Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures (13 page)

BOOK: Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures
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She sighed as cloth gave way beneath his insistent handling, and then her bra was

tugged up, spilling her breasts into his cupped hands.

“Ah! What have we here? Plump little apples for me to nibble on?”

“There’s nothing little about them apples,” she murmured, leaning back against his arm to offer her torso to his descending mouth.

“Oh, but there is,” he insisted, bending to lick one jutting button. He flicked the

neglected nipple, ran his thumb over and over the crest. “This is the little apple I’m referring to. The rest of this bounty is the pie…I’ll get around to eating that later.”

He latched onto her nipple and sucked it deep into his mouth, pulling on her with such strong suction her knees grew weak. Shocking her with his strength, he bent his legs slightly and slid a hand under her bottom. Straightening, he lifted her up in his arms and strode out the room and back up the hallway.

She tightened her arms about his neck, held on as the fingers attached to the hand

around her upper back played at the side of her breast. “Where are we going?”

“Back to my rooms. The first time we fuck, I want you in my bed.”

She swallowed. “I-I think I should tell you…I’m not very good at this.”

He froze in midstep. “One of the first things we will teach you here at Sated Pleasures is to appreciate your own worth.” He gave her a little admonishing shake. “You don’t need to be good. You only need to be Kaila.”

She relaxed in his arms, caressed his cheek with her hand before trailing it down the side of his neck. “Thank you.”

“Wait till later to say that. I haven’t given you anything to say thank you for as yet.” He pushed his face into her palm, wordlessly begging for more caresses. She stroked his face and chin, the bend at his neck, and the wide expanse of his shoulders. The smile that creased his cheeks revealed his deep dimple. When they reached the door to his room, he juggled her so he could reach the handle, at one point supporting her entire weight with one arm and a propped knee.

“How are you able to do that? I’m a hefty woman. No man’s ever lifted me before.”

“How many men have you wanted to lift you?”

His question startled her, made her think. “Just you.”

“Good answer!”

She smirked. “I thought you’d think so.”

“Baggage!” With a playful slap on her rump, he sat her beside the bed.

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


“Wow! Did you have this baby special ordered?”

“Yes.” Pavel gently moved her hands out of the way and dealt with what was left of her blouse. Not giving her time to become nervous, he turned her and undid her bra, sliding it off her shoulders and away from her torso, brushing his lips over the top of her back and along her shoulder blades before turning her toward him. “Now, this is a sight worth waiting for.”

He captured both her hands and stepped back. Keeping her hands locked in his, he

opened his arms wide, revealing her bare upper torso to his avid gaze. She looked down to see what he found worthy of praise. Suddenly, she saw herself through his eyes.

Her large breasts -- never exposed to the sun -- were a lighter color than her arms and legs and rode atop her chest like proud galleons under full sail. Her long nipples, stiff and thickly swollen, were a darker brown, almost black in the circle of her pouty areoles.

Jerked out of her reverie, she felt his hands at her waistband. “Your pussy is filling the room with such a sweet scent. I want at the source of that luscious fragrance.”

The idea shocked her. “You can smell me…my arousal?”

“Oh, yes. This same delicious scent washed over me in the restaurant that day. It’s

haunted me ever since.” He drew her pants down her legs, hooked her panties with his

thumbs, lowering them along with the pants. Squatting, he urged her to step out of the bunched material, steadying her as she obeyed.

One hand braced on his shoulder, Kaila waited, unsure of her next move, as he

remained low to the ground. She knew he was looking at her, there. Crouched as he was, his head was even with her mons. It didn’t matter that a full mat of bushy hair covered her groin, sheltering the fleshy lips of her vagina from easy viewing. She struggled to resist the almost overwhelming temptation to cross her legs and hide from his heated gaze.

Suddenly, his nose was there, planted in her hair, nuzzling its way through the dense growth to the hooded, nerve-rich knot below. His hands came up and bracketed the outside of her thighs, holding her still as he mashed his face against her intimate flesh.

She heard his breath sough in and out as he inhaled deeply, drawing in the aroma

wafting from her core. Heat blasted against her, burned her exposed clit as he released a long-held breath over her dampening tissues. Then he licked her.

“Oh, shit!”

