Welcome to New Haven (97 page)

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Authors: Dawn Doyle

BOOK: Welcome to New Haven
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His hands caressed further up to her perfectly developed breasts, and he gently cupped them, stroking his thumbs across her nipples.

“Oh God.” She said, breathlessly, as she broke their kiss.

He ran his hands over the top to her chest and back down to the outsides of her mounds, bringing his lips to her throat.

Kissing slowly.

Down to her cleavage and across the swells of her creamy skin, above her bra cups.

Holly’s breaths came out in pants as her fingers gripped, loosened, and gripped again in his hair as she whimpered.

“Holly love, brekkie’s ready!” Kim shouted throughout the door.

They both seemed to come to their senses when Holly gasped, and Alex tilted his head up to look in her eyes. He wrapped his arms around her as he grinned.

“Saved by the Mom.” He chuckled. Even thought the throbbing hard on he was sporting wasn’t in the least bit pleased.

“Oh shit.” Holly said as she giggled. “I guess I should finish getting dressed”

Alex groaned in protest and Holly laughed. She slowly got up off his lap and picked up her tops, putting them on.
She stood up on her tiptoes to wrap her arms around Alex’s neck and pulled him down for a deep, passionate kiss.

“Mmmm.” She moaned. "I might not get a chance to kiss you like this until after school.” She complained.

“We could just skip school and stay here all day. I could help you back out of those clothes…” He added as he ran his hands under her vest to caress her lower back.

“As much as I would prefer that, you can’t miss school and… if you helped me out of my clothes…well…” Holly blushed as she thought about it.

If he
they may go too far. They couldn’t seem to help themselves.

Already, in a short time, they’d gone from a kiss to getting half-naked.

Hell, they’d gotten each other off!

“Yeah” Alex said as he inhaled and ran his hand over his face. “I know. Ok, let’s go and get your breakfast, babe.”

Holly took Alex’s hand and led him downstairs.

Kim had made Holly some waffles and orange juice.

“Hiya love” Kim said as Holly appeared in the kitchen, Alex following, holding her hand. Kim glanced between them and smirked with a glint in her eye.

“Mum, it’s too early, please don’t start” Holly groaned as she sat down.

“What? I didn’t say anything.” Said Kim, innocently.

“You didn’t have to” Holly said, raising an eyebrow and Alex tried to hold back a smile. Holly knew her Mum wanted to say something about Alex’s early arrival and the time they’s spent in her room together with the door closed. It was only a matter of time before she cracked and couldn’t hold it in any longer.

Holly finished her breakfast and grabbed her bag for school.

“Oh Holly?” Her Mum said as she and Alex walked into the hallway.


“Emily texted earlier. She wants you to FaceTime her at lunch. You know, if you two can spare a few minutes from your
face time to speak to your sister.” She said with a huge grin.

“I’ll call her when we break for lunch, I’ll see you later” Holly said as she turned to leave.

“Love you baby girl.”

“Love you Mum”

“Bye Alex!” Kim said in a sing-song voice.

“Bye Kim” Alex said as he threw her a mischievous smile at her, laughing when he saw the surprised expression in her face.

Holly saw, and they both chuckled as they walked out.

They met up with Dev and Ben when they got to school before walking to the girls’ homeroom. They said their goodbyes, with plenty of stares and whispers from some other students. The girls watched the guys walk away.

“I’ll never get tired of watching his ass” sighed Dev.

“Mmmm.” Nodded Holly as she was staring at Alex’s arse.

His jeans hugged his tight, pert orbs, and how they moved…

The guys were snickering as they looked back to see the girls watching them leave.

“Don’t judge us!” They said in unison.

The girls sat at their table and looked around before talking.

“So…” Dev began “…How was your morning?” she asked, with a raised eyebrow.

“Um, hands on.” She replied with a blush. “Yours?”

“Oh, physical.” Grinned Dev, and they both giggled.

They looked to the front as Jake walked through the door. He looked pale, with dark circles under his eyes like he hadn’t been sleeping for a while.

“He looks ill.” Said Dev. “He’s been getting worse since hooking up with Stacey at Caleb’s party.” She added.

“Poor guy. I bet he wouldn’t have agreed if he hadn’t been drinking.”

“Yeah. But do you remember? He said he hadn't drunk that much. How could he
remember?” Dev said.

Holly had a feeling in her stomach. A sick feeling that she didn’t understand. Something felt wrong. Really wrong.

“He could’ve drunk something too strong, like a mixed cocktail or something, without knowing how strong it was” Dev said.


They both felt bad for Jake. It had been almost a week since Caleb’s party, and Jake had had students talking about his ‘hook up’ with Stacey. Some had thought it was awesome that he had ‘banged’ her and tried to get high fives, whilst some others though it was nasty.
Girls who were attracted to Jake, who knew of Stacey’s reputation, now looked at him in disgust instead of awe.
His senior year had been ruined because of one stupid, albeit

Jake just sat there, looking depressed, with his head propped up in his hands whilst his elbows rested on the table.

The teacher came in and discussed the rest of the week’s tests. They were having their mid terms that week, just before spring break. Their last day was Friday, and Holly was looking forward to it.

Her birthday fell on the first Monday and there was no school the next day.

I’ll be eighteen then.

An excited flutter ran through her stomach. She smiled broadly at the thought of what she would be doing during spring break.

“I don’t need to be a mind reader to guess what
plans are.” Said Dev, and they both stifled their giggles.

of them had the same plans for their break.

After homeroom, they walked to meet up with the others. Holly had Tech class with Alex and Ben.

When they met up, Alex and Holly kissed lovingly, as did Dev and Ben.

