What the Earl Desires (38 page)

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Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: What the Earl Desires
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“We know what you do.”

There was no reason to contradict him, they both knew what she did. “Can I be of assistance?”

“I am heading to Africa and could use you as a guide.”

Her heart fluttered. Travelling with him would offer added protection. Being still in recovery, she could use it.

“Where are you going?” Her voice was modulated despite the pounding of her heart.

“We would hit port where you left. I need to find a man a few days away from there.”

“Of course,” she said. “I will just need to know more of where you need to go.”

A hard glint sharpened his eyes, briefly before it was masked under a bit of indifference. She wasn’t fooled. This was personal for him.

“When do you believe you will be ready to travel?”

Despite his calm stance, there was sense of urgency underlining his words. She hesitated. There was nothing for her to linger here over. The issue about the Adryses’ safety had been resolved and Jo was no longer in danger.

“How soon do you need to leave?” she asked.

“The next ship departs in a week. I will secure passage for us. You are okay sharing a room with me?”

“Not a problem.”

His eyes lingered over her face. “I do not want you in a cramped area, not if you are still recovering. In my room you will be safe.”

She tipped her head. “Very well.”

“Will you be bringing your stallion?”

Pain struck her deep. “No. I am returning alone.”

He sobered and reached out toward her shoulder but never touched her. “I will be by in two days to pick you up then.”

“Yes, Mr. Wilkes. I will see you then.”

Trystan left and she remained alone until she felt strong enough to face Lord Adrys. After talking to Hayworth she sought out and found Jo. With a strained smile asked her to walk with her to the stables.

“How are you feeling Najja?” Jo asked, her arm linked through hers.

“Good. Almost back to normal.” They entered the warm building and the familiar scent of hay and horses brought tears to her eyes.

“Mama said my lessons are coming along well and I am ready for my Season. You know I am doing something right if she is telling me I am ready.”

Blinking hard, she forced the tears back. “I am sure your Season will be a lot of fun.” It did her well to see Jo not fighting being here so hard.

“I cannot wait to tell you about the first night. I hope we will learn to like it here.”

They paused before Fineas’ stall. Najja swallowed back the intrusive lump in her throat and opened the stall door. Her stallion stepped close and lowered his head to her chest.

I will miss you, my friend.
She moved and Jo took her place, rubbing his broad head. From where Najja stood, her hand upon Fineas’ neck, she scratched him and watched the horse with Jo.

“He will be a great horse for you. He has always liked you. I know he will take care of you.” She couldn’t look at Jo. It hurt too much.

“Najja?” Jo’s voice a mix of strain and disbelief, was higher pitched than normal. “Najja, this means…”

Finally, she summoned up enough courage to look at her friend. Blue eyes waited for her and they glistened with tears. Some of which leaked free and trailed down her face.

“When?” Jo asked.

“Two days.”


“Mr. Wilkes is offering me transport. The ship leaves within the week.”

“I do not want you to go.”

She didn’t really want to either. “We knew this day would come.”

Anger sparked in Jo’s eyes. “You know you do not have to go. Your father would never know! I thought you cared about me!” She bolted from the stall and ran from sight.

Najja wrapped her arms around Fineas’ neck and let the tears flow. She would miss her so much. Eventually she took Fineas out for a ride, their last one. The crisp air invigorating and his smooth gait easy on her still sore wounds.

When she returned from her ride, Honoria tracked her down. “My lady,” she said, rising from where she sharpened her sais.

“Is there any way we can convince you to stay?” Najja merely held the kind gaze. “You have given us so much, is there
, we can do for you?”

“There is one thing.”


Najja strode to the table and lifted a square of leather. In moments, she’d wrapped something up in it and tied it off with a leather thong. Back by Lady Adrys she offered the bound item.

“If you could see Lord Clifton receives this I would be grateful.”

An understanding look filled her expression. “After you leave, I would assume?”


“I will deliver it personally.”

Najja nodded her thanks. “I am leaving Fineas for Jo. I have told her but…”

“He will be well cared for.” She had no doubt of that. Lady Adrys smoothed out her skirts. “I will see you at dinner.” There lingered a not-so-subtle order in her statement and she didn’t wait for affirmation before she left the room.

Najja remained standing for a while before she sat back on the bed and resumed the job she’d been doing.

Colin smiled as he watched Pug bound up the steps to Kittle Manor from the carriage. The setting sun, having broken free of the clouds, cast a golden glow about the estate. A beautiful end to the day.
What better way to end it than by being with Najja?

He nodded at Fowler when the man took his hat, coat, and gloves.

“Good evening, my lord.”

“Fowler. It is a good eve, is it not?”

“Of course, my lord. Everyone is in the parlor.”

Another nod and he headed in that direction perfectly comfortable in this house. A footman opened the door and Colin walked in to discover everyone sitting around talking.

“Good evening, Colin.” Adrys welcomed him. The others followed suit but in truth he only had eyes and attention for Najja. She sat across from Jo with a chessboard between them. They stood and she bobbed a curtsey. Najja wore a dark green dress which complemented her smooth complexion flawlessly.

All he wanted to do was take her somewhere private and ravish her. Kiss every inch of her smooth skin and hold her close, allowing the powerful scent which was her, flow over him. A compilation no other would be able to duplicate.

“Everything all right?”

Colin blinked and discovered Adrys right before him. Humor lingered in the overly knowledgeable gaze. “Fine, sir.”

Adrys cracked a grin. “I bet you are, son. I just bet you are.”

