Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories) (23 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories)
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She considered her options. School… or life. Becoming a mom for these two wonderful men she met in her life, and she honestly could say she fell in love and or lust at first sight with Kurt. She hoped the same for Seff, that he would like her too and had a very good feeling that they would get along great!

“I’ll do it, but first I have something I need to tell you to. My first name isn’t Abby.” 

He looked at her with a sheep eye, not liking the fact that she had secrets too, but then he just unloaded a huge one on her. “Okay?”

“My name is Cassie Custer. My father is Michael Custer… the millionaire.” She said quietly to him.

“I knew your last name was familiar! I couldn’t put my finger on it, but I thought the last name was familiar. Your father is one of my clients.” He told her.

“Really?” She smiled at him and nodded. “He does business with lots of people in our town. He tries to keep it local.” She said to him.

“So, what do you think about my proposal? Does it scare you or do you think it’d be something you’d be able to handle and accept?”

“As long as it would be with you and Seff, I think it would be something I could handle and honestly enjoy. I like you both a lot.”

He nodded and grinned at her. He was sitting beside her now on the bed and scooted over closer to her. He brought his hand up to her cheek and caressed it with his thumb. He leaned into her and kissed her lips gently as he could; almost like he was kissing on air. He put his other hand in her robe, gently touching her skin. She sighed at his touch getting closer to him, feeling his warmth against him. He cupped her breast and thumbed her nipple, gently rubbing it. She draped her leg over his, exposing herself to him, melting and almost purring underneath his fingertips.

“So Cassie. Would you like me to call you Cassie, or Abby?” He asked.

“Cassie. I came here to presume a new life, but I don’t think your going to use me like most people do are you?” She asked him.

“No.” He answered. “If anything,” he said to her, “I think we need you more than you need us.”

“True, but I’d like to think you want me around more then just for that.”

“I do. I really like you Cassie. I know Seff will, too, when he gets to know you. I can’t wait for us to get to be a family and be together.” He kissed her hungrily. He never felt like this towards a female before, he’d always been with men. Cassie was different. She was almost like a little girl, sweet and innocent. He was sure, though, the time would come when she decided to become a werewolf that she wouldn’t be so innocent and he was ready for that.

She put her hand on his and raised it between her legs, feeling the heat ready for him. He brought his hand up closer to the heat and put his fingers next to her clit, touching the little bud and seeing what an effect it made on her the moment he touched her. “Scoot up higher in the bed.” He told her.

She did as she was told and as she did so, she kissed him hard and deep on the lips. He broke the kiss and dragged his body down hers, kissing every inch of her skin that he could. Undoing her robe, slipping it off her shoulders, bringing his kisses down between the cleavage of her breasts sucking gently. He finally brought his fingers up closer touching her labia. He heard a moan escape her lips and felt her almost shake under his touch.

She needed him. He brought a couple of his fingers and put them inside her. Trying to find her spot that would make her cum. He started to go faster and a little rougher with her.

“Please, just make love to me. I want to have your baby,” She pleaded, almost demanding. He took his pants back off and threw them beside the bed and climbed on top of her. She felt him enter her slowly as not to break her. She shuddered at the pleasure he was making her feel inside, and she grasped his shoulders almost feeling like she could explode. She felt herself tighten around him and he went into a smooth rhythm to get the climax to go higher in the way they both were enjoying themselves. She moaned louder as he got deeper inside her as he kept pushing.

“Please, please don’t stop.” She pleaded with him.

“I don’t plan on that sweetheart.” He told her with a husky growl in her neck. He bit her neck, scrapping skin lightly not really realizing that he’d done so. Not knowing that he was going to change her before he or she was ready for him to do so. He kept pumping and felt himself getting harder and harder inside her, feeling her claw her fingernails down his back. She grasped at him totally on the inside.

“I can’t hold on much longer.” He told her gripping her body tighter around him. Not wanting to let her get away from him, like she was prey.

“Oh my god!” she cried out and grasped him even tighter. “I’ll do anything you want me to do! Anything you want, anywhere you want me to go I’ll follow. I’ll do everything.” Hearing her say all the words he wanted to hear right then, he exploded. Feeling his cum get deep inside her, they both knew that moment that yes, they would; the three of them, be a family. She was going to be pregnant that night, because any male she had ever been with, didn’t feel this way.