Fingers digging into his flesh, she gripped him as the world tilted around her. Tiny, stinging sparks of carnal delight sped throughout her body, curling her toes and wetting her thighs.

“God, Kaila. You should see what I see!” His hands moved inward, fingers dove through hair to part her labia. “You look a hundred times better than you smell. Your pretty cunt is so red and ripe, swollen and gleaming wetly like a cherry bursting with juice. I’ve barely touched you and you’re practically dripping!”

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He lifted his face and met her gaze. His beautiful mouth was covered with her juices. A smile curved his well-shaped lips. “I’m going to taste you, bite into that luscious cherry…”

His fingers widened her more, opened her to his tongue, which he stiffened and

stabbed at her clit, repeatedly sweeping over the stiff, thimble-sized organ until it throbbed and ached. His teeth closed over her, biting down with carefully calculated pressure.

She shouted, “Oh, hell yes, Pavel! Your mouth feels so good!” Her voice shook. Her

thighs tightened around his head like a vise while her hands scrabbled for a hold.

He let go of her clit and licked her from bottom to top, pushing into her tight opening before swiping his abrasive tongue across her sensitized flesh. She cried out again, every muscle in her lower body tightening and jumping.

Whimpering, she sagged against him, knees weak, while the walls of her vagina

fluttered. Creamy heat flooded her tight sheath in preparation of receiving his cock. He diligently lapped each drop as it welled, his facile tongue darting over every drenched inch of her.

With a muffled groan, he pulled his tongue out of her and surged to his feet. Her body left the ground in a gravity-defying arc as he tossed her through the air to bounce on the taut mattress of his king-sized bed.


She leaned up on her elbows, started to scrabble up on her knees.

“Stay there!” His sharp command halted her tentative movements. “Lie down, keep

your legs spread wide, and watch me strip.”

He didn’t need to tell her twice. Eyes staring, mouth dry, she obeyed him. Feeling like the boldest slut, she lay back, opening her thighs as wide as she could. He moved so he could stare down at her vagina, green eyes so dark they looked black in the dim light. She felt so vulnerable, so naked, so obviously the object of his intense gaze. Lust shivered over her, raising goose bumps on her exposed skin. Gathering the courage to act bold and brazen, she lifted her knees and splayed them to the side, stretching her upper thighs until her nether lips parted, revealing her inner folds.

“That’s right,” he murmured, wetting his lips as his chest rose and fell with his rapid breaths, “offer your cunt to me. Hump your hips up. Let me see how hungry you are to have my hard cock pumping into your hot pussy.”

Embarrassed, yet feeling the heat running through her veins, she pumped her hips up,

felt moisture sliding from between her thighs to pool on the covers beneath her -- evidence of how excited he’d made her. Her nipples stabbed at the ceiling, aching and tight with her arousal. Body shaking with need, she watched him unbuttoning his shirt.

“That’s how I want you.” The weight of his hooded gaze tugged at her womb. “Stay like that…open and wet for me, ready for anything I might want to do to you and with you.”

Werewulf Journals 3: Hungry Pleasures


Fingers moving slow and precisely, he kept his gaze trained on her pussy as he peeled the edges of his shirt apart, exposing the hair-roughened surface of his broad chest.

He quickly shrugged the cloth off his shoulders, but slowed down to run his hands over his chest. Long, manly fingers plucked his flat male nipples until they rose off his chest, grew stiff and hardened into blunt hillocks.

“Mhmm…!” Kaila’s lips parted on a sigh, mouth watering as she eyed his chest,

envisioning those jutting little buttons filling her mouth. “I want to taste those.”

His chest rose and fell as his breathing increased. “I have something else for you to taste first.” Hands dropping to his waist, he unbuckled the thin leather, drew the belt from its loops, and tossed it over his shoulder.

Walking over to stand by the side of the bed, he towered over her. She’d come up on

her elbows, but fell back when he leaned down, hands supporting his weight at either side of her head. Smiling into her eyes, he kissed her, an open-mouthed, tongue-tangling foray that ended way too soon for her.

Straightening back up, he winked at her, a wide grin slashing his cheeks as his hand

went back to his pants. The lone button slipped out of its hole, guided by his large hands.

