Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories) (8 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories)
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That same week, Alicia got her response. They wanted Alicia and she couldn’t find anything wrong with the contract, so she decided to sign it, even with her little odd interaction with Mr. Frank at the office. What was that all about?

Well, she didn’t have the answer for that, all that she knew was that she needed this well-paying, rent-free job, and that’s was that, and the fact that Mr. Frank was gorgeous as hell was not her business.

The man was a powerful business man, a CEO and owner of Sky Enterprises which she read about on the Internet. It was a big international shipping company, so as much as she thought he was handsome and enigmatic, he was not for her, and she couldn’t even dream about getting a man like that. So far out of her league

Plus, she was not up for the complications of getting involved with the boss. She needed that job and full stop, no ifs, ands or buts.

On the weekend, Melissa helped her move into the Frank’s luxury apartment in the center.  She was given her own private area, a small studio, with a nice size bedroom, a kitchenette, a good living room area, with appliances and furniture that looked more expensive than anything she ever possessed in life, and that was only the help area, imagine the house.

“Wow, Alicia. This place is a-ma-zing! Your boss is a very, very rich man,” Melissa declared, excited by Alicia’s new place.

              Alicia giggled at her friend’s outburst. That was Melissa for you, always in a good mood. “You have no idea. You should see his office.  So chic.”

“Yeah, we saw pictures of the building, okay, now I’m wishing I was the one laid off, so I could get this opportunity!”

Alicia laughed out loud, “You are too much of a free spirit to be tied to a job that only gives you Saturday night and Sunday as free time.”

“Yep, you are right, I wouldn’t last a week,” Melissa nodded, “okay, show me the rest of the house, I’m dying to see it, might as well get a full tour, because I doubt that I will ever see a luxury house like this again.”

“Okay, let’s finish unpacking and then explore this oasis.”

Alicia gave her best friend a tour of the luxurious apartment, amazing her more.  They explored the chef’s dream kitchen, the amazing living room, and other rooms, as the game room, the cinema room, Yolanda’s magnificent ballet studio, but they didn’t set foot in the bedrooms.  Alicia wanted to respect her new employers and not get scolded on her first day. “How old is your boss again, Alicia, because I can’t believe a 35-year-old man, at such a young age could build all of this from zero.”

Alicia laughed, “That should teach us to make the rights decisions in our next life, so we can have this type of life.”

“You bet girl, you bet.”

They continued their exploration to the roof top, since Mr Frank’s house was the penthouse.  They had the roof to themselves.  It had a beautiful view: a small garden, a grand pool, and a nice relaxing, bar area, Alicia was about to say something to Melissa when her words stopped, her mouth remained opened, and she almost drooled.

Praised be the god of beautiful virile man…

Was that a man or Poseidon himself getting out of the pool, wearing a miniscule pair of swimmer’s shorts?

Gabriel was coming out of the blue pool wearing only a miniature swimsuit, his build tanned body was on display, for everyone to see and drool over it. Water was dripping all over his chest.  He looked like a beautiful virile man.  Why was he being so cruel showing her what she could not have in this magnificent way! He had some hard defined muscles there. How on earth does a business owner such as himself possess such an athletic torso?

That was beyond her comprehension.

Wasn’t this type of man supposed to be old, not attractive, with an okay body, and filthy rich, married to a woman 20 years younger than himself? But no, he challenged all those stereotypes of the rich man.  He belonged to the minor percentage of rich attractive man. Assertive in his business, young with no bombshell in each arms, and private with his affairs.

He shook his black jet short hair, making water drip all over the place, Alicia bit her lower lip.

“Alicia?” He looked surprised to see her there. “I was not expecting you today, its Saturday.  Yolanda is at my sister’s house, and you could have come tomorrow.”

“I’m sorry if I disturbed you Mr Frank.  I just wanted to settle on as fast as possible and get to know my surrounding and to be ready for Yolanda.  Since Eleanor, your secretary, gave me the keys to the house, I moved in.”

“Oh, yes, you were here last week with Eleanor to explore the house and meet Yolanda. How did that go by the way?”

