What She Needs (27 page)

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Authors: Lacey Alexander

BOOK: What She Needs
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And then more . . .
. Because she could instantly see that he wasn’t just teasing about it being hot. His gaze darkened on her and all playfulness faded as she understood he wanted this to happen: her and Chrissy.
Natasha was still busy shedding her top, and Chrissy was saying, “Wow, those are magnificent,” which drew Jenna’s attention briefly from Brent to take in the dark-skinned girl’s enormous boobs, which
, she had to admit, pretty magnificent. But then she turned her gaze back to the man in the foliage, still unnoticed by the other two girls, who were now discussing the merits of Natasha’s breasts.
She cast him another reproachful look, narrowing her eyes, and in reply, he simply grinned, shrugged, and spread his hands as if to say,
What’s the big deal?
She crossed her arms.
You know what the big deal is.
His smile grew more lascivious again, and she read his silent challenge.
Especially when he darted his glance back to Chrissy—then gave Jenna a sexy wink just before sinking back into hiding.
She remained miffed—a little, anyway.
But she couldn’t deny that now she was mostly . . . turned on. By Brent’s very presence. And what he wanted her to do. And the knowledge that he was watching, waiting. Her pussy quivered anew.
“I’d love to see
tits, hon,” Natasha was saying to Chrissy when Jenna tuned back in to the conversation. She nearly bit her tongue at the turn it had taken, but tried to calm down and get hold of herself. Because she could feel Brent’s gaze. Nudging her. Prodding. It made her want to be sexy, made her
sexier already.
Chrissy turned to Jenna with a friendly smile, then replied to Natasha, “Hell—why not?” Then she put her back toward Jenna. “Will you unhook me?”
And it suddenly seemed so much easier now.
To reach up and undo the bottom of Chrissy’s bikini top.
To know where things were starting to go here.
Feeling how much Brent was enjoying this, she looked again in his direction as she said, “Here, I’ll get the top tie, too,” and gave the string at Chrissy’s neck a long, slow pull.
Jenna watched as Chrissy tossed her pink top aside in the grass, then turned back toward the Grotto. She bit her lip as she peeked down at her friend’s tits, her cunt pulsing.
“Girl, those are fantastic,” Natasha said, her voice downright lust-filled.
But for some reason, it surprised Jenna when Chrissy turned to
and asked, “Are they all you hoped?”
Firm with hard pink nipples circled by wide areolas, they were . . . pretty damn stunning, no doubt about it. The triangular tan lines somehow heightened their appeal, perhaps reminding Jenna that she was seeing something usually kept covered. “And more,” she admitted.
Chrissy cast a sensual grin. “Now you have to show us yours, too—it’s only fair.”
So it was. And truly, everything inside Jenna had changed now. Doubt had been replaced by daring, and she was completely into the game. Giving her lower lip a provocative bite and reaching behind her neck for the thick tie, she was taken aback to realize she actually enjoyed the sexy drama of revealing herself—she felt it in her clit as the top loosened and her excitement only grew as she pulled away the leopard-print fabric, even going so far as to lightly jiggle her boobs once they were freed.
,” Chrissy said, biting her own lip as she studied them. “And we definitely don’t want
to burn.” She reached again for her sunscreen. “Can I? Pretty please?”
Jenna’s pussy spasmed. A tiny part of her still remained nervous, but mostly, she was ready—ready to please Brent. So in reply, she simply sat up straighter, turned her body toward Chrissy, and once again reached to hold back her hair.
A naughty smile lit Chrissy’s pretty face as she flipped open the cap, squeezed some lotion into her hand, then leaned in to oh so sensually rub the sunscreen into Jenna’s breasts, massaging while running her fingers over and around Jenna’s erect nipples, and leaving Jenna’s pussy soaking wet. It felt, once again, as if she’d stepped into a porn movie—as if she were living someone else’s wild life.
“Do mine, too,” Chrissy said, passing the tube—and Jenna felt empowered now. So she didn’t hesitate to fill her palm with coconut-scented lotion, then transfer some to her other hand. After which she lifted both palms to Chrissy’s breasts.