Catching the zipper tab between thumb and forefinger, he eased it down, careful not to catch his erection -- pressing boldly against the cloth -- on the metal teeth. The placket parted to reveal his hair-swirled groin, the top of his cock just visible in the V of his opened pants.

No wonder he was so careful with that zipper. He’d foregone the use of underwear so

nothing lay between hard cock and metal teeth.

A virtual innocent to male genitalia, Kaila swallowed with rising excitement, eager and anxious to see the rest. He pushed his pants down and stepped out of them, turning to toss his last item of clothing after his belt. When he faced her again, she shot to a sitting position, heart pounding in her chest, hand fisted at her mouth in the age-old gesture of feminine alarm.

Fierce and imposing, his penis stood high, skimming his belly in a show of gravity-

defying eagerness. Long, thicker than her wrist, with sculptured, prominent veins -- bluish in color -- running along its jutting length, it was stunning. He was stunning…from the wide, hair-covered base to the beautiful, angry-red mushroom-shaped helmet engorged with heated blood. She saw he’d spoken the truth, earlier. His cockhead was bent, his perfection marred by that last crooked inch veering sharply to the left. Disappointment flooded her and she was quick to share her feelings. “Damn it to hell and back, this sucks, Pavel! Your cock’s too big to fit in here!”

He roared with laughter, monster dick bobbing in time with his body’s shaking.

“It’s not funny.” Kaila drew her legs together and covered her vagina with both hands while she eyed the one-eyed bandit swaying before her face. “I finally get the courage to make love and the man I choose has a cock big enough to choke a horse.”

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“What flattery! But I love it, so don’t stop.” Still chuckling, Pavel leaned toward her, laughing louder when she scooted away across the bed.

“Don’t bring that thing any closer!” She held up a hand in warning as he ignored her

commands and pounced. “I’m not playing with you, Pavel.”

“Kaila! Honey, trust me…we’ll fit.”

“I bet you say that to all the women you split wide open.” She continued trying to

evade him, squirming frantically when he pinned her between his splayed thighs. The hefty column of his cock, squeezed between their writhing bodies, pressed impudently against her belly. Pavel reached down, grasped his cock in one hand, and aimed it at her entrance, rubbing it in the slick juices matting her bushy curls. She stilled, sucked in a panicked breath as she felt the broad head slip between her swollen lips and lodge in the mouth of her folds.

“Oh, holy shit!”

Pavel hissed as he rocked his hips, pushing against her enough to let the head pop

through her small opening. “Damn girl, you are tight and so fucking hot.” He pressed his lips to hers, his tongue demanding entry. “But you ought to have more faith in me.” Slowly, he drew back, dislodging his cock from her tight entry. It exited with a meaty popping sound.

“We take this ride together, or not at all.”

His words rang true; besides, he had pulled out when she feared he’d push into her

against her wishes. “I believe you, it’s just…” She shrugged, at a loss for words.

“I think what’s bothering you is a lack of familiarity.” Pavel took her hand and brought it down to his groin, curled it around his penis. He kept his hand over hers until she squeezed him gently, letting him know she wouldn’t release him if he let go. “He’s not so frightening once you get to know him, I promise.”

She had to smile. Her brothers did the same thing -- spoke of their cocks as if they

were separate beings. “Hey, you curve up at the end just like a banana.” Kaila ran her hand up to the tip of his cock, following the bend and rounding the fat tip with her palm. As she stroked back down toward the base, she heard his breath catch. Her hand paused. “Am I hurting you?”

“Not nearly enough,” he answered, folding a hand around hers and guiding it in a

stronger, harder rhythm. His other hand eased between her thighs to delve between her hot, wet lips. One finger speared inside, surged up her clinging channel, and slid back out only to surge in again. A second finger joined the first and she squirmed under the strong reaming, losing her concentration as her body focused on that one sensitized spot.

Her hips bucked upward, demanding a deeper penetration. She panted, mouth open as

she gasped at every bold stroke. Her inner muscles clamped tightly around Pavel’s pumping fingers, strove to keep them inside, where they felt so good. Every time he withdrew them, she whimpered at the loss, her body desperate to feel more of the smoldering sensations he was building within her.

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