Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories) (10 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories)
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Monday morning couldn’t come faster. Alicia still couldn’t believe that she did that reckless act! She, the puritan, Miss Sanders, had had raw sex against the wall in a dark alley of a club with a total stranger.

And to tell the truth she didn’t know what to think of it. Okay, she had fun, it was a good stress releaser, but something had changed inside of her. That experience changed her and unfortunately she was having a hard time returning to normality.

She was still shocked, and stunned with what had happened to her, but something dark keep alluring her to that tremendous experience. It was just all too raw and new, she took a deep breath wishing that she had another hour with sex god Theo to relieve the stress that was forming even before she started her day at work.

Because just thinking about Mr. Frank waiting for her with his hostile looks and lack of conversations was enough to give her a migraine, then why was that as soon as she finished sex with Theo she didn’t enjoy him or stick around?

Gabriel popped into her mind like a broken record player playing all their erotic moments and almost sex.  She found herself asking if she had done it with him, would it be that intense, or more…?

The ifs, and buts of life. She was a lost cause!

She got in the apartment with a loud sigh and went to her room. Composed herself for work and went to get Yolanda for school, placed on a fake smile, but stopped when she heard the girl laughing with a stranger in the living room.

Should she interrupt?

Whoever it was, he or she was going to have to continue with Yolanda after she got back from school.  She entered the luxurious living room that never seized to amaze her and excused herself.

Her smile died…

Gabriel turned his attention to her with a friendly smile for a change―someone must have a good weekend―and greeted her like a true gentleman. “Alicia, meet my brother, Theo. He just come back this weekend from Taiwan. He’s going to live with us. Theo, this is Alicia, Yolanda personal live in tutor.” He said proudly.


Theo got up and walked to a stunned petrified Alicia, he greeted her with two kiss on each cheek. “So we meet again Cinderella?” he gutturally whispered just for her ears with a sensual wink.

“Ah?” that’s all she could say.

“Stop bothering Miss Sanders, Theo. She…”

“Don’t worry brother, Miss Sanders and I are well acquainted.”

“What. You know Alicia, how?”

“Actually we met on Friday night.”

“The same night you arrived and went out?”



“At the club of course.”

And just like that a heavy silence descended. Gabriel humor switched and became the Mr. Frank she knew too well. “I see.”

No you don’t
. She wanted to protest but couldn’t find her voice still. Who was the big fat liar who told you your sins didn’t follow you.

Every action had consequences, she knew that now.

So, how was she going to get out of this situation?

Because it was clear as day that this was going to generate problems.

Did she majorly fuck up by sleeping with Theo, her boss’s brother? “Come and have breakfast with us Alicia.” Theo invited with all intimacy putting his hand on her lower back.

She wanted to protest, but he gave her no room to say no.

She found herself seated between the two man and opposite to a smiling Yolanda that was not getting what was happening.

But as she expected Gabriel the always cold and focused, masked his displeasure of having her seated at the table with them or the fact that he knew that she slept with his brother, he must be thinking that she was slut that opened her legs to anyone by now.

What did she care; he was just her damn boss!

She cared okay. She didn’t want to. But she did. Now faced with these two man she discovered that she really liked Gabriel but couldn’t deny the sexual attraction she felt for Theo, because he was to hot and animal to resist, while Gabriel had the more mature, mysterious vibe going around him, like a vampire.

That’s it! If she had to compare them, she would say that Theo was a werewolf, and Gabriel a vampire. Wild and sensual, a perfect eclipse. But could she handle that joint venture of tremendous force of nature?

Thanks to good humored Theo and a cheerfully Yolanda the conversation rolled free at the table. Thank heavens Theo didn’t try any funny business or give explicit hints that the shared fluids.  He was pretty decent to her surprise, and she found herself relaxing more and more, until her gaze descended on Gabriel who kept his features neutral, frozen in time, with no access to his true and deep feelings.



Another bonus story is on the next page.

Bonus Story 3 of 10

Baby Dyke


Lisa Maxwell screamed as the tree fell across the road in front of them. Her friend Amber Knoll hit the brakes and the car skidded sideways before coming to a stop. They both cursed as the little car rocked back and forth in the wind. Another flash of lightning illuminated the road and it was obvious, even to Lisa, that they could not go forward.

                  A tree on the slope to their right had come down, and water was flowing over the road like a river. Looking behind them, Lisa could see that water had begun raging down over the road there too.  Lisa turned to her best friend, trying not to panic. Amber's face looked scared, but determined.

                  “Well, we were warned. Violent summer storms with the possibility of flash floods,” Amber said putting the car in reverse.

                  “Sorry I tried the shortcut Lisa, I’ll get us out of this,” Amber apologized.

                  Before Lisa could respond there was another lightning flash and they could see the road under the tree was buckling. The road was washing out!

