What She Wants (14 page)

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Authors: Jenna Byrnes

BOOK: What She Wants
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Pain spread from his heated ass flesh in all directions. Overwhelming sensations flooded him and he struggled to fight blacking out. Agony so entangled with ecstasy ripped through his nerve endings. The feelings were so intense, he wasn
’t sure if he came or not.

You… never… told… me!” She accentuated each word with a full-on smack. “Lies of omission are still lies.”

. A wild, uncontrollable groan climbed out of his belly, escaping his lips. Before he realized what happened, the black handled flogger fell from his mouth to the floor. His mind registered that he needed to offer profuse apologies, but he was so agitated he couldn’t speak.

She tossed the paddle on the floor. Fumbling between his legs, she discovered his cock, rock hard and weeping.
“You haven’t come yet! Oh, baby! You’ve earned a reward. Want to fuck my pussy or ass? I’ll let you choose.”

His mind registered her offer, his senses slowly falling back into focus. Steve smiled. He climbed from her lap and stood on wobbly legs, extending a hand to her.

She stood, smiling at him.

They both knew the tides had shifted. He
’d endured her punishment. His reward was to call the shots from here on out. “Pussy,” he whispered, still catching his breath. “Seems like a lot less work right now.”

She laughed and scrambled to her bag, pulling out a condom. Dropping to her knees, she licked the drop of pre-cum from his cock before biting open the foil packet and rolling the rubber on his throbbing shaft.

He clasped her by the shoulders and pressed her back onto the sturdy table in the room. “You’re mine now.”

Yes.” She spread her legs in welcome as he guided his shaft home.

Steve sank into her drenched pussy and froze. As if they were made to fit one another, their bodies melded together seamlessly. A deep shudder passed through her and made him quiver, a physical reaction to the intensity of their connection. He sighed and pushed the hair away from her ear.
“You’re the best, Ginger.” He nibbled her lobe and sucked.

Aw, fuck!” She threw her head back as she came, her body jerking and pulsing.

He held her tight until her bliss peaked and ebbed.
“Damn, you’re gorgeous.”

’s green eyes came back into focus and she smiled at him. “You make me come so hard. Just when I think it can’t get any better, it does.”

He drew her close and sighed into her ear.
“My perfect Mistress. Everything with you gets better each time. I’m so hard right now, I’m going to explode. Fuck with me. Explode with me.”

Oh, God.” She tightened her grasp around his neck. Her hips rocked with his, the perfect rhythm to a satisfying conclusion.

That’s it!” he gasped, his orgasm bubbling to the top. The stinging fire in his ass became hotter, more intense. He cast a glance toward the mirror and the image of their sweat-slicked bodies slamming together sent him over the edge.

Come now!” she demanded, not that she had control anymore.

Aw…yeah…” He gasped, and shattered. The glorious climax pulsed through him in crashing waves of bliss. Euphoria finally trumped agony, and every nerve receptacle in his ass tingled with the most exquisite pleasure imaginable.

Ginger continued humping through what he determined must have been one last precious orgasm, then collapsed against him.
“Yes, oh yes,” she murmured softly.

When they
’d both caught their breath, she pulled herself up and looked at him, a sweet smile plastered on her face. “Are you okay? I might have gotten a little carried away tonight.”

He placed a light kiss on her slightly smudged, red lips.
“I’m perfect. You were amazing. My ass burns like a son of a bitch, but it was worth it.”

Let me rub some aloe lotion on you.”

For that, I’d have to move.” He thrust into her pussy one last time and buried his face in her neck.

If we were at your place, or my place, you wouldn’t have to go far.” She rubbed her fingertips over his back.

I know.” He didn’t need to say more. They had an agreement, an arrangement. Their relationship had started with them going to one of their homes, but that quickly became too personal. The BDSM club gave them a perfect place to play, yet keep things simple.
If that was possible.
He sighed. Some nights he wouldn’t mind falling asleep nestled against Ginger’s luxurious breasts. But things always looked different in the light of day.

Groaning, he pushed away from the table, his cock sliding out with a slick
. “Hate to go, but I have to. Early day tomorrow.”

I know.” She sat up, attempting to compose herself. “Let me grab that lotion before you get dressed.”

He disposed of the condom and cleaned himself up in the adjoining bathroom. He returned to the play room and braced himself against the edge of the table.
“I’m ready.”

Want to lie down?” she asked suggestively.

He snickered, knowing where that would lead. Her hand, massaging lotion into his ass, would slip between his legs to caress his balls, and before he knew it, he
’d be hard again. A delightful prospect, best saved for another time. “I’d better not. Like I said, early day tomorrow. Depositions in the Anderson case at nine, which puts me in the office at seven going over my file.”

Okay.” She shook her head regretfully, and smoothed the lotion over his reddened flesh with care.

Ouch!” He flinched.

“Hope you can stand during those depositions.”

Steve chuckled and pushed her away gently.
“Hush, you. A nice soak in the tub and some more aloe later will take care of me nicely.”

He strolled to the wall hangers and began removing his clothes.

“I could take care of you nicely,” she murmured, packing up her bag.

He pretended not to hear the comment, and they finished dressing in silence. Each took stock in the mirror and deemed their appearances satisfactory. He zipped up Ginger
’s bag, her leather outfit and accessories packed away for another day. “Ready?”


