Weapon of Desire (25 page)

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Authors: L M Brook

BOOK: Weapon of Desire
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He picks up one
toy that looks like a small rubber, purple horseshoe with flat padding at either end. Flicking a small switch the pads vibrate fiercely. “This is a We Vibe, have you used one before?”

I shake my head and touch the vibrating ends. Anthony parts my legs with one hand and presses one end against my clitoris. The intense stimulation
prompts a spontaneous reflex in my back and hips. Anthony lowers down planting tiny kisses along my breast. Closing my eyes I widen my legs allowing Anthony to slowly insert one end of the Vibe producing concentrated motion on my G spot.

Releasing deep gasps I rotate my hips against Anthony’s hand as he directs the Vibe inside me. Anthony slowly inserts his waiting hard length and then pushes deep reclaiming my mouth with his silky tongue. The sensation is overpowering with fullness and intensity as Anthony continues to pump harder.
My breathing is deep and rasping as my orgasm mounts.

Withdrawing suddenly he kneels, looking down at me “how was that?”

“Mind blowing!” I reply still wanting more.

He picks up the second toy which
I recognise as a small purple butt plug. Anthony squeezes lotion from a tube inside the box and smothers the head. “Let’s see if you like anal.” He steps backwards off the bed and slides me down to the edge pulling me upright. “Darcey turn around and lean over.”



I do as I’
m instructed standing at the edge in my six inches, leaning down on the bed with my bottom in the air. Standing behind me, his hand wanders softly over my displayed cheeks as his lubricated finger circles my bottom and then slowly probes deep inside. I push my hips back against him enjoying the intrusion.

Anthony glides the toy over my bottom and then gently replaces his finger with the
head, gradually inserting the full length. The Vibe continues to vibrate adding further sensation stimulating my clitoris towards climax.

“How about double penetration?”
he whispers over my shoulder and glides his hard cock inside my pulsing openness.

The complete acceptance of Anthony’s ownership of every part of my body and the invasion of such a private place
heightens my wanting more. His length moves deeper and thrusts harder adding pressure on the vibe and my G spot. My legs start to quiver as I clench my fists tightly scrunching the bed clothing. His hands hold my hips firmly to maintain his maximum effect.

“Oh Anthony, I want to come
.” I cry out trying to hold back the impending wave.

He immediately withdraws with the vibe in his hand.
“Darcey, I’m going to have you at the brink until you can’t take anymore.”

Still clutching the bed I watch Anthony take a third toy from the box as I pant
slowly with hungry eyes. Sitting on the edge of the bed he gently kisses my lips as I stare down at him entranced as he holds a dildo strapped to a belt with a vibrating clitoral pad. “Darcey I want to take you completely.” His dexterous hands work at the buckles positioning the belt and inserting the long rubber dildo as the pad bursts power tremors through my body.

Anthony takes one more long lapping kiss from my lips before turning his attention to the tube of lubricant
inside the box oiling his stiff length. His fingers wander over my bottom removing the butt plug and placing his swollen head at my opening. His hardness steadily claims my inner space and inch by inch moves deeper. I gasp as he possesses me completely, increasing pace and pulling me upright burying his mouth in my neck.

Darcey, do you like me inside you here?” His low whispers send shivers down my spine.

Yes Anthony please make me come. I can’t hold back anymore.” Begging him to take me to climax my legs start to weaken as my whole body trembles.


Anthony picks up speed and holds me close as each thrust sends me closer and closer to ecstasy until convulsions spread violently through me. I scream Anthony’s name gripping onto his thighs to hold myself up. My orgasm spirals higher as I push backwards wanting more.

“You a
re greedy aren’t you?” Anthony continues to pump hard into my aching wetness.

I drop my head back against his shoulder completely drained as
he scatters small kisses around my neck. “I’m not finished with you Darcey Brooks, I’m going to have you again all over again later but now we need to get ready for dinner.”

Anthony where are we going?” I’m slightly panicked as I’m not prepared.

ve nothing here to change into, my clothes are soaked.”

He pulls back and starts to unbuckle the belt. “Darcey stop worrying all is under control.” Placing the
toy down with the others he picks up another box and hands it to me.

This is starting to feel a little bizarre as
I frown at Anthony. Pulling the gold ribbon away to lift the lid I find black tissue paper surrounding black silk material with embroidered red flowers matching my corset. I hold up the garment to view a deliciously sexy skirt with a very high front slit. A grin spreads across my face. “Is this going to be appropriate to wear to a restaurant?

“Yes very appropriate at the
club I’m taking you to.” Anthony curls his arms around my waist and kisses my shoulder.

I spin around to face him “Anthony where are we going?”

“Two floors below us, a private Burlesque club. Don’t fret Darcey it’s very classy …. Invitation only.” His grin is so infectious and tantalising.

“Are you leading me astray Mr Hunt?” I press my lips against his
as his arms squeeze me nearer.

“Of course!” a quick peck on my lips and a slap on my bottom proceeds “Come on get dressed, there are two more small
presents for you to open.”

I slip into the silk skirt and then watch Anthony open
a closet door where a black suit and white shirt are neatly hanging. He peers over his shoulder watching me as he grabs the shirt. I move towards the bed where two further boxes lay. Inside one is ruby red lipstick and nail varnish with a black silk clutch purse. I look up towards Anthony with a smirk. “So you want me to wear red nails and lips tonight?”

“Yes please.” He doesn’
t look around as he buttons his shirt.

The second box hol
ds red crystal earrings and a necklace that hang elegantly in clusters. “Anthony these are beautiful.” I instantly set about putting them on.