                   Amber began backing the car up when it lurched to the left as if Lisa’s side of the car had been hit by something. She cried out as they looked and saw another tree on its side disappearing under the car and tilting it up. She could hear the engine roaring as Amber tried to accelerate backwards, but the car continued moving sideways across the road. The way the car was swaying and rocking, it felt like they were beginning to float.

                  “I can’t drive! Damn thing won’t steer! What are going to do Lisa!” Amber yelled, crying.  Lisa felt tears running down her face and they both screamed as the car went off the road spinning in the rushing deluge. By now they were holding hands, clutching each other in their terror as their speed picked up. The little car spun faster and there was a crashing sound. Pain shot through Lisa’s leg as her side of the car slammed into something. She screamed and stiffened away from it gasping.

              “Lisa! Lisa? Are you okay?” She heard Amber yell and with a final jerk and a grinding sound from underneath the car came to a halt and the engine died.

              “I’m alright, just banged my leg,” she told her friend. The lower part of her door was bowed in. She was surprised the window hadn’t shattered. She could see the terror in Ambers eyes matched her feelings. It looked scary in the light of the dashboard and Lisa was sure she did not look any better. Then she caught a flash of light off to the side and saw a house! Just the outline of one with a faint light coming from somewhere in it.

              “Look! Amber! A house,” she told her friend pointing a shaking hand. Amber saw it and pumped a fist.

              “Yes, we’re saved. Are you sure you are alright?” Amber asked her. Lisa nodded. She could barely feel the initial pain. She figured she had been more scared than hurt. In any case she would crawl if it meant escaping the vicious storm. The hammering of the rain and the gentle rocking of the car in the wind was eerie and more than a little frightening.

              “Let’s grab our stuff and get out of here. I’m glad it’s all in the back seat,” Amber said.

When they had started the road trip they had not bothered to use the trunk in case they wanted quick access to their luggage. Two bags each were in the back seat. After a moment of struggling they were able to get their seatbelts off. Lisa discovered her shoulder was sore from the belt when she moved it and realized that all the violent movement of the car had bruised her in several places. They both got on their knees and reached over the seat to grab their bags.

“Ha, I knew I packed this,” she exclaimed and turned on a flash light. Lisa cheered her and gave her a quick hug. Once they had a hold on their bags they were ready to go. Amber opened her door, since Lisa’s was smashed in, and they climbed out into the storm. They were automatically drenched and buffeted by the wind. Lisa held a bag over each shoulder and Amber was doing the same.

The shadowy house was a vague shape in the distance, until another lightning flash showed them they were less than fifty yards away from it and were at the head of a path leading right to it! It was a huge old mansion that looked like something out of a horror movie. They struggled onward and the flashlight kept them from tripping over all the downed branches and debris. They both screamed when lightning struck a tree in the distance and huddled together watching it crash to the ground taking other trees with it. Lisa was now beyond any level of fear she had ever felt before and warm tears ran silently down her face as they began to struggle on.

Lisa tried to keep her hair out of her eyes, but it kept whipping around in the wind. Amber had a worse time because her hair was much longer. Lisa had to spit out water as they went, gasping for breath. She had never felt so wet in her life. Lisa had a brief thought of thanks for it being the hottest summer on record, because despite the storm it was still almost eighty degrees. It could be worse, she told herself, as those fifty yards seemed to take fifty years before they were on the porch. The door swung open when they knocked. Lisa and Amber exchanged glances and then went in without a word. They really did not feel like they had a choice. They staggered in calling for the owners.



Lisa rolled onto her side. The wind was still banging against the old mansion, but there must have been a break in the clouds because some moonlight was shining through the skylight onto where her best friend slept. She was so relieved they were safe. The rental agency would be pissed about their car, but they had insurance on it so Lisa dismissed the thought, staring at her friend on the other bed in the room. She could not believe the luck they had finding this place.

              There was no one home and they had wandered through the house, ever upward until they found the room they were now in. They were both so exhausted with the ordeal that all they wanted to do was lay down and it was not long before they had. It was hot in this third floor room, but it had been the first one they saw with beds. Lisa was a little worried about who the owners were, but Amber was more practical, saying they could apologize later; they needed rest and shelter now. Lisa knew she was right, Amber usually was. She sighed feeling a lethargy and almost drunkenness come over her from the ordeal and smiled slightly. Amber was so beautiful, she thought whimsically.

              Amber had laid down, put her hands behind her head and within minutes was lightly snoring. Laying that way made her large breasts look fantastic as well as causing her tank top to slide halfway up her waist leaving her flat belly bare. Amber had been a cheerleader at the community college they had attended, but she had decided it was taking too much time away from her homework and quit. Her limber athletic frame had filled out without the constant extreme exercise sessions and she looked even sexier than before. Lisa had reassured her friend that her hips and butt were sexy, not fat and that having larger breasts was a good thing. Lisa was jealous of her gain. Some women gain weight and it enhances their looks, but Lisa’s never had.  She was shorter than her friend and always been on the edge of fat. Looking at her friend she wondered what it felt like to be so sexually attractive. Lisa sighed again. It wasn’t a question she could ask Amber. Lisa self-esteem had always been low so she had never realized she did look sexy, to guys and girls.

