely welcoming with beaming smiles as they both notice Anthony clutching my hand tightly.

“Darcey, this is
Ma and Pa.” Anthony acknowledges his hand still holding mine and releases his clasp with a tender smile in my direction.

His mother moves closer taking both of my shoulders into a hug and kissing both cheeks
“Hello Darcey, it’s so good to meet you after hearing nothing but your name since Anthony joined Dorton.”

I blus
h a little at the comment. “It’s lovely to meet you too Mrs Hunt.”

“Please Darcey call me Freya, everyone does.” She moves back to let Anthony’s father greet me.

“Hello Darcey, I’m Tom.” He pulls me into a manly squeeze. “I hope you’ve brought your walking boots with you, we’re going hunting tomorrow?” Anthony’s Pa reminded me of my late father with big protective arms and a warm face.

That sounds fun! I hope I’m not putting you out with my unexpected arrival?” I feel uneasy turning up with a suitcase for the first time that I meet Anthony’s parents.


“Nonsense, it’ll be lovely having someone else in the house. Rosie has prepared the second floor suite for you. This was once upon a time Anthony’s teenage retreat, with his own lounge, bathroom and spare room for guests. But don’t worry it’s been refurbished twice since then.” Freya smiles sweetly as she reassuringly grasps my hand.

“Nick, I’
ll take the case up to Darcey’s room so that Rosie can unpack.” Tom lifts the case and moves inside followed by Rosie.

Still holding my hand Freya escorts me into
the house. The patterned, stone lined entrance hall introduces me to a further central hall where straight ahead a beamed oak staircase with ornate twisted balustrade rises upwards to a galleried landing. Two doors either side of the hall reveal a formal dining room in creams and rich golds which could easily seat at least twenty with a grand marble fireplace at one end of the room. Opposite is a drawing room with book cases, comfy peppermint sofas and a roaring open fire. Beyond the staircase we enter a gigantic kitchen, dining room with another lounge in an orangery. The kitchen is handmade in walnut with black marble counters and a separate breakfast bar island. A chef dressed in his whites is preparing lunch. He is tall, middle aged with short swept back, jet black hair.

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