Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories) (16 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories)
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“Do you have any condoms?” she asked.

“Of course,” he said. “But let me kiss you a little bit more before we get to that.”

She smiled and ran her fingers through his blond hair. It was such a turn on that he was willing to take his time and really explore her body instead of just rushing things for his own pleasure. He was actually being attentive to her sexual needs.

He put his head between her legs and began kissing the insides of her thighs. Each soft kiss felt so warm and sensual. Each kiss further inflamed her with desire. The juices began spill out of her wet pussy. He moved closer and closer to her swollen lips. And then his tongue finally made contact with her labia. He licked from one side to the other, then he licked up and down, his tongue flicking against her clit every so gently. Those light touches made her wild. She wrapped her thighs around his head and pushed him deeper inside of her.

He stopped licking her labia and began sucking furiously at the swollen clit head. She grabbed a clump of his hair in her hand. She had to bite her lips to keep from screaming out. She didn’t want anyone in the apartment complex to know how wild this man was driving her.

“Oh, god, that feels so good,” she said. “So good.”

While he sucked at her clit and took her closer and closer to the point or orgasm, he slipped finger into her ass. That dual action was too much for her to take. She couldn’t hold back anymore. The cum oozed out of her and into his mouth. Her legs shook uncontrollably. She was completely out of breath and thoroughly satisfied. But she still wanted more. Much more. She wanted to feel his thick cock inside of her pumping away.

And she wanted him to cum as hard as she had.

She wrapped her arms around Brian’s neck and stared deeply into his eyes.

"Carry me into the bedroom," she said. "And get the condoms you brought."

He quickly scooped her up in his arms. She felt like a princess or the heroine in a harlequin romance. She buried her head in his chest.


It had been a week since Charmaine had seen Brian, a week of wandering the streets in a daze, yearning for his touch, unable to focus, unable to think about anything except him, his touch, his taste, his smell. She pictured him lifting her in the air, pressing her against the wall, pumping her with his huge cock.

One day during that week, while walking through the Lower East Side, she passed a playground with a basketball court, one that she had probably passed hundred of times without giving it a second glance. But this time, instead of walking past, she pressed herself up against the metal fence surrounding the park and watched. Sweaty men in their twenties and thirties ran up and down court, wrestled for the ball, pushed, grunted, jumped. Their muscles glistened with summer sweat.

She imagined these men returning to her apartment, stripping off their clothes, stepping into the shower one after the other, their bodies fatigued, muscles sore, cocks dangling between their legs. She smiled, licked her lips. She noticed a few of them staring at her.

“What’s that woman doing over there?” She imagined them saying. She placed one hand over her pussy. Wet. She began rubbing her clit through the thin fabric of her summer dress. Within in a few minutes, her panties were completely soaked.

She licked her lips again, closed her eyes, parted her lips, and lolled her head back. When she opened her eyes, she noticed several men staring at her lustily. She teased them for another ten minutes or so, and then quickly moved on as if nothing had happened. She would have to go looking for Brian at the gym. There was no way that she would be able to hold out much longer. If they weren't going to see each other regularly, she didn't see a point in continuing the relationship.

It was such a strange feeling that she was experiencing. Something had truly changed in her life over the last couple of weeks. There was little doubt about that. Before meeting Brian, she had very negative ideas about love. She'd long grown cynical, hopeless, and desperate, doubting that she would ever find the right person. Even in a city as big as New York, with as many people as there were constantly moving around, eligible, attractive, successful people, Charmaine had never been able to find a man that gave her that feeling of excitement and danger, intensity and passion.

Brian seemed to offer all of those things and much more as well. She smiled when she thought of his naked body, his soft lips, his gorgeous eyes. But she couldn't help worrying, despite how good the energy and the chemistry was between them when they were together, about whether or not she was good enough for him.

Maybe he'd already grown tired of her. Maybe he realized that this curvy African-American accountant wasn't what he wanted. No matter how attractive he found her, there were plenty more attractive women, models and actresses, that he could date.

If that was the way he felt, then so be it, Charmaine said to herself. As difficult as that would have been for her to hear, she would rather he told her the truth. It would be best if he came out and said, point blank, that she wasn't good enough for him, instead of playing some weird, twisted game; leading her on, only to disappoint her and break her heart in the end.

She had to stop and take a few deep breaths before continuing to the gym. It was only a couple blocks away, but she started to get the feeling that maybe she would be better off turning around going home, sitting down on the couch with a glass of wine and binging out on Netflix for the next several hours.

