Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories) (28 page)

BOOK: Werewolf Romance: Wolfess’s Desire (Paranormal Invasion Abduction Contemporary Werewolf Shifter Romance) (Fantasy First Bad Boy Billionaire Comedy Mystery Seduced by Alpha Shapeshifter Short Stories)
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It started instantly, the low thrum of his heart against mine as I drew the blood to the surface lapping at the sweet, thick nectar that flooded my mouth like a red fountain. The images came to me.

A flash took me back to the time when we had been mortal, and I could see him upon his bed with me beneath him as he thrust into me as we made love. Another flash took me to Paris on the night of my change and for the first time, I saw properly how confused and crazed my lover had been that night.

I saw myself as a young mortal girl sitting by a dresser writing in a journal that I so loved, my free hand caressing the swell of my belly as I wrote. I was smiling. Another image after that showed me lying upon the Rue Chavern's floor screaming wildly, lashing and thrashing as I was turning, my chiffon nightgown stained red from between my legs as our child bled out of me as I died.

His heart was weakening, and I knew that if I held on any longer that I would kill him but he did not protest. It was then that I felt his gentle hand on my head, then guiding me as I retracted my fangs to look into Everard's eyes. For a long moment, he looked into my eyes before leaning up and placing a gentle kiss upon my lips, licking the blood away. “You belong to me, my love,” Everard whispered into my ear. “You always have.”



Another bonus story is on the next page.

Keeping House


Music blared from the small speakers of my cell phone to let me know that it was time to wake up. I groaned, eyes still closed, saddened that it was time to start the day already.  Morning had come too soon and I was exhausted from working hard all week. I reached over to grab my phone off of the bedside table and turned off my alarm. I sat up and reviewed the early world through sleepy eyes.

“Ugh!” I groaned, falling backwards onto the bed to stare up at my ceiling. Now was not the time for an existential crisis. I had to start getting ready for work. I climbed off my air mattress and walked the few steps to my closet where my robe was hanging from a hook on the closet door. I wrapped myself in my fluffy sky blue robe and slipped into the matching slippers. On the top shelf of my closet, I had a little basket that contained toiletries and some cleaning supplies. I grabbed my keys, my towel and the basket and exited my room, pulling my locked door closed behind me.

This early in the morning, the rooming house was far from quiet. I could hear kids screaming while mothers yelled as they fought to get ready for the day. I headed towards the bathroom that I shared with the other tenants on this floor, and whomever else happened to be here. Thankfully, no one was in the bathroom. I tried to wake up early enough to avoid having to wait in line to use the bathroom but the school season had just begun and the other tenants were waking up much earlier than they had over the summer. I closed and locked the bathroom door behind me, placing my basket on the counter and hanging up my towel on one of two hooks attached to the bathroom door. Inside of the basket, I had a pair of flip flops. I slipped out of my slippers and into my flip flops, removing my robe and hanging it from the other hook. Using bathroom cleaning supplies that I kept inside of my basket, I quickly but thoroughly cleaned the bathtub. When I was satisfied, I turned on the shower and climbed inside, careful not to wet my hair.

Once I was clean, I climbed out of the shower, slipped back into my slippers and robe, and with my basket of supplies and towel in tow, returned to my room. I unlocked the door and slipped inside, closing the door behind me. I had left my space heater on and the room was nice and toasty. Hanging up in my closet was my housekeeping uniform: black pants and a black top, plain and inconspicuous. I moisturized my freshly cleaned skin with coconut oil before putting on a pair of panties, bra, and socks; all black. I quickly got dressed and pulled my long, honey blonde dreadlocks down and back into a low bun.

After I was dressed, I took the basket back into the bathroom. The basket contained two toothbrushes, one to brush my teeth with and another to lay down my baby hairs with. I brushed my teeth first and then, using some hair gel, slicked down my baby hairs. When I felt that my edges were laid to perfection, I returned to my room. I briefly peered through one of the two windows in my room and determined that it was not yet cool enough for a coat, and settled on my favorite black hooded sweater. Once I had everything I needed in my purse, I locked up my room and headed out of the house.

