Read What the Earl Desires Online

Authors: Aliyah Burke

Tags: #General Fiction

What the Earl Desires (35 page)

BOOK: What the Earl Desires
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“Hi, Colin,” Jo said, peering at him with large blue eyes.

“Miss Adrys,” he replied, taking her hand and bowing low over it. “Good to see you here.”

His gaze found Najja’s and just like that everything else faded into the background. Her eyes were dark and unfathomable, almost like staring into a stranger’s eyes.

He released Jo and stood tall before inclining his head in her direction. “Miss Najja.”

“Good eve, Lord Clifton.” Her voice, composed and matter-of-fact, accompanied the slight dip she gave.

The lackluster response tore at him. He longed to remove her ankle length cloak, free her hair so he could brush it behind her ears, exposing the silver that hung there. It ate at his gut, the need for her to watch him with passion-glazed eyes, in his bed. His life. Forever.

“Can I escort you to your mother?” he asked Jo.

Jo’s smile held some sympathy for him. “Please.” Offering his arm, they strolled through the crowd, Najja trailing behind.

“If it helps, this is hard for her too,” Jo said on a whisper.

Did it help?
No, not really. He didn’t want her to suffer either. He just wanted her.

“Not easy to tell that,” he remarked offhandedly while acknowledging this was another first for him. Discussing such things with another woman.

“She is a master at disguising her true emotions.”

Ignoring the urge to glance back at the woman shadowing them, he put his other hand in his pocket. “Have you ever seen her truly happy?”

“Yes.” Jo’s fingers tightened on his arm briefly. “Back home, she would--when she was there--she would take me up into the trees. Branches so wide you can walk them with ease. She would take me deep into the forest to these amazing places. Away from her father, she would sometimes allow herself to relax. Being with Fineas and Indrani make her happy also.”

“Have you met her father?” he questioned.

“A few times. He is a very…intense man. Scary.”

He had so many more questions, however, they’d reached the seats. As the sky filled with the brilliant colors he took the opportunity to scan for Najja. He spied her and slipped from his seat. Approaching her from the back he didn’t wait, didn’t even ask for permission, just wrapped his arms around her and tugged her back to rest against him. She didn’t resist and his heart soared. Lowering his head, he pressed a kiss to her temple. The fresh scent of cold winter mixed beautifully with the warmer scent of her. Spiced roses and vanilla.

“It feels so good to hold you again, luv. I have missed you.”

“I am sure Countess Valewood is more than willing to have you hold her.”

The blandness in her tone didn’t fool him, he knew jealousy when he heard it.

“Like I told you before, luv. I desire only you.”

Her body sank deeper into his touch and he relished the contact all the while longing for more. Fewer clothes and more bodily contact.

“So you did.”

“Why are you standing over here instead of sitting with Jo?”

“I can see more of the crowd this way.”

“You still think someone is out to hurt him?”

“Yes.” Her affirmative hit the air with barely any passage of time.

Nuzzling the side of her neck, he wished they were somewhere private and warm. “Do you have any ideas who?” She stiffened and he sighed. “Let me help you Najja, as you did me.” Still nothing. “I know you are used to doing it all yourself but you no longer have to. Allow me to assist you.”

The sky exploded in a wide array of colors and Najja covered his arms with hers. “Can we not speak of this and enjoy the fireworks?”

“Have you seen them before?” he asked near her ear.

“Yes, over in The Orient. They are amazing.”

Colin responded by brushing a kiss along her face. He didn’t want to talk fireworks. He wanted her to agree to stay with him. Knowing she would refuse to talk about it, he simply enjoyed the time they had together, tucked away off to one side. Alone and with their combined body heat surrounding them, they observed the rest of the display in silence.

The moment it ended and with the smell of the burning powder lingered in the air, she stepped from his grasp and made to rejoin her party. Colin grabbed her wrist and spun her back to him. He could see her large eyes staring up at him from the nearly full moon, which slid free of the clouds it had been hiding behind. They shone in the light and he watched them soften with longing.

