Whirlwind (31 page)

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Authors: Robin DeJarnett

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Whirlwind
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I envied the beads of liquid licking at Jason’s skin. My jacket fell behind me; I was shivering, but definitely


“Melissa?” he said softly, holding his hand out to me.


I swallowed and blinked, but didn’t move.
Surely this is another dream


Jason moved to the edge closest to me, resting his head casually on his arms. “Or do I get a show, too?”


“I don’t have nearly as much clothing to tease you with,” I said. I stood, keenly aware that parts of me were as wet as he was.


“I was hoping you’d say that,” he said, his voice husky. The sound sent Naughty Melissa into orbit.


My eyes never leaving him, I lifted the back of my skirt. I swayed my hips back and forth, slipping my underwear down my bare legs. I bent over to retrieve my black panties and Jason sighed, peering down my dress again.


“See something you like?” I chuckled.


is not the word I would use.”


A flurry of tingles coalesced in my chest, raising hard peaks beneath the black fabric. I tried not to dwell on the implication woven into his words as I straightened up. Jason shifted in the hot tub while I took my time with the zipper on the back of the dress. The sight of his naked body stretched out in the water below me was quite distracting.


“Melissa, it’s been two long days, and one incredibly long night.” He ran his hand through his hair again.


“Trust me, I’m well aware how
it’s been,” I said, releasing the hooks holding the halter top behind my neck. The dress floated to the deck, leaving me standing above him
au naturel


He exhaled loudly and licked his lips. After I laid the dress across the bench, his hand rose to me again.


I reached for his outstretched fingers and stepped into the water. I almost ruined the moment by jumping right back out.


“It’s really hot,” I gasped.


“I’m sorry,” he said, and stroked my legs under the surface. “Does this help?”


I nodded, slowly becoming acclimated to the water.


“Maybe I should give you something else to concentrate on.” His hands slid up out of the water and rested on my hips. Standing on the step, I towered over Jason, but he used that fact to his advantage. Starting just below my ribs, his lips nipped and nuzzled as they wandered higher, sending spikes of pleasure through me.


“If we increase your body temperature, it won’t be such a shock,” he mouthed against my skin, occasionally tasting it with the tip of his tongue. My fingers wove into his hair as he kissed his way up the center of my chest.


The heat of the water, the steam, and his body seeped into me from all sides, taking away the sting. He dipped his hands in the water again, reheating them before wrapping one around each of my breasts. With his sizzling thumbs, he circled and flicked my engorged nipples. The water could’ve been a thousand degrees, and I wouldn’t have cared.


“Jason,” I moaned, hoping the rumble of the Jacuzzi would mask my exclamation.


He hummed in response, his lips still against my chest. My cheek brushed against the top of his damp hair, filling my lungs with another blast of sweet berries and strong sulfur. His mouth found the hard center of one breast, tonguing and sucking it.


I gripped his shoulder as he blew a cool breath across my freshly kissed nipple, eliciting another squeak. “You’re torturing me,” I croaked.


A low, sexy laugh was his reply. “Now you know what I was going through at dinner,” he said, leaning away from me.


“I didn’t mean I didn’t like it,” I complained, refusing to let him go.


He just smirked. One of his hands disappeared, and I started to sink into the water. When his hot, wet fingers slid up between my legs, the surprise stood me back up instantly. Fire and water combined when he touched me, stroked me. I threw my head back and rocked against the rhythm of his very long, very talented fingers.


“Do you think you’re hot enough now?” he teased, slipping a warm finger into me.


My reply came out with a grunt, “Hot? Uh…on fire.” I lowered myself down to him, throwing my knees wide. We kissed again, but he caught me in the water and set me down on the edge of the submerged ledge. His hand continued its torturous exploration, and I panted in pleasure when his touch found that perfect, sensitive spot. I moved my lips to his ear and explored it with my tongue. “I want you, Jason,” I whispered.


, do you?” A tremor rocked through me when I tried to answer, and he chuckled. “I’m not quite done teasing you, Melissa,” he whispered in a low, silky voice. He sucked my earlobe and let it gently slide between his teeth.


“I’m so close, Jason…


But he didn’t move. Instead, he began a different dance with his hand, kneading my flesh gently between his thumb and finger.


I pinched my eyes shut and threw my head back, silently screaming for release. “Jason…” I warned, quickly reaching the point of no return. As the wave of orgasm crashed over me, I moaned, and he sighed.


Jason’s voice was barely audible over the rushing water. “You’re so intense when you come, Melissa. I had to see it…the first time.”


My eyes popped open, and I inhaled, seeing the wanton look in his eyes. His fingers had stopped moving when I peaked, but hadn’t left me. A smile bloomed on his face, and his fingers slid inside me, starting a new rhythm.


At first the sensations were almost too much to bear, sending violent spasms through me. After the third quake, he moved to my ear. “Do you want me to stop?”


The next climax was already building, and I shook my head, unable to speak. Slowly the overwhelming sensitivity became an even deeper longing, and my hand wound its way under the water.


“You’re coming with me, this time,” I growled, wrapping my fingers around him. Slowly I traced his every contour, letting my hand rise and fall along his hard length.