It was a warm, sunny autumn day with a cool breeze. The leaves were dazzling in shades of golden orange, scarlet, and some still green. The hotel where I worked was not far from where I lived, so every day, I walked to and from work. On weekdays, housekeepers were scheduled to be at work by 8 o’clock in the morning. After a ten minute walk, and a quick stop at Dunkin’ Donuts for a bagel and an orange juice, I arrived at work by 7:15. Sitting alone in the employee cafeteria, I read a book and ate my small breakfast, trying to relax before my work day started. There were a few other housekeepers already there as well, whom I greeted before returning my attention to my book and breakfast. I was friendly with everyone I worked with, always polite and cordial, always professional. There were few here whom I actually considered work friends, though none of them were on schedule to work today.

As 8 o’clock approached, I headed into the housekeeping office for our morning meeting. The manager and supervisors were already there, smiling the way people who do not have to clean for a living smile. Housekeepers slowly kept trickling into the office. We all wore the same weary faces, mentally preparing for what the work day may entail.

“Buenos dias,” The manager exclaimed at 8 o’clock on the dot. Then looking at me, she added, “good morning!” I was the only black person and the only English-speaking person working in housekeeping other than the manager, so during the meetings they would say everything in Spanish first and then translate it into English for me.

We mumbled back a pathetic good morning. The manager kept going as though she hadn't noticed. “Today is an easy day with mainly stay overs. A major league football team checked in last night and will be staying here for the next couple of weeks.” Although I wasn't a sports fan, it was always interesting to hear about what different groups were staying in the hotel.

The supervisors handed out our assignments for the day and dismissed us. The housekeepers gathered their cleaning supplies and headed to their assigned floors. I headed to the seventh floor closet where my cart was located. I had sixteen occupied rooms to clean. I prepared my cart and then left to clean rooms on the ninth floor.


The day passed by fairly smoothly. By lunch I had finished ten rooms, leaving only six rooms remaining. I decided to go to a nearby sandwich shop, where I had an Italian sub for lunch. When I returned to work, I tried to go slower so that I wouldn't finish too early but by 3 o'clock, I was beginning my last room. I could tell that this was a football player’s room. There were team jerseys and duffle bags, cleats and helmets neatly tucked away. The room was fairly tidy for a football player’s room and if the bed sheets hadn't been wrinkled, I wouldn't have thought that anyone had even slept here. I began making the bed when I heard someone enter the room.

A man who I assumed was the football player announced his presence with a wave and a smile “Hey there, I just need to take a quick shower; you don't have to clean the bathroom. Thank you!”

Before I could respond, he had disappeared into the bathroom. It all happened so fast that I couldn't get a good look at him. I was just thankful that I had one fewer bathroom to clean. I could hear the shower running as I finished making the bed, smoothing out the top sheet and putting the pillows at the head. I went to my cart to retrieve my vacuum, and began vacuuming the carpet. I could barely hear the bathroom door open over the sound of the vacuum cleaner. When I was done, I turned off the vacuum and walked over to the windows to open them.

“You can keep those closed, I don't want anyone to see me,” I heard him say. I pulled the windows closed, my back to him, and turned around to leave, finally getting a good look at him. I tried hard not to stare but my eyes lingered long enough to take him all in. He was tall, about six foot two and he was solid yet limber. He stood before me wearing nothing but a hotel towel while he brushed his teeth, water dripping off of his porcelain skin.

My eyes kept traveling down, from his damp, short, dark brown hair; to his eyes, deep blue and sparkling like the sea on a sunny day; to his wide pink wet mouth, his strong chest and arms, and his rippling six pack. I looked longer than what was appropriate to what was long and bouncing under his towel. I averted my eyes and focused on the door,

“I'm finished. Enjoy your stay,” I said hastily as I made my way out of the room, quickly closing the door between us. That was the cutest white boy that I had ever seen in person and his body, he was built like a Greek god. I laughed at myself for acting like a star struck groupie. Shaking my head, I began pushing my cart away as his room door reopened.

“Excuse me, I'm sorry to be a pain but do you think that you could give me some more towels?” I heard him ask from behind me.

“Sure!” I answered without turning around. Walking backwards, I parked my cart up against the wall and grabbed three towels. I finally looked at him. He was still in his towel, shooting me a charming smile. I smiled back politely and handed him the towels. He stared at me expectantly as he took them.

“Thanks. Could you wait here for just a moment while I get you a tip?” he asked. He didn't wait for an answer before dashing back into the room. I awkwardly held the door open while he disappeared to get what I assumed was his wallet. He stopped at his desk for a moment, then returned and handed me a one hundred dollar bill. I couldn't hide my surprise.