Oh. God. So soft. Feminine. Strange but exciting, especially when Chrissy arched her tits into Jenna’s grasp and moaned. She couldn’t believe this was
, doing
—and yet she enjoyed every second of the sunscreen application, fueled by knowing Brent was probably going crazy with lust behind the tall bougainvillea across the pool.
When finally all the sunscreen had been massaged into her sexy new friend’s bare tits, Chrissy cast a lascivious smile and said, “Come into the water with me.” She took Jenna’s hand and Jenna followed, rising to her feet, letting herself be led.
Perhaps oddly, her descent down stone steps into the sun-drenched pool made her think of baptism, but of an entirely different kind than you’d receive in a church. One more renewal here, one more new awakening that, in many ways, felt like a true rebirth.
Once both girls were in the pool, the water rising to just below chest level, Chrissy smoothly slid her arms around Jenna’s waist and began to kiss her. Jenna returned the kisses, surprised but still emboldened, no longer afraid of new—even if alternative—sexual experiences. She continued to feel Brent’s arousal somehow radiating from his hiding place as she sank cautiously but surely into the oddly pleasurable sensation of kissing another girl. As Chrissy shifted slightly, moving close enough to rub their tits together as they kissed, blood rushed to Jenna’s cunt, everything around her feeling soft and sensual. Natasha watched from her lounge chair, but Jenna barely thought of her—she thought only of her body, her actions, and her guide: her master, the man who had transformed her and was, it appeared, transforming her still, using only his eyes now.
When Chrissy bent to tenderly kiss the sensitive tip of Jenna’s breast, it shot through her like electricity, but—still practical, always—Jenna said, “What about the sunscreen?” Chrissy had definitely applied it well—right where she was kissing.
Yet her sensuous friend only smiled, softly murmuring, “Edible. Got it in the gift shop.” Then she proceeded to lick and kiss Jenna’s tits some more.
“Mmm,” Jenna moaned, not even trying to hold it in. Brent wanted her to experience pleasure here, so she now would luxuriate in it. It vibrated through her in slow, hot pulses that made her cunt feel like a deeply beating heart between her legs. Chrissy fondled Jenna’s breasts while she laved and sucked them, and Jenna’s eyes soon fell shut as the sexy sensation consumed her. Oh God, it felt just as good as when a guy did it, only . . . softer, sweeter somehow. She leaned her head back as she grazed her fingernails lightly over Chrissy’s shoulders, suffering the urge to make
feel good, too.
So when Chrissy finally lifted her head, licking her upper lip as she gave Jenna another seductive grin, Jenna didn’t think twice before following her next inclination. She returned the favor, dipping to gently rake her tongue across Chrissy’s left nipple.
Mmm, God—it was so taut against her lick. She instantly had to do it again—and again. Then she caught the pink bead in her mouth, gently sucking even as she swirled her tongue around it.
She heard Chrissy’s light gasp of delight and relished it. She could pleasure a girl. A hot, gorgeous one. She had the power.
She suckled Chrissy’s nipple in earnest then, loving the sounds the other girl made and still envisioning Brent’s reaction. She soon moved to Chrissy’s other ripe breast, again licking, sucking, nibbling, as comfortable as if she played with girls all the time.
When she rose back upright, they resumed kissing and pressing their tits together, moving sensually in the water until Chrissy’s thigh slid between her legs. Within a second, their bodies were interlocked that way, each pushing one thigh to the other’s crotch and beginning to grind, a position she remembered sharing with boyfriends in high school and college—simulated sex. Their motions were slow, sensual, Jenna’s body heating wildly from the inside out, until Chrissy whispered in her ear, “I want to lick your pussy.”
Jenna’s breath caught. But she didn’t argue. In fact, she didn’t say anything at all. She simply met her pretty new girlfriend’s gaze, gave her lower lip a hot little bite, then turned and walked up out of the pool.
As the water sluiced from her body, she reveled in it—even still wearing bikini bottoms, she’d seldom felt this gloriously naked, especially when the sun hit her breasts and she thought once more of Brent watching.
Looking back to the pool, she was surprised to see Chrissy not following, but when she caught the hungry look on her girlfriend’s face as she instead neared the Grotto’s edge, Jenna realized she should simply sit back down on her towel.