Was this guy for real?! Was he not ashamed at all to stand there proud of his Greek statue build and talk to them as if he was dressed for it, well… it was his house. He could do anything he wanted. But,  ”It went very well Mr Frank. Yolanda is a sweet kid.” Alicia decided to answer the question with a professional smile instead of saying what she real thought of the bizarre situation.

Gabriel arched a perfect dark eyebrow, “are we talking about the same Yolanda?”

“Yes, Mr Frank. She’s difficult, I won’t deny that, but I’m sure that with time and dedication she will open up to me.” And it was the truth, she was counting on her experience and her gift to win over Yolanda and open her full potential.

After he was satisfied with his questions, his attention turned to Melissa.  He did a once over on Melissa and for some reason Alicia was instantly jealous of her Hispanic golden skin best friend. She knew Melissa’s reputation.  She was a majorly flirtatious woman, and very confident in her imagine and body.

How could she not be?  She was perfect in her book! Long brown hair, nice physique like a fitness model, brown honey eyes that shone like the sun, a superb sexy smile, and putting aside her physique attributes, she had a personality that matched with her beauty: comic, outgoing, and friendly.

And every man liked a woman like Melissa.

What the hell was she thinking!

Mr Frank was her fucking boss and Melissa was her best friend for fuck’s safe. Then why was the thought of imagining them together sweaty between sheets giving her murderous thoughts.

S.T.O.P it!

She took a deep breath, eyed Gabriel again and his torso and sexy legs made her swallow hard.  But Gabriel was waiting for an answer. “Err, Err.”
Stop drooling, and put yourself together woman!
But she couldn’t, her eyes were glued on a single water drop which was making its way down his magnificent torso.  She followed its trail from the moment it dropped from his hair, passed through the define lines of his well-kept six-pack stomach, and got lost into the
which she was desperately wanting to know. 

Her mind went wild: was he big there, and if he was, was he good at using every inch of it?

Because according to the bulge of his swimmer shorts, he was quite impressive.


What the hell was she thinking!

This was her boss’s dick she was thinking about so graphicly!

She recomposed herself, clearing her mind.

“This is Melissa, my best friend. She’s helping me with the move in.” She said clearing her throat, a bit embarrassed, by her lack of voice.

He outlined a mysterious sexy smile and stretched out his hand.  Automatically, Melissa placed her hand in his, as if she was hypnotized by his beauty also. “Nice to meet you Melissa,” he greeted her, taking her hand to his mouth, depositing a kiss on it. Melissa giggled, like a school girl.

A strange feeling over took Alicia, she didn’t know what to think.  Did Mr Frank just give Melissa a kiss on her hand!? W.T.F! A feeling she was not familiar filled her she didn’t how to define washed over her.

“The pleasure is mine, Mr Frank. You have a beautiful house,” Melissa said flirtatious.

“Thank you Melissa, glad that you like it. And please call me Gabriel.”

“Of Course, Ga-
.” Melissa used her sexy Spanish accent to make Gabriel sound like something out of an erotic page of a Kama Sutra book. The vixen!

What! Hold up, right there! What was going on?

Melissa was flirting with her new hot boss right in front of her? She looked on with disbelief at the scene.  She wasn’t even settled in yet and Melissa already had her claws deep into the poor guy within five minutes of meeting. Talk about fast approach!


Gabriel smiled, and gave a sensual promise look. Okay, that was enough. Alicia pushed Melissa out of there, to her room, with a fake smile in her face. “We are so sorry to bother you Mr Frank; we’ll be going now. I still have to unpack; I was just showing Melissa around.”

“Of course. Make yourself at home,” he said smiling, eyeing Melissa with intense, who in turn giggled sensual.

“We’ll. Hope to see you again Gabriel.” And Melissa just couldn’t let it go.

Oh heavens! Give me strength to endure this.

When they reached Alicia’s bedroom, Melissa crashed on the bed, with a dream face. “
Ai, ai, ai
, that’s your boss? I thought you said he was uptight!”

“He is!” Melissa eyed her, “was, okay! That was a completely different Mr. Frank I saw. I didn’t know the man could flirt!”