Maybe watching Kerry Washington maneuver as the vaunted sidekick of a powerful white man would help her deal with this. But that was unlikely. She didn't want to be a sidepiece. She didn't want to be a white man's whore. She wanted Brian to be her man and she wanted them to begin building things together. But maybe she was crazy. Maybe she was getting way ahead of herself.

Charmaine saw Brian at the gym working with one of his clients. He smiled when he caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of his eye.

Ten minutes later they headed to the gym's café and bar area.

"I hope you don't think I'm crazy," Charmaine said. "But I just… I shouldn't admit this because you will think I'm crazy but I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since we were together."

Brian brushed a tangle of blond hair out of his face and smiled at Charmaine.

"No I don't think you're crazy," Brian said. "That woman that broke into my apartment is crazy. I'm sure about that."

They both laughed. Charmaine had tried her best to put that scary incident out of her mind. It made her tremble to think about what would've happened if Brian hadn't come back to the apartment when he did.

"I'm just glad you came back and saved me," Charmaine said. "Maybe your life as a trainer isn’t boring after all,"

"Maybe not. But I'm sure it's nothing compared to your job around tax season."

They both laughed.

As they walked out to the parking lot, Charmaine knew what she wanted to ask, but the words seemed like they were stuck in her throat. Her mouth had gone dry. Her tongue was glued to the roof of her mouth. Dammit, she cursed herself. Dammit.

Brian turned her and he could see that she seemed to be struggling with something. There was clearly something she wanted to say.

There was something he wanted to say as well. And he wasn't going have any problem saying it

"I was wondering," Brian said. "If you're not doing anything next weekend, I know this really nice picnic place. I think you'd enjoy it."

Charmaine smiled, blushed, turned red and reached out for Brian. She wrapped her arms around him and squeezed tightly. It felt so good to feel his strong arms embracing her. It was a feeling that she wanted to experience many times again.


The next weekend, Brian took Charmaine on a trip out of the city to a picnic area just across the state line in Connecticut.

Charmaine had thought that maybe Brian had packed picnic food somewhere in the car. But apparently not. She tried to figure out what he meant when he said that he had already planned their meal. She hoped that he didn’t mean that they would be eating whatever food was available in the picnic area.

But as it turned out she wouldn’t be at all disappointed.

“Is that all for us?” She asked as they approached a blanket with an array of dishes spread out on it.

Brian turned towards her and smiled. There was an Asian woman in a white apron standing by the blanket.

She greeted them with a bow. Charmaine couldn’t believe it. Once again he had surprised her. What a thoughtful, romantic man!

“Of course, this is all for us,” he said. "I had sushi delivered from one of the most popular restaurants out here:
Tommy Tsunami’s Pacific Diner
. I wanted to show you that wouldn’t have to give up that pleasure if you moved out here.”

Charmaine smiled and snuggled even tighter to Brian. The woman in the white apron told them what each of the dishes were: spider roll, California roll, steamed pork dumplings, eel, and several more. Charmaine was hardly paying attention to what the woman was saying. She wanted her to leave so that she and Brian could be alone. And soon enough they were.

Along with the delicious food, they also enjoyed a bottle of white wine. It wasn’t long before the wine went to both of their heads. That’s when they began cuddling and kissing.

“You have such soft lips,” Brian said.

Charmaine smiled and planted a few more kiss on his lips. His firm hands gripped her breasts and squeezed. Charmaine closed her eyes and sighed. Each time he touched her like that electric sparks shot through her body.

“I’ve never been so turned on by a woman,” Brian said. “I want to take you right here. I’m not going to be able to contain myself much longer.”

Those were the words that Charmaine had been waiting to hear. She took a quick glance around the picnic area. There was no one there except them. This was a crazy and spontaneous thing to do but she was ready for it. Being in this natural environment seemed to bring out her primal instincts.

“Do you really think that we should be doing this?” She asked, wanting to know just how badly he desired her.

“It’s all I’ve been thinking about for days. I can’t get you out of my mind,” Brian said, staring directly into her eyes. His dilated pupils indicated that he was clearly on fire with desire.

As they French-kissed and hungrily clawed at each other’s body, Charmaine’s hand slipped down to the hard bulge in Brian's jeans. Without thinking about what she was doing, she began furiously undoing his belt buckle and unbuttoning his jeans. She shoved her hand into his boxers and took hold of his hard shaft. It felt so full and stiff in her fingers.


