Read What the (Bleep) Just Happened? Online
Authors: Monica Crowley
Obama and “absorbing” of terror attack, 305–7
credit downgrade, of U.S., 118, 121–23, 339
Crowley, James, 221
Crudele, John, 90
Cuomo, Andrew, 193, 196
Cut, Cap, and Balance (proposed legislation), 118–20
czars, appointed by Obama, 65–69, 180
Czech Republic, 274
Daily Caller
, 57
Dalai Lama, 278–79
Daley, Bill, 52–53
Daley, Richard, 24
Daniels, Mitch, 193, 196
Davis, Frank Marshall, 38–39
debt, of U.S., 110–24.
See also
deficit spending
consequences to economy and national security, 114–24, 281, 334
credit downgrade of U.S. and, 118, 121–23, 339
Cut, Cap, and Balance (proposed legislation), 118–20
debt ceiling negotiations, 84, 116–17, 119–21, 152, 158, 341
growth under Obama, 112–14
interest on, 88
Obama’s attitude toward, 110–12, 322
Declaration of Dependence
foreign policy and, 206
Founders’ ideals and, 8, 126
redistributionist agenda and, 61–64
unemployment and, 175
Declaration of Independence, 4–5
decline, U.S. citizens’ anger over notion of American, 17–21
Deepwater Horizon oil spill, 184–86
DeFazio, Peter, 60
Defense of Marriage Act, 326
defense spending cuts, 282–83
need to reverse, 347
deficit spending, 79–109.
See also
debt, of U.S.
government revenue versus, 89
history of growth of, 79–89
Obama on, 322
reforms needed, 333–39
stimulus bill and expansion of welfare state, 89–102
and threat to shut down government, 102–9
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC), 25–26
Democratic National Conventions 1968, 24
2008, 58–59
Democratic Party
“Happy Warrior” wing of, 22–25
radical Left and, 11–12, 24–28
Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), 39, 166
DeParle, Nancy-Ann, 58, 68
Development, Relief and Education
of Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), 290, 293
Dodd, Chris, 99, 180
Dodd-Frank bill.
Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank)
Dohrn, Bernardine, 12, 320
domestic policies, reforms needed in, 333–45.
See also specific policies by name
Douglass, Linda, 58
Dreams from My Father
(Obama), 37–39, 46
Dreier, Peter, 39
D’Souza, Dinesh, 205
Dukakis, Michael, 11, 24
Dunham, Stanley Ann, 38, 134
Dunn, Anita, 44
Earned Income Tax Credit, 84, 158
economic policy.
See also
economic stimulus
Hoover on economic planners, 328–29
Obama and, 50, 324
economic stimulus.
See also
deficit spending
bailouts and, 97–102
Obama and, 60, 68, 322
“saving or creating” of jobs and, 92, 95–96, 170–74
taxes and, 163
unions and, 197
uses of funds, 91–95
Edwards, Doug, 159
Edwards, John, 33
Egypt, 253–62, 270, 303, 352, 355
election of 2004, 34–35, 38
election of 2006, 87
election of 2008, 39, 45–59, 87, 112, 152–53, 208, 249, 271, 278, 300
election of 2009, 69
election of 2010, 19–20, 25–26, 69, 87, 106, 138
election of 2011, 70
election of 2012, 58, 332, 360
electricity rates, 181, 182
Emanuel, Rahm, 52, 65, 80, 194
Employee Free Choice Act, 197
“jobs bills”; unemployment
energy independence, need for, 342–43
energy industry, regulation of, 180–88
Energy NOW News
, 183
Great Britain
enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs), 228–35
Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act, 353
entitlement spending.
See also specific programs by name
deficit spending and, 83–85, 88
illegal immigrants and, 288
need to reform, 338
taxes and, 153–54, 162–64, 176, 177
environmental protection, redistributionist agenda and, 62
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), effect on employment, 180–88
Erdoan, Recep Tayyip, 355
ethics, Obama administration and, 323
Evans, Jodie, 302
Evergreen Solar, 92–93
Fair Tax, 336
Fannie Mae, 97, 180, 335
Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, 58, 282–86, 294–97
Fazi, Mullah Mohammed, 246
Federal Communications Commission, 326
Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), 288
Feldman, Martin, 185
Ferrer, Fernando, 33
Fiat, 101
financial sector increased government role in, 97–99
Obama on financial reform, 50
regulation of, 179–80
flat tax, 336
Florida, 69, 144
food stamps, 83, 88
increase in entitlement to, 63, 84
as nontaxable income, 176
Ryan plan’s proposal for, 339
Forbes, Steve, 336
Ford, Harold Jr., 25
Ford Motors, 99
foreign policy.