“Oh, yes, he can. And if you ask me, he doesn’t even have to say anything, just look at you with those intense dark eyes and panties come off.”

“Don’t you even think about it!”

Melissa sat up, “hey, relax, what’s your problem. He’s single and a widower, we read that on the internet, and last I checked that makes him perfect dating material.”

“He’s my boss!”


“You can’t date my boss!”

A silent moment passed.

Melissa narrowed her eyes, “are you attracted to your boss, Alicia?”

“What!” Alicia choked. “Are you out of your mind? Of course not.”

“Alicia, Alicia, don’t lie to me. You are acting like a jealous girlfriend, and I know you. You are attracted to him.” Melissa affirmed.

“Don’t start Melissa, I said no.”

“Then why the fuss? I liked him. He’s hot, mature, and well-established in life.”

“You want to date him because he’s rich?”

“I didn’t say that! I just said he was well-established in life, and in case you missed, hot and mature. Anyway, what’s the problem if I want to? He’s single, I’m single, and we are adults.”

“Look Melissa,” she took a deep breath, “I can’t stop you pursuing Mr. Frank, but think real hard before you do that. My life is getting back on track again because of this job.  I have nothing against you wanting to date him.  It’s just that if your relationship goes south, I will be very affected.  Imagine how this will complicate my life if you date him. There are a lot of good eligible well-established bachelors falling at your feet, you just have to snap your fingers and they come like lost puppies. Please don’t mess up this for me.”

“I won’t.” Melissa promised, but the naughty glint her eyes held, said the opposite.

Oh Heavens, how was she going to cope with that?


Two months had passed since Alicia started working and living at Gabriel’s apartment, and it was driving him crazy, almost to the point of no return. Sometimes she acted as if, she knew about the desire he had over her.

And the worst part was he couldn’t fire her because she was doing an incredible job.  As unbelievable as it sounded, Yolanda was quite taken with Miss Sanders.  At the beginning his little precious daughter resisted another tutor, but with Alicia’s sweet personality his little princess succumbed to her charms.

Like father, like daughter.

How did she do that?  How had she seduced everybody around her with so little effort.  The worst thing was that he tried to forget the little vixen and he finally came out of his self-imposed celibacy and found a well-deserved release.  But nothing could reduce the strong attraction he felt every time he encountered Alicia in his own home.

He even tried to go out with that hot Latina friend of hers, but the girl blew him off like he was nothing.  If he was another type of man, he would have taken that as challenge and gone after the girl just to prove he could get her, but he already had a challenge, right under his roof!

By the way, how could he!

With her little shorts, and tank tops, hot damn, he had to take several cold showers just to calm his rigid hard on down. Alicia was playing with fire and if she didn’t watch over, she would get burned.

Tonight, was one of those nights he couldn’t sleep, he was tired for sure, work demanded all from him, but his freaking eyes wouldn’t obey and close!

When he requested a live in tutor, he never in a million years thought that it would be like this.  How many times he wanted to make a move on her and fuck the consequences, but her professional, friendly demure, pulled every chance and stifled any courage he had to try and have his way with her.

But one day, he would satisfy his curiosity and see her dripping wet pussy right in his face, his
play with it, and
fuck it hard. Until she screamed his name, and begged him for mercy.

Dream on, dream on…

Well at least he could still do that.  So why spare any details.  Go all the way down the rabbit hole.

Okay then. How he wanted to take her from behind, he could even hear the sound of her flesh against his flesh, while he rammed inside her to oblivion.

Fuck, he needed to stop thinking about these things.

It was a hot night, so he was only in shorts, he walked out of his bedroom, making his way to the kitchen, had a glass of water, and being a masochist he passed by her apartment’s area and stopped dead in his tracks, there, for all to see, with the door semi-opened he saw his temptation as the day she was born.

Totally naked.

No, this was not happening. Someone up there did not like him at all.

How could they gift him with this sight to die for and expect him to resist?

But why was her door even open, was this an invitation?

Door open, naked in bed, at the middle of the night?