“Oh, your hand feels so good on me.”

Charmaine pulled the hard cock out of the boxers and marveled at it. It was the most beautiful cock that she had ever seen. The shaft was long and thick, and the head was pink and bulbous. She couldn’t wait to feel it pushing inside of her. There was no question that it would fill her up.

Brian pulled her dress up over her head. She undid her bra and her full breasts spilled out onto her chest. Brian’s eyed grew wide and he immediately began sucking hungrily at her nipples, first the right, then left. Her cute brown nipples were hard and sensitive. She closed her eyes and moaned as she stroked the hard cock in her hand. Brian reached a firm hand into her panties and slid a finger into her wet pussy. Then she could feel the panties sliding down her legs.

“Oh, my God you’ve got me so hard.”

“I want you inside of me now.”

Within seconds, Brian was on top of her, pressing his muscular body into her soft brown flesh. He began angling his stiff cock into her. As he slowly pushed into her, Charmaine let her fingernails dig into his back. She had never felt such a tight fit. He was stretching all of her walls.

“That feels so good,” she said. “So so good.”

“I can’t believe how tight you are,” Brian said as he began slowly thrusting in and out. Charmaine could feel her juices dripping down her thighs. She squeezed Brian’s tight ass and urged him to fuck her harder and deeper. He obliged.

He made her cum two, three, maybe four times. She had completely lost control of her body. She had never felt anything like that before. When Brian finally came, they collapsed into each other’s arms, panting, sweating, and satisfied.


That picnic was the first of many that Charmaine and Brian took together that summer. And as the holiday season rolled around they began talking about meeting each other’s families and moving in together. Charmaine was a little nervous about how their family members with handle the interracial aspect of the relationship but she believed in their love. She knew, deep down in her soul, that they would be able to overcome any obstacles that the world puts in their way.



Another bonus story is on the next page.



Bonus Story 5 of 10

The Moonlit Guardians


Paul ran so hard that his lungs burned in his rib cage. As he ran, his body bent and creaked, transforming from his bear form on all fours back to a man on two long human legs. His brother, Andre, had bothered a den of wolves, and once again Paul was cleaning up one of his brother’s messes. Hopefully, it would be finished before sunset. Once the full moon was high in the sky, the pack would call to any of the werewolves close by, and he and Andre would never stand a chance.

He could see through the dense trees arched over the deserted highway that the sky was painted purple and orange. Night was coming, and they had no shelter. The two brothers beat the pavement, eating up mile after mile to escape the pack of wolves racing about six miles behind them.

“We lost them, right?” Andre gasped from behind him.

Paul could hear his brother’s footsteps fade. He had slowed down to a stop. Paul’s bare, tanned feet skid against the asphalt, and he leaned with his hands on his knees to catch his breath.

“Why did you mess with them anyway?” Paul spat out at his


Andre shook his long blonde hair, causing enormous drops of sweat to hit the ground.

              “Answer me, Andy!” Paul said, shoving his brother backward.

“Sorry! I thought the white one was a werewolf. I was just curious, and wanted to see if she wanted to join me at the lake for some … star gazing,” Andre said, smiling.

      “Well, she wasn’t. Clearly! How many times do I have to tell you—”

“I know. I know. When I look a werewolf in the eyes, there will be a crescent moon reflected back in one of the eyes. Well, to see that, I gotta get close, right? I was just getting a better look,” Andre said, pulling his long wavy hair into a high ponytail.

“The moon mark is only a wolfen sign. There are others were-creatures though. You should know this already, and you need a haircut,” Paul huffed, scanning the sky for the north star. He raked his hands through his black buzz-cut hair as the clouds shifted and groaned under the weight of the setting sun. The sky would soon be coated in an inky blackness, and they would have no shelter or food.

“Girls like long hair now, man. That wolf was into me before those other mutts showed up. God, I’m sorry. I could have sworn— anyway; that was a sweet spot back in the woods. Crap! All of our food was in there. What’s the plan now?” Andre asked, rubbing his hands together, after a slight shiver.

              Paul rubbed his hands together too. Cold was settling on the road like a damp blanket. In their human form, the cold was much more noticeable. Fine goosebumps were already trailing across Paul’s broad shoulders. They were, after all, in Alaska for the salmon, and the discretion.

              Paul loved salmon, and the sooner his brother’s transformation was better under control, the sooner they could return to their ruse of being architects in Olympia, Washington. They needed the cold, so they didn’t overheat during transformations. After his brother nearly disrupted an office Christmas party with his beady, black eyes and claws, Paul knew a winter sabbatical was needed.