He slid his hands up to cup the sides of her face, his thumbs stroked the smooth skin of her cheeks.


“Goodbye, Colin,” she whispered.

His fingers sank into her hair. He held her there when she tried to step back.
I will never let you go.
The words wouldn’t come and he felt like he was about to lose her. Closing the rest of the distance between them, Colin covered her mouth with his.

She opened beneath him like a flower bud did to the sun’s rays. His tongue thrust into her mouth and he groaned at her familiar taste. Her hands slid under his greatcoat and settled upon his waist, fingers clutching his sides.

He lost all sense of time, focusing solely on the woman in his arms. Biting back his growl of frustration when she ended the kiss, Colin watched her lick her lips and give him a sad smile.

For the life of him he didn’t want to release her but he knew he must. With great reluctance he stepped back, his fingers lingered as long as they could before his hands fell away. He followed and watched them approach their carriage. Honoria and Jo climbed in and his heart skipped a few beats when he saw Najja sitting tall and proud on the back of her coal black stallion.

Why is she not inside out of the elements?

The Adryses headed off and he watched until they were swallowed up by the night. His heart wasn’t in the rest of the festivities and had no problems agreeing to leave when his mother informed him over an hour later she was ready.

At the carriage, Colin paused after assisting his mother in. “Where is Pug?” he asked, glancing to Trystan.

“I thought he was with you.” His friend frowned. “He said he was coming to find you.”

“I have not seen him.”

Disconcerted, he swung around and scoured the remnants of the festival. People headed to their homes and warm beds, but no Pug. Fear rose up and he put Trystan in with his mother and sent them home. Once they were on their way, he hurried to Frank Ashcroft’s home and pounded on the door. It opened exposing him to Frank’s grizzled face framed by the tallow candles light.

“My lord? Is something wrong?”

“I am sorry for disturbing you, but I need a horse.”

“Of course, any one you want. Do you need me to come with you?”

“No, please go to bed. I will return him come morning.”

“Very good, my lord.”

Colin hurried to the stable and lit a lantern. Drawing a large gray from his stall, he bridled him and swung on. He blew out the light and hung it on the nail by the door before digging in his heels and heading the large equine off toward where he bet Pug had gone.

Kittle Manor.

Chapter Seventeen


Najja rode beside the carriage, her mind lingering over her shared kiss with Colin. She wanted to stay with him, hold him, and let him make her feel safe.
Focus Najja!

She shifted in the saddle and flexed her fingers. It was cold out, the wind had increased and she fought off a shudder. The moonlight offered a clear view for which she was grateful. The carriage slowed to head down a slope and she urged Fineas on after. They were about half way across the opening when the prickle went up the back of her neck.

Men exploded from the surrounding woods, the moonlight not hiding their intent.

“Ride!” she hollered to the driver as she set her heels to Fineas’ side and sent him toward the ones blocking the path into the woods. Shots rang out and she hugged tight to the muscled neck of her horse. As he thundered along she used one hand to release her cloak and allowed it to flutter away to the ground.

She drew hard on the reins, jerking Fineas hard to the left. The momentum of his abrupt stop allowed her the opportunity to use her whip on those two and send her mount back to intercept the approaching carriage as she replaced it around her waist.

Eyes flickering between the ever-approaching horde of faceless men and the carriage, Najja knew she had one chance. The driver jerked to a stop before her and she hurried to the door away from the nearing riders. She dismounted and yanked the door open, one swipe of her sai and the leather saddle fell from Fineas’ back to the ground.

“Get on,” she commanded Jo and her mother. The women didn’t argue, their faces tight with fear. She had to help them but it didn’t take long.

“They are almost here!” the driver said, his voice nervous.