Her door was almost closed, so he could see the outline of her sinuous body lit by the faint moonlight.  If this was a test, he failed the trial. As a siren call, he found himself in her bedroom, watching, observing, and lusting over her.

She was more that he imagined. She was everything he imagined.

His fantasy come to life. 

She was sleeping peacefully with her stomach up. Her breathing was rhythmic, making her nice big breast go up and down, provoking him to touch, to feel, to taste, to put his sinful hands on them. He lustfully licked his lower lip.  Damn, she was hot!

Her chocolate skin looked so smooth.  She was a perfectly sculptured woman. Beautiful long legs, a small waist that highlighted her breasts, her body was screamed to be touched, and that’s what he did.

To hell the consequences, later he would deal with them.

What he couldn’t do is not succumb, to the silent siren call she was singing to him. He made the first move to his downfall; his big hand cupped her warm breast.

Oh fuck, he closed his eyes.
It feels so good
. She was as suave as he imagined.


Alicia bit her lower lip, supressing a moan. Hmm, what was happening…?

Her body felt hot and needy, like a slow burning passion was consuming her from inside out, did she have fever? Then, when she realised the source of her so called
, she froze.

Her eyelids slowly opened, coming in contact with a very big man between her legs, looking at her like she was the most delicious meal of his life.


Her mind went wild, but her body stood still. 
What’s he doing in my room?

She was about to say something when he placed his warm palm on her most intimate part, for Eros, God of erotic love, what was he doing?

His palm cupped her sex, and teased it as if he was testing her, then a finger went up and played with her clitoris making her lose her train of thought: left… right… left… right… left. He did the dance like a pro, she peeked at him to find his face concentrated on what he was doing, his virile features where so sexy.

He increased the rhythm of his moving on her clitoris to the point of moaning, he groaned, looking up to her. She immediately closed her eyes, breathing already hard. What should she do?

Wake up, and demand an explanation?

Or pretend that she was still sleeping, and let him have his fun with her.

Maybe he only wanted to play for a little.

Suddenly she felt filled, he had penetrated her, with his finger, going up and down slowly, “Damn, you are wet!” he said, in a guttural voice.

That sexy “fuck me voice” only made her milk more on his finger, she could not help it. He inserted another finger, and she moaned. “Oh, so you like
Miss Sanders

Saying her name made her come to terms that this was not some kind of hot dream which he was staring at.  Nope, he was there for real, because in her erotic dreams he always called her Alicia, not
Miss Sanders

When he started to move his finger again, up and down, with painfully slow pleasuring, she lost it; she squeezed his finger inside her hot cave, urging him to go faster.

He laughed, “I knew you were one little naughty girl above that entire good girl attitude.” She could swear, he was outlining that predator sexy smile of his now, she just knew it.

And as a response to his question, he increased his strokes, going wildly in and out of her, that made her body decide over her mind, nothing mattered now besides her release, her pleasure, her primitive need to reach the top, and see the stars, to orgasm hard and long.

She was going to go with the flow and see where the rivers ended, to hell with the consequences.

She started to moan, and arched her body to meet his firm strokes, her fever only increasing. When he took his finger out of her, she whimpered, protesting the feel of emptiness.

“Don’t worry about it; I’m far from over with you.”
You better not be!

She felt him bent down between her legs, and a warm air blew her soaking pussy, she almost jumped up, if it had not been for the strong hand that firmly held her on place. She didn’t have time to recover, as a long hot tongue licked her extension from her Venus’s mount to her anus; she lost the ability to breathe. What was this guy doing?

He did it again, and she almost fainted.

After a few long licks, he found her clitoris and started to flick it with his tongue, then licking it, circulating it, while she could only moan. The pleasure was too much to contain.

“Oh Gabriel!” she screamed, no longer being able to hold and control the pleasure.

She went rigid, afraid of her action, but Gabriel surprised her by licking her much harder, sucked her clitoris making a “pop” noise when he finally released the aching little thing. 
Did he know all along she was awake?

She started to panic, he went up to her, and hovered his body over hers. “Open your beautiful eyes Miss Sanders, it’s okay.” She did what she was told; his smooth voice helped her relax.