The man clapped him on the shoulder then walked away. His view to Najja once again unobstructed. She looked so much better. Her skin no longer drawn and pale. Nor was she marred by bandages.

Her face again smooth and without bruises. His fingers itched to touch her, feel the silkiness, relearn her curvatures. Pull her close and just let her touch calm his restless soul.

She wasn’t looking at him, instead concentrating on the board before her. Jo, however, looked at him. She got to her feet and gestured to the chair with a tip of her head. An offer he accepted gratefully.

“Hello, luv,” he murmured as he sat in Jo’s vacated chair.

“Lord Clifton.”

“Colin,” he corrected automatically.

She lifted her head, her gaze soft. “Colin.” The sound of his name flowing from her lips made him hard as the stone which created the house.

“I have missed you.”

“I have been here the entire time.”

“I know. Trust me, I know.” He moved a knight. “Take a walk with me.”

“A walk?”

“Yes. I want to be alone with you.”

A slight lift of her lips hit him low in his gut. “We are alone.”

He jerked his head around and found she spoke true. They were the only two in the room, thankfully behind a closed door. He’d never heard them leave. The knowledge spurred him into action. He maneuvered around the inlaid table and swooped in to cover her mouth with his.

A contented groan slid from him as her taste seeped into him. He thrust his tongue throughout the cavern of her mouth. She sank into him, arms winding around his neck. He was so hard, he ached.

Standing, Colin lifted her without breaking the passionate kiss. Cupping his hands on her ass, he kept her pressed against the rod of steel in his breeches. He backed her against the wall between the draped windows and the blazing fire.

She gasped and he broke the kiss. “Najja?”

“My back is still a little sore.”

Damn, how did I forget that?
“Chaise?” He would move wherever but he had to have her.

“No,” she said, voice tight with passion. “Here.”

He didn’t wait any longer. Unfastening his breeches, he freed himself and found Najja raising her skirts. Slanting his mouth again, he devoured her. Using one arm, he lifted her only to lower her back upon his thick shaft.

A moan of raw pleasure burst from his throat. The heated velvet of her core gripped him. Home. Beneath him, she shuddered and wriggled her hips. Breaking the kiss, he buried his face in the crook of her neck. The rapid beat of her pulse pounded against him. He placed one hand against the wall and thrust harder.

Her mewls and pants spurred him on. Harder and deeper he stroked unaware of anything but her, and how it felt to be again buried to the hilt within her.
The roar of possessiveness tore up from his chest and he barely stopped its escape.

She threaded one hand through his hair and pressed him tight to her. Eyes closed, he bit back his groan when she came around him. Her explosive response triggered his own and he shook with the force of his own release.

His legs shook and he kissed his way along her neck and jaw until he reached her mouth. “Najja,” he uttered.

Her sated brown eyes met him. “Colin.” Her voice as low and intimate as his.

“Are you okay? Your wounds?”

“They are fine.” She brushed back a wayward lock of his hair. “I am fine. We should go, they will be holding dinner for us.”

He captured her hand and kissed each fingertip. “I want you, Najja. Again and again. Come home with me.”

Sorrow flashed so briefly he thought he imagined it. She shook her head. With reluctance, he removed himself from her body.

“I am sorry, but I cannot.” They cleaned up and put themselves to rights.

Pain speared him. What did he have to do to keep her? “Still thinking about protecting Jo and her family?”

“Always,” she replied.

“They left us alone, do you think they care if you stay with me?”

“That matters not.”

Anger flared and he had to forcibly relax. “It does to me.”

She slid around to stand before him, hands clasped before her. “Colin,” she whispered.

He met her gaze. “Yes, luv?”

“I would love nothing more than to spend the night with you. I cannot. Please understand.”

Her please hit him, hard. He knew it wasn’t like her to say such words. “I do, luv. I may not like it--I do not like it--but I understand.”

He stared at her, she was still soft from the passion they’d shared. Eyes dark and pooling, lips slightly swollen from his kisses. She looked delectable.

“Come, luv.”

She touched along his chest and gave him a tender kiss. Without a word, she turned and headed from the room, leaving him to follow.

The dinner was light and fun. Yet, there was this undercurrent of sadness. It baffled him a bit. Najja was fine…wasn’t she?

He sat with Adrys in the study after the meal and shared some brandy. The men faced one another near the fire. Silence reigned but he didn’t mind. Colin stared at the flames while Adrys drank. His own drink dangled from two fingers.

“We will be heading to London within the week. Whenever you get there, please visit,” Adrys requested.

“Of course.”

Nothing for a few more moments, but unlike how he’d felt with his own father and brothers, this quiet wasn’t strained or tense. He swirled and downed the drink. Sitting forward, he rested his elbows upon his knees.

“Something on your mind, son?”

This was not an earl and a viscount discussion. He had great respect for Viscount Adrys. The man had a wonderful family and had not allowed his title to keep him from following his passion. He’d taken his family with him and exposed them to an entire other life.

Could I do that?

“Was it hard to move from England and raise your family?”

Hayworth stared at his drink before setting it on the wide arm. “Honoria was less than pleased when I said I was going.” He paused. “She informed me at that moment she and Jo were accompanying me. It is an adjustment, but you see how Jo is. Full of life, she loves life, which had she grown up here, I am not sure would have happened. I will tell you this,” he said, rising. “I would not change it for anything.” Lord Adrys walked to the door. “The hardest choices we face are the ones that show us who we truly are.”

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