What the (Bleep) Just Happened? (55 page)

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Bush and, 248

need for foreign policy reform and, 349–50, 356

nuclear weapons and, 249–50, 274, 275

Obama and, 214, 238–40


Bush and, 207, 248

need for foreign policy reform and, 348–49

Obama and, 214, 236–40, 299, 306–7

Islam, Obama’s “healing” relations with, 214–15

Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), 258


Arab Spring and, 247–71

Free Gaza flotilla and, 302–3

U.S. foreign policy and, 352–53, 356


Egypt and, 254, 255, 259–60

Islamists intentions toward, 245–46, 249, 251, 252, 256

Obama’s treatment of, 300–305

U.S. diplomacy and, 348, 350

Issa, Darrell, 296

Jackson, Henry “Scoop,” 24

Jackson, Linda, 182–83

Jackson, Michael, 5–6, 9

Jackson, Reverend Jesse, 192

Jagland, Thorbjørn, 218

Jalil, Mustafa Abdul, 268

Jarrett, Valerie, 38, 46, 52

Jarrett, Vernon, 38

Jarrett, William, 38

Jefferson, Thomas, 28, 333

Jerusalem, U.S. embassy and, 348

“jobs bills,” 108, 148, 177.
See also

John M. Olin Institute for Employment Practice and Policy, 197

Johnson, Kevin, 95

Johnson, Lyndon, 83, 84

Jones, James, 242

Jones, Van, 66–67, 199

Joseph, Peggy, 49, 53, 54

JournoList, 57

justice, social and economic.
redistributionist agenda

Justice Department, 122, 149

declines to enforce laws, 326

illegal immigrants and, 291–92

Iran and, 250–51

Kahn, Richard, 82

Kaiser, George, 93

Kaiser Family Foundation survey, 179

Karroubi, Mehdi, 248

Karzai, Hamid, 214

Kasich, John, 193, 196

Katyal, Neal, 51

Keeler, Sharon, 218

Kellman, Gerald, 42

Kenin, Wendy, 227

Kennedy, Edward, 69, 135, 141

Kennedy, John F., 23, 24, 156

Kerry, John, 11, 24, 33

Keynes, John Maynard, 81–83, 89, 91, 327

Keystone XL pipeline, 186–87, 264

Khalidi, Rashid, 12, 39, 258, 300

Khan, Majid, 230

Khan, Samir, 214

Kim Jong-un, 351

Kirkpatrick, Jeane, 24

Koh, Harold, 268

Krentz, Robert, 285–86

Kristol, Irving, 24

Krugman, Paul, 89

Kucinich, Dennis, 129

Kundra, Vivek, 67–68

Kurds, 299

Kurtz, Stanley, 39

Kyl, Jon, 60

La Belle nightclub bombing, 264

Laffer, Arthur, 156

LaJuenesse, William, 295

Landrieu, Mary, 185

Latin American, U.S. foreign policy toward, 357

Lavrov, Sergei, 271–72

laws, Obama administration’s decline to enforce, 326

“leading from behind,” 210–11


anger and tactics of, 20–21

anti-Americanism of, 206–12

Obama as perfect radical candidate, 11–13

radical movement of 1960s and, 11–12, 24–28

U.S. citizens’ anger over statism, redistribution, and notion of American decline, 13–21