When she came in contact with his dark, full of desire eyes, she gulped dry. The way he was looking at her, as if she was the most beautiful thing on the face of earth. Her lips parted slightly to say something, but nothing came out.

He licked his lower lip, visibly lusting over her body, “Do you want this? I’m not going to be angry, or anything if you say no.” His voice was deep, low, made for persuasion, to lure.

She couldn’t find the voice to voice her thoughts which were so confused.

He leaned over her, diminishing the distance between them, and her body heat came in contact with his.  He wasn’t wearing his boxers, she wasn’t sure she would be able to resist the maddening chemistry between them.

He ground his member on her, she closed her eyes, and moaned. “I’m still waiting for the answer Alicia.” He demanded, while he increased the friction between them.

Just the way he said her name, made her lose control and moan to the ceiling.

She did the only thing she could, which was nod, “say it!” he commanded, while grinding on her.

“Yes, yes.” She gasped.

“Good girl.” He said, without a warning he connected his sinful lips on her suave ones. He was the go-slow type, he demanded, and gave with burning passion, heat, pressure, desire, that when he let go of her mouth they were breathing hard, and heavy.

“You have no idea how long I been waiting for this Alicia. You played with me for so long.  Now it’s your time to play Miss Sanders, so be ready.”

His mouth licked her breast in a circular pattern and then sucked her erected hard nipples, while the other hand played with her other breast.  After sucking each nipple, he cupped the two breasts, joined the two, and started to make a feast with them.

“I want to try something, can I?” she nodded, still voiceless.

He outlined his trademark predator smile, got up from her, took of his shorts, and his member jumped up. Alicia swallowed hard.

She was right; he was exactly as she thought on that day at the pool.

He went back to her, but this time kneeled in front of her breasts, with his legs on each side of her body, he brought his engorged manhood to the valley of her breast, “Cup your breasts.” He breathed out.

Once again, she did what he told, cupped them, squeezed them, trapping his hot long bulky member in the valley of her breasts and started to massage them while he was in the middle, she heard him groan and grunt, breathing hard.

He started to move up and down, his body following the moves, “I’m so glad I’ve got big breasts.” Finally, she recovered her voice. He laughed, filling the room with his rich laugh.

“Oh, decided to finally come out and join the fun. Now the real fun can start.” His trademark predator smile made its way up to his handsome face.

She smiled to him too with her best sensual smile, matching his.

He took his member out of her prison and once again bent down, kissing her lips, neck, earlobe, shoulder, made a train of kisses from her shoulder to her flat stomach, going down…

When he was almost there, she outburst. “Wait, I want to do something.”

A little taken back, he sat on bed, watching her, “lay on your back.” Now was her time to command.

He smiled, and did what she requested, laid on the bed, displaying his full naked glory to her, as if he was an offer, posting his arms under his head.

She started to lick his chest, circling his nipples, and followed the outlines of his well-defined six-pack with her hot red tongue, making him grunt and squirm with closed eyes, clearly enjoying the reward.

She used all her senses on him.  Her nose sniffed his musky men scent, her tongue tasted his hard muscles, and her hands touched his smooth skin.  Her eyes feasted on all he had to offer: divine, exotic and fucking hot.

She wanted to lick his upper body since the day he saw him getting out of the pool, with water dripping all over his body, that memory haunted her, it was erotic, and she would be lying if she said that she not eager for something like this to happen.

Even though he was her boss, she wasn’t feeling guilty right now, or even like a whore, why? She would deal with feelings later, now was not the time, now was time to finally satisfy her craving needs, and one of them was to taste this man, she smiled with her resolution.

When she reached his proud erected member, she smirked, blew hot air as he did with her, and didn’t give time to recover as he did. She sucked him dry, with one long, deep suck, finishing it with a loud “pop”.

Oh, payback is a bitch!

“Fuck, Alicia!” he grunted, while he grabbed a full fist of curly hair. He looked at her with lust, and she smirked, did the long suck one more time, and his head went down, to meet the pillow, while he screamed “fuck” again.

She loved making this big, rich man, succumb to her.

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