I can see him smiling from
across the room as he slides on his trousers. “Good I’m glad you like your gifts.”

I can’t resist giving him a hug and kiss before
busying myself at the dressing table adding an element of wildness to my hair and applying dark eye make-up to accompany the red lipstick and nails.

After two more glasses of champagne
Anthony is adjusting his black tie and checking the time on his watch. “Darcey are you ready?”

Grabbing my phone and clutch purse I join him at the lift door with a broad smile. “Yup.”

The atmosphere is electric travelling down two floors in the lift with Anthony as he shoots glimpses down at my outfit and then readjusts my necklace before the doors swing open.

The entrance to the club is lavish with heavy red velvet curtains, black expensive fabric on the walls and crystal candelabras. Lamps illuminate hidden corners and seating booths which surround a central bar with a
giant martini glass elevated above. A deep sultry voice sings of “fever” as a striking brunette writhes around seductively previewing her naked body amongst bubbles inside the glass.

tall, distinguished gentleman dressed in a dinner jacket with grey short hair stands at the entrance to the club. “Hello Anthony, at last I get to meet the lady I’ve heard so much about.” He holds out his hand and grasps mine placing a kiss on the back. His smile is charming and genuine “Hello Darcey, I’m Ian.”

Anthony drapes a protective arm aroun
d my waist “Darcey, Ian owns the Arcazia.”

“Lovely to meet you Ian.” I lean into Anthony feel
ing his breathe down my neck and chest.

“How is the suite? Anything you need?” Ian directs us with one hand towards the bar.

“No it’s perfect,
such a shame that it isn’t a warm summer’s eve to sit and watch the boats.” I stare up at the lounging brunette in the glass as she blows bubbles from her hand down onto our heads.

So is this a special occasion Anthony?” Ian raises his eyebrows in anticipation.

Anthony smiles looking down into my eyes, “yes
, Darcey is going to be Mrs Hunt very soon.”

“Wonderful news, a bottle of
Dom Perignon please Mike.” Ian shouts across to the barman. “So when is the big day?”

ey has business in Dubai so we’ll have to wait until she returns, hopefully before Christmas.” Anthony is so happy and doesn’t stop smiling.

“Darcey are you sure you want to take
on this rogue, you’ve done a pretty good job taming him so far!” Ian pours the champagne passing us a glass each.

s just a big pussycat really.” I smile taking a sip of the bubbles feeling quite tipsy after Strawberry Daiquiris and Champagne earlier this evening.

Ian raises his glass in a toast “To th
e happy couple may they spend many happy years together and raise lots of children.”

“One or two would be ample.”
Anthony injects noticing my glazed eyes “Darcey I think you need to eat, Ian is our booth ready?”

“Yes this way lovebirds;
I’ll get you some menus.” Ian carries the bottle to a dimly lit booth and then disappears.

I sink onto the welcome velvet seat realising my feet
are aching in my 6 inch new shoes but I don’t care too much as life seems so good at this precise moment.

Ian returns with the menus “
I have to wine and dine some new clients so I’ll leave you in Natalie’s good hands, she’ll be over shortly to take your order. Have a lovely evening Darcey.”

Anthony pulls me back into his arms and kisses my lips “I know what you
’d like.”

I look up inquisitively “what will that be?”

“Seafood platter!” Anthony closes the menus as Natalie appears as if by magic at our booth. “Seafood platter to share please.”

“That sounds good.” I sigh as I sink further back into his arms.

“Will that be all?” Natalie smiles and twists her tiny corseted figure.

“Yes thank you.” Anthony rests his head on mine as Natalie rushes away with our order. “Darcey, where shall we go for our honeymoon?”

“How about staying at a water bungalow in the Maldives?” I immediately respond thinking about the clear warm waters and complete isolation.

“That sounds perfect, no one to bother us.”
He seems pleased with the choice as he pours some more champagne.

” Standing at the end of the booth is an attractive Japanese woman in a short deep topaz blue dress.

“Suki” Anthony stands and reaches across to greet her as she moves in closer to kiss him directly on the lips. The kiss seems to linger far too long for my liking. A
suave middle aged, dark haired gentleman joins her.

“Alex, how
are you?” Anthony pulls back to shake hands.

“We are good, how are you
? We’ve not seen you here for a while.” Alex eyes me up as I straighten leaning forward against my clasped hands. I feel a little uncomfortable as I watch the three of them.

m really good, this is Darcey my Fiancé.” Anthony turns smiling down at me.

I r
ise up from my seat in a tipsy self-assured way offering my hand to Suki. “Nice to meet you.” I can tell she is assessing me for suitability as Anthony’s wife.

“Lovely to meet you
too.”  Her eyes scan every inch of my body.

Alex steps forwar
d and takes my hand “Darcey, I’m shocked as to why Anthony has kept you a secret.”

“I keep everything I cherish close to my heart.” Anthony
cheesily grins.

Suki smiles sweetly “Darcey do you mind if we join you
, we’ve not seen Anthony for a while?”

“Be my guest.” I sink back down to the seat as I watch Suki slide along the booth next to me.

Anthony looks on a little nervous at my tipsy persona knowing how drink loosens my tongue.

will get another bottle.” Alex waits at the end of the table. “Anthony have you ordered food?”

“Yes a platter to shar
e.” Anthony weaves his arm around my back resting his hand on the side of my thigh.

Alex disappears towards the bar as Suki moves nearer invading my personal space. I find her mystifying as she leans forward curving her body to face me.

“How long have you two known each other?”

“Three weeks.” I grin knowing that she is going to be

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