What the (Bleep) Just Happened? (53 page)

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Most significant, it has
. At every major turning point—the founding, the Civil War, the Great Depression, World War II, the civil rights struggle, the malaise of the late 1970s—we have produced leaders who were prepared for the fight to restore the nation. But it was the American people who led the charge. We have always known that we don’t have to settle for anything less than the Founders’ ideal and that we don’t have to put up with con men and other sundry kooks as they butcher the Constitution. This time is no different. Team Obama and his wingmen moved with all deliberate speed, and so must we.

Most important, we must do it as Happy Warriors, infusing the ferocity of the mission with an optimistic, joyful love of America. Nattering nabobs of negativity don’t score big in battles over the future. Reagan and Thatcher succeeded largely because their messages were correct on policy and positive in attitude. We need to summon courage and selflessness. We need to tell the truth about what’s happened and what’s required—of all of us—to get us back on the rails. If we want America restored to AAA status
in every way
, we’re going to have to do it ourselves. Disaster may be all around us but, like Marshal Foch, we say, “Situation excellent.” And we attack.

This is our battle cry, Happy Warriors. It’s time to get back to the idea of Big America (as opposed to Big-Government America): high growth economically, powerful militarily, strong politically, dynamic culturally, and adventurous from sea to space. It’s time to reclaim American Exceptionalism—without exception.

The path toward national salvation will be arduous and long, but we must undertake it lest we truly do lose our exceptional country to the malign forces of redistributionism and degradation. On the day that exceptionalism was codified in the Declaration of Independence, the Liberty Bell rang out. A witness to history said, “It rang like it meant something.” This nation of reinvigorated Happy Warriors must do the hard work to get that Liberty Bell ringing like it means something again. We are, after all,
nation of renewal, opportunity, and reinvention.

At the end of
The Wizard of Oz
, Dorothy is told by Glinda the Good Witch that the power to go home was within her all along. And so it is with us. The ability to “fundamentally restore” America to its timeless principles has been with us all along. And like Dorothy, we had to learn that for ourselves. If we summon our true Happy Warrior spirit, grit, and determination, we can make America
again. We can go home again, and at the same time, America—our birthright, our heritage, our home—will return to us.


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AARP, 130

Abbas, Mahmoud, 301

ABC News, 71

Abdullah, king of Saudi Arabia, 69, 137, 215, 355

Abdulmutallab, Umar Farouk, 220

ACORN (Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now), 34, 41, 68, 130, 166

, 166


Bagram Air Base as detention facility, 225, 357

Bush and, 207

need for foreign policy changes, 353, 354–55

Obama’s foreign policy and, 214, 218, 240–46, 306–7

AFL-CIO, 130, 166

Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud, 248

Alabama, 292

Al Arabiya television, 213

Alinsky, L. David, 43

Alinsky, Saul, 12, 40–42, 62–63, 167

Al-Maliki, Nouri, 348–49

Almari, Saleh, 230

Alternative Minimum Tax, 157

American Civil Liberties Union, 291

American Economic Journal
, 155

American exceptionalism, 3–29

foundations of, 5, 7–8, 15–16

Happy Warrior concept and, 22–26

Left’s “virtuous” redistribution and, 7–10, 26–28

Obama on, 6

reclaiming of, 361

shattering of assumptions about, 3–4

socialism and, 10–11

U.S. citizens’ anger over Left’s statism, redistribution, and notion of American decline, 13–21