Grabbing Jo’s arm, she met her friend’s gaze. “Listen to me. Ride on this side to the forest then give him his head. Go home, get your father and hide in the passageway.”

“What about you?” Jo’s voice shook. “We cannot leave you.”

“Jo, ride hard. Do not stop for anything. No matter what you hear. Keep going. No horse can catch him. Ride up to the house and get inside. Fineas will be fine, hang on tight, Lady Adrys.”

“No! I will not leave you!” Jo cried.

“You do not have a choice.” She kept her voice cold as she switched places with the driver, so she was between him and the men as well. Reins in hand she snapped them hard and the team bolted on. Thankfully Jo stayed with her, on the side as she’d ordered. At the edge of the forest she knew there would be no outrunning them.

“Go!” she hissed.


“Damn it, Jo. Go. Protect your mother. Get home and do
stop for anything!”

Jo gave her one glance before kicking Fineas. Her horse responded immediately, springing away and vanishing into the darkness of the wooded trail. The driver jumped and headed into the woods as well. She sawed on the right rein and the horses answered, veering sharply in that direction. The conveyance began to tip and at the last second, she leaped free to land on the ground.

Sais in hand, she sliced through the leathers, liberating the equines. As they ran off somewhere, she moved to position herself before the overturned carriage. One of the lanterns that had been burning low on the post ignited the lacquered wood, creating a massive ball of fire. One that blocked the road.

The seven riders halted before her. “Get after them!” one hollered.

“How, the road is blocked?”

“Find another way around, damn you. We cannot let them get away.

Two men headed off in an attempt, she assumed, to get after Jo and her mother. She breathed easier, confident they would not be able to catch up with them. Besides, there was nothing she could do now. She made her decision based on the options and knowledge at the time. The five men dismounted and faced her in a semi-circle. She was good and trapped. Not that she cared, all that mattered was these men wouldn’t be on Jo or Lady Adrys.

“This one is a female.” One man pulled the kerchief off his face and she bit back her snarl of rage. This was one of the men from Cornwall. “She has already taken out Robby and Jack.” Dark eyes, full of malevolence, glared at her. “Jack was my brother, you bitch!”

Najja merely tightened her grip and waited for one of them to make their move. Five sabers were drawn free of their sheaths. Then as one they attacked. Moving with practiced ease, she deflected their blows and worked her way in close to where their sabers were to clumsy to use. With a deft move, she lanced the sai along her nearest opponents throat, the dark blade coated in his blood but she never slowed, only focused on the remaining men.

They seemed to redouble their efforts. A feint from one to her left hit its mark, slicing through her leather shirt and her skin. She ignored the pain and thrust her other sai deep into the chest of the closest man. He fell soundlessly to the ground, his blood soaking into the snow.

Two down and three to go. They spread out, keeping her between them. Her arms burned and she dodged the frontal attack only to feel another slash across her back.

“Ahhh!” she screamed, stumbling to her knees. Reflex sent a sai soaring to another. She regained her feet and used her remaining sai to deflect a blow before she kicked out with her leg and sent the burly man back. Locking away the pain, she bent and grabbed the blade from the dead man’s chest. Breathing a bit easier with them both in her hands again, she held one to guard and the other, to attack.

“I am going to kill you!” Jack’s brother growled.

“Do your worst.” She knew he sought to goad her. In her peripheral she saw the final man approach. Moving in a blur of speed, she spun and delivered a powerful kick to his chest. As he fell, she flipped her guard sai to attack position and took his life in the space of a heartbeat. He hit the ground dead.

“Two against one,” she rasped, the blood from her own wounds staining the snow.

The anger-infused roar preceded the attack and she countered at the last minute possible, flinging up an arm and deflecting his strike. Steel ground against steel, the noise extremely ominous. Flicking her wrist, she used the prongs to capture the enemy’s blade. Wrenching hard, she jerked the weapon from his hand and sent it through the air.

BOOK: What the Earl Desires
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