“Please people!” Said Riss. “Our guys have gone to class already and we already miss them.” She pleaded.

“Yeah, free period sucks! Wow, I never thought I’d
say that” Said Kayla.

“This hour is gonna drag!” Whined Dev.

“It’ll be over before you know it babes.” Ben said, and he hugged her tight.

The girls quickly hugged, and Holly went into class with Alex and Ben. Alex kissed her before she took her seat.

The class began with the teacher telling them that they had todays’ lesson to finish their programming. Anybody not finished will need to spend their free periods completing their work.

After a few minutes, Holly’s phone vibrated.

A: I can’t concentrate. I keep thinking about the picture

you sent, and how you greeted me this morning. :)

Holly’s face heated as she read the text. She’d sent the picture of her naked back.
It was obvious she was naked because of the water on her body. The bold way she had come out of her closet in just her jeans and bra. She’d loved Alex’s reaction to that.

H: I keep thinking about your picture, and how you reacted to my greeting. I loved it.

A: Me too. I’d like that everyday.

H: You would?

A: Definitely. ;)

The teacher cleared his throat at the front of the class, obviously noticing the exchange between Holly and Alex.

Holly risked a glance back at Alex who looked uncomfortable in his seat, and she smiled. Alex smiled back, with the look in his eyes that promised that more was to come. It was Holly’s turn to be uncomfortable. She took a deep breath and tried to get back to work.

She finished the last couple of lines of program and clicked ‘run’. The bell chime sounded, and a dancing kitty with a pink bow tie showed up on her screen.

“Good work, Holly.” Said the teacher.

Next, Alex’s computer chimed, followed by Ben’s.

“Hell yeah.” Said Ben.

“Good work boys. Forty minutes everybody else.” One by one, other students completed their task. Just a few were finishing theirs. “Ok. For those of you who are done, collect your things. You may go…quietly.”

Holly was going to be able to spend some time with Alex before his art class.

Alex walked from his seat and took Holly’s hand. The three of them left the room.

“Dev’s in the cafeteria.” Ben said.

Alex and Holly passed a knowing look to each other. It was obvious that Ben was eager to see Dev. It was the same look he had before they met up anywhere in school. But this time, Ben wasn’t trying to hide it. They walked through the doors and Ben’s face lit up when he saw her.

“You’re early!” squealed Dev with a huge grin.

“Yeah, we got our stuff completed so teach let us go.” Ben said as he held Dev close.

They sat by the oak tree, on the grass.

Alex sat down, with his legs bent, and wide, so Holly could sit between them with her back to his front, his arms around her.

Ben and Dev did the same.

“Why did Ryan and Kyle have to pick stupid woodshop?” Said Riss.

“They could’ve been here, too.” Said Kayla with a pout.

“Just think…” Dev began “…All of the custom furniture you guys can have when you move in together. How cool is that?”

“I guess” Riss and Kayla said together.

That made Holly think. The girls were already talking like moving in together was already a future plan.

She wanted to move in with Alex. Their own home, just the two of them. No interruptions. She wasn’t even nervous or scared. She recognised the excited feeling in her stomach.
Yes, this was what she wanted. Whether Alex did too was what she
know. He
said they were together forever, and he hadn’t been scared for himself when Abuela mentioned their babies. Maybe he wanted it too.

Holly felt Alex’s hand move from her waist, stroking her ponytail over her right shoulder, exposing her neck, breaking her out of her dreamworld.

His lips softly touched the back of her neck and down to the dip where it met her shoulder, which was out of the direct view of the others. She had to press her lips together to stop herself from sighing out loud.

As Alex moved up her neck to under her ear, Holly turned her head to the left to look at him and he gave her a sexy smile.

Holly kissed his lips.

“You’re so bad.” She whispered.

Alex brought his lips close to her ear and grazed her outer shell.

“Para ti, siempre.”

Holly’s eyes widened, and her cheeks flushed. She squeezed her knees together as a surge of molten heat hit her lady parts. Alex held tighter around Holly’s waist, his arms crossing over. They were big enough to be able to stroke his fingertips up and down her sides.

“I love you.” He whispered.

“I love you too” she replied, holding his hands as her own arms crossed over her body. They joined their lips together gently, gliding their tongues into each other’s mouths.

“Hey peeps!” Said Ryan as he and Kyle walked over.


“Kyle!” Riss and Kayla said at the same time.

“We finished our projects so we thought we’d surprise you.” Said Kyle as he wrapped his arms around Kayla and kissed her.

Ryan was busy tackling Riss to the ground and kissing all over her face as she squealed.

“I missed you.” He said, between kisses.

When they’d pulled themselves together, they all sat the same way as Alex and Ben.

When the bell went to signal the end of the period and the start of the next, they all groaned.

“We have our art term projects to do today.” Said Dev. “I hope they pick an interesting subject to draw or paint.”

“Yeah, not like last time.” Said Alex as he and Holly stood. “We had to draw candy.”

“It was boring!” Said Dev and Alex nodded.

“Here’s hoping you get to draw something fun.” Said Holly.

“I’d like to draw something interesting I saw this morning” Alex said quietly to Holly and her eyes snapped to him. “But then again, that’s not something I’d share; however…” He waggled his eyebrows.

“However what?” Holly asked in a whisper.

“I have a mental picture. It may need refreshing soon though.” He smiled his drop dead-panty melting-hot as hell-sexy smile, with a wink.

Holly’s face flushed bright pink, and Alex chuckled.

“I think that can be arranged.” She said, and Alex blushed.

“Hey you two, keep it clean at school.” Laughed Ryan.

“Save the dirty talk for home.” Kyle added, waggling his eyebrows.

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