American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), 195

American International Group (AIG), 97

American Jobs Act, 177

AmeriCorps, 95

Amherst, Massachusetts, 227

Angelou, Maya, 74

See also
public opinion

of Left, 20–21

of U.S. citizens, 13–20

Apollo Alliance, 130

Arab Spring revolts, 247–48, 303.
See also specific countries by name

Arizona, 290–92, 294, 295

Arizona State University, 218

Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit, 283

Assad, Bashar al-, 261–62

Associated Press, 56, 110–11, 221

Attack Watch website, 58

Attkisson, Sharyl, 58, 294–95

Audacity of Hope, The
(Obama), 46

automobile industry, 67, 68, 99–102

Awlaki, Anwar al-, 214, 221, 236

Axelrod, David

background, 43

as Obama adviser, 45, 52

Obama’s political rise and, 33–37

Ayers, Bill, 258, 302

background, 12, 39, 40–41, 320

Occupy Wall Street and, 41, 167–68

Badi, Mohammed al-, 256–57

Bagram Air Base, as detention facility, 225, 357

Bahrain, 355


of automobile companies, 99–102

of financial institutions, 97–99

balanced-budget amendment, proposed, 341–42

Ban Ki-Moon, 137


bailouts of, 98

Community Reinvestment Act’s effect on lending by, 179–80

Barr, Roseanne, 153

Baucus, Max, 154

Bayh, Evan, 25

Beck, Glenn, 67, 165

Ben Ali, Zine el-Abidine, 247

Berkeley, California, 227

Bernstein, Jared, 171, 172

Biden, Joe

Afghanistan and, 242

“green jobs” and, 93

Iraq and, 239

Israel and, 301

on Obama, 12, 209

unemployment and, 148, 170–71

Bigelow, Kathryn, 235

bin al-Shibh, Ramzi, 226, 229

bin Laden, Osama, 230, 233–35

Black Panther voter intimidation, 296

Black September movement, 264

Bloom, Ron, 67

Bloomberg, Michael, 153, 221

Bloomberg News, 100

“Blue Dog” Democrats, 25–26

Boehner, John

stimulus bill and, 90

taxes and, 158

U.S. debt and, 106, 120–21

Boeing Company, 178–79

Bolden, Charles, 215

Bolton, John, 26, 218–19

Boston Herald
, 58

Boston Tea Party, 15

Bouazizi, Mohamed, 247

Bowles, Erskine, 115

Braun, Carol Moseley, 43

Breuer, Lanny, 296

Brewer, Jan, 290, 291

Brokaw, Tom, 75–76

Brown, Scott, 69

Browner, Carol, 66

Buckley, William F., 4

Buffett, Warren, 155, 158–61

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF).
Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal

Burke, Dennis, 297

Bush, George H. W., 23, 337

Bush, George W.

counterterrorism policy, 219–36, 325

failure to cut entitlement spending, 85

freedom agenda for Middle East, 248

Gadhafi and, 265

Obama’s attack on foreign policy of, 207

September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks and, 28–29

TARP and, 97, 99

taxes and, 150, 151, 156

U.S. debt and, 112, 113

Cahyono, Widianto Hendro, 56

Cain, Herman, 336

Calderón, Felipe, 287, 292

California, 70

campaign financing, in 2008, 152–53

Canter, David, 43

Cantor, Eric, 118

cap and trade, 181, 182

capitalism and free market Bloom on, 67

Left’s disdain for, 40–41, 83, 188

moral case for, 319–20

Obama and, 320–22

Smith’s invisible hand and, 82

card check, 197

Carlos the Jackal, 264

Carney, Jay, 122

Carter, Jimmy, 24, 179, 259

Castro, Fidel, 69, 137, 299

Castro, Raúl, 299

Catholic institutions, ObamaCare mandates and, 144–45

CBS, 58, 221, 294

Census, in 2010, 68

Center for American Progress, 67, 68, 130

Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Holder’s investigation of and release of information about, 230–35

Chafee, Lincoln, 193

“Character of the Happy Warrior” (Wordsworth), 22

charitable giving, taxes and, 160, 162

Chávez, Hugo, 69, 213–14, 299

Check, Please
(television program), 34

Cheney, Dick, 229, 356

Chevy Volt, 101

Chicago Tribune
, 79–81, 82


military budget increases in, 283–85

U.S. debt and, 114, 123, 281

U.S. foreign policy and, 215–16, 278, 279–82, 351–52, 354, 356

Chirac, Jacques, 299

Chomsky, Noam, 166

Christie, Chris, 69, 193, 196

Chrysler, 67, 99–102

Citizen Action, 41

Clapper, James, 256

class warfare rhetoric

American as aspirational society and, 169

of Edwards, 33

of Obama, 33–35, 51, 73–74

redistribution of wealth and, 109, 147–55, 157–58, 161, 163

Clean Air Act, 182–83

Cleveland, Grover, 22

Clinton, Bill, 23, 25, 36, 112, 156, 179

Clinton, Hillary

Afghanistan and, 306

apologies made, as secretary of state, 215–16

China and, 283, 284

Egypt and, 255

Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, 296

Honduras and, 299

Iran and, 251, 253

Israel and, 301, 304

Mexico and, 287–88

Russia and, 277

Syria and, 261–62

2008 primaries and, 208–9, 237

CNN, 221

coal industry, 181, 183


collective bargaining, by unions, 190–91

“collective salvation,” 44, 49, 53, 151

Commission for a Sustainable World Society, 66

Communications Workers of America, 144

Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act, 141

community organizing

Axelrod and, 43

Obama and, 12, 34, 40, 42, 167

Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), 179–80

“compassionate conservatism,” 85


Obama’s attitude toward, 59–60, 326

“terrorism-talking school” for, 222

Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act, 341

Congressional Budget Office, 133

Connolly, Gerry, 222

Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), 180

Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) agreement, 277

Conyers, John, 135

Cordray, Richard, 180

Corzine, Jon, 148

Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), 258

Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, 172

counterterrorism policy, of U.S. enhanced interrogation techniques, 228–35

euphemisms for Islamic terror, 219–22

Guantánamo Bay detention facility, 222–28, 357

illegal immigration and, 289

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