“Thank you so much!” I exclaimed graciously. He smiled back pleasantly at me.

“It's no problem. See you tomorrow.”

He went back into his room, shutting the door behind him. This was the biggest tip that I had ever received. Today had turned out to be a good day. I checked the time on my phone. It was 3:45pm. Only forty-five minutes remained before I could go home.

I drove my cart onto the hotel’s service elevator and pressed the button for the seventh floor. I parked my cart in the seventh floor closet then began stocking it for tomorrow. When I was done, I headed downstairs to the employee bathroom. Thankfully, no one was in the bathroom. I entered an empty stall, closed and locked the door behind me, and sat down on the toilet. I retrieved the one hundred dollar bill out of my pocket, unfolded it and stared at it. What to do with all of this money? That was the question. I smiled, thinking at all the possibilities.

Absentmindedly, I turned the dollar bill over. On the back, a phone number was written. Was it his? My mind flashed to when he had briefly stopped at his desk before giving me the money. Was that when he had written down his number?

I thought about calling the number, but quickly changed my mind. If it was his, I didn’t want to seem eager. But what if it wasn’t his number?

I checked the time on my phone. 4:20. Carefully, I folded the bill back up before stuffing it deep into my pocket and leaving the bathroom. The housekeeping office, the employee cafeteria and bathrooms, and the employee lockers were all located in the same hall on the same floor. I decided to stop by the housekeeping office first to turn in the clipboard with my room assignments for the day, before going to my locker. Technically, we were not supposed to go to our lockers while we were on the clock, but most of us did anyway, myself included. I opened my locker, put on my sweater, slung my purse on my shoulder and clocked out.


The sun was still shining when I left work and I was feeling pretty good about the day. I took my time walking home, basking in the nice weather. When I got to the rooming house, the front door was already open so I headed straight to my room.

Usually, after work I took a nap. Today was no exception. But first, I wanted to take a shower. Before I got undressed, I made sure to place the one hundred dollar bill securely into my wallet, and then checked the copy of my work schedule that I had taped to the outside of my closet door. I was off of work for the next couple of days! This day was just getting better and better. I wrapped myself in my robe, grabbed my towel and toiletries, and slipped into my slippers.

I took a long shower this time. Closing my eyes, I let the warm water ease my mind. My thoughts took me back to the one hundred dollar tip with the phone number on it, back to the football player wearing nothing but a towel. He had a nice smile and a really nice body. I licked my lips as I ran my hands over my soapy body. His arms were so big and strong. I imagined them wrapped around me; him lifting me up as I wrapped around him. I let my head roll back as the water hit my neck. I caressed my large breasts, lifting them up gently and then letting them bounce back into place as I squeezed my nipples. My mind wandered to what his towel had barely concealed as my hands wandered down my stomach and between my legs.

I was definitely going to call him. But when? And what if it wasn’t his number? I shrugged. If it wasn’t his then I will have dialed a wrong number and that would be the end of it. But if it was, then… I grinned at the thought. I had never been with a white man before. How exciting! I turned off the water and climbed out of the shower. Grabbing my stuff, I returned to my room, took off the robe, and plopped naked on my bed, just in time to answer my ringing phone. It was one of my best female friends, Zion. My other best friend was a guy named Paris. I had known Zion and Paris since we were kids and although they had moved further away, we were all still just as close.

“Hello,” I answered, rolling onto my back.

“Hey! What’s up?” Zion responded, upbeat as usual.

“Nothing much, just got out of the shower, about to take a nap.” I told her. I could hear her suck her teeth and I smiled.

“A nap?!” she asked incredulously.

“Yea, a nap!” I snapped. “I’m tired after work.” She sucked her teeth again and I sucked my teeth back.

“You’re a big ass baby.” We both laughed. “You work tomorrow?”


“Me neither! You should come over tonight,” Zion suggested.

“Okay, but after my nap.” Zion sucked her teeth and I sucked my teeth back, laughing again.

“Okay, sleepy ass. Call me when you wake up.” Zion instructed. We said goodbye and hung up.

I pulled the cool covers of the bedup over my bare skin, snuggling and curling up into the fetal position. I was fast asleep in no time.


It was past 7 o’clock at night by the time I woke up from my nap. Still under the covers, I grabbed my phone and called Zion.

“Finally,” she answered. I giggled.

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