As she took a seat, though, her stomach lurched. This was getting serious. This was going to that place she hadn’t been sure she wanted to go. But she was here, and her cunt pulsated madly, so she simply chose to forget her worries and go with the moment.
Situating herself at the pool’s rim and lowering her feet in the water, she parted her legs and let Chrissy step between them—then released a hot sigh as Chrissy smoothed her hands up Jenna’s open thighs. First Chrissy was gazing up at her, but then her eyes dropped to Jenna’s leopard-print-covered crotch, so that when Chrissy whispered, “So pretty,” Jenna wasn’t sure if the compliment was for her or the mound between her legs.
When Chrissy reached for Jenna’s bikini bottoms, Jenna drew her knees up, then planted her hands on the ground behind her and lifted her ass, letting Chrissy pull them down. She’d felt naked
, but this completed it. She’d never felt bolder than when she parted her legs
, this time putting her freshly shaven cunt on display.
As her girlfriend let out a low sound of lust, Jenna glanced down to see her pink folds glistening beneath the sun. That’s when Chrissy molded her palms to the muscles stretching from the tops of Jenna’s inner thighs and leaned in to lick her most intimate flesh. The pleasure burst through her like fireworks and a hot cry left her, unplanned. All she could do after that was bite her lower lip and watch.
She watched as Chrissy licked her pussy again, again, each time forcing a moan from Jenna’s throat.
She watched as Chrissy sank her whole mouth over the pulsing pink creases in a sensual, openmouthed kiss that made Jenna instinctually part her legs wider, the small of her back arching involuntarily.
She watched as Chrissy thrust two fingers inside her as she laved and kissed and teased Jenna’s clit with her mouth, leaving her to sink into a state of pure abandon. She leaned back on her elbows, still watching between her spread thighs and soon kneading her own breasts, needing sensation everywhere.
Oh God. The naughty sensations pumped through her like a whole new kind of blood in her veins. She felt so dirty—dirty
—knowing Brent watched her, imagining how long and rock-hard his cock was right now. She thrust lightly at Chrissy’s eager mouth, the pleasure deepening, thickening, slowly becoming the biggest part of her. She took in the blue of the sky, the scent of coconut lotion, the slick moisture of her pliable breasts against her palms. She felt the grandeur of pleasure, pure physical pleasure, without attachment or commitment, just like Shannon and Kevin wanted for her, just like Brent wanted, too. And then she exploded into a hot orgasm that flowed up through her body like a volcanic eruption, covering her thoughts and senses so that all she knew was the buffeting, pounding release that washed away everything else.
Until she was coming back down, the upsurge receding—and even before the final pulses ebbed, she wondered,
What next? Do I have to return the favor? Do I
And then, like once before, Natasha saved her. The sound of a splash drew Jenna’s eyes to where the topless woman had just entered the Grotto from the other side and now moved across the shallow pool, coming up to smoothly, confidently embrace Chrissy from behind. Her hands closed sensually over Chrissy’s breasts, eliciting a fevered gasp from her the very moment she lifted her head from Jenna’s crotch.
Almost immediately, Chrissy responded further, letting her head drop back in pleasure as she covered Natasha’s palms with her own. Soon, though, Natasha’s hands dropped, both of them grazing down Chrissy’s slender stomach and into her pink bikini bottoms under the clear water. A low sob echoed from Chrissy’s throat as the two women began to move together, Chrissy writhing against Natasha’s touches, Natasha rubbing her shapely body against Chrissy from behind.
Weirdly, Jenna almost suffered a pang of jealousy—had Chrissy forgotten her that quickly? But then, as if reading her thoughts, Chrissy looked up. “Come back in and play with us.”
Jenna instantly but politely declined, saying, “I just want to watch,” yet felt better having been asked, silly as it seemed.
Not that she really wanted to watch—but she wanted to be
watching. She wanted to be a woman who could lie here naked on an island, comfortable watching two other women pleasure each other. Or . . . did she mostly want to be that kind of woman for Brent?
Either way, she watched, feeling wild and free as they touched each other, soon kissing—but then she got up, putting on nothing but the wedge slip-ons she’d worn here, and began to make her way around the pool.
“Where are you going?” Chrissy stopped kissing Natasha to ask.
Jenna smiled lightly and replied, “Just taking a little walk—I’ll be right back.”

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