See also
counterterrorism policy
Afghanistan, 214, 218, 240–46, 306–7, 353
American decline and, 206–12, 305–8
China, 215–16, 278, 279–82, 351–52, 354, 356
defense spending cuts, 282–83
Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, 58, 285–86, 294–97
human rights, 284–85
illegal immigration, 285–94, 297–98
Middle East and, 236–40, 247–71, 306–7
Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize and, 216–19
Obama’s apologies to international community, 206–16
reforms needed, 345–58
Russia, 271–77, 350–51, 356
September 11 attack response and, 203–6
Tibet, 278–79
treatment of allies and enemies, 69, 298–305
Foster, Richard, 107, 139
Founding Fathers.
See also
U.S. Constitution
American exceptionalism and, 4–5
four branches of government and, 28
individual responsibility and, 313, 316–17
Fox News, 58
France, 213, 299
Frank, Barney, 99, 180
Franklin, Benjamin, 16, 313, 327
Freddie Mac, 97, 180, 335
Free Gaza movement, 302–3
free market.
capitalism and free market
Friedman, Milton, 82, 162
Gadhafi, Moammar, 264–69, 356
Gallaway, Lowell, 197
Gamaliel Foundation, 41
Gates, Robert, 276, 306
Geithner, Timothy, 97, 98–99, 121, 176
General Motors, 67, 68, 99–102
Germany, 212–13, 299
Ghailani, Ahmed, 227
Ghonim, Wael, 256, 257
Gibbs, Robert, 255
Gibson, Charlie, 149
Gingrich, Newt, 336
Global Engagement Directorate (GED), 219, 231
global warming, 181–82
Gore, Al, 11, 24
Goss, Porter, 232
Grayson, Trey, 331–32
Great Britain
entitlement spending in, 163–64
Obama’s treatment of, 69, 298–99
Thatcher and socialism in, 358–59
“green energy”
global warming and, 181–82
Obama on, 323
stimulus and, 92–94
subsidies for, 187–88, 335
Green Revolution, 248
Gregory, Paul, 101
Guantánamo Bay detention facility, 222–28, 357
Gulf of Mexico oil spill, 184–86
Hamas, 256, 258, 260, 289, 348
Hamdi, Faida, 247
Hammond, Darrell, 28–29
Happy Warrior concept
American exceptionalism and political agreement on, 22–26
American people and, 360–61
essential concepts, 317–19
need for new brand of, 26–29
Reagan and, 22, 23, 317, 319, 329–30, 359
Thatcher and, 358–59
Haqqani network, 353
Harkin, Tom, 129, 139
Harman, Jane, 222
Hasan, Nidal Malik, 220–22
Hawk, Tony, 19
Hayden, Michael, 230
Hayes, Chris, 57
Health and Human Services, Department of, 132–33, 142, 144
health care, seen as entitlement, 83
health care reform.
See also
attempts before ObamaCare, 126–28
market-based proposals for, 340–41
redistribution and, 62
Henry, Patrick, 313
Heritage Foundation, 138, 141
Hezbollah, 258, 260, 289
, 245
Hintz, Gordon, 192
Hoffa, Jimmy, 196
Holder, Eric
counterterrorism and, 225–29, 231–33
declines to enforce laws, 326
Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, 296
illegal immigrants and, 291–92, 297
leaks to press, 122
Holdren, John, 68
Homeland Security, Department of, 149, 289, 293
Honduras, 299
Hoover, Herbert, 327–29
Horowitz, David, 24, 40
bailout of sector, 98
unemployment and, 174–75
Hoyer, Steny, 103–4
Hu Jintao, 279, 280–81
human rights, in China, 284
Humphrey, Hubert, 23–25
Hurt Locker, The
(film), 235
Hussein, Saddam, 248, 263
Hyde Park Herald
, 203
hydrofracking, 342–43
Illinois, 293
Immelt, Jeffrey, 172
economic, criminal, and national security costs of illegal, 285–94
reforms needed, 343–45
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, “prosecutorial discretion” and, 290, 293
Independent Patient Advisory Board (IPAB), 137, 140
India, 354
Indiana, 193
Indonesia, 216
Industrial Areas Foundation (IDA), 41
Inhofe, James, 183
Inspector General Reform Act, 95
Interior Department, 185
International Association of Machinists, 179
International Atomic Energy Agency, 251
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, 144
International Monetary Fund, 114
Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI), of Pakistan, 353
“invest,” used as euphemism for spending, 148
Iowa, 69
Iran, 248–53