“Oh yes,” he breathed. His lips crashed into mine, and he kissed me hard, forcing his tongue into my mouth. His fingers emerged and returned to their erotic stroking, pushing me close to the brink again. But fingers wouldn’t be enough for me this time.


Gasping for air, I couldn’t speak. My body was screaming—no, begging—for more than just Jason’s touch.
Enough foreplay! I want more! Please…please, Jason…


Hands and fingers disappeared, and with a single satisfying surge, we became one. His eyes burned through me, and I returned the stare with desperate longing. We’d done careful, I wanted ferocious. I crushed myself against him, driving him even deeper.


Jason grabbed the lip of the hot tub, still locked in my gaze, and started to rock. The blue of his eyes enveloped me; I saw nothing that wasn’t him. I reached down and found the edge of the step and braced myself as he plunged into me again and again. Deeper and deeper… I couldn’t get enough.


“The way you feel, Melissa…so right…”


Every sensation was heightened. I felt every bubble wiggle past my skin, heard every sigh and moan that left Jason’s throat. I tasted the remnants of his coffee-tinged kiss on my lips, smelled the bitter sulfur slowly overpowering the fruity bath oils. His teeth sparkled in the dim light, clenched together with concentrated determination. Most of all, I could feel every millimeter of him as the friction between us increased to overwhelming levels. Water sloshed out of the tub onto the deck, an appropriate herald of the coming ecstasy.


I fought to stave off my second orgasm until the last possible moment, alternately panting and holding my breath, aching for the glorious end.
Now, Jason, NOW!
I thought, and my resistance crumbled. Jason’s cry of sheer elation answered my unspoken words, and I felt his first pulse as I contracted around him. We climaxed together, flying to a level of euphoria I didn’t know existed. I was barely aware of his movements when he pulled me across the tub, holding me tightly on top of him.


As the rapture faded into exhausted contentment, I watched my lover. Jason’s eyes were closed, and with a melodic sigh, a very relaxed grin filled his face. I kissed him gently, running my fingers through his hair. “How did I end up here, with you?” I wondered out loud.


His eyes opened halfway. “I could ask you the same thing, lover,” he whispered. “I wish I had another way to say it, but you are simply incredible.”


I brushed my lips against his, sharing a breath with him. “Well, you’re perfect,” I said and laid my head on his shoulder, letting the water tickle my chin.


We held each other for a long time, staring up into the trees. The branches blocked out the night sky, forming a canopy of blackness above us. The water continued to swirl and bubble, relaxing our tired bodies while we sat, silent, each lost in our own thoughts.


My mind drifted back to the beginning, to the first moment I saw Jason and my imaginary life with him. Although I knew I shouldn’t, I pretended it could all be true, that I could be with him always. I could hear the words on his lips—“I love you, Melissa”—said with such deep affection that my heart fluttered out of control. My reply would be a simple, plain “I love you too.”


But that’s perfect!
When even Naughty Melissa approved, I knew my attraction to Jason was much more than physical. I truly loved the peaceful stranger in my arms, whether he shared the sentiment or not.


My thoughts were interrupted by a bell ringing at the bottom of the hill. I counted twelve chimes, then Jason took a deep breath, kissed me softly, and slowly slid away. Our watery bliss had come to an end. Without a word, he climbed out of the hot tub and wound one of the huge beach towels around his waist. Always the gentleman, he held the other one open, wrapping it—and himself—around me when I emerged from the tub.


“Thank you. This was wonderful,” I said with as much sincerity as I could muster. I stood on my toes and gave him a chaste kiss.


He didn’t say anything at first, watching his fingers fall through my hair. The crease between his eyes told me he was debating what to say. After three passes, he spoke.


“You’re very welcome,” he said. My heart wrung itself inside out, trying to read his expression. The devotion in his eyes was tinted with something dark. Sadness perhaps?


I was about to apologize—for what I wasn’t sure—when he leaned in and kissed my neck. When he looked up again, the sorrow was gone.


“Time to go to bed,” he said, a genuine smile returning to his face.


We slipped on a minimal amount of clothing and walked back down the hill. I was thankful for the flip-flops; Jason was right. I probably would’ve slid down the hill on my ass if I’d been wearing heels. ’Course, I didn’t complain when he kept his arm securely around me.


Jason remained quiet on the drive home, but kept his hand in mine. Now and then he’d steal a glance at me or squeeze my fingers, but these contacts were different—not thrilling or electric, but thoughtful and loving. I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb, hoping he felt the same emotion from me. We both sighed, and I smiled, convinced he did. I wished this spectacular night would never end.


By the time we snuggled together in my makeshift bed, it was past one a.m. Rolling over on the less-than-fluffy sleeping bag, I had to laugh.


“What’s so funny?” Jason asked, his eyes twinkling.


“Just look at us…we had a romantic dinner and erotic sex, yet here we are, decked out in our old T-shirts, trying to get comfortable on the floor. Kind of anti-climactic,” I giggled.


Jason stretched across me and turned off the light. “Anti-
he whispered. “Are you trying to tell me something?” He slipped his leg over mine and dipped his head to suckle his way down my neck.

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