              “Well dear, the games are about to begin,” she heard a female voice say and it wasn’t Amber. She felt a chill run down her spine and pushed herself up on her arm to look around the room. She didn’t see anything.

              “Oh come on Lizzy, it won’t work with these two,” said a male voice. Frantically Lisa looked around. There was a fear in her gut that was keeping her from calling out.

              “Of course it will. There is love, which is all it needs to work Robert. You just don’t like that it’s my turn to start the game. Well tough cookies. The storm brought us the game pieces and we have to play. Those are the rules and you know it!” The female voice said decisively. Suddenly there was a woman at the foot of Lisa’s bed and she gasped. The woman put a finger to her lips and moved closer. As she got nearer, Lisa could see through the woman. Just barely, but she could!

              “What…what are you?” Lisa said in a frightened voice. She was already sure she knew.

              “I am a ghost dear, but that is not important. Who you are
important. It will help me win the game and I have a good feeling about you Lisa, you have heart,” the woman said sitting on the bed next to her.

              Lisa felt herself freeze up and couldn’t move. The woman wore an evening gown that shimmered red and her face was flawless with a mass of hair up in a bun. She looked beautiful and alluring to Lisa. Lisa glanced over at Amber and her friend was still snoring softly.

              “She won’t hear us darling, she will not awaken. This is mostly a dream anyway so do not worry,” Lisa realized she had been and when the woman’s hand touched her shoulder, she felt a warmth and relaxation so she lay back down on her side, looking up at the lady with her worry temporarily leaving her.

              “Are you Lizzy?” She asked.

              “I am.  My husband Robert is around somewhere. You don’t have to worry about him. He wants you to lose the game. I want you to win,” she said with a beautiful smile.

              “What’s the game Lizzy?” Lisa questioned.

              “Oh just something we like to play anytime someone comes to visit. I cannot tell you much yet. Once you have been in the house awhile you will figure it out. You can’t tell Amber though; she has to figure it out on her own. I will give you a special hint if you want,” Lisa nodded. She did not understand anything about the situation but her mind felt sluggish and she was unable to process. The ghost’s hand was on her arm and she was unable to look away from her.

              “You love her, that is the first part of the clue,” Lizzy told her. Lisa blushed and shook her head no.

              “Of course you do dear. You can’t hide it from me, even if she hasn’t figured it out yet. Look at her,” Lizzy said in a commanding voice and Lisa’s head turned on its own so she was looking at Amber’s beautiful sleeping form. She felt the usual rush of compassion and urges as she always did. Lizzy laughed.

              “See darling, I told you! All it takes is that feeling to be a winner dear. That and you have to stay here, at the house for a few days,” Lisa groaned and shook her head. She was feeling sleepier.

              “We will try and leave tomorrow. We can’t stay and Amber will never want to. She is determined, you don’t know her,” Lisa told her and her voice sounded far away in her own head.

              “Hmm. Well then we have to give her a reason to stay. She may not know you love her, and lust for her a little too, but you are her best friend.  Since you are injured she will stay and let you rest,” Lisa felt herself yawn before she could answer.

              “My leg is fine.  It doesn’t hurt. We will leave,” she began.

              “Oh look again dear,” Lizzy interrupted and Lisa felt the ghostly hand touch her knee and a coldness began flowing into her and pain exploded. She jerked up to scream, but Lizzy put a hand over her mouth. It froze her brain and she could barely gasp as she felt her knee twisting and tearing.

              “You were in shock when you walked with lovely Lisa. Can’t you feel the torn muscles and cracked knee cap?  Oh yes, you are stuck here and Amber will do anything for her friend. You must take the time to woo her Lisa, court your friend. That is the second half of the clue,” Lisa barely heard what the ghost had said. She was rigid with pain shooting up her leg to her glutes, the small of her back ending at her bruised shoulder. It went the other way as well filling her foot with pain and her heart was full of fear. The woman’s face came down close to hers and Lisa’s silent gasping stopped as if she was a statue.

              “Do as I say, grasp that dream. You must! Remember dear, you must!” The ghost told her.

Everything faded away in the echoes of the words,
you must,
into a dream of herself and Amber. They were laughing and joking in a beautiful backyard pavilion. When she awoke all she could remember of the night before was an odd dream, just out of reach of memory. Everything seemed so foggy and looking over, she saw Amber was not in her bed. Then she felt her leg and groaned, shivering, yet warm. She felt feverish and her leg and shoulder were in pain that added to her trembling. She had hurt it worse than she had thought the night before. The lingering dream was bothering her but faded from her mind as her knee and shoulder were bothering her more. She kept looking around hoping to see Amber, wondering where she went as her body kept feeling worse.



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