Lehman, John, 347

Lenin, Vladimir, 164

Lerner, Stephen, 199

Libbi, Abu Faraj al-, 233

Libya, 218, 263–69, 352, 356

Lieberman, Joseph, 25

Lincoln, Blanche, 70

Lizza, Ryan, 211

lobbying, Obama administration and, 323

Los Zetas, 289

Lundestad, Geir, 218

Mack, Connie, 335–36

Mackey, John, 189

Massachusetts, 19, 69, 293

Matthews, Chris, 55

McCain, John, 102, 170–71

McChrystal, Stanley, 241–43

McDonald’s, 142–43

McDonnell, Robert, 69

McGovern, George, 24

McKinney, Cynthia, 302–3

Meacham, Jon, 85


Fast and Furious gunwalking scandal, 295

ideological affinity to Obama, 55–58, 75–76

Shahzad’s motives and, 221

support of Obama’s programs, 58


costs of, 84

need to reform, 338

ObamaCare and, 140, 340

as percentage of mandatory spending cost, 88

redistributionist agenda and, 62

Ryan plan’s proposal for, 107, 338–39


costs of, 83, 84

as nontaxable income, 176

ObamaCare and, 132, 139–40, 340

as percentage of mandatory spending cost, 88

redistributionist agenda and, 62

Ryan plan’s proposal for, 107, 338

Medicare Part D, 85, 112

Medvedev, Dmitry, 252, 272, 274–75

Megrahi, Abdelbaset al-, 264

Meister, Stephen, 341

Melson, Kenneth, 297

Mendell, David, 35

Merkel, Angela, 212

Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, 291


H. Clinton in, 216

illegal immigration from, 285–98

MF Global, 148

Michigan, 69

military tribunals, 223, 228

Milton, John, 333

missile defense shield, in Europe, 273–74, 277, 283, 347

Mohammed, Khalid Sheikh (KSM), 223, 224, 226, 228, 229–30, 233

Mondale, Walter, 24

Montgomery, Ed, 68

Moody’s, 122

Moore, Michael, 153, 192, 218

Morales, Evo, 299

“more perfect union” speech, of Obama, 47–49

Morocco, 259, 352

Mottaki, Manouchehr, 251

Mousavi, Mir Hossein, 248

Moussaoui, Zacarias, 224

MoveOn.org, 130

Mubarak, Hosni, 254–57, 261–62, 355

Mughrabi, Dalal, 302

Mullen, Michael, 307

“multiplier effect,” of Keynes, 81–83, 89, 91

Muñoz, Cecelia, 293

Muslim Brotherhood, 261–62

Egypt and, 254–61, 303

Muslim Students Association (MSA), 258

Napolitano, Janet, 294, 296

National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA), “healing” relations with Muslims and, 215

National Bureau of Economic Research, 155

National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform (Simpson-Bowles deficit commission), 111, 115–16, 198, 337

National Council of La Raza, 293, 297–98

National Economic Research Associates, 183

National Institute on Money in State Politics, 195

National Labor Relations Board, 178–79

National Legal and Policy Center, 197

National People’s Action, 41

national security, Obama’s leading from behind and, 210–11

National Security Strategy, under Bush, 219

NATO, 347

natural gas exploration, 342–43

Netanyahu, Benjamin, 301, 302, 304

NetJets, 155

Nevada, 70, 144

New Deal, 79–81, 82, 83

New Jersey, 19, 69, 144, 193

New Party, 166

, 85

New York City, 33, 153, 225–26

attempted car bombing in, 220, 221

New Yorker
, 210–11

New York State, 70, 193, 293

New York Times
, 75, 99, 140, 141, 217, 275

Nixon, Richard, 24, 25, 231, 279–80, 284, 341, 345

Nobel Peace Prize, 216–19

No Child Left Behind, 85, 112

Non-Proliferation Treaty, 275

North Korea, 275, 281, 351–52, 356

nuclear weapons

Obama’s promise not to use, 275–77

Obama’s revelation of U.S. arsenal size, 276

plans to cut U.S. arsenal size, 282

proliferation of, 249–50, 264, 274, 275, 349–50, 356

Nunn, Sam, 25

Obama, Barack on American exceptionalism, 6

campaign rhetoric in 2008 and redistributionist agenda, 45–59, 249, 271, 278, 300

Constitutional constraints ignored by, 44–47

education in socialist ideology, 38–44

as “grievance identifier,” 54

health care goals, 128

inaugural address in 2009, 59, 60

as keynote speaker at 2004 convention, 34–35

as perfect radical Left candidate, 11–13

policies and redistributionist agenda, expansion of government, and permanent Democratic majority, 59–71

self-regard and self-confidence of, 35–37

speech in Osawatomie, Kansas, 320–22

taxes and, 147, 149, 151, 160

“virtuous” redistribution and, 7–9

Obama, Barack, Sr., 38

Obama, Michelle, 37, 46, 52

quotes Alinsky, 42–43 2008 campaign and, 48, 325

Obama, Onyango, 293

ObamaCare, 124–46.
See also
health care reform

autoworkers and, 100

consequences to economy, 122, 138–39

consequences to health care system, 139–41

deficit spending and, 88, 106

Founders’ vision of private property and, 145–46

individual mandate and, 51, 127, 135

media and, 58

Obama on, 323

politics behind writing and passing of, 130–36

provisions and costs of, 133–34, 136–38

reforms needed, 339–40

regulations of and unemployment, 179

Republican alternatives to, 136

single-payer system aimed for, 128–30, 139

waivers from, 142–45

Occupy Wall Street movement, 41, 164–69, 199

Tea Party movement contrasted, 166–67

offshore drilling, 342

Ogden, David, 296

Ohio, 144, 193

oil and gas industry

hydrofracking and, 342–43

regulation of, 184–88

taxes paid by, 187

Olmert, Ehud, 300

Olympic Games, 1972, 264

$100 bills, flawed, 87–88

one-worldism, 345

Onyango, Zeituni, 293

Open Society Foundations, 166

Operation Wide Receiver, 294, 295

Opinion, La
, 288

Oregon, 63

O’Reilly, Bill, 257

Organizing for America, 193

Orszag, Peter, 176

Ortega, Daniel, 69, 213

, 320

Osegueda, Julio, 59

Osorio-Arellanes, Manuel, 286

“ozone rule,” 183

Paine, Thomas, 27–28, 312

Pakistan, 244–45, 353–54, 356

Palestinian Authority, 348

Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO), 12, 39, 264

Palestinians, 302–4

Pan Am flight 103 bombing, 264

Panetta, Leon, 229, 282, 283, 304

Paracha, Sayfullah, 230

Paracha, Uzair, 230

Parkinson, Mark, 226

Path to Prosperity (Ryan budget plan), 71–72, 107–8, 122, 334–40, 341–42

Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.

Paul, Rand, 332

Pelosi, Nancy, 21, 25

enhanced interrogation techniques and, 232

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