He held the door open for her and hung the hotel-swiped hanger on the outside of the knob.
‘Housekeeping, please make up this room.’
Steve smiled and placed a hand on the small of Ginger’s back. Turning around, he brushed up against another patron, a man with short brown hair and dark sunglasses. He obviously didn’t need the shades in the building, but Steve understood his desire for anonymity and didn’t look at the guy’s face.

scuse me,” the man said as they touched.

No problem,” Steve replied, and led Ginger down the long hallway leading to the bar and the exit.

In the large, dimly-lit lounge, a bartender made conversation with a couple sitting at the bar, while other guests drank and talked in several small groupings of furniture.
“Anything to drink before we go?” He avoided eye contact with anyone else, looking only at Ginger.

No thanks. I’m tired. I’ll see you, Steve.” She reached for her bag.

He handed it over, placing a light kiss on her cheek as he did.

Ginger smiled and nodded, leaving the club the usual few minutes before he did.

Steve gave her time to get to her car and drive away before he exited the building, nodding to the man at the front desk.

After a short stroll through the parking lot, Steve pushed a button and the doors on his Lincoln Navigator unlocked. He glanced back at the building that housed Delilah’s. Nondescript, it appeared much like any upscale office would in that high-end neighborhood. He smiled.
If people only knew.

Sliding onto the plush leather car seat, he grimaced, then smiled again. Nobody knew. That was the best part. He
’d walk around for a week with a bee-stung ass and a memory that gave him an instant hard-on. Life was good.


Chapter Two


“Anderson versus Donatello,” Steve spoke into his dictation microphone the next morning. “The plaintiff asserts that on the date of—” a tap on his office door disrupted him and he stopped dictating. “Come in.”

His secretary entered carrying a large mug of steaming coffee.
“You’re here early. It’s barely seven and you’re already hard at work.”

Deposition’s at nine,” he reminded her, straightening the papers on his desk. He was certain she knew it. She was an excellent administrative assistant, one of the best employed by the law offices of Wilder, Duchene, Cannon and Associates. It’d been a lucky day for him when she’d walked through his door.

Moving to the side of his desk, she set the mug in the usual spot. In her other hand she held a square white envelope, which she waved.
“This was in the mail slot. It’s for you, marked ‘Personal’.” She placed it on the desk in front of him.

He picked up the envelope and scowled. He didn
’t recognize the handwriting, and doubted it was really that personal. “Probably a bill.” He tapped it on his desk and looked up at his secretary. Her stern appearance never failed to startle him. With her auburn hair knotted in a severe bun at the base of her neck and barely a trace of make-up on her face, she looked prim. The high-collared white blouse she wore, tucked into a straight black skirt, almost made her appear matronly. His burning backside was a pleasant reminder of the truth.

Open it.” She crossed her arms. “If it’s a bill, I’ll take care of it.”

He smiled at her.
“Thanks, Ginger.” Steve slit the envelope with a sharp letter opener and shook it. A small, grainy picture fell out. He picked it up and squinted. “Well, I’ll be go to hell.”

What is it?” She glanced over his shoulder.

He held it up for her to see.

Ginger gasped. “It’s a picture of you and me. Was that taken last night?”

He looked at it again. He and Ginger as they walked through the bar at Delilah
’s. His suit was no indication, because he always wore a suit and many of them looked the same. But he recognized the blue blouse and jeans Ginger had changed into after their play session. “Yes, it’s from last night.”

Who would have sent such a thing? How did they get that shot? Delilah’s has a strict rule about cameras.”

I know.” He flicked the photo back and forth. “This is obviously from a cell phone camera or some type of spy-cam. The picture is small and grainy. You almost can’t tell who it is.”

I can tell,” she fumed, “and you can tell. Who in the hell took that and sent it to you?”

Calm down.” He spoke with a confidence he wasn’t sure he felt. “Even if someone can make us out, for all they know we’re in a bar somewhere. Nothing wrong with that.”

I suppose. I don’t like it.”

What I don’t like is the fact that there’s nothing else. No note or anything. I’m not sure we’ve heard the last from our new, camera-happy friend, here.

Steve!” she whispered, and her eyes flashed with concern.

Shhh.” He raised a hand.

Someone popped head first through his office door.
“Morning,” Leland Duchene, another of the law partners, told them both. “You ready for Anderson, Steve?”

Steve glanced at his watch and lifted his mug, taking a sip of coffee.
“I’m ready. But as long as I’ve got time, I’m going over my notes.”

Good.” Duchene nodded. “I’ll see you in the conference room later.” He looked at Ginger. “Alert my secretary when they get here, will you? I’ve got Nan making copies and she might not see them.”

Yes, Mr. Duchene,” Ginger replied.

They watched the silver-haired partner exit the office and Steve looked at Ginger.
“Just go back to work and put this from your mind. We haven’t done anything wrong.”

She looked at him skeptically.

He gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile, and watched her walk out. The photo bothered him, too, but he couldn’t dwell on it. There was work to be done on a very big case. He needed to focus and put everything else from his mind.


* * * *


The depositions went well, and Steve hummed as he returned to his office later that morning. He found Ginger pacing around her desk, lines of worry creasing her face. “What is it?” he asked.

She motioned toward his office and entered, closing the door behind them.
“Look at these!” She held up three more square white envelopes, similar to the one he’d received earlier that day.

Calm down.” He took them from her hand. “You don’t know what’s in here.”

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