              He had to teach Andy how to control it. They were only half brothers, and after Andy had turned twenty-seven, he thought the gene skipped him.  Apparently, it was just running a little late to the party.

“Hey Pauly, where did you go?” Andy asked, putting his sweaty hand on his brother’s shoulder, “You zoned off on me.”

“Nowhere,” Paul grunted, shrugging him off.

“I said ‘sorry,' bro,” Andy said.

“And I’m saying, ‘okay.’ Look, I know this world is new to you, but we only have two weeks before this little vacation is over. No messing with the other shifters, or any other animals for that matter, I mean it. Just cause we can all shift doesn’t mean we’re all friends,” Paul said. He turned around quickly, sniffing the air.

“Why? Wait, what is it?” Andy said, sniffing the air.

“Run now, ask questions later,” Paul said, diving onto all fours. His muscles quickly ripped and tore, bulging on new thickened bones. His skin stretched on the new muscle and bone. He was back to being a large, menacing, black bear. His brother followed suit, joining him in his smaller brown bear form.


The brothers, still in bear form, gnawed in silence on the salmon leaping violently in the stream. Paul had no idea how hungry he was until the pink and silver morsels leaped into his mouth. Andy was doing a lot better at catching them and finally had a rhythm going. Paul jerked his big, black hairy bear head back, swallowing the last mouthful of fish. His brother still hadn’t slowed down. His body was not used to the bear metabolism yet. If he over-ate and transformed back to his human form too soon, he would feel engorged and throw up.

Paul ran out of the water, collapsing on the bank. Everything around them was black, no light, no noise. Maybe they could sleep in the open in safety.

Paul stretched his front and hind legs, shook off the water and let his body collapse back into his thirty-year-old, muscular frame.

“Oh, that was delicious,” Paul said.

Andre was still munching away.

“Easy, brother. We aren’t going into hibernation,” Paul said, throwing a rock at Andre. Andre growled at him before snatching a large salmon out of the air.

“Suit yourself,” Paul said, laying on the bank.

Paul stared up at the stars. Orion’s belt was looking back down in the clear blackness. It was peaceful. A far cry from running from werewolves. His mind drifted, thinking about his mother, and his real father. He and Andre had the same mother, a black bear shape-shifter from England. When she met the man that would be Paul’s father, and later Andy’s father, that the shifter gene could be passed on. If it even was a gene. Legend was it was a curse, and so far both brothers had it. Andy’s father disappeared as soon as he found out the truth about Paul, and didn’t want to take a chance on Andy. After all, it’s hard to discipline a step-son who grows claws anytime you yell at him for breaking curfew.

“Ow! Shit, shit, shit!” Andre yelled, as his body morphed back to a man.

“I told you earlier. The food doesn’t go anywhere when you transform. Aim for the stream if you need to vomit. You have to eat slow, and eat less if you plan to switch back right away.”

Andy moaned, and his face looked pale with the strain on what should have been a sculpted six-pack stomach. It was now oddly distended, and Andy was wobbling on his feet.

“Maybe we should stay in bear form for the night,” Paul suggested, throwing his brother a shirt.

“No, man. I hate having to try and translate your growls. Still don’t understand everything yet.”

“You still can’t hear my thoughts?”

Andy shook his head, collapsing on the ground. His stomach looked like he was eight months pregnant.

“You have to focus. We share blood so you should be able to hear me. I can hear you. It’s how I knew you were in danger with the wolves back there.”

“I don’t know what to tell you. Everything else is too loud. I hear everything. Every cricket, every footstep, every splash of the salmon in the river. I dunno. Maybe I hear you, and you’re whispering compared to everything else.”

Paul thought for a moment: what would his mother do? His mother taught him everything; not that she had to say much. A lot of it was instinct. His body just jerked to life. He could turn every sense off and on whenever he wanted. This whole time Andy and Paul thought the gene skipped Andy, and now their mother was long gone. It was all up to Paul now to help his brother lead a normal life.

“You don’t have to take care of me, Pauly.”

Paul scoffed. “If you maim a client because they don’t like a sketch, we’re screwed. I like to come to the woods as a choice, a vacation. I don’t want to be forced to live out here, bro.”

“Why? I mean it’s so peaceful, and we’re so powerful out here.”