She felt him explode inside her. So deep that it made her quiver underneath him and then she felt herself release herself all over him. The way they made love that night would be how it would be for the rest of their life, and Seff to. The love the three of them would share, would just be as deep as any normal human.

“I’m going to love you. I’m going to take care of you as you would be my wife. I love Seff and he will love you as well and you will be his wife as well. The three of us will live under one roof and we’ll not have to explain anything to no anybody. You can tell your father where you are and I will make sure you are well taken care of and so are our pups.” He told her. “Are you okay with all of this?” He asked her.

She nodded. She was hooked. She never wanted any other man now that she had Kurt.



Two weeks later Cassie knew she was due for menstrual cycle. It hadn’t come yet. She wasn’t going to do a pregnancy test yet until she knew for sure what the dates were. Seff and Cassie did indeed get as close as Kurt and Cassie were. People just couldn’t understand them, there was no guessing it.

She went through her first transition of her being a werewolf; which wasn’t easy for any of them. She was to meet with the other den wolves soon and they all hoped that it would be when she found out she was pregnant, Cassie was excited for motherhood. With or without them being cubs, or fully human. No one knew what to expect.

Seff came out of the kitchen one Friday morning. Cassie was already eating her breakfast of the million things lately she was liking to eat. It consisted of; cereal, toast and grapefruit. Today however was different. She had meat, potatoes and gravy. Seff raised his eyes at her as he saw her plate and leaned over giving her a small kiss on the cheek. “Good morning beautiful.” She gave him a bright smile.

“Good morning handsome.” She smiled. “Did Kurt already leave for work?” She asked him,

“Yes, and today we’re going to have our day. I get to pamper you. Tomorrow night is a full moon. It’ll be your second change and you’ll get to meet the pack, and we’ll get to see this time how beautiful of a wolf you’re going to be. It will be better the second time around when you change because it won’t be so painful and the more you practice the less sore you’ll be afterward”

“Oh!” She said surprised. “What all do I have to expect? I have been feeling hungry today.”

“That’s something totally different. Me personally; I think you’re pregnant.”

She nodded. “I’m starting to believe you.” She whispered and smiled over at him.

“Remember the pack meeting is tonight. You’ll want to bathe before we go anywhere. Your scent will be on everything.” He said.

“Okay. Any excuse to get into that amazing tub of mine.” She laughed. “Would you like to join me today?” She asked him.

“I totally would, but I have a lot to do today, to get done before tonight.”

She nodded and understood. Seff was just as busy as Kurt and a lot of times she was by herself, which she had always enjoyed. Seff did enjoy doing everything he could with Cassie. Everything from taking a walk, to making love. The three of them were just as compatible as any relationship with just two people. People just couldn’t understand the connection between the three of them, and most likely never would.

Cassie got up from the table, looking across the table where she could get rid of her dishes and sit and relax. She had been up for awhile that morning already, but suddenly felt very tired and almost nauseous. “Are you okay?” Seff asked her.

“Yes, just all of a sudden feel very light headed and sick to my stomach. I swear I felt okay until now, when I ate.”

He nodded. “Just be careful. I worry about you.” He thought about actually staying home and spending the day with her to spoil her. She got up and finally and walked around towards the sink. Suddenly, Seff heard a loud thud from the kitchen. He had just walked out of the room to put his shoes on, ready to leave for the day. He dashed back into the kitchen quickly to make sure Cassie was alright.


“Cassie!” She hadn’t answered him. She was quiet and still as could be. He shook her gently and bent over towards her face to make sure she was still breathing. She was breathing steadily, but shallow. She wasn’t sure if this was something that happened during the changing the first time or if she was having difficulty with the second change or lastly, if she was indeed pregnant. She stirred just a little bit and her eyes fluttered open. She looked around with a confused look on her face.

“What happened?” She asked Seff.

“You fainted when you started walking around. That’s made my final decision. I’m calling the boss and staying home. I don’t know if this is part of the change or you’re most definitely pregnant.” He said softly, almost a little nervous because if she wasn’t, he didn’t want to disappoint her.

She moaned. Her back and legs hurt her. “I can’t hardly stand up, I feel like I should be crawling.”

“Hmm, I’m thinking you were trying to change. It must have been an instinct where you thought you had to change. I’m going to make some phone calls and then we’ll get this settled.”

Seff got on the phone and called Kurt first before anyone else. Cassie heard him on the phone and heard the concern in Seff’s voice. He really did love her just as much as Kurt did. She wondered how being pregnant would be. She had so many questions. Would she have to be a wolf the entire time she was pregnant? Would she be able to turn, or be human at all? She knew at some point that she would have to contact her father or have someone do it. She knew they would be gone for a long time once she changed. So she needed to come up with a good story to tell her family.

“I have everything set up to stay home today. Let’s get you to the couch.” He picked her up in his arms and kissed her gently on her lips. “Everything will be okay. We’ll have everything promised to us tonight and we’ll have to have a grand celebration. With sparkling cider of course for you!” He grinned.

“Seff, if I am pregnant, what will happen? Will I be a wolf or be human for all of that?” she asked him curiously.

“I honestly don’t know sweetheart. I have never been in this situation. I wish I could tell you.” She nodded at him in curiosity. “Everything will be fine. Everyone will love you.”

She smiled at him. The day went on and on and it felt like forever! She had taken her bath. Kurt had gotten home and they got ready for that evening. They sat down before they had to leave and discussed what was going to happen.

“I just wanted to let you know. We actually have a cabin out in that area that we stay in when it’s the change and the cave near by when we have to be with the den and be in wolf form.” He explained to her.

“What about my family? She asked them. “What should I tell the. Sondra’s been tying to get in touch with me for a couple weeks now and I’ve ignored her. I won’t be able to do that to much longer.” She said.

“We’ll take care of all that.” Kurt said. “I suppose it’s time to head to the forest green.” Seff told them. “It’s getting close to time for Cassie to change.”


Cassie was indeed nervous about changing and making sure that all the love making that Seff, Kurt, and Cassie were doing was working.

They got to the site where the wolves were, and they nervously looked at one another. The Alpha male sniffed at Cassie. It made her incredibly nervous as she just stood and watched in awe at all the other wolves. Seff and Kurt changed into their wolf form quickly. This time, not caring if anyone saw them because of their surroundings. They stood beside Cassie as she watched everyone circle around her. She could sense that they were comfortable with her being there in their presence. She felt her heart beat faster and faster. She could feel her body getting tense because the other wolves told her she should be in wolf form. She looked at Kurt with her nervous eyes. He nodded his head down at her, trying to let her know that it was okay to change, to let herself go and let everyone see her in her most strong side.

Cassie enabled herself to change. It was a slow change, but it didn’t hurt her like the last couple of times. As she went through her third change, she huffed when she was finally done. She scraped one foot in front of her as she backed up beside Seff and Kurt. They both grunted as everyone scurried quickly around her now that she was in wolf form. They all got excited. The alpha sniffed behind her and howled long and as loud as could be. There was a certain scent that everyone could sense that she was indeed pregnant by the two male wolves that brought her with them. Not knowing which one had gotten her pregnant for sure at this point it didn’t matter.

The alpha howled again and again, letting the other wolves in on the howling, Cassie just stood there in one spot while Kurt guarded her. There was only so much he could do and say to her while they were in wolf form, but she knew it was all good. She kneeled herself down to him knowing that she was now to obey him at every cost. Their pack would be ruined if she didn’t. As she laid herself down beside him he bowed his head to her. Letting her know she was respected. He loved her and Seff the same. They would be one. Just like it was always meant to be.

Seff nuzzled against her to protect her. After tonight, they would all be blessed, in love and happy all at once.

Kurt would never forget the day they met. He would be grateful for that day for the rest of his life. He howled to the moon, letting Cassie know how much he loved her and soon after Seff did the same. In her mind she felt the love they were giving her.

Cassie loved her life to and couldn’t believe her luck, just how much she loved these two men, she wouldn’t give it up for the world. She found her new life and she was finally happy.



Another bonus story is on the next page.



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