“We have power of our own, back in the city. I’m a manager at the architectural firm now, and in a year or three, I might get an executive position—”

“Yea, yea, and a hairless wife and three fuzzy little cubs? Come on, man. It’s so lame,” Andy seemed to scream, his voice echoing over the lake, “Look at this wilderness! God, I wish I was around when you and mom lived out here.”

Paul frowned. Andy didn’t know what he was saying. Before moving to the United States, Paul and his mom roamed England with his dad until he was ten. Even today, Paul still had the English accent. The problem was that his dad transformed into a Eurasian Brown bear which had been extinct for over a thousand years. Hunters took his dad as a prize to prove they were not extinct before his dad could transform back. After that, he and his mom just ran and ran.

“Look, Mr. Mopey, I get it wasn’t all fun, but a desk job? With all of this strength. We could roam!”

“Yea, roam just like your dad,” Paul said, unthinkingly.

Andy went silent. Andy’s dad was a “treasure” his mom picked up while they were hiding in France. Paul knew his mom only married him to get them to the United States, to get them to safety. Andy knew it too, but neither liked to talk about it.

“I don’t know if I can go back, Pauly.”

“What? Of course you can. You can transform on command now. I can teach you the other stuff from home.”

“I think this is home for me, man. I mean out here, I’m free, wild! Naked! Ha!”

Paul shoved his brother and threw on his shirt. They had

clothes hidden around just in case they ran across people.

“Be serious, Andy. It’s not all fun, and games. There are hunters and other shape shifters. Like I said, we aren’t all friends.”

“I want to meet them. The other shifters, I mean.”

Paul cut a glare at Andy. “That’s not an option, Andre.”

“Why not? If I’m going to have the full bear experience, I want to know why we’re so segregated. I’m not going to hurt anybody.”

“They won't make that same promise. Look, the northern parts of every continent have creatures like us. We all need the cold, so we share. Our bodies get too hot from transforming. I told you this. We just stay out of each other’s way. It maintains order.”

Andy scoffed. “Are we at the top, then?”

              Paul thought for a second. “I wouldn’t say so.”


              “Because there aren’t that many werebears. It’s why no one really writes stories about us. Now the werewolves, there are thousands of them, millions maybe. They stick together and are ruthless about protecting each other, and their territories. They don’t share. Ever. So stay away from them.”

              “Have you ever met one?”

“Yes—they helped the hunters kill my dad,” Paul said, balling up his fist.

“Wait, what? I thought—wait, how?”             

              “The hunters got to dad because we were fishing on wolf land. I was hungry, and we had been roaming for days. The hunters only got to dad because he was cornered. They outnumbered him and pushed him right into a hunting team. I hate werewolves.”

Andy didn’t say anything.

              “That’s why you got really freaked out back there. You thought—you thought they were going to kill me?”

              Paul started to speak, but something cut through the night sky: a long low howl. Paul jumped up and helped Andy to his feet.

              “Crap,” Paul seethed.

“I thought this was fair ground,” Andy said, stretching out his limbs. He was ready to transform.

“It is. Humans live around here so no shifter can claim it. It’s too risky to live here because you can be seen. Don’t shift! Not until we have a plan. I can’t risk you not understanding me.”

“Well, speak faster,” Andy said, his eyes darting around.

              The howl was coming from every direction. They were surrounded.

“Remember when I told you that pack of wolves were regular wolves?” Paul asked, climbing down to all fours.

“Yea? Why?”

“I lied. Run!”

Paul ripped out of his clothes, bulging sinewy muscle

stretching in all direction.  Andy joined him, and they took off in a full sprint into the forest.


Paul jerked his black, hairy head left, signaling his brother deeper into the woods.  Andre growled with understanding, climbed a broad redwood tree just off the beaten path, and Paul followed up, branch by branch. The tree groaned under the weight of two large bears, but it held them. The two waited, perched about forty feet off the ground.

              Paul transformed back to his human form, panting. Andre was shaking on the branch next to him but didn’t transform. Paul hung his head. He knew the werewolf that caught Andre’s eye. He just didn’t want trouble for Andre.

              “Can wolves climb trees?’ Andre asked, changing back.

              “No, but they can hear. Be quiet,” Paul whispered.                            Andre muttered something under his breath but obeyed. Paul listened to the howl cut through the cold air. They were circling the wood, drawing nearer. They would just have to wait. Even through the chorus of howls, Paul could hear her: Amelia. He would know that howl anywhere. Another reason he hated wolves. Of course, her brother’s pack would roam here. The elks were primed for their hunting season. She